33 research outputs found
Formation of High-quality Aluminum Oxide under Ion Beam Irradiation
In this work we used the radiation–induced technique of selective association of atoms (SAA) to create the aluminum oxide layer on the surface of metallic Al under oxygen ion beam irradiation. Optimal conditions for carrying out the radiation-induced aluminum oxidation process were established to minimize the target sputtering. An aluminum oxide layer of 20 nm thickness was obtained after irradiation of aluminum target with oxygen ions with 0.2 keV energy up to a dose of ∼2.6 ⋅ 1018 ions/cm2 at room temperature. HRTEM and EELS techniques were used to characterize the chemical compositional changes after irradiation. It was found that aluminum oxide layer after irradiation contained an excessive amount (∼10 at.%) of implanted oxygen.
Keywords: ion beam irradiation, aluminum thin films, EELS, HRTE
Transcription of a protein-coding gene on B chromosomes of the Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus)
BACKGROUND: Most eukaryotic species represent stable karyotypes with a particular diploid number. B chromosomes are additional to standard karyotypes and may vary in size, number and morphology even between cells of the same individual. For many years it was generally believed that B chromosomes found in some plant, animal and fungi species lacked active genes. Recently, molecular cytogenetic studies showed the presence of additional copies of protein-coding genes on B chromosomes. However, the transcriptional activity of these genes remained elusive. We studied karyotypes of the Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) that possess up to 14 B chromosomes to investigate the presence and expression of genes on supernumerary chromosomes. RESULTS: Here, we describe a 2 Mbp region homologous to cattle chromosome 3 and containing TNNI3K (partial), FPGT, LRRIQ3 and a large gene-sparse segment on B chromosomes of the Siberian roe deer. The presence of the copy of the autosomal region was demonstrated by B-specific cDNA analysis, PCR assisted mapping, cattle bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone localization and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). By comparative analysis of B-specific and non-B chromosomal sequences we discovered some B chromosome-specific mutations in protein-coding genes, which further enabled the detection of a FPGT-TNNI3K transcript expressed from duplicated genes located on B chromosomes in roe deer fibroblasts. CONCLUSIONS: Discovery of a large autosomal segment in all B chromosomes of the Siberian roe deer further corroborates the view of an autosomal origin for these elements. Detection of a B-derived transcript in fibroblasts implies that the protein coding sequences located on Bs are not fully inactivated. The origin, evolution and effect on host of B chromosomal genes seem to be similar to autosomal segmental duplications, which reinforces the view that supernumerary chromosomal elements might play an important role in genome evolution
Quantitative analysis of NbN thin films by EELS technique in STEM mode
Количественная информация об электрофизических свойствах ультратонких (5 нм) сверхпроводящих пленок NbN до и после облучения ионами с энергией (0.1-1 кэВ) исследуется методом спектроскопии энергетических потерь электронов в режиме сходящегося пучка электронов.Quantitative information about electrical properties of superconductive NbN ultrathin (0.5 nm) films before and after irradiation by ions with energies (0.1-1 keV) were investigated by Electron energy loss spectroscopy in STEM mode
Quality of life is the second most important clinical outcome criteria for cancer patients after survival. Quality of life shows the completeness of social rehabilitations of patients, who underwent radical treatment. In present study quality of life of 41 rectal cancer patients, who underwent abdominoperineal resection (n = 22) or anterior resection (n = 19) was assessed using SF-36 questionnaire. All patients without permanent colostomy had better postoperative quality of life. The phycho-emotional state of patients with permanent colostomy progres-sively decreases. The present study is important for developing an individualized rehabilitation programme for female rectal cancer patients.Качество жизни онкологических пациентов является вторым показателем эффективности лечения после продолжительности жизни. Показатели качества жизни демонстрируют, насколько полно пациенты, перенесшие радикальное лечение по поводу злокачественного новообразования, готовы к своей роли в обществе. В проведенном исследовании использована краткая форма адаптированной русскоязычной версии медицинского опросника SF-36 для оценки качества жизни 41 женщины с колоректальным раком (КРР), которым была выполнена брюшно-промежностная экстирпация (БПЭ) прямой кишки с наложением стомы (22 женщины) или передняя резекция прямой кишки (19 женщин). Качество жизни по результатам исследования было выше у пациенток без стомы на всех этапах после операции. У всех женщин, перенесших хирургическое вмешательство, в течение недели после операции показатели качества жизни снижаются, в большей степени после БПЭ прямой кишки. У больных со стомой через месяц после операции показатели ролевого функционирования, обусловленные физическим и эмоциональным состоянием, не восстанавливаются и продолжают прогрессивно снижаться. Проведенное исследование подготавливает информационную базу для разработки комплексной личностно-ориентированной программы реабилитации женщин с КРР
SUMMARY. The data on the status of epidemiologicalsurveillance conducted by Sanitary and epidemiologicalInstitution. The analysis measures to preventpoliomielitis.Key words: poliolielitis, acute flaccid paralysis (AFP)surveillance, monitoring enteroviruses.Наведені дані про стан епідеміологічного нагляду, щопроводиться Держсанепідслужбою області. Проаналізо-вано заходи, спрямовані на запобігання захворюваннямна поліомієліт.Ключові слова: поліомієліт, гострий в’ялий параліч(ГВП), епіднагляд, моніторинг ентеровірусів
Widespread Occurrence of Dosage Compensation in Candida albicans
The important human pathogen Candida albicans possesses an unusual form of gene regulation, in which the copy number of an entire specific chromosome or a large portion of a specific chromosome changes in response to a specific adverse environment, thus, insuring survival. In the absence of the adverse environment, the altered portion of the genome can be restored to its normal condition. One major question is how C. albicans copes with gene imbalance arising by transitory aneuploid states. Here, we compared transcriptomes from cells with either two copies or one copy of chromosome 5 (Ch5) in, respectively, a diploid strain 3153A and its representative derivative Sor55. Statistical analyses revealed that at least 40% of transcripts from the monosomic Ch5 are fully compensated to a disomic level, thus, indicating the existence of a genome-wide mechanism maintaining cellular homeostasis. Only approximately 15% of transcripts were diminished twofold in accordance with what would be expected for Ch5 monosomy. Another minor portion of approximately 6% of transcripts, unexpectedly, increased up to twofold and higher than the disomic level, demonstrating indirect control by monosomy. Array comparative genome hybridization revealed that only few out of approximately 500 genes on the monosomic Ch5b were duplicated, thus, not causing a global up regulation. Dosage compensation was confirmed with several representative genes from another monosomic Ch5a in the mutant Sor60. We suggest that C. albicans's unusual regulation of gene expression by the loss and gain of entire chromosomes is coupled with widespread compensation of gene dosage at the transcriptional level