258 research outputs found

    Defects and boundary layers in non-Euclidean plates

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    We investigate the behavior of non-Euclidean plates with constant negative Gaussian curvature using the F\"oppl-von K\'arm\'an reduced theory of elasticity. Motivated by recent experimental results, we focus on annuli with a periodic profile. We prove rigorous upper and lower bounds for the elastic energy that scales like the thickness squared. In particular we show that are only two types of global minimizers -- deformations that remain flat and saddle shaped deformations with isolated regions of stretching near the edge of the annulus. We also show that there exist local minimizers with a periodic profile that have additional boundary layers near their lines of inflection. These additional boundary layers are a new phenomenon in thin elastic sheets and are necessary to regularize jump discontinuities in the azimuthal curvature across lines of inflection. We rigorously derive scaling laws for the width of these boundary layers as a function of the thickness of the sheet

    The effectiveness of a monopreparation containing a combination of ciprofloxacin – ornidazole in the treatment of infectious-inflammatory and dysbiotic vagina diseases

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    Introduction. Infectious inflammatory and dysbiotic diseases of the vagina represent a major concern facing obstetric and gynecological science. Individually, the two most common specific diseases can be distinguished, namely: bacterial vaginosis (BV) and nonspecific vaginitis (NV). The therapeutic strategy for these diseases requires a word of clarification and adjustment.Objective. To conduct a comparative analysis of treatment with the combination drug Orcepol WM (ciprofloxacin (500 mg) and ornidazole (500 mg)) and a combination of monopreparations in a dosage form similar to Orcepol WM.Materials and methods. As a comparison object, we used the method of simultaneous administration by patients of tablet forms of ciprofloxacin and ornidazole as mono-preparations in a dosage of 500 mg similar to Orcepol. The study included 64 patients with diagnoses of “bacterial vaginosis” or “nonspecific vaginitis” or "decompensated mixed vaginal dysbiosis". The average age of the patients was 35.34 ± 5.95 years. The patients were divided into two groups: group 1 (n = 32) received the combination drug Orcepol WM, group 2 (n = 32) received ciprofloxacin and ornidazole with two mono-preparations. The drugs were prescribed as a five-day course, two times a day. The patients were followed up by a doctor during two visits and one remote interview on day 30–45 after the end of treatment (visit 2).Results. In both groups, all patients received a full course of antibacterial therapy. There were no adverse drug reactions. In both groups, there was an improvement in clinical symptoms from the first to the second visit: discomfort, itching, burning, dyspareunia, hyperemia of the mucous membrane against the background of normalization of laboratory findings of the vaginal microbiocenosis condition. At the same time, the best results were higher in group 1. Manifestation of mycotic vaginitis with the development of strong clinical symptomatology on days 3 and 4 of treatment respectively were recorded in 4 (12.5%) patients from group 1 and 7 (21.9%) from group 2. The results of comparative observation showed that the number of relapses after the end of therapy were the same in group 1 (8 out of 32 patients, 25%) and in group 2 (9 out of 32 patients, 28%). The relapse occurred on average day 12 and 17 after the end of therapy, respectively.Сonclusion. Thus, the use of Orcepol WM showed a greater therapeutic efficacy as compared to the use of tablet forms of ciprofloxacin and ornidazole in similar dosages as a single-drug administration, which can be explained by a stronger patients' adherence to the treatment


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    The prevalence of atherosclerosis and associated diseases and complications creates preconditions to study them in the framework of the common pathological process. This review presents the modern data on the role of Chlamydophila pneumoniae infections, as well as data about the influence of the factors of systemic and local inflammationat the infection to the development of atherosclerosis.Распространенность атеросклероза и ассоциированных с ним заболеваний и осложнений создает предпосылки к изучению их в рамках единого патологического процесса. В обзоре представлены современные сведения о роли Chlamydophila pneumoniae-инфекции, а также данные о влиянии факторов системного и локального воспаления при указанной инфекции на развитие атеросклероза

    Learning safe neural network controllers with barrier certificates

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    We provide a new approach to synthesize controllers for nonlinear continuous dynamical systems with control against safety properties. The controllers are based on neural networks (NNs). To certify the safety property we utilize barrier functions, which are represented by NNs as well. We train the controller-NN and barrier-NN simultaneously, achieving a verification-in-the-loop synthesis. We provide a prototype tool nncontroller with a number of case studies. The experiment results confirm the feasibility and efficacy of our approach

    Polycrystalline bismuth films: correlation between grain structure and electron transport

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    Grain structure and the temperature dependences of resistivity, magnetoresistance, Hall and Seebeck coefficients measured in the range from 4 to 300 K were investigated for polycrystalline bismuth films obtained by the melt spinning (MS) and electrochemical deposition (ECD) methods. Charge-carrier concentration and mobilities were calculated assuming the carrier scattering on acoustic deformation potential as the dominant scattering mechanism, parabolicity of holes dispersion law, implying the Lax model for L-band electrons and neglecting the influence of L-band holes on conductivity. The experimental results and calculations have demonstrated that the electrical properties of the Bi films studied are strongly affected by the grain-boundary density

    Therapy chronic trichomoniasis at patients with associated urogenital chlamydial infection

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    Present material of problem question therapy chronic trichomoniasis. Study clinical and bacteriological effectiveness basic etiotropic preparation and their combination, used in treatment patients trichomoniasis. Found that the combined application antiprotozoal drugs have a more pronounced effect on kills T. vaginalis and shortens the rehabilitation of the patient

    The global proportion and volume of unrecorded alcohol in 2015.

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    Alcohol consumption is associated with elevated risks of disease and injury, and the best indicator of the level of consumption in a country is total alcohol per capita (APC) consumption among adults which comprises recorded consumption and unrecorded consumption. While recorded consumption can be assessed with small measurement bias via taxation or other governmental records, unrecorded consumption is more difficult to assess. The objectives of this study were to estimate the country-specific proportion and volume of unrecorded APC in 2015, to identify main sources of unrecorded alcohol and to assess to what extent experts perceive unrecorded alcohol as a public health, social, and financial problem. Estimates of unrecorded APC were based on a multilevel fractional response regression model using data from World Health Organization's (WHO) STEPwise approach to surveillance surveys (16 countries, 66 188 participants), estimates from the routine WHO reporting on key indicators of alcohol use (189 countries), and a nominal group expert assessment (42 countries, 129 experts). Expert assessments also included data on the sources of unrecorded alcohol and the perception of unrecorded alcohol as a public health, social, and financial problem. The volume of global unrecorded APC was 1.6 L pure alcohol, representing 25% of the total APC. The volume of unrecorded APC was highest in Europe (2.1 L per capita), while the proportion of unrecorded APC was highest in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean region (57% of the total alcohol). In countries with available data, homemade alcohol was identified as a major source of unrecorded alcohol. The majority of experts considered unrecorded alcohol to be a public health (62%), social (60%), and financial problem (54%). High volumes of unrecorded alcohol are consumed globally; however, the volumes consumed and the sources of the unrecorded alcohol exhibit large geographical variation