265 research outputs found

    A Simple Technique for Producing Fullerenes From Electrically Discharge Benzene and Toluene

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    Table-top soft x-ray source for XAS experiments with photon energies up to 350 eV

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    We present a table-top setup for femtosecond x-ray absorption spectroscopy based on high harmonic generation (HHG) in noble gases. Using sub-millijoule pump pulses at a central wavelength of 1550 nm broadband HHG in the range 70 to 350 eV was demonstrated. The HHG coherence lengths of several millimeters were achieved by reaching the nonadiabatic regime of harmonic generation. NEXAFS experiments on the boron K edge of a boron foil and a hexagonal BN (hBN) 2D material demonstrate the capabilities of the setup

    Probing pre-formed alpha particles in the ground state of nuclei

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    In this Letter, we report on alpha particle emission through the nuclear break-up in the reaction 40Ca on a 40Ca target at 50A MeV. It is observed that, similarly to nucleons, alpha particles can be emitted to the continuum with very specific angular distribution during the reaction. The alpha particle properties can be understood as resulting from an alpha cluster in the daughter nucleus that is perturbed by the short range nuclear attraction of the collision partner and emitted. A time-dependent theory that describe the alpha particle wave-function evolution is able to reproduce qualitatively the observed angular distribution. This mechanism offers new possibilities to study alpha particle properties in the nuclear medium.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Сложности дифференциальной диагностики дисфункции вокальных хорд и бронхиальной астмы

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    Aim. Differential diagnosis of vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) and asthma.Methods. 105 patients with partially controlled asthma were examined. We used specific examinations for VCD: psychological scales , questionnaires for monitoring symptoms of VCD, transnasal fiberoptic laryngoscopy, conventional and electronic lung auscultation with the analysis of the amplitude-frequency characteristics (AFC) of wheezing in the chest and in the region of the larynx on the left and right. Spirometry was performed using Vitalograph ALPHA spirometer (England). The patients were divided into three groups: group 1 included patients with asthma; group 2 included patients with asthma and VCD (asthma-plus syndrome); group 3 included patients with VCD.Results. Conventional auscultation revealed wheezing over the lungs with a decrease in its intensity on the neck surface in group 1. In groups 2 and 3, the maximal wheezing was observed on the anterior surface of the neck and less intense wheezing was heard over the lungs. Electronic auscultation found mid-tonal wheezing over the lungs and over the larynx in group 1; high-pitched wheezing over the larynx and mid-tonal wheezing over the lungs in groups 2 and 3. Score of dyspnea according to the Borg scale was highest in the asthma-plus group – 4,8 (5,2 – 6,5) points, and lowest in the 1st group – 4,2 (3,7 – 4,9) points. The sensation of wheezing is maximal in VCD – 7,1 (6,5 – 7,9) points. The scores of symptoms of VCD were strongly correlated with the intensity of wheezing, dyspnea, and AFC of wheezing. Spirometry was close to normal in the group of patients with VCD; obstructive disorders were noted in groups 1 and 2. Transnasal laryngoscopy demonstrated paradoxical movement of the vocal cords during inspiration in groups 2 and 3. The triggers of episodes of VCD in the subjects were numerous; vocal loads predominated. Specific treatment of VCD in groups 2 and 3 improved the respiratory performance significantly.Conclusion. The primary diagnosis of asthma cannot be made without an examination for VCD. Psychological questionnaires and VCD questionnaires should be used. It is important to use electronic auscultation over the larynx for diagnosis. Correction of treatment in accordance with VCD in patients with asthma can significantly reduce the doses of inhaled and oral corticosteroids.Целью исследования явилась дифференциальная диагностика дисфункции вокальных хорд (ДВХ) и бронхиальной астмы (БА).Материалы и методы. Обследованы пациенты (n = 105) с частично контролируемой БА, у которых применялись специфические методы обследования на ДВХ – психологические опросники и анкеты мониторинга симптомов при ДВХ, трансназальная оптическая ларингоскопия, традиционная и электронная аускультация легких с анализом амплитудно-частотных характеристик (АЧХ) хрипов на грудной клетке и в области гортани слева и справа. Проводилась спирометрия при помощи спирометра Vitalograph ALPHA (Англия). Пациенты были разделены на 3 группы: 1-я – пациенты с БА; 2-я – больные БА с ДВХ (синдром «астма плюс»); 3-я – лица с ДВХ.Результаты. При традиционной аускультации у больных 1-й группы выслушивались хрипы над легкими с уменьшением их интенсивности на поверхности шеи; максимум выслушивания хрипов у пациентов 2-й и 3-й групп – передняя поверхность шеи с уменьшением их интенсивности над легкими. При электронной аускультации у больных 1-й группы выслушивались среднетональные хрипы над легкими и гортанью, 2-й и 3-й групп – высокотональные хрипы – над гортанью и среднетональные – над легкими. Наибольшая выраженность одышки по шкале Борга – 4,8 (5,2–6,5) балла отмечена у пациентов группы «астма плюс», наименьшая – 4,2 (3,7–4,9) балла – у пациентов 1-й группы; максимальное ощущение свистящего дыхания при ДВХ – 7,1 (6,5–7,9) балла. Выявлена прямая сильная корреляционная зависимость показателей опросников симптомов ДВХ и степени интенсивности хрипов, одышки и АЧХ хрипов. Близкие к нормальным показатели спирометрии отмечены при ДВХ. Обструктивные нарушения выявлены у пациентов 1-й и 2-й групп. При трансназальной ларингоскопии у больных 2-й и 3-й групп продемонстрировано парадоксальное движение голосовых связок во время вдоха. Триггеры эпизодов ДВХ у обследуемых многочисленны, преобладали голосовые нагрузки. При специфическом лечении ДВХ у больных 2-й и 3-й групп заметно улучшились респираторные показатели.Заключение. Продемонстрировано, что для установления первичного диагноза БА необходимо обследование на наличие ДВХ. Актуально использование психологических опросников и анкет по диагностике ДВХ. Отмечено, что в процессе диагностики важно применять электронную аускультацию над гортанью, а коррекция лечения с учетом наличия ДВХ у пациентов с БА позволяет значительно снизить дозы ингаляционных и пероральных глюкокортикостероидов

    Effectiveness of counseling for anxiety and depression in mothers of children ages 0-30 months by community workers in Karachi, Pakistan: a quasi experimental study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence of anxiety/depression is quite high during the perinatal period but unfortunately its detection and treatment have been less than satisfactory. Moreover, many women are reluctant to take pharmacotherapy for fear of excretion of drugs into their breast milk. This study assesses the effectiveness of counseling from minimally trained community health workers in reducing anxiety/depression, the rate of recurrence and the interval preceding recurrence in women during first two and a half years after childbirth.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a quasi-experimental study, community women from two under-privileged communities were trained in data gathering, teaching healthy child-rearing practices, basic counseling skills, and screening for anxiety/depression by using an indigenously developed questionnaire, the Aga Khan University Anxiety and Depression Scale (AKUADS). The diagnosis was further confirmed by a clinical psychologist using DSM IV criteria. After obtaining consent, 420 women were screened and 102 were identified as having anxiety/depression. Screening was carried out after 1, 2, 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 months of a live birth. Only 62 out of 102 agreed to be counseled and received eight weekly sessions. AKUADS was re-administered at 4 weeks and 8 weeks after the beginning of counseling; this was followed by the clinical psychologist's interview for confirmation of response. After recovery, screening was continued every 3 months for detection of recurrence throughout the study period. Out of the women who had declined counseling 12 agreed to retake AKUADS after 4 and 8 weeks of diagnosis. Independent samples t-test, chi-square test, Repeated Measures ANOVA and Kaplan Meier technique were used for the analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A significant decline in level of anxiety/depression was found in both the counseled and the non-counseled groups at 4 and 8 weeks (p-value < 0.001) but the counseled group fared better than the non-counseled for recovery, reduction in the rate of recurrence and increase in the duration before relapse.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>As our results cannot be generalized; further studies need to be carried out, to assess the benefit of incorporating minimal counseling skills in the training of community health workers.</p

    Wormhole supported by dark energy admitting conformal motion

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    In this article, we study the possibility of sustaining a static and spherically symmetric traversable wormhole geometries admitting conformal motion in Einstein gravity, which presents a more systematic approach to search a relation between matter and geometry. In wormhole physics, the presence of exotic matter is a fundamental ingredient and we show that this exotic source can be dark energy type which support the existence of wormhole spacetimes. In this work we model a wormhole supported by dark energy which admits conformal motion. We also discuss the possibility of detection of wormholes in the outer regions of galactic halos by means of gravitational lensing. The studies of the total gravitational energy for the exotic matter inside a static wormhole configuration are also done.Comment: 9 pages, 2 tables and 4 figures, Accepted for Publication in European Physical Journal

    The Cytosolic Domain of Fis1 Binds and Reversibly Clusters Lipid Vesicles

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    Every lipid membrane fission event involves the association of two apposing bilayers, mediated by proteins that can promote membrane curvature, fusion and fission. We tested the hypothesis that Fis1, a tail-anchored protein involved in mitochondrial and peroxisomal fission, promotes changes in membrane structure. We found that the cytosolic domain of Fis1 alone binds lipid vesicles, which is enhanced upon protonation and increasing concentrations of anionic phospholipids. Fluorescence and circular dichroism data indicate that the cytosolic domain undergoes a membrane-induced conformational change that buries two tryptophan side chains upon membrane binding. Light scattering and electron microscopy data show that membrane binding promotes lipid vesicle clustering. Remarkably, this vesicle clustering is reversible and vesicles largely retain their original shape and size. This raises the possibility that the Fis1 cytosolic domain might act in membrane fission by promoting a reversible membrane association, a necessary step in membrane fission