18,844 research outputs found

    Framgångsfaktorer för virkesköpare

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    Ett ökat behov för de svenska skogsindustriföretagen på skogsråvara har skapat en stor konkurrens bland skogsföretagen att få köpa virke från de privata skogsägarna. Denna stora konkurrens innebär att virkesköparna på skogsföretagen får en allt viktigare roll i att behålla och utöka sitt företags marknadsandelar på den privata skogsägarmarknaden. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka egenskaper som ledde till framgång för virkesköpare. Men även att undersöka om det fanns någon skillnad på vad som ledde till framgång beroende på erfarenheten hos virkesköparen samt beroende på i vilken region virkesköparen arbetade. En enkät utformades i syfte att samla in data från virkesköparna om deras egenskaper och arbetssätt. Enkäten skickades ut till alla 83 virkesköpare som arbetade på Holmen. 56 stycken svarade vilket gav en svarsfrekvens på 67%. Datan användes sedan för multivariata dataanalyser så som PCA, OPLS-DA och OPLS analyser. I analyserna jämfördes de framgångsrika virkesköparna mot de ej framgångsrika. Virkesköparna delades upp i grupper efter erfarenhet och var i Sverige de arbetade. Egenskaper som ledde till framgång kunde med hjälp av analyserna identifieras. Även skillnader på vad som ledde till framgång beroende på virkesköparens erfarenhet identifierades. Vissa regionala skillnader kunde dessutom identifieras. De egenskaper som visade sig ha störst betydelse för virkesköparnas framgång var virkesköparens förmåga att sätta upp egna höga mål, att känna att det är viktigt att klara sin budget samt att tycka att det finns en viss tävlan mot sina kollegor.An increased need of timber in the Swedish forest industry has created big competition among forest companies to buy timber from the private forest owners. This competition means that timber purchasers at the forest companies has an increasingly important role in maintaining and expanding their company's market shares timber from the private forest owners. The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics that led to success for timber purchasers. But also, to investigate whether there was any difference in what led to success depending on the experience of the timber buyer but also if there are a difference what led to success on depending on in which region the timber buyer is working. A survey was designed in order to collect data from timber purchasers about their characteristics and working methods. The survey was sent out to all 83 timber purchasers who worked at Holmen. 56 answered, which gave a response rate of 67%. The data was then used for multivariate data analyzes such as PCA, OPLS-DA and OPLS analyzes. In the analyzes, the successful timber purchasers were compared with the unsuccessful ones. The timber purchasers were divided into groups according to experience and where in Sweden they worked. Characteristics that led to success could be identified in the analyzes. Differences in what led to success depending on the timber buyer's experience were also identified. In addition, some regional differences could be identified. The qualities that proved to be most important for the timber purchaser’s success were, among other things, the timber buyer's ability to set his own high goals, to feel that it is important to manage the budget and to think that there is a certain competition against the colleagues

    Perceived sensory dimensions : a study of Slottsparken, Malmö during wintertime

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    Idag spenderar vi människor alltmer tid inomhus vilket tenderar att ha negativa effekter på vår hälsa. Det är konstaterat att utomhusvistelse i all form är bra för oss människor och eftersom det naturliga dagsljuset är begränsat under vintern blir det extra viktigt att vistas ute under denna tid. Hur parker planeras och utformas kan ha en stor betydelse för upplevelsen hos besökaren och bör därför vara gestaltade för att bidra med kvaliteter året om. Patrik Grahn, professor i landskapsarkitektur, har studerat grönområdens inverkan på människors hälsa och har tillsammans med forskningskollegor utvecklat åtta specifika parkkaraktärer (Bengtsson et al. 2018): artrikedom och variation, social gemenskap, kultur och historia, öppet och utsikt, känsla av rymd, rofylldhet, vildhet och natur och avskilt och skyddat. Med utgångspunkt i denna bakgrund är vårt syfte att undersöka hur parkkaraktärerna kan upplevas i verkligheten och hur de kan användas som utvärderande verktyg av grönområden. Vårt arbete undersöker parkkaraktärerna i teorin genom en litteraturstudie där forskning av miljöpsykologer som Kaplan och Kaplan, Ulrich, Hartig och Stoltz lyfts fram. Forskningen tar upp betydelsen av natur för människans välmående och bär på många likheter med Grahns teori. Litteraturstudien fortsätter sedan med ett fokus på vinteraspekter där upplevelsevärden belyses. Därefter undersöks parkkaraktärerna i praktiken med hjälp av en observationsstudie och med Slottsparken som exempel. För att ta reda på hur de upplevs i verkligheten har en lista med beskrivningar av parkkaraktärerna använts. Resultatet visar att alla åtta parkkaraktärer går att hitta i Slottsparken. En del finns på flera olika platser medan en del är mer sällsynta. I en och samma plats kan flera karaktärer ingå, de överlappar varandra. Parkkaraktärerna är komplexa att beskriva med ord, de är inte mätbara och vissa tenderar att vara mer spekulativa än andra. Slottsparken har vissa platser där ingen karaktär passar in och dessa har vi benämnt som icke-karaktärer. Under vårt platsbesök kom vi fram till att Slottsparken bär på kvaliteter i vintertid. Dessa kan delas upp i visuella och upplevelsemässiga kvaliteter. Slutligen kan vi konstatera att parkkaraktärerna kan användas som stöd för att utvärdera och förstå en plats, men är tolkningsbara och är därför inte heltäckande. Däremot kan parkkaraktärerna fungera som inspiration för en landskapsarkitekts designprocess och fungera som ett hjälpmedel vid gestaltning av parker.Most of us people today tend to spend more time indoors which can result in negative effects on our health. It is established that outdoor stay in all forms has a positive impact on us and since the natural daylight is limited during wintertime it becomes particularly important to stay outside. How parks are planned and designed may be important for the experience of the visitor and should therefore be designed to contribute with qualities all year around. Patrik Grahn, a professor in landscape architecture, has studied the impact of green spaces on humans health and together with research colleagues developed eight specific Perceived Sensory Dimensions PSD (Bengtsson et al. 2018): Rich in Species, Social, Culture, Prospect, Space, Serene, Nature, and Refuge. With this background in mind is our main purpose to examine how the PSD can be experienced and how it can be used as a tool for evaluating green spaces. Our work examines PSD in theory with a literature study where research by environment psychologists such as Kaplan and Kaplan, Ulrich, Hartig, and Stoltz are presented. The research highlights the importance of nature for human health and there is a lot of resemblance with the theory of Grahn. The literature study continues then with a focus on winter aspects where experiential value is highlighted. Furthermore, examines the PSD in practice with help of an observation study and with Slottsparken in Malmö as an example. A list of descriptions is used to investigate how they are experienced. Our result shows that all eight PSDs are possible to find in Slottsparken. Some of them are found in different places while others are rare. In the same place, multiple PSDs can be found, and they overlap each other. The PSD is complex to describe with words, they are not measurable and some tend to be more speculative than others. Slottsparken has some places where no PSD fits and those we call non-PSD. Slottsparken has qualities during the winter that we discovered during our field visit. Those can be divided into two different qualities, visual and experience based. Finally, we can conclude that the PSD can be used for support when evaluating and understanding an environment, but are interpretable and are therefore not comprehensive. However, the PSD might work as an inspiration for a landscape architect’s design process and work as guidance when designing parks


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    Teaching practicum is an essential time for pre service teacher in practicing their teaching skills. It shows the student teachers ability in applying the knowledge that they have learned from the college to the real school and social environments. This study aimed to investigate the student teachers challenges in developing teaching materials during teaching practicum in vocational school and how they overcome the problems. Qualitative approach was employed in this research to understand, describe and explain beliefs, behaviors and meaning in context-specific settings (Wu Volker, 2009) and case study used to capture the complexity of a single case (Johansson, 2003). The participants of this study were two English student teachers enrolled in teaching practicum in the eighth semester of the academic year 2015/2016. The data were collected through in-depth interview related to student teachers teaching experience in developing teaching materials in vocational school. The findings of the study revealed that the challenges faced by student teachers in developing material include (1) the lack of student teachers knowledge on students’ field, (2) the lack of supervisi

    Gauge Amplitude Identities by On-shell Recursion Relation in S-matrix Program

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    Using only the Britto-Cachazo-Feng-Witten(BCFW) on-shell recursion relation we prove color-order reversed relation, U(1)U(1)-decoupling relation, Kleiss-Kuijf(KK) relation and Bern-Carrasco-Johansson(BCJ) relation for color-ordered gauge amplitude in the framework of S-matrix program without relying on Lagrangian description. Our derivation is the first pure field theory proof of the new discovered BCJ identity, which substantially reduces the color ordered basis from (n2)!(n-2)! to (n3)!(n-3)!. Our proof gives also its physical interpretation as the mysterious bonus relation with 1z2{1\over z^2} behavior under suitable on-shell deformation for no adjacent pair.Comment: 4 Pages. No Figures. Rewriting of Introductio

    Student Teachers\u27 Challenges In Developing Teaching Materials During Teaching Practicum In Vocational School

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    Teaching practicum is an essential time for pre service teacher in practicing their teaching skills. It shows the student teachers ability in applying the knowledge that they have learned from the college to the real school and social environments. This study aimed to investigate the student teachers challenges in developing teaching materials during teaching practicum in vocational school and how they overcome the problems. Qualitative approach was employed in this research to understand, describe and explain beliefs, behaviors and meaning in context-specific settings (Wu & Volker, 2009) and case study used to capture the complexity of a single case (Johansson, 2003). The participants of this study were two English student teachers enrolled in teaching practicum in the eighth semester of the academic year 2015/2016. The data were collected through in-depth interview related to student teachers teaching experience in developing teaching materials in vocational school. The findings of the study revealed that the challenges faced by student teachers in developing material include (1) the lack of student teachers knowledge on students\u27 field, (2) the lack of supervis

    150 år av svensk alkoholpolitik och -kultur

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    Kirja-arvio: Lennart Johansson Staten, supen och systemet. Svensk alkoholpolitik och alkoholkultur 1855–2005. Växjö, 2008.Non peer reviewe