8,602 research outputs found

    An automated system for the objective evaluation of human gustatory sensitivity using tongue biopotential recordings

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    The goal of this work is to develop an automatic system for the evaluation of the gustatory sensitivity of patients using an electrophysiological recording of the response of bud cells to taste stimuli. In particular, the study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and limitations of supervised classifiers in the discrimination between subjects belonging to the three 6-n-pro-pylthiouracil (PROP) taster categories (supertasters, medium tasters, and non-tasters), exploiting features extracted from electrophysiological recordings of the tongue. Thirty-nine subjects (equally divided into the three PROP status classes by standard non-objective scaling methods) underwent a non-invasive, differential, biopotential recording of their tongues during stimulation with PROP by using a custom-made, flexible, silver electrode. Two different classifiers were trained to recognize up to seven different features extracted from the recorded depolarization signal. The classification results indicate that the identified set of features allows to distinguish between PROP tasters and non-tasters (average accuracy of 80% ± 18% and up to 94% ± 15% when only supertasters and non-tasters are considered), but medium tasters were difficult to identify. However, these apparent classification errors are related to uncertainty in the labeling procedures, which are based on non-objective tests, in which the subjects provided borderline evaluations. Thus, using the proposed method, it is possible, for the first time, to automatically achieve objective PROP taster status identification with high accuracy. The simplicity of the recording technique allows for easy reproduction of the experimental setting; thus the technique can be used in future studies to evaluate other gustatory stimuli. The proposed approach represents the first objective and automatic method to directly measure human gustatory responses and a milestone for physiological taste studies, with applications ranging from basic science to food tasting evaluations

    No efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation on chronic migraine with medication overuse : a double blind, randomised clinical trial

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    Background: Transcranial direct current stimulation was suggested to provide beneficial effects in chronic migraine, a condition often associated with medication overuse for which no long-term therapy is available. Methods: We conducted a randomised controlled trial to assess long-term efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation. Adults diagnosed with chronic migraine and medication overuse were assigned to receive in a 1:1:1 ratio anodal, cathodal, or sham transcranial direct current stimulation daily for five consecutive days, along with standardised drug withdrawal protocol. Primary outcome was 50% reduction of days of headache per month at 12 months. Co-secondary outcomes were 50% reduction of days of headache per month at 6 months, reduction of analgesic intake per month, and change in disability and quality of life, catastrophising, depression, state and trait anxiety, dependence attitude and allodynia intensity. Patients were not allowed to take any migraine prophylaxis drug for the entire study period. Results: We randomly allocated 135 patients to anodal (44), cathodal (45), and sham (46) transcranial direct current stimulation. At 6 and 12 months, the percentage of reduction of days of headache and number of analgesics per month ranged between 48.5% and 64.7%, without differences between transcranial direct current stimulation (cathodal, anodal, or the results obtained from the two arms of treatment, anodal plus cathodal) and sham. Catastrophising attitude significantly reduced at 12 months in all groups. There was no difference for the other secondary outcomes. Conclusions: Transcranial direct current stimulation did not influence the short and long-term course of chronic migraine with medication overuse after acute drug withdrawal. Behavioral and educational measures and support for patients' pain management could provide long-term improvement and low relapse rate. Trial registration number NCT04228809

    The Role of Apoptosis in the Pathogenic Mechanism of Critical States (Review)

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    The purpose of the overview is to analyze the role of apoptosis in the pathogenesis of critical illness and discuss specific features of contributed biochemical processes. The paper reviews 117 publications, 76 of which were published during the recent five years. Published data show that the ability to control endogenic apoptotic processes offers opportunities for the development of functional therapy approaches to various diseases

    Роль апоптоза в патогенезе некоторых критических состояний

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    The purpose of the overview is to analyze the role of apoptosis in the pathogenesis of critical illness and discuss specific features of contributed biochemical processes. The paper reviews 117 publications, 76 of which were published during the recent five years. Published data show that the ability to control endogenic apoptotic processes offers opportunities for the development of functional therapy approaches to various diseases.Цель обзора — анализ роли апоптоза в патогенезе некоторых критических состояний и описание особенностей биохимических процессов, вовлеченных в его развитие. В статью включено 117 публикаций, в том числе 76 за последние пять лет. Анализ обсуждаемых работ показывает, что способность управлять эндогенными апоптическими процессами открывает возможности для разработки подходов функциональной терапии ряда заболеваний

    An innovative approach for migraine prevention in young age: a preliminary study

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    Headache is one of the commonest conditions to affect children and adolescents in industrialized countries. Effective pharmacological treatments without side effects are still lacking. Ginkgolide B, an herbal constituent extract from ginkgo biloba tree leaves, is a natural antiplatelet activating factor (PAF). PAF is a potent proinflammatory and nociceptive agent released during the inflammation process. Therefore, Ginkgolide B can be considered a promising non-pharmacological tool for treatment of migraine with and without aura. We propose to determine the efficacy of Ginkgolide B as preventive treatment in a group of young patients suffering from migraine without aura. A small sample of 24 young patients suffering from migraine without aura entered the open-label prospective trial. Migraine without aura was diagnosed according to International Headache Society criteria. The treatment was well tolerated and the compliance was good. These preliminary data show that Ginkgolide B seems to be effective as preventive treatment in reducing migraine attack frequency and in attenuating the use of symptomatic medication in our small series of children with primary headache

    First results from NA60 on low mass muon pair production in In-In collisions at 158 GeV/nucleon

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    The NA60 experiment at the CERN SPS studies dimuon production in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions. The combined information from a novel vertex telescope made of radiation-tolerant silicon pixel detectors and from the muon spectrometer previously used in NA50 allows for a precise measurement of the muon vertex and a much improved dimuon mass resolution. We report on first results from the data taken for Indium-Indium collisions at 158 AGeV/nucleon in 2003, concentrating on a subsample of about 370 000 muon pairs in the mass range <1.2<1.2 GeV/c2c^{2}. The light vector mesons ω\omega and ϕ\phi are completely resolved, with a mass resolution of about 23 MeV/c2c^{2} at the ϕ\phi. The transverse momentum spectra of the ϕ\phi are measured over the continuous range 0<pT<2.50<p_{\rm T}<2.5 GeV/c; the inverse slope parameter of the spectra is found to increase with centrality, with an average value of T=252±3T=252\pm3 MeV.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Plenary talk, SQM2004 conference, Cape Town, South Africa 15-20 September, 2004. To be published in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physic

    A two step Bayesian approach for genomic prediction of breeding values

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In genomic models that assign an individual variance to each marker, the contribution of one marker to the posterior distribution of the marker variance is only one degree of freedom (df), which introduces many variance parameters with only little information per variance parameter. A better alternative could be to form clusters of markers with similar effects where markers in a cluster have a common variance. Therefore, the influence of each marker group of size <it>p </it>on the posterior distribution of the marker variances will be <it>p </it>df.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The simulated data from the 15<sup>th </sup>QTL-MAS workshop were analyzed such that SNP markers were ranked based on their effects and markers with similar estimated effects were grouped together. In step 1, all markers with minor allele frequency more than 0.01 were included in a SNP-BLUP prediction model. In step 2, markers were ranked based on their estimated variance on the trait in step 1 and each 150 markers were assigned to one group with a common variance. In further analyses, subsets of 1500 and 450 markers with largest effects in step 2 were kept in the prediction model.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Grouping markers outperformed SNP-BLUP model in terms of accuracy of predicted breeding values. However, the accuracies of predicted breeding values were lower than Bayesian methods with marker specific variances.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Grouping markers is less flexible than allowing each marker to have a specific marker variance but, by grouping, the power to estimate marker variances increases. A prior knowledge of the genetic architecture of the trait is necessary for clustering markers and appropriate prior parameterization.</p

    The dependence of the anomalous J/psi suppression on the number of participant nucleons

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    The observation of an anomalous J/psi suppression in Pb-Pb collisions by the NA50 Collaboration can be considered as the most striking indication for the deconfinement of quarks and gluons at SPS energies. In this Letter, we determine the J/psi suppression pattern as a function of the forward hadronic energy E-ZDC measured in a Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC). The direct connection between EZDC and the geometry of the collision allows us to calculate, within a Glauber approach, the precise relation between the number of participant nucleons N-part and E-ZDC. Then, we check if the experimental data can be better explained by a sudden or a smooth onset of the anomalous J/psi suppression as a function of the number of participants. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Centrality Behaviour of J/ψ\psi Production in Na50

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    The J/ψ\psi production in 158 A GeV Pb-Pb interactions is studied, in the dimuon decay channel, as a function of centrality, as measured with the electromagnetic or with the very forward calorimeters. After a first sharp variation at mid centrality, both patterns continue to fall down and exhibit a curvature change at high centrality values. This trend excludes any conventional hadronic model and is in agreement with a deconfined quark-gluon phase scenario. We report also preliminary results on the measured charged multiplicity, as given by a dedicated detector.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures (in eps) talk given at XXXI International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Sep. 1-7, 2001, Datong China URL http://ismd31.ccnu.edu.cn