2,194 research outputs found

    Immunoadherence and complement in cancer-bearing mice.

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    Shortly after grafting of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells, the serum of tumour-bearing mice loses the capacity to mediate immunoadherence phenomena, because of a sharp decrease in the concentration of C3b and C3d, while the cellular receptors for such factors are unaffected by tumour growth. It is suggested that complement is consumed through the alternative pathway which is activated during the inflammatory responses accompanying tumour growth

    Reply to Comment on: Hawking radiation from ultrashort laser pulse filaments

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    A comment by R. Schutzhold et al. raises possible concerns and questions regarding recent measurements of analogue Hawking radiation. We briefly reply to the opinions expressed in the comment and sustain that the origin of the radiation may be understood in terms of Hawking emission

    The breakdown of the cytokine network subsequent to human immunodeficiency virus infection

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    The acquired immunodeflciency syndrome (AIDS) is a clinically multifaceted disease induced by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV infection results in a complex pattern of immunologic alterations that leads to the development of AIDS in the majority of HIV seropositive (HIV+) individuals. The reduction in CD4 T lymphocyte counts is the hallmark of HIV infection; nevertheless, long before the reduction in CD4 counts reaches critical levels, a series of profound and complex defects that impair the function of CD4 T lymphocytes can be detected. Thus, HIV infection is characterized by quantitative and qualitative defects affecting CD4 T lymphocytes. It was suggested recently that programmed cell death (PCD) is an important mechanism leading to CD4 depletion in HIV infection, and that susceptibility of peripheral lymphocytes to PCD is differentially regulated by diverse cytokines. Thus, type 1 cytokines would protect CD4 lymphocytes against PCD, whereas type 2 cytokines would not protect against, and could augment, PCD. We suggest that the qualitative alterations of the immune response provoke the CD4 depletion characteristic of HIV disease via type 2 cytokinemediated augmentation of PCD, and are therefore ultimately responsible for the progression of HIV infection. Finally, we summarize recent data showing that three correlates of disease progression: emergence of HIV strains with syncitium-inducing ability (SI), type 1-to-type 2 cytokine shift, and CD4 depletion, are significantly associated, suggesting a complex interconnected virologic-immunologic pathogenesis of HIV infection

    Laser-assisted guiding of electric discharges around objects

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    Electric breakdown in air occurs for electric fields exceeding 34 kV/cm and results in a large current surge that propagates along unpredictable trajectories. Guiding such currents across specific paths in a controllable manner could allow protection against lightning strikes and high-voltage capacitor discharges. Such capabilities can be used for delivering charge to specific targets, for electronic jamming, or for applications associated with electric welding and machining. We show that judiciously shaped laser radiation can be effectively used to manipulate the discharge along a complex path and to produce electric discharges that unfold along a predefined trajectory. Remarkably, such laser-induced arcing can even circumvent an object that completely occludes the line of sight

    Polyaniline (PANI): an innovative support for sampling and removal of VOCs in air matrices

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    Polyaniline (PANI)-based materials for both removal and sampling of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air by rapid adsorption/desorption processes have been developed. The polymer was synthesized in form of emeraldine as both salt and base using different synthetic approaches, a traditional one and a "green" one. VOCs adsorption/desorption efficiency was evaluated for all the materials analyzing the desorbed VOCs fractions by GC/MS technique and obtaining results similar to the presently adopted method employing commercial activated carbon. Most important, in this work it has been demonstrated for the first time that the use of PANI-based sorbents allowed the substitution of the toxic CS2, recommended in official methods, with the less hazardous CH3OH as the VOCs extraction solvent. Moreover, a complete regeneration of the polymers could be realized by a few rapid washing steps. Finally, the best PANI-based material was subjected to recycling tests thereby showing a high adsorption/desorption efficiency retention up to four runs

    Effectiveness of a multicultural education unit on the cultural sensitivity of undergraduate hospitality students

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    The purpose of this study was to develop and field test a curricular unit about multicultural perspectives integrated into existing courses in an undergraduate hospitality program. In addition, the Cultural Diversity Workforce Awareness Inventory (CDWAI), an inventory which measures awareness of and attitudes towards cultural diversity in the hospitality workforce, was developed and tested. The topics included in the unit were: culture and the workforce, developing sensitivity to the multicultural cultural workforce, dealing with assumptions/stereotyping and communication patterns within different cultures, and skills for multicultural managers. Activities for the class sessions included: readings, videotapes, a simulation activity, class discussions, and group activity. It was designed for two class sessions each three hours in length. The inventory consisted of 42 awareness and attitude statements. A Q-Sort by 30 experts was performed to verify classification of items in different subscales of the inventory. The result was a 31-item inventory with three subscales. The test-retest coefficient was .57 and the Cronbach's Alpha was .69
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