1,092 research outputs found

    Efficient Algorithms for Asymptotic Bounds on Termination Time in VASS

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    Vector Addition Systems with States (VASS) provide a well-known and fundamental model for the analysis of concurrent processes, parameterized systems, and are also used as abstract models of programs in resource bound analysis. In this paper we study the problem of obtaining asymptotic bounds on the termination time of a given VASS. In particular, we focus on the practically important case of obtaining polynomial bounds on termination time. Our main contributions are as follows: First, we present a polynomial-time algorithm for deciding whether a given VASS has a linear asymptotic complexity. We also show that if the complexity of a VASS is not linear, it is at least quadratic. Second, we classify VASS according to quantitative properties of their cycles. We show that certain singularities in these properties are the key reason for non-polynomial asymptotic complexity of VASS. In absence of singularities, we show that the asymptotic complexity is always polynomial and of the form Θ(nk)\Theta(n^k), for some integer k≤dk\leq d, where dd is the dimension of the VASS. We present a polynomial-time algorithm computing the optimal kk. For general VASS, the same algorithm, which is based on a complete technique for the construction of ranking functions in VASS, produces a valid lower bound, i.e., a kk such that the termination complexity is Ω(nk)\Omega(n^k). Our results are based on new insights into the geometry of VASS dynamics, which hold the potential for further applicability to VASS analysis.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1708.0925

    Approaching the Coverability Problem Continuously

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    The coverability problem for Petri nets plays a central role in the verification of concurrent shared-memory programs. However, its high EXPSPACE-complete complexity poses a challenge when encountered in real-world instances. In this paper, we develop a new approach to this problem which is primarily based on applying forward coverability in continuous Petri nets as a pruning criterion inside a backward coverability framework. A cornerstone of our approach is the efficient encoding of a recently developed polynomial-time algorithm for reachability in continuous Petri nets into SMT. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on standard benchmarks from the literature, which shows that our approach decides significantly more instances than any existing tool and is in addition often much faster, in particular on large instances.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Preservation of Equations by Monoidal Monads

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    If a monad T is monoidal, then operations on a set X can be lifted canonically to operations on TX. In this paper we study structural properties under which T preserves equations between those operations. It has already been shown that any monoidal monad preserves linear equations; affine monads preserve drop equations (where some variable appears only on one side, such as x? y = y) and relevant monads preserve dup equations (where some variable is duplicated, such as x ? x = x). We start the paper by showing a converse: if the monad at hand preserves a drop equation, then it must be affine. From this, we show that the problem whether a given (drop) equation is preserved is undecidable. A converse for relevance turns out to be more subtle: preservation of certain dup equations implies a weaker notion which we call n-relevance. Finally, we identify a subclass of equations such that their preservation is equivalent to relevance

    Interaction of landscape varibles on the potential geographical distribution of parrots in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

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    La interacción de las variables del paisaje en la distribución geográfica potencial de los loros en la península de Yucatán, México La pérdida, degradación y fragmentación de las zonas boscosas están poniendo en peligro a las poblaciones de loros. En este estudio se determinó la influencia de la fragmentación en relación con la cobertura vegetal, los usos del suelo y la configuración espacial de los fragmentos, sobre los modelos de distribución geográfica potencial de los loros en la península de Yucatán, México. Se utilizó la distribución geográfica potencial de ocho especies de loros, teniendo en cuenta los mapas publicados recientemente y obtenidos con el algoritmo de máxima entropía, y se incorporó el mapa de probabilidad de distribución de cada especie. Se calcularon 71 parámetros y variables que evalúan la fragmentación forestal, la configuración espacial de los fragmentos, la proporción ocupada por vegetación y los usos del suelo en 100 parcelas de aproximadamente 29 km² distribuidas al azar dentro de las zonas de presencia y ausencia predichas para cada especie. Además, se tuvo en cuenta la relación entre las variables ambientales y la probabilidad de distribución de las especies. Se empleó una regresión de mínimos cuadrados parciales para analizar la relación existente entre las variables empleadas y los modelos de distribución potencial. Ninguna de las variables ambientales analizadas determina por sí sola la presencia, la ausencia ni la probabilidad de distribución de los loros en la península. Se observó que para las ocho especies, ya sea debido a la presencia y la ausencia o a la probabilidad de distribución, las variables explicativas más importantes son la interacción entre tres variables, en especial la interacción entre la superficie forestal total, la longitud total de los perímetros de los fragmentos y la cantidad de bosque tropical subperennifolio de altura mediana. La fragmentación del hábitat influye sobre la distribución geográfica potencial de estas especies en combinación con otros factores ambientales asociados a la misma, como son la proporción de las diferentes coberturas vegetales y los usos del suelo que se desarrollan en las áreas deforestadas.La interacción de las variables del paisaje en la distribución geográfica potencial de los loros en la península de Yucatán, México La pérdida, degradación y fragmentación de las zonas boscosas están poniendo en peligro a las poblaciones de loros. En este estudio se determinó la influencia de la fragmentación en relación con la cobertura vegetal, los usos del suelo y la configuración espacial de los fragmentos, sobre los modelos de distribución geográfica potencial de los loros en la península de Yucatán, México. Se utilizó la distribución geográfica potencial de ocho especies de loros, teniendo en cuenta los mapas publicados recientemente y obtenidos con el algoritmo de máxima entropía, y se incorporó el mapa de probabilidad de distribución de cada especie. Se calcularon 71 parámetros y variables que evalúan la fragmentación forestal, la configuración espacial de los fragmentos, la proporción ocupada por vegetación y los usos del suelo en 100 parcelas de aproximadamente 29 km² distribuidas al azar dentro de las zonas de presencia y ausencia predichas para cada especie. Además, se tuvo en cuenta la relación entre las variables ambientales y la probabilidad de distribución de las especies. Se empleó una regresión de mínimos cuadrados parciales para analizar la relación existente entre las variables empleadas y los modelos de distribución potencial. Ninguna de las variables ambientales analizadas determina por sí sola la presencia, la ausencia ni la probabilidad de distribución de los loros en la península. Se observó que para las ocho especies, ya sea debido a la presencia y la ausencia o a la probabilidad de distribución, las variables explicativas más importantes son la interacción entre tres variables, en especial la interacción entre la superficie forestal total, la longitud total de los perímetros de los fragmentos y la cantidad de bosque tropical subperennifolio de altura mediana. La fragmentación del hábitat influye sobre la distribución geográfica potencial de estas especies en combinación con otros factores ambientales asociados a la misma, como son la proporción de las diferentes coberturas vegetales y los usos del suelo que se desarrollan en las áreas deforestadas.The loss, degradation, and fragmentation of forested areas are endangering parrot populations. In this study, we determined the influence of fragmentation in relation to vegetation cover, land use, and spatial configuration of fragments on the potential geographical distribution patterns of parrots in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. We used the potential geographical distribution for eight parrot species, considering the recently published maps obtained with the maximum entropy algorithm, and we incorporated the probability distribution for each species. We calculated 71 metrics/variables that evaluate forest fragmentation, spatial configuration of fragments, the ratio occupied by vegetation, and the land use in 100 plots of approximately 29 km², randomly distributed within the presence and absence areas predicted for each species. We also considered the relationship between environmental variables and the distribution probability of species. We used a partial least squares regression to explore patterns between the variables used and the potential distribution models. None of the environmental variables analyzed alone determined the presence/absence or the probability distribution of parrots in the Peninsula. We found that for the eight species, either due to the presence/absence or the probability distribution, the most important explanatory variables were the interaction among three variables, particularly the interactions among the total forest area, the total edge, and the tropical semi–evergreen medium– height forest. Habitat fragmentation influenced the potential geographical distribution of these species in terms of the characteristics of other environmental factors that are expressed together with the geographical division, such as the different vegetation cover ratio and land uses in deforested areas

    Management Models in SMEs, Strategic Tool in Business Management

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    The business sector constitutes an engine for the Ecuadorian economy through the generation of employment and redistribution of wealth. Therefore, given the current economic dynamics of high competition, globalization of markets, and use of information and communication technologies, business managers need to use different tools such as management models to achieve acceptable levels of utility, profitability, customer satisfaction and permanence in the consumer market. This research involved an analysis of the impact on corporate management of applying different management models of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the city of Riobamba, province of Chimborazo (Ecuador). The study was descriptive, cross-sectional, exploratory and non-experimental and it was conducted in the first half of 2019. Data were collected through field investigation and the application of a structured survey with a sample composed of 136 managers, owners and administrators, from a population of 440 entrepreneurs. The results showed that 93% of entrepreneurs knew about the existence of management models, and 41% recorded that total quality is the most applied model followed by continuous improvement (18%) and re-engineering (13%). We conclude that entrepreneurs consider management models to be crucial in the management of their company. Keywords: management model, business management, strategies, competitiveness, SMEs. Resumen El sector empresarial en todos sus niveles constituye un motor para la economía ecuatoriana, por la generación de empleo y redistribución de la riqueza; por ello los gerentes de las empresas dada la actual dinámica económica por la alta competencia, globalización de los mercados, uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación, entre otras variables, necesita utilizar diferentes herramientas como son los modelos gerenciales para lograr niveles aceptables de utilidad, rentabilidad, satisfacción de los clientes y permanencia en el mercado consumidor. La investigación tiene como objetivo efectuar un análisis de la aplicación e incidencia en la gestión corporativa, de diferentes modelos gerenciales de las Pequeñas y Medianas empresas (Pymes) de la ciudad de Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo (Ecuador). El estudio es descriptivo, transversal, exploratorio y no experimental efectuado en el primer semestre del año 2019, realizado mediante una investigación de campo, a través de la aplicación de una encuesta estructurada, seleccionando una muestra compuesta por 136 gerentes, propietarios y administradores, de una población de 440 empresarios. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron que el 93% de los empresarios conocen de la existencia de modelos gerenciales, el 41% registra que la calidad total es el modelo más aplicado seguido del mejoramiento continuo (18%) y Reingeniería (13%). Se concluye que los empresarios y emprendedores consideran a los modelos gerenciales de mucha importancia en la dirección de su empresa. Palabras clave: modelo gerencial, gestión empresarial, estrategias, competitividad, pymes

    Characterization of Reachable Attractors Using Petri Net Unfoldings

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    International audienceAttractors of network dynamics represent the long-term behaviours of the modelled system. Their characterization is therefore crucial for understanding the response and differentiation capabilities of a dynamical system. In the scope of qualitative models of interaction networks, the computation of attractors reachable from a given state of the network faces combinatorial issues due to the state space explosion. In this paper, we present a new algorithm that exploits the concurrency between transitions of parallel acting components in order to reduce the search space. The algorithm relies on Petri net unfoldings that can be used to compute a compact representation of the dynamics. We illustrate the applicability of the algorithm with Petri net models of cell signalling and regulation networks, Boolean and multi-valued. The proposed approach aims at being complementary to existing methods for deriving the attractors of Boolean models, while being %so far more generic since it applies to any safe Petri net

    Optimal Strategies in Infinite-state Stochastic Reachability Games

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    We consider perfect-information reachability stochastic games for 2 players on infinite graphs. We identify a subclass of such games, and prove two interesting properties of it: first, Player Max always has optimal strategies in games from this subclass, and second, these games are strongly determined. The subclass is defined by the property that the set of all values can only have one accumulation point -- 0. Our results nicely mirror recent results for finitely-branching games, where, on the contrary, Player Min always has optimal strategies. However, our proof methods are substantially different, because the roles of the players are not symmetric. We also do not restrict the branching of the games. Finally, we apply our results in the context of recently studied One-Counter stochastic games

    Formación de megacristales de feldespato potásico en el sector sur del batolito Cerro Aspero-Alpa Corral (32°40'S y 64°50'W), Sierras Pampeanas, Córdoba, Argentina

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    The surrounding rocks of studied area are composed by a metamorphic sequence which includes gneisses, schists, amphibolites, marbles and heterogeneous migmatites in non-conformity intruded by a granitic pluton. All this sequence is dated as having late-Precambric to mid-Paleozoic age.Three facies, mostly of monzogranitic composition, were identified. This study focuses on the porphiric facies; detailed petroestructural studies being performed, the orientation of large microcline crystal and associated microgranular enclaves being measured.Different primary flow directions were determined with track variation of microcline megacrystal and enclaves from subvertical to nearly horizontal positions.These changes have been interpreted as a convective system within the pluton.The presence of a marked planar fabric in microcline megacrystals along with phenomena such a size-variation of crystal, synneusis, crystal trending at the enclave's border and crystal accumulation, proves their early magmatic origin. The enclaves show a cinematic of deformation produced by simple shear.El entorno encajante de la zona estudiada está integrado por una secuencia metamórfica que incluye gneises, esquistos, anfibolitas, calizas cristalinas y migmatitas heterogéneas, intruidas discordantemente por el plutón granítico. A este conjunto puede asignársele una edad precámbrica superior-paleozoica media.Se identificaron tres facies, en su mayoría de composición monzogranítica, diques micrograníticos a aplíticos y enclaves. En este trabajo se pone énfasis en la facies porfiroide efectuándose estudios petroestructurales de detalle, tomando como indicadores la orientación de los grandes cristales de microclina y enclaves microgranulares asociados.Se determinaron distintas direcciones de flujo primario con variaciones en la trayectoria de los megacristales de microclina y enclaves desde posiciones subverticales hasta aproximadamente horizontales. Estos cambios han sido interpretados como un sistema convectivo dentro del plutón.La presencia de una marcada fábrica planar en los megacristales de microclina, conjuntamente con fenómenos de gradaciones en el tamaño de cristales, sineusis, alineaciones en los bordes de enclaves y aglomeraciones de cristales evidencian su origen temprano magmático. Los enclaves muestran una cinemática de deformación producida por cizalla simple

    A Short Counterexample Property for Safety and Liveness Verification of Fault-tolerant Distributed Algorithms

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    Distributed algorithms have many mission-critical applications ranging from embedded systems and replicated databases to cloud computing. Due to asynchronous communication, process faults, or network failures, these algorithms are difficult to design and verify. Many algorithms achieve fault tolerance by using threshold guards that, for instance, ensure that a process waits until it has received an acknowledgment from a majority of its peers. Consequently, domain-specific languages for fault-tolerant distributed systems offer language support for threshold guards. We introduce an automated method for model checking of safety and liveness of threshold-guarded distributed algorithms in systems where the number of processes and the fraction of faulty processes are parameters. Our method is based on a short counterexample property: if a distributed algorithm violates a temporal specification (in a fragment of LTL), then there is a counterexample whose length is bounded and independent of the parameters. We prove this property by (i) characterizing executions depending on the structure of the temporal formula, and (ii) using commutativity of transitions to accelerate and shorten executions. We extended the ByMC toolset (Byzantine Model Checker) with our technique, and verified liveness and safety of 10 prominent fault-tolerant distributed algorithms, most of which were out of reach for existing techniques.Comment: 16 pages, 11 pages appendi
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