42 research outputs found

    New cytotoxic benzo(b)thiophenilsulfonamide 1,1-dioxide derivatives inhibit a NADH oxidase located in plasma membranes of tumour cells

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    A series of benzo(b)thiophenesulfonamide 1,1-dioxide derivatives (BTS) have been designed and synthesized as candidate antineoplastic drugs. Several of these compounds have shown in vitro cytotoxic activity on leukaemic CCRF-CEM cells. The cytotoxic BTS, but not the inactive ones, were able to inhibit a tumour cell-specific NADH oxidase activity present in the membrane of CCRF-CEM cells. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaig

    Transcriptional Mutagenesis Induced by 8-Oxoguanine in Mammalian Cells

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    Most of the somatic cells of adult metazoans, including mammals, do not undergo continuous cycles of replication. Instead, they are quiescent and devote most of their metabolic activity to gene expression. The mutagenic consequences of exposure to DNA–damaging agents are well documented, but less is known about the impact of DNA lesions on transcription. To investigate this impact, we developed a luciferase-based expression system. This system consists of two types of construct composed of a DNA template containing an 8-oxoguanine, paired either with a thymine or a cytosine, placed at defined positions along the transcribed strand of the reporter gene. Analyses of luciferase gene expression from the two types of construct showed that efficient but error-prone transcriptional bypass of 8-oxoguanine occurred in vivo, and that this lesion was not repaired by the transcription-coupled repair machinery in mammalian cells. The analysis of luciferase activity expressed from 8OG:T-containing constructs indicated that the magnitude of erroneous transcription events involving 8-oxoguanine depended on the sequence contexts surrounding the lesion. Additionally, sequencing of the transcript population expressed from these constructs showed that RNA polymerase II mostly inserted an adenine opposite to 8-oxoguanine. Analysis of luciferase expression from 8OG:C-containing constructs showed that the generated aberrant mRNAs led to the production of mutant proteins with the potential to induce a long-term phenotypical change. These findings reveal that erroneous transcription over DNA lesions may induce phenotypical changes with the potential to alter the fate of non-replicating cells

    Attempts at immortalization of crustacean primary cell cultures using human cancer genes

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    Primary cell cultures from crustacea have been initiated since the 1960s, yet no permanent cell line is available. Primary cells have a limited proliferative capacity in culture due to cellular senescence, which is regulated by a group of dominant senescence genes. The aim of this research was to manipulate cell cycle regulation by transfecting Cherax quadricarinatus primary cells with oncogenes, in an effort to induce a permanent cell line. Human papillomaviruses (HPV) play a critical role in the formation of anogenital cancer. Research has demonstrated that the HPV-expressed E6 and E7 proteins function concomitantly to disrupt the p53 and retinoblastoma (Rb) tumor suppressor genes, regulators of the cell-cycle checkpoints at the first gap (G1) phase. HPV E6 and E7 genes were transfected into the C. quadricarinatus cells by lipofection. Successful transfection was demonstrated by the presence of oncogene messenger RNA by reverse transciptase polymerase chain reaction. At day 150, transfected cells still remain viable, although cell proliferation was stagnant. It may be that while transfection of the oncogenes was successful, no proliferation of the C. quadricarinatus cells was evident due to a lack of telomere maintenance

    Distinct Functional Domains of Nibrin Mediate Mre11 Binding, Focus Formation, and Nuclear Localization

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    The inherited chromosomal instability disorder Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) results from truncating mutations in the NBS1 gene, which encodes the protein nibrin. Nibrin is part of a nuclear multiprotein complex that also contains the DNA repair proteins Mre11 and Rad50. Upon irradiation, this complex redistributes within the nucleus, forming distinct foci that have been implicated as sites of DNA repair. In NBS cells, nibrin is absent and Mre11 and Rad50 are cytoplasmic. In this study, the interacting domains on nibrin and Mre11 were mapped using the yeast two-hybrid system and expression of epitope-tagged constructs in NBS fibroblasts. Deletion of the carboxy-terminal 101 amino acids of nibrin eliminated its ability to interact with Mre11 and to complement the radiation sensitivity of NBS cells. However, this truncated form of nibrin could localize to the nucleus and form radiation-inducible foci. Expression of a carboxy-terminal 354-amino-acid fragment of nibrin was sufficient to direct the nuclear localization of nibrin, as well as that of Mre11 and Rad50. Despite providing some partial complementation of the radiation-sensitive phenotype, the nibrin-Mre11-Rad50 complexes in these cells were unable to form foci. These results indicate that nibrin directs not only the nuclear localization of the nibrin-Mre11-Rad50 complexes but also radiation-induced focus formation. However, direct interaction between nibrin and Mre11 is required for normal cellular survival postirradiation. Distinct domains of nibrin are required for each of these functions, focus formation, nuclear localization, and Mre11 interaction

    DNA Replication Licensing and Progenitor Numbers Are Increased by Progesterone in Normal Human Breast

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    Proliferation in the nonpregnant human breast is highest in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle when serum progesterone levels are high, and exposure to progesterone analogues in hormone replacement therapy is known to elevate breast cancer risk, yet the proliferative effects of progesterone in the human breast are poorly understood. In a model of normal human breast, we have shown that progesterone increased incorporation of 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine and increased cell numbers by activation of pathways involved in DNA replication licensing, including E2F transcription factors, chromatin licensing and DNA replication factor 1 (Cdt1), and the minichromosome maintenance proteins and by increased expression of proteins involved in kinetochore formation including Ras-related nuclear protein (Ran) and regulation of chromosome condensation 1 (RCC1). Progenitor cells competent to give rise to both myoepithelial and luminal epithelial cells were increased by progesterone, showing that progesterone influences epithelial cell lineage differentiation. Therefore, we have demonstrated that progesterone augments proliferation of normal human breast cells by both activating DNA replication licensing and kinetochore formation and increasing bipotent progenitor numbers