59 research outputs found

    The importance of secondary school students' physical activity in modern environment

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    The research was aimed at evaluating physical activity of students, who live in the city and rural areas, identifying the relationship between physical activity and school performance, as well as studying the dependence of the number of diseases on the volume of locomotion. To this end, in the Belgorod Oblast, 1,488 schoolchildren of 5-11 grades were surveyed from 2014 to 201

    Desarrollo de contenidos de capacitación para estudiantes de maestría en el curso "mecatrónica y robótica" en la Universidad

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    In the conditions of active development of Informatization and technologization of society there is urgent need for specialists carrying out pedagogical activity with the help of mechanical systems and robotics. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of content development for training master students in course "Mechatronics and Robotics" at pedagogical University. On the basis of Federal state educational standard, relevant documentation and necessary methodological support were prepared in higher educational institution. The article presents the process of developing the content of training masters in course "Mechanics and robotics". The development of a new profile of training is based on competence, activity and system approaches taking into account aspects of personal-oriented training and practice focus. On the basis of Federal state educational standard basic educational program, modules of educational programs, test content and methodical support are developed. The article reveals requirements and procedure for the development of theoretical content of training, as well as educational and industrial practices.En las condiciones de desarrollo activo de la informatización y la tecnologización de la sociedad, existe una necesidad urgente de especialistas que realicen actividades pedagógicas con la ayuda de sistemas mecánicos y robótica. El propósito del artículo es identificar las características del desarrollo de contenido para la formación de estudiantes de maestría en el curso "Mecatrónica y robótica" en la Universidad pedagógica. Sobre la base del estándar educativo del estado federal, se preparó la documentación relevante y el apoyo metodológico necesario en la institución de educación superior. El artículo presenta el proceso de desarrollo del contenido de los maestros de formación en el curso "Mecánica y robótica". El desarrollo de un nuevo perfil de capacitación se basa en los enfoques de competencia, actividad y sistema, teniendo en cuenta aspectos de la capacitación orientada al personal y el enfoque práctico. Sobre la base del programa educativo básico del estándar educativo estatal federal, se desarrollan módulos de programas educativos, contenido de pruebas y apoyo metódico. El artículo revela requisitos y procedimientos para el desarrollo del contenido teórico de la capacitación, así como las prácticas educativas e industriales

    The structure and content of the achievements portfolio of university students

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    Introduction of the portfolio into the educational process requires precise regulation, systematization of its structure and content to attract students for filling it. The more students fill in the portfolio, the better becomes the quality of learning process. There were applied analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction for the purpose of studying the subject. The article denotes several definitions of the concept of portfolio. As a result, its essence was determined. The requirements for students have been established to fill it. Based on the “Regulations on the Portfolio of Achievements of Students of Kozma Minin Nizhniy Novgorod State Pedagogical University”, the functions of the portfolio were identified, and their content disclosed. The sections are given that are filled by students as well: educational activities, professional, research, public, cultural and creative, sports. According to our study it is worth to conclude that to improve the quality of education, the portfolio should be based on the principles of continuity, diagnostics, problem orientation, technological traceability criteria, scientific. It should have a clear structure and logical sequence of sections. As we have shown, the portfolio performs many pedagogical functions and has a positive effect on the personality of each student. The result of systematic participation in the compilation of a student's portfolio is developed abilities for self-organization, discipline, responsibility, the identification of strengths and weaknesses, and the elimination of learning gaps.peer-reviewe

    Outcomes of the multicenter monitoring of the causative agent of invasive listeriosis in the metropolis

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    Introduction. Invasive listeriosis is a rare disease posing a threat to high-risk groups and often leading to a fatal outcome. Its causative agent is Listeria monocytogenes, a ubiquitous saprophyte that has turned into an important foodborne pathogen with the growing industry of semi-cooked and ready-to-eat products. The aim of the study is the characterization of L. monocytogenes isolates in the Moscow region and identification of possible causes of susceptibility to infection Materials and methods. The multicenter monitoring of L. monocytogenes was conducted in the Moscow metropolitan area, using bacteriological and genomic methods for description of the pathogen, medical history collection and detailed analysis of patient case summaries. Results. In the cohorts of patients with perinatal listeriosis (PL) and meningitis-septicemia (MS), invasive listeriosis had a year-round occurrence with slight upswings in MarchApril and JulyNovember. During the COVID-19 pandemic, in the MS group, the minimum age of patients decreased to 31 years and the proportion of deaths increased 1.57-fold compared to 20182019. During the pandemic, an increase in the diversity of L. monocytogenes genotypes was observed, along with changes in the spectrum of pathogen genotypes throughout the pandemic stages. During the monitoring, a total of 73 L. monocytogenes clinical isolates belonging to 24 genotypes were described. Seven genotypes belonged to the first phylogenetic lineage (PLI); 14 genotypes belonged to PLII. The PL cohort had the highest proportion of PLI genotypes (52%). In the MS cohort, the group of men had the widest diversity of genotypes, 6 of which were identical to genotypes of food isolates. In the analysed set of isolates, 12 new profiles of internalin genes were identified and described. The whole genome sequencing detected the presence of plasmids in 9 of 58 genomes of clinical isolates. The comparison of core genomes revealed an epidemic relationship between isolates of the same genotype for ST4, ST21, and ST425. Conclusion. The performed study presents a detailed description of the diversity and virulence of L. monocytogenes circulating in the Moscow metropolitan area, thus providing information for timely diagnosis and treatment of invasive listeriosis


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    Presence of myocardial infarction in patients with obesity can lead to an uncontrolled increase in proinflammatory cytokines and unfavorable course of the pathological process. Objective: to study the relationship of key inflammatory factors and the development of complications at different terms after myocardial infarction in patients with visceral obesity. The study involved 94 men with myocardial infarction. Visceral obesity was diagnosed by multi-slice computed tomography (LightspeedVCT 64 ,General Electric,USA). On the 1st and 12th day of hospitalization, we determined serum concentrations of interleukins (TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8 IL-10 and IL-12), and C-reactive protein. Adverse cardiovascular events were documented during the next year. The most informative indicators were identified by a stepwise logistic regression analysis. In patients with myocardial infarction an imbalance of cytokine profile revealed, i.e., an increase in proinflammatory markers (TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, CRP), along with decrease in IL-10, being more pronounced in cases of visceral obesity. Among the studied markers, closest relationship was observed between visceral obesity and serum concentrations of IL-6 and CRP. Over the year, adverse cardiovascular events proved to be more frequent in patients with visceral obesity. Post-infarction complication risk was associated with higher concentrations of IL-6, IL-12 and IL-10 deficiency. Hence, development of adverse cardiovascular events within a year after myocardial infarction is more typical to the patients with visceral obesity, and is accompanied by activation of proinflammatory cytokines and IL-10 deficiency


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    The article presents a case of severe encephalitis in a child of 11 years old with lesion of CNS (meningoencephalitis), and the outcome in epilepsy. В статье представлен случай тяжелого течения клещевого энцефалита у ребенка 11 лет с поражением ЦНС (менингоэнцефалитом) и исходом в эпилепсию.

    Метод пространственной тромбодинамики как инструмент контроля эффективности антикоагулянтной терапии у пациентов с тромбоэмболией легочной артерии

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    Background. Monitoring of hemostasis in patients with pulmonary embolism (PE) to assess the efficacy and safety of anticoagulant therapy is one of the most emerging needs in clinical practice.Aim. To determine the factors associated with an insufficient decrease in the rate of fibrin clot formation in patients after pulmonary embolism receiving anticoagulation therapy.Methods. 33 patients were recruited in the study. To control plasma hemostasis, we measured coagulogram indices and performed dynamic thrombophotometry (T-2 Thrombodynamics Registrar, GemaCore, Russia).Results. The median rate of fibrin clot formation in the general sample of patients was within the normal range. However, 13 patients (39.4%) had these values higher than 29 pm/min. Patients with an insufficient decrease in the rate of fibrin clot formation were significantly younger (p = 0.045), more often had massive PE of the main branches of the pulmonary artery (p = 0.015), and high systolic pulmonary artery pressure (p = 0.043).Conclusion. Thrombodynamics allows identifying patients with PE and an increased thrombogenic potential under anticoagulation therapy by the end of the hospital stage. A high rate of fibrin clot formation by the end of the hospital period is observed in younger patients with thrombosis of the main branches of the pulmonary artery and high pulmonary hypertension.Актуальность. Тщательный мониторинг состояния системы гемостаза у пациентов с тромбоэмболией легочной артерии (ТЭЛА) с оценкой эффективности и безопасности антикоагулянтной терапии является одной из важнейших задач.Цель. Определить факторы, связанные с недостаточным снижением скорости образования фибринового сгустка у пациентов после ТЭЛА на фоне антикоагулянтной терапии.Материалы и методы. В исследование включены 33 пациента. Для контроля состояния плазменного гемостаза использовали показатели коагулограммы и метод динамической тромбо-фотометрии («Регистратор тромбодинамики Т-2», «ГемаКор», Россия).Результаты. Выявлено, что медиана скорости образования фибринового сгустка в общей выборке пациентов была в пределах нормы, однако у 13 пациентов (39,4%) наблюдались значения выше 29 мкм/мин. Установлено, что пациенты с недостаточным снижением скорости образования фибринового сгустка были значимо моложе (р = 0,045), при этом чаще имели массивную ТЭЛА в главных ветвях (р = 0,015) и высокое систолическое давление в легочной артерии (р = 0,043).Заключение. Метод тромбодинамики характеризуется возможностью идентифицировать больных ТЭЛА с повышенным тромбогенным потенциалом на фоне антикоагулянтной терапии к концу госпитального этапа лечения. Высокая скорость образования фибринового сгустка к концу госпитального периода наблюдалась у более молодых пациентов с тромбозом главных ветвей легочной артерии и высокой легочной гипертензией

    Initiator Elements Function to Determine the Activity State of BX-C Enhancers

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    A >300 kb cis-regulatory region is required for the proper expression of the three bithorax complex (BX-C) homeotic genes. Based on genetic and transgenic analysis, a model has been proposed in which the numerous BX-C cis-regulatory elements are spatially restricted through the activation or repression of parasegment-specific chromatin domains. Particular early embryonic enhancers, called initiators, have been proposed to control this complex process. Here, in order to better understand the process of domain activation, we have undertaken a systematic in situ dissection of the iab-6 cis-regulatory domain using a new method, called InSIRT. Using this method, we create and genetically characterize mutations affecting iab-6 function, including mutations specifically modifying the iab-6 initiator. Through our mutagenesis of the iab-6 initiator, we provide strong evidence that initiators function not to directly control homeotic gene expression but rather as domain control centers to determine the activity state of the enhancers and silencers within a cis-regulatory domain