691 research outputs found

    Evidence of a structural anomaly at 14 K in polymerised CsC60

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    We report the results of a high-resolution synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction study of polymerised CsC60_{60} in the temperature range 4 to 40 K. Its crystal structure is monoclinic (space group I2/m), isostructural with RbC60_{60}. Below 14 K, a spontaneous thermal contraction is observed along both the polymer chain axis, aa and the interchain separation along [111], d1d_1. This structural anomaly could trigger the occurrence of the spin-singlet ground state, observed by NMR at the same temperature.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitte

    Uncertainties of synchrotron microCT-based digital volume correlation bone strain measurements under simulated deformation

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    Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) is used to measure internal displacements and strains in bone. Recent studies have shown that synchrotron radiation micro-computed tomography (SR-microCT) can improve the accuracy and precision of DVC. However, only zero-strain or virtually-moved test have been used to quantify the DVC uncertainties, leading to potential underestimation of the measurement errors. In this study, for the first time, the uncertainties of a global DVC approach have been evaluated on repeated SR-microCT scans of bovine cortical bone (voxel size: 1.6μm), which were virtually deformed for different magnitudes and along different directions. The results showed that systematic and random errors of the normal strain components along the deformation direction were higher than the errors along unstrained directions. The systematic percentage errors were smaller for larger virtual deformations. The random percentage error was in the order of 10% of the virtual deformation. However, higher errors were localized at the boundary of the volumes of interest, perpendicular to the deformation direction. When only the central region of the samples was considered (100 micrometers layers removed from the borders where the deformation was applied), the errors in the direction of virtual deformation were comparable to the errors in the unstrained directions. In conclusion, the method presented to estimate the uncertainties of DVC is suitable for testing anisotropic specimens as cortical bone. The good agreement between the uncertainties in measurements of strain components obtained with this approach and with the simpler zero-strain-test suggests that the latter is adequate in the tested deformation scenarios

    Regional nanoindentation properties in different locations on the mouse tibia from C57BL/6 and Balb/C female mice

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    The local spatial heterogeneity of the material properties of the cortical and trabecular bone extracted from the mouse tibia is not well-known. Nevertheless, its characterization is fundamental to be able to study comprehensively the effect of interventions and to generate computational models to predict the bone strength preclinically. The goal of this study was to evaluate the nanoindentation properties of bone tissue extracted from two different mouse strains across the tibia length and in different sectors. Left tibiae were collected from four female mice, two C57BL/6, and two Balb/C mice. Nanoindentations with maximum 6 mN load were performed on different microstructures, regions along the axis of the tibiae, and sectors (379 in total). Reduced modulus (Er) and hardness (H) were computed for each indentation. Trabecular bone of Balb/C mice was 21% stiffer than that of C57BL/6 mice (20.8 ± 4.1 GPa vs. 16.5 ± 7.1 GPa). Moreover, the proximal regions of the bones were 13–36% less stiff than the mid-shaft and distal regions of the same bones. No significant differences were found for the different sectors for Er and H for Balb/C mice. The bone in the medial sector was found to be 8–14% harder and stiffer than the bone in the anterior or posterior sectors for C57BL/6 mice. In conclusion, this study showed that the nanoindentation properties of the mouse tibia are heterogeneous across the tibia length and the trabecular bone properties are different between Balb/C and C57BL/6 mice. These results will help the research community to identify regions where to characterize the mechanical properties of the bone during preclinical optimisation of treatments for skeletal diseases

    Critical Review of the State-of-the-Art on Lumbar Percutaneous Cement Discoplasty

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    Interbody fusion is the gold standard surgery to treat lumbar disc degeneration disease but can be a high-risk procedure in elderly and polymorbid patients. Percutaneous Cement Discoplasty (PCD) is a minimally invasive technique developed to treat advanced stage of disc degeneration exhibiting a vacuum phenomenon. A patient-specificstand-alone spacer is created by filling the disc with polymethylmethacrylate cement, allowing to recover the disc height and improve the patient’s conditions. As it has recently been introduced in the lumbar spine, this review aims to present a transversal state-of-the-art of the surgery from its clinical practice and outcome to biomechanical and engineering topics. The literature was searched across multiple databases using predefined keywords over no limited period of time. Papers about vertebroplasty were excluded. Among 466 identified papers, the relevant ones included twelve clinical papers reporting the variations of the surgical technique, follow-up and complications, four papers reporting biomechanical ex vivo and numerical tests, and four letters related to published clinical papers. Papers presenting the operative practice are reported, as well as follow-ups up to four years. The papers found, consistently reported that PCD significantly improved the clinical status of the patients and maintained it after two years. Spine alignment was impacted by PCD: the sacral slope was significantly reduced, and disc height increased. The foramen opening correlated to the volume of injected cement. Substitutes to the acrylic cement exhibited better osteointegration and mechanical properties closer to bone tissue. Finally, limitations and risks of the surgery are discussed as well as potential improvements such as the development of new filling materials with better mechanical properties and biological integration or the investigation of the inner disc

    Computational modelling of the scoliotic spine: A literature review

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    open4siScoliosis is a deformity of the spine that in severe cases requires surgical treatment. There is still disagreement among clinicians as to what the aim of such treatment is as well as the optimal surgical technique. Numerical models can aid clinical decision-making by estimating the outcome of a given surgical intervention. This paper provided some background information on the modelling of the healthy spine and a review of the literature on scoliotic spine models, their validation, and their application. An overview of the methods and techniques used to construct scoliotic finite element and multibody models was given as well as the boundary conditions used in the simulations. The current limitations of the models were discussed as well as how such limitations are addressed in non-scoliotic spine models. Finally, future directions for the numerical modelling of scoliosis were addressed.Marco Viceconti and Giorgio Davico were supported by the EU funded project Mobilise-D. The charity Reuse-WithLove is gratefully acknowledged for the financial support to this research.openGould, Samuele L; Cristofolini, Luca; Davico, Giorgio; Viceconti, MarcoGould, Samuele L; Cristofolini, Luca; Davico, Giorgio; Viceconti, Marc

    Computational modelling of the scoliotic spine: A literature review

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    Scoliosis is a deformity of the spine that in severe cases requires surgical treatment. There is still disagreement among clinicians as to what the aim of such treatment is as well as the optimal surgical technique. Numerical models can aid clinical decision-making by estimating the outcome of a given surgical intervention. This paper provided some background information on the modelling of the healthy spine and a review of the literature on scoliotic spine models, their validation, and their application. An overview of the methods and techniques used to construct scoliotic finite element and multibody models was given as well as the boundary conditions used in the simulations. The current limitations of the models were discussed as well as how such limitations are addressed in non-scoliotic spine models. Finally, future directions for the numerical modelling of scoliosis were addressed

    Assessment of AC Corrosion Probability in Buried Pipelines with a FEM-Assisted Stochastic Approach

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    In this paper, a stochastic approach is combined with field theory and circuit methods to study how the geometrical and electrical properties of holidays (defects or pores in the insulating coating) in a metallic pipeline influence the probability of exceeding the current density limit for corrosion. Three-dimensional FEM simulations are conducted to assess the influence of the shape and electrical resistivity of the pore on the computed spread resistance value. The obtained results are then used to evaluate the probability of exceeding a given current density value for different sizes of pore and soil resistivities. Finally, a case of 50 Hz interference along a pipeline-transmission line routing is examined. The probabilistic approach presented in this paper allows the pipeline sections more subjected to the induced AC corrosion risk to be identified to be used as an auxiliary tool for adopting preventive protection countermeasures. Lastly, unlike most papers devoted to assessing electromagnetic interference on pipelines, the present work uses a probabilistic rather than a deterministic approach, representing its main novelty aspect

    Airborne pollen in Alpine sites

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    Airborne pollen is usually monitored at urban centers, where most people live, to provide information on types and amount of allergenic pollen. Thus, very few aerobiological data are available for remote, mountainous sites. This study aims to characterize the biological quality of the air in an alpine valley in Trentino (North Italy), a region highly interested by the presence of tourists (e.g., 9.3 million overnight stays registered during June - September 2021). Materials and Methods An aerobiological study was carried out during late spring and summer in 2020 and 2021 in Val di Rabbi, an alpine valley located in the Trentino sector of Stelvio National Park. Gravitational Sigma2 samplers were selected for the survey, for their reliability and efficiency (VDI_2119 2013) and easy handling at remote sites (Gottardini et al. 2021), and installed at 2 m above ground level in 5 sites located at altitudes ranging from 700 to 2000 m a.s.l. Sampling surfaces, treated with an adhesive medium, were analyzed by optical microscopy (OM; 400×; Leitz Diaplan) for pollen identification and count (weekly samples); the average daily sedimentation rate (P cm–2 d–1 ) was calculated for the June-August period. In 2021, an active Hirst-type sampler was concurrently installed in one of the five sites (daily samples). Samples were processed and analyzed following conventional techniques and standardized protocols (UNI EN 16868:2019). Results and Discussion In the two study periods, the number of identified pollen taxa ranged from 25 at the highest elevation site (2000 m a.s.l.) to 39 at the lowest elevation (700 m a.s.l.). The proportion of arboreal pollen slightly decreased with the altitude, from 51% to 42%. The three most abundant pollen taxa were pine (Pinus), grasses (Poaceae) and neetle (Urticaceae), even if in different proportion at each site. The only grass and nettle allergenic pollen represented on average the 52% of the total pollen. The pollen season peak for grasses showed a delay of about 4 days every 100 m of elevation (Figure 1). 47 pollen taxa were identified, by active sampling, 10 more than by the passive one. The most abundant pollen taxa detected by active sampling were pine, grasses, and nettle, as for passive sampling, with the last two representing even the 71% of the total. The pollen season peak for grasses was on 22nd June, coherently with the passive sampling results at the same site. Conclusions Our mountain aerobiological study reveals the presence of allergenic pollen even at high altitude, with noteworthy shifts in the pollen season. The surveyed data can be further exploited for studying the plant biodiversity in remote areas, as well as to provide useful information for allergic tourist and hikers. Moreover, passive sampling proved to be a feasible solution for aerobiological studies in remote or orographically complex areas, typically excluded in routine air quality monitoring. References Gottardini et al. (2021). AAQR, Vol. 21, https://doi.org/10.4209/aaqr.210010 VDI_2119 (2013). Ambient air measurements. Sampling of atmospheric particles > 2.5 μm on an acceptor surface using the Sigma-2 passive sampler. Characterization by optical microscopy and calculation of number settling rate and mass concentration. ICS: 13.040.01. Beuth Verlag, Berlin. Germany. Acknowledgements The study was partially financed by Provincia Autonoma di Trento (IT). We are grateful to Mattia Precazzini and Gabriele Canella for the support in field work, and to Maria Cristina Viola for the microscope pollen analysis

    FLARE: A Framework for the Finite Element Simulation of Electromagnetic Interference on Buried Metallic Pipelines

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    The functionality of buried metallic pipelines can be compromised by the electrical lines that share the same right-of-way. Given the considerable size of shared corridors, computer simulation is an important tool for performing risk assessment and mitigation design. In this work, we introduce an open-source computational framework for the analysis of electromagnetic interference on large earth-return structures. The developed framework is based on FLARE-an efficient finite element solver developed by the authors in MATLAB((R)). FLARE includes solvers for problems involving static electric and magnetic fields, and DC and time-harmonic AC currents. Quasi-magnetostatic transient problems can be studied through time-marching or-for linear problems-with an efficient inverse-Laplace approach. In this work, we succinctly describe the optimization of time-critical operations in FLARE, as well as the implementation of a transient solver with automatic time-stepping. We validate the numerical results obtained with FLARE via a comparison with the commercial software COMSOL Multiphysics((R)). We then use the validated time-marching analysis results to test the accuracy and efficiency of three numerical inverse-Laplace algorithms. The test problem considered is the assessment of the inductive coupling between a 500 kV transmission line and a metallic pipeline buried in the soil
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