282 research outputs found

    Mapping of hydrothermal alternation zones and regional rock types using computer enhanced ERTS MSS images

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    A combination of digital computer processing and color compositing of ERTS MSS images has been used to map hydrothermal alternation zones and regional rock types in south-central Nevada. The technique is based on enhancement of subtle visible and near infrared reflectivity differences between mineralogically dissimilar rocks, especially unaltered and altered rocks. MSS spectral bands are ratioed, pixel by pixel, in the computer and subsequently stretched. These ratio values are used to produce a new black and white image which shows the subtle spectral reflectivity differences. Additional enhancement is achieved by preparing color composites of two or more stretched ratio images. The choice of MSS bands for rationing depends on the spectral reflectance properties of the rocks to be discriminated. Although this technique is in the initial stage of development and is untested in other areas, it already appears to have considerable potential for targeting mineral prospects and for regional geologic mapping

    Nucleation phenomena in protein folding: The modulating role of protein sequence

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    For the vast majority of naturally occurring, small, single domain proteins folding is often described as a two-state process that lacks detectable intermediates. This observation has often been rationalized on the basis of a nucleation mechanism for protein folding whose basic premise is the idea that after completion of a specific set of contacts forming the so-called folding nucleus the native state is achieved promptly. Here we propose a methodology to identify folding nuclei in small lattice polymers and apply it to the study of protein molecules with chain length N=48. To investigate the extent to which protein topology is a robust determinant of the nucleation mechanism we compare the nucleation scenario of a native-centric model with that of a sequence specific model sharing the same native fold. To evaluate the impact of the sequence's finner details in the nucleation mechanism we consider the folding of two non- homologous sequences. We conclude that in a sequence-specific model the folding nucleus is, to some extent, formed by the most stable contacts in the protein and that the less stable linkages in the folding nucleus are solely determined by the fold's topology. We have also found that independently of protein sequence the folding nucleus performs the same `topological' function. This unifying feature of the nucleation mechanism results from the residues forming the folding nucleus being distributed along the protein chain in a similar and well-defined manner that is determined by the fold's topological features.Comment: 10 Figures. J. Physics: Condensed Matter (to appear

    Implications from a Network-Based Topological Analysis of Ubiquitin Unfolding Simulations

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    BACKGROUND: The architectural organization of protein structures has been the focus of intense research since it can hopefully lead to an understanding of how proteins fold. In earlier works we had attempted to identify the inherent structural organization in proteins through a study of protein topology. We obtained a modular partitioning of protein structures with the modules correlating well with experimental evidence of early folding units or "foldons". Residues that connect different modules were shown to be those that were protected during the transition phase of folding. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this work, we follow the topological path of ubiquitin through molecular dynamics unfolding simulations. We observed that the use of recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) could lead to the identification of the transition state during unfolding. Additionally, our earlier contention that the modules uncovered through our graph partitioning approach correlated well with early folding units was vindicated through our simulations. Moreover, residues identified from native structure as connector hubs and which had been shown to be those that were protected during the transition phase of folding were indeed more stable (less flexible) well beyond the transition state. Further analysis of the topological pathway suggests that the all pairs shortest path in a protein is minimized during folding. CONCLUSIONS: We observed that treating a protein native structure as a network by having amino acid residues as nodes and the non-covalent interactions among them as links allows for the rationalization of many aspects of the folding process. The possibility to derive this information directly from 3D structure opens the way to the prediction of important residues in proteins, while the confirmation of the minimization of APSP for folding allows for the establishment of a potentially useful proxy for kinetic optimality in the validation of sequence-structure predictions

    Altering APP Proteolysis: Increasing sAPPalpha Production by Targeting Dimerization of the APP Ectodomain

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    One of the events associated with Alzheimer's disease is the dysregulation of Ī±- versus Ī²-cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). The product of Ī±-cleavage (sAPPĪ±) has neuroprotective properties, while AĪ²1-42 peptide, a product of Ī²-cleavage, is neurotoxic. Dimerization of APP has been shown to influence the relative rate of Ī±- and Ī²- cleavage of APP. Thus finding compounds that interfere with dimerization of the APP ectodomain and increase the Ī±-cleavage of APP could lead to the development of new therapies for Alzheimer's disease. Examining the intrinsic fluorescence of a fragment of the ectodomain of APP, which dimerizes through the E2 and AĪ²-cognate domains, revealed significant changes in the fluorescence of the fragment upon binding of AĪ² oligomersā€”which bind to dimers of the ectodomainā€” and AĪ² fragmentsā€”which destabilize dimers of the ectodomain. This technique was extended to show that RERMS-containing peptides (APP695 328ā€“332), disulfiram, and sulfiram also inhibit dimerization of the ectodomain fragment. This activity was confirmed with small angle x-ray scattering. Analysis of the activity of disulfiram and sulfiram in an AlphaLISA assay indicated that both compounds significantly enhance the production of sAPPĪ± by 7W-CHO and B103 neuroblastoma cells. These observations demonstrate that there is a class of compounds that modulates the conformation of the APP ectodomain and influences the ratio of Ī±- to Ī²-cleavage of APP. These compounds provide a rationale for the development of a new class of therapeutics for Alzheimer's disease

    Intrinsically disordered domains: Sequence āž” disorder āž” function relationships

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    Disordered domains are long regions of intrinsic disorder that ideally have conserved sequences, conserved disorder, and conserved functions. These domains were first noticed in proteinā€“protein interactions that are distinct from the interactions between two structured domains and the interactions between structured domains and linear motifs or molecular recognition features (MoRFs). So far, disordered domains have not been systematically characterized. Here, we present a bioinformatics investigation of the sequenceā€“disorderā€“function relationships for a set of probable disordered domains (PDDs) identified from the Pfam database. All the Pfam seed proteins from those domains with at least one PDD sequence were collected. Most often, if a set contains one PDD sequence, then all members of the set are PDDs or nearly so. However, many seed sets have sequence collections that exhibit diverse proportions of predicted disorder and structure, thus giving the completely unexpected result that conserved sequences can vary substantially in predicted disorder and structure. In addition to the induction of structure by binding to protein partners, disordered domains are also induced to form structure by disulfide bond formation, by ion binding, and by complex formation with RNA or DNA. The two new findings, (a) that conserved sequences can vary substantially in their predicted disorder content and (b) that homologues from a single domain can evolve from structure to disorder (or vice versa), enrich our understanding of the sequence āž” disorder ensemble āž” function paradigm

    The Tonometer

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    Eine Methode zur volumetrischen Bestimmung der Verdampfungsgeschwindigkeit

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