688 research outputs found

    Morphological features of bovine placenta in case of viral, bacterial and protozoal infections

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    The problem of the intrauterine  infection of fetus is one of the most critical ones in veterinary obstetrics and in perinatology due to the high level of infection in pregnant  cows, the risk of developmental disorder of fetus and the birth of sick calves. Complications of pregnancy occur in case of viral, bacterial and protozoal infections, when the pathogen  enters the uterus in an ascending or descending way with further transplacental  infection of the fetus. Morphological studies of placenta  of Black Pied cattle infected with bovine viral diarrhea, chlamydia and neosporosis were carried out. The presence of the pathogen was confirmed by serological and molecular genetic methods. The material used for histological studies was the fetal part of placenta. After sampling, the material was fixed in a 10% neutral formalin solution, then xylene-free method  for histological preparation  was used. Afterwards, samples were embedded in paraffin. In order to study morphological structures, samples were sectioned at 5–6 µm, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Histological sections were analyzed using a Leica DM 1000 light microscope at a magnification of 100×,  200×,  400×,  630×.  On the basis of the conducted studies, it was established that bovine viral diarrhea-associated morphofunctional changes in the “mother – placenta – fetus” system are characterized by involutive-dystrophic changes with microcirculation disorders and the development of an immunity-associated inflammatory process. Chlamydia abortus intrauterine  infection in the “mother – placenta – fetus” system in cows causes a complex of destructive morphological and functional changes of an infectious and toxic nature with a pronounced inflammatory reaction, involvement of blood vessels in the pathological process, and endothelial dysfunction development,  alongside with tissue necrosis in case of a chronic process. The presence of cellular structures in the placenta and the inner part of the umbilical cord is a pathognomonic sign of chlamydia. The role of transplacental transmission of Neospora caninum in cattle was confirmed, the Neospora parasites subjected to basophilic staining were detected not only in the tissues of the placenta, but also in histological sections of the fetus heart and liver. The main characteristic diagnostic sign is the presence of basophilic stained Neospora parasites  in the organs of the mother  and fetus, placenta, and intervillous space. As part of the study morphological features of placenta, one of the most unique histohematic barriers and the basic element of the intrauterine infectious process, were determined

    Clinical and morphological features of salmonellosis in cows and calves affected by heat stress

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    Exposure to abnormally high temperatures in the Middle Urals has ledtochronic heat stress in cattle. Despitethe measures taken toprotect thedairy herdfrom overheating (fans, irrigationwith coolwater, livestocksunshades), the heatstressunderminedtheimmunityofanimals, thus, leadingtoan excessiverisein Salmonella population in the gastrointestinal tract, increasedin test in alpermeability, and could also bethecause of increasedvirulence of such serotypes as – Salmonella choleraesuis, that are not typical for cattle. The simultaneous presenceof twopathogensof Salmonella entericasubsp. entericaspecies: i.e. Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella choleraesuis – causeda number of clinical and morphological changesin adultcows. In cows, the infection manifested itself by persistent diarrhea with mucus, reduced milkproduction and intoxication. In calves, the disease was accompanied by septic signs, severein toxication, hyperthermia (40.5–41.0 °C), severed ehydration (morethan 7%) and death. Histopathological examination of bovineparenchymal organs revealed changes typical for salmonellos is pathological process: specific salmonella granulomas were foundin parenchymalorgans (liver, spleen). Some pathological processestypical for sepsiswere foundin other parenchymalorgans (kidneys, heart). The nature of pathological changes in dicates that there is as epticprocess that spreads both hematogenically and lymphogenically, and the structure of granulomas most likely indicates that such apathogen as Salmonelacholeraesuis circulates in cattle


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    The data on the methods of modeling polyetiological stress in laboratory mice and its effect on the development of the inflammatory response and the nature of pathological and anatomical changes are presented. At the first stage, two groups of animals simulated polyetiological stress. For this, the animals were infected with micromycete intraperitoneally and left stationary for several hours a day. After that, infection was assessed by detecting micromycete in the peripheral blood of animals. At the second stage, the degree of occurrence and the nature of pathological and anatomical changes were studied with different methods of micromycete administration. It was noted that as a result of the simultaneous exposure to two stress factors, micromycetes in the peripheral blood were detected on the 8th day of the study. At the same time, the influence of one stress factor led to the generalization of the process only on the 17th day. With different methods of infection in laboratory mice, characteristic changes were revealed in the internal organs, which in all groups of animals were represented mainly as single and multiple abscesses of different localization, as well as fistulas in the left caudal part of the peritoneum. Abscesses in the region of the left forearm were filled with characteristic purulent contents: a curdled mass of light gray with an unpleasant odor or odorless. These pathological and anatomical changes were noted in 90% of the animals of their total number in the experiment. The introduction of R. syclopium followed by the exposure of white mice to IMO stress leads to 100% death of animals on days 1-2 from the onset of stress. Animals that were only injected with P. cyclopium remained alive until the end of the study.Представлены данные о способах моделирования полиэтиологического стресса у лабораторных мышей и его влиянии на развитие воспалительной реакции и характер патолого-анатомических изменений. На первом этапе у двух групп животных был смоделирован полиэтиологический стресс. Для этого животных заражали микромицетом внутрибрюшинно и оставляли в неподвижном состоянии по несколько часов в день. После этого проводили оценку заражения путем обнаружения микромицета в периферической крови животных. На втором этапе изучали степень возникновения и характер патологоанатомических изменений при разных способах введения микромицета. Было отмечено, что в результате одновременного воздействия двух стрессовых факторов микромицет в периферической крови выявлялся на 8-е сутки исследования. В то же время влияние одного стресс-фактора приводило к генерализации процесса только на 17-е сутки. При разных способах заражения у лабораторных мышей были выявлены характерные изменения во внутренних органах, которые у всех групп животных были представлены в основном в виде единичных и множественных абсцессов различной локализации, а также свищей в левой каудальной части брюшины. Абсцессы в области левого предплечья были заполнены характерным гнойным содержимым: творожистая масса светло-серого цвета с неприятным запахом либо без запаха. Данные патолого-анатомические изменения отмечали у 90 % животных от общего их количества в эксперименте. Введение Р. сyclopium с последующим воздействием на организм белых мышей ИМО-стресса приводит к 100 %-й гибели животных на 1–2-е сутки от начала стрессирования. Животные, которым только вводили Р. cyclopium, оставались живы до конца исследования


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    The   paper   presents   data   analysis   of  the   Hip   Arthroplasty  Register   of  Vreden   Russian   Research   Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, namely information on 37373 primary THA performed at the Vreden Institute and at several other orthopedic centers and 1200 hip replacements at other hospitals of St. Petersburg.There were 1.5 times more women in the studied cohort than men. A significant predominance of women with dysplastic osteoarthritis (72.4%) and rheumatoid arthritis (82.1%) was reported. A male predominance was noted in patients with secondary osteoarthritis (53.1%), post-traumatic changes of hip (61.0%) and osteonecrosis of the femoral head (68.6 %). The mean age of patients was 58.0±12.9 years (95% CI from 57.9 to 58.1, median 59 years). Age data of the study revealed that  patients were 10-12 years younger than reported in the national  arthroplasty registers of other countries.Total  hip arthroplasty was performed  in the  absolute  majority  of patients – 37295  cases (99,8%).  Uncemented implants  were used in 59.3% of cases, hybrid – in 29.6%, cemented – in 10.2%, reverse-hybrid – in 0.9% of all patients. The  most  common  bearing  used  was metal  on  crosslink  polyethylene, which  was applied  in 50.1% of all cases of arthroplasty. The  type  of fixation  of the  implant,  and  the  use of different  bearings  varied  in different  age groups. The paper presents  not only the absolute  numbers  of the data, but also demonstrated the dynamics  of the changes in time starting from 2007.The  present  epidemiological  study  does not  claim the  absolute  completeness of the  presented data,  but  contains the  analysis of the  large number  of cases, comparable  with  follow-ups  of patients in some national  registers  of certain European countries. The authors  analyzed about  10% of all cases of hip replacements performed  on the territory of the Russian Federation in ten-year  period

    Влияние гипертермии на гематологические показатели и продуктивность курнесушек

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    Studies were conducted in the period 2020-2021 based on the department of ecology and noncontagious pathology of animals of the Ural Veterinary Research Institute - a structural subdivision of FSBSI “UFARC UB RAS” (Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Ural Federal Agrarian Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences”). Significant increases in ambient temperature in industrial poultry farming have natural and incidental effects on all processes in the living organism of birds, affecting their direction and intensity. We studied the use of feed additives containing dried live yeast of different variants and concentrations before and after heat stress on changes in the live body weight of laying hens, the importance of laid eggs, and quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the blood leukocyte formula. The authors registered a significant increase in the concentration of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in birds of the control group - 18.1 and 25.5% during the period of heat stress, which indicated the beginning of a long adaptation process.Furthermore, the authors noted a significant increase in the ratio of the number of heterophils to lymphocytes (g/l) and in individuals of the control group by 44.2% (0.62 units), which confirmed the intensity of all processes in the body. During the study, the authors note that the total number of leukocytes increased against the background of a stress factor in the blood of laying hens of the control, 1st, and 2nd experimental groups - 1.4, 1.2, and 1.3 times, respectively. This increase occurs due to the release of immature heterophils into the bloodstream and the outflow of lymphocytes into peripheral tissues. The authors note the best stress resistance to 48-hour hyperthermia when using feed additives of hepatoprotective action in chickens of the 1st and 2nd groups reported the best stress resistance to 48-hour hyperthermia. This stress resistance is confirmed by regular physiological changes in the level of heterophils, basophils, monocytes, and G/L, characteristic of the period of urgent adaptation and maintenance of immune homeostasis.Исследования проведены в период 2020–2021 гг. на базе отдела экологии и незаразной патологии животных Уральского научно-исследовательского ветеринарного института – структурного подразделения ФГБНУ УрФАНИЦ УрО РАН. Существенные увеличения температуры окружающей среды оказывают в промышленном птицеводстве закономерные и акцидентные воздействия на все процессы в живом организме птиц, влияют на их направленность и интенсивность. Изучено применение кормовых добавок, содержащих высушенные живые дрожжи различных вариантов и концентраций, перед тепловым стрессом и после его воздействия на изменения живой массы тела кур-несушек, массы снесенных яиц, количественных и качественных характеристик лейкоцитарной формулы крови. Значительное увеличение концентрации эритроцитов и гемоглобина в период теплового стресса регистрировали у птиц контрольной группы – 18,1 и 25,5%, что свидетельствовало о начале продолжительного адаптационного процесса. Существенное увеличение отношения количества гетерофилов к лимфоцитам (Г/Л) отмечали также у особей контрольной группы – на 44,2% (0,62 ед.), что подтверждало напряженность всех процессов в организме. На фоне стресс-фактора в крови кур-несушек контрольной, 1-й и 2-й опытных групп возрастало общее количество лейкоцитов – в 1,4; 1,2 и 1,3 раза соответственно, что происходило за счёт выброса в кровоток незрелых гетерофилов и оттока лимфоцитов в периферические ткани. При применении кормовых добавок гепатопротективного действия у кур 1-й и 2-й групп отмечали лучшую стрессоустойчивость к 48-часовой гипертермии, что подтверждалось закономерными физиологическими изменениями уровня гетерофилов, базофилов, моноцитов и Г/Л, свойственными для периода срочной адаптации и поддержания иммунного гомеостаза

    Status of ART-XC/SRG Instrument

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    Spectrum Roentgen Gamma (SRG) is an X-ray astrophysical observatory, developed by Russia in collaboration with Germany. The mission will be launched in March 2016 from Baikonur, by a Zenit rocket with a Fregat booster and placed in a 6-month-period halo orbit around L2. The scientific payload consists of two independent telescopes - a soft-x-ray survey instrument, eROSITA, being provided by Germany and a medium-x-ray-energy survey instrument ART-XC being developed by Russia. ART-XC will consist of seven independent, but co-aligned, telescope modules. The NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is fabricating the flight mirror modules for the ART-XC/SRG. Each mirror module will be aligned with a focal plane CdTe double-sided strip detectors which will operate over the energy range of 6-30 keV, with an angular resolution of less than 1, a field of view of approximately 34 and an expected energy resolution of about 10 percent at 14 keV


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    The article presents a case of severe encephalitis in a child of 11 years old with lesion of CNS (meningoencephalitis), and the outcome in epilepsy. В статье представлен случай тяжелого течения клещевого энцефалита у ребенка 11 лет с поражением ЦНС (менингоэнцефалитом) и исходом в эпилепсию.

    Theoretical Aspects of Charge Ordering in Molecular Conductors

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    Theoretical studies on charge ordering phenomena in quarter-filled molecular (organic) conductors are reviewed. Extended Hubbard models including not only the on-site but also the inter-site Coulomb repulsion are constructed in a straightforward way from the crystal structures, which serve for individual study on each material as well as for their systematic understandings. In general the inter-site Coulomb interaction stabilizes Wigner crystal-type charge ordered states, where the charge localizes in an arranged manner avoiding each other, and can drive the system insulating. The variety in the lattice structures, represented by anisotropic networks in not only the electron hopping but also in the inter-site Coulomb repulsion, brings about diverse problems in low-dimensional strongly correlated systems. Competitions and/or co-existences between the charge ordered state and other states are discussed, such as metal, superconductor, and the dimer-type Mott insulating state which is another typical insulating state in molecular conductors. Interplay with magnetism, e.g., antiferromagnetic state and spin gapped state for example due to the spin-Peierls transition, is considered as well. Distinct situations are pointed out: influences of the coupling to the lattice degree of freedom and effects of geometrical frustration which exists in many molecular crystals. Some related topics, such as charge order in transition metal oxides and its role in new molecular conductors, are briefly remarked.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. special issue on "Organic Conductors"; figs. 4 and 11 replaced with smaller sized fil

    Pregnancy and visual pathology associated with an examination of multiple sclerosis

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    The purpose of the work was to demonstrate the role of a multidisciplinary team for favorable maternal and perinatal outcomes in visual pathology associated with worsening multiple sclerosis in pregnancy through a clinical example.Цель работы – демонстрация на клиническом примере роли мультидисциплинарной команды для благоприятного материнского и перинатального исхода при патологии органа зрения, ассоциированной с обострением рассеянного склероза при беременност

    Постзостерная невралгия

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    The article is devoted postzoster neuralgia, which presents a literature review and clinical case own observations — unfavorable outcome of varicella in a child of 7 years in the form of formed postzoster ganglionitis facial and trigeminal nerve - Hunt syndrome, neuropathy greater occipital nerve. Debated tactics of complex treatment and prevention methods for this pathologyСтатья посвящена постзостерной невралгии, в которой представлены литературный обзор и клинический случай собственного наблюдения — неблагоприятного исхода ветряной оспы у ребенка 7 лет в виде сформировавшегося постзостерного ганглионита лицевого и тройничного нервов — синдрома Ханта, нейропатии большого затылочного нерва. Обсуждена тактика комплексной терапии и способы профилактики при данной патологии