662 research outputs found

    Role of simulation and emulation in the development of Shuttle-Centaur (STS-Centaur)

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    To support the task of integrating the Centaur liquid-fueled upper-stage space vehicle into the space shuttle program. A system to simulate and emulate the STS-Centaur avionic flight system and its supporting ground control and checkout equipment was selected and designated the systems integration facility (SIF). Located in San Diego, California, the SIF is composed of integrated simulators that form a composite control system complement to the STS-Centaur airborne and avionic support equipment. An off-line capability to verify the system design of the Centaur airborne support equipment (CASE) and the Centaur avionic flight system is provided as well as a realistic medium for the development and integration of ground checkout and airborne control software programs. Each simulator is composed of prototype hardware, where feasible, to maximize configuration likeness. Where emulated flight or ground hardware is used, it provides physical characteristics (loads, signals, etc.) equivalent to those of the flight hardware. The hardware and software implementation of the SIF are described

    Optical alignment of Centaur's inertial guidance system

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    During Centaur launch operations the launch azimuth of the inertial platform's U-accelerometer input axis must be accurately established and maintained. This is accomplished by using an optically closed loop system with a long-range autotheodolite whose line of sight was established by a first-order survey. A collimated light beam from the autotheodolite intercepts a reflecting Porro prism mounted on the platform azimuth gimbal. Thus, any deviation of the Porro prism from its predetermined heading is optically detected by the autotheodolite. The error signal produced is used to torque the azimuth gimbal back to its required launch azimuth. The heading of the U-accelerometer input axis is therefore maintained automatically. Previously, the autotheodolite system could not distinguish between vehicle sway and rotational motion of the inertial platform unless at least three prisms were used. One prism was mounted on the inertial platform to maintain azimuth alignment, and two prisms were mounted externally on the vehicle to track sway. For example, the automatic azimuth-laying theodolite (AALT-SV-M2) on the Saturn vehilce used three prisms. The results of testing and modifying the AALT-SV-M2 autotheodolite to simultaneously monitor and maintain alignment of the inertial platform and track the sway of the vehicle from a single Porro prism

    Centaur D-1A guidance/software system

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    The main body of this paper describes the evolution of the Centaur D-1A Guidance and Software System. Specifically, the performance of the explicit guidance equations, using a linear tangent steering law. Inherent flexibility exists in the equations in that they have multimission capability. They can accommodate both Earth-orbital and Earth-escape missions with either one or two Centaur burns. They can also guide for multi-burn orbital missions. The Centaur performance is indicated in terms of optimality (propellant usage), accuracy, flexibility and computer requirements. In the course of the Centaur Guidance development substantial changes and improvements have been made and more improvements are on the way for the Shuttle/Centaur Guidance. It is the intent of this paper to describe, provide insight into, and identify certain unique aspects of the individual Centaur flight profiles. Mission profile(s) are described narratively with some numerical data given in cases where it may be useful

    Impact of propulsion system R and D on electric vehicle performance and cost

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    The efficiency, weight, and manufacturing cost of the propulsion subsystem (motor, motor controller, transmission, and differential, but excluding the battery) are major factors in the purchase price and cost of ownership of a traffic-compatible electric vehicle. The relative impact of each was studied, and the conclusions reached are that propulsion system technology advances can result in a major reduction of the sticker price of an electric vehicle and a smaller, but significant, reduction in overall cost of ownership

    System for the installation and replacement of components in hostile environments

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    Service equipment for use in hostile environments is presented. The equipment includes a detachable service unit secured to a stationary service unit. The detachable service unit includes a housing with an exterior plate, a power control interface for connection to an exterior power source, locating pins located in said exterior plate, an electrical connector in the exterior plate electrically coupled to said power control interface, and a pair of clamping receptacles formed in the exterior plate and located on adjacent opposite edges of the exterior plate. The stationary unit includes an electrical connector for connection to the electrical connector of the detachable service unit, a clamping apparatus for clamping and unclamping the detachable service unit from the stationary unit, a base clamp assembly for mounting the clamping apparatus onto the stationary unit, and locating pin holes for receiving the locating pins and aligning the detachable service unit onto the stationary unit. The detachable service unit have mating scalloped faces which aid in alignment and provide a mechanism for heat dissipation

    Distinguishing direct versus indirect transcription factor–DNA interactions

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    Transcriptional regulation is largely enacted by transcription factors (TFs) binding DNA. Large numbers of TF binding motifs have been revealed by ChIP-chip experiments followed by computational DNA motif discovery. However, the success of motif discovery algorithms has been limited when applied to sequences bound in vivo (such as those identified by ChIP-chip) because the observed TF–DNA interactions are not necessarily direct: Some TFs predominantly associate with DNA indirectly through protein partners, while others exhibit both direct and indirect binding. Here, we present the first method for distinguishing between direct and indirect TF–DNA interactions, integrating in vivo TF binding data, in vivo nucleosome occupancy data, and motifs from in vitro protein binding microarray experiments. When applied to yeast ChIP-chip data, our method reveals that only 48% of the data sets can be readily explained by direct binding of the profiled TF, while 16% can be explained by indirect DNA binding. In the remaining 36%, none of the motifs used in our analysis was able to explain the ChIP-chip data, either because the data were too noisy or because the set of motifs was incomplete. As more in vitro TF DNA binding motifs become available, our method could be used to build a complete catalog of direct and indirect TF–DNA interactions. Our method is not restricted to yeast or to ChIP-chip data, but can be applied in any system for which both in vivo binding data and in vitro DNA binding motifs are available.National Science Foundation (U.S.). (CAREER Award 0347801

    A Jackknife and Voting Classifier Approach to Feature Selection and Classification

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    With technological advances now allowing measurement of thousands of genes, proteins and metabolites, researchers are using this information to develop diagnostic and prognostic tests and discern the biological pathways underlying diseases. Often, an investigator’s objective is to develop a classification rule to predict group membership of unknown samples based on a small set of features and that could ultimately be used in a clinical setting. While common classification methods such as random forest and support vector machines are effective at separating groups, they do not directly translate into a clinically-applicable classification rule based on a small number of features.We present a simple feature selection and classification method for biomarker detection that is intuitively understandable and can be directly extended for application to a clinical setting. We first use a jackknife procedure to identify important features and then, for classification, we use voting classifiers which are simple and easy to implement. We compared our method to random forest and support vector machines using three benchmark cancer ‘omics datasets with different characteristics. We found our jackknife procedure and voting classifier to perform comparably to these two methods in terms of accuracy. Further, the jackknife procedure yielded stable feature sets. Voting classifiers in combination with a robust feature selection method such as our jackknife procedure offer an effective, simple and intuitive approach to feature selection and classification with a clear extension to clinical applications

    Method for forming articles having deep drawn portions from matted wood flakes

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    An article having non-planar portions, such as a material handling pallet, including a substantially flat deck member and a plurality of hollow leg members projecting integrally from the deck member, is molded as a one-piece unit from a loosely-felted mat formed from a mixture of resinous particle board binder and flake-like wood particles. The leg members are preformed in a separate preform mold or the article forming mold and the mat is deposited on the female die over mold cavities containing the preforms. When the article forming mold is closed, the mat and preforms are compressed into substantially the desired shape and size under temperature and pressure conditions which bond the wood particles of the mat and the preforms together to form a unitary structure.https://digitalcommons.mtu.edu/patents/1091/thumbnail.jp

    Changes in subclass-specific IgG Fc glycosylation associated with the postnatal maturation of the murine immune system

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    Early postnatal life is characterized by a critical time period in which the developing neonatal immune system transitions from passive immunity, induced by protective maternal antibodies, to the competence of a fully functioning immune system. The inflammatory capability of both maternal and neonatal antibodies is governed by N-linked glycosylation of the Fc region, and though this has been examined extensively in adults, there is currently little information regarding antibody glycosylation patterns during early postnatal life. To characterize the murine IgG Fc glycosylation profile during early life, we used nano-LC-ESI-Qq-TOF mass spectrometry analysis to assess subclass specific Asn-297 glycosylation patterns in the serum of BALB/c mice from 5–60 days of age. From birth to adulthood, we observed a decline in proinflammatory Fc glycosylation in all IgG subclasses. This was shown by significantly reduced agalactosylated and monogalactosylated structures combined with increased sialylation after weaning at 45 and 60 days of age. This information indicates that the transition between neonatal life and adulthood in mice is accompanied by reduction of inflammatory IgG antibodies. Our study contributes to a growing body of literature indicating the importance of IgG Fc glycosylation and its association with inflammation during different life stages
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