15,742 research outputs found

    A crystal base for the genetic code

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    The quantum enveloping algebra U_q(sl(2) \oplus sl(2)) in the limit q \to 0 is proposed as a symmetry algebra for the genetic code. In this approach the triplets of nucleotids or codons in the DNA chain are classified in crystal bases, tensor product of U_{q \to 0}(sl(2) \oplus sl(2)) representations. Such a construction might be compared to the baryon classification from quark building blocks in elementary particles physics, one of the main differences standing in the property of a crystal base to provide a natural order in the state constituents, this order being crucial in the codon. Then an operator ensuring the correspondence codon/amino-acid can be constructed out of the above algebra. It will be called the reading operator, and be such that two codons relative to the same (resp. different) amino-acid(s) acquire the same (resp. different) eigenvalue(s).Comment: LaTeX-2e document, package amsfonts, 11 page

    Difficultés des temps verbaux passé du français par les étudiants d’Izon

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    Les étudiants d’Izon peuvent avoir du mal à utiliser les temps des verbes français lorsqu’ils apprennent le français comme langue seconde. Les écarts grammaticaux entre les deux langues pourraient être à blâmer. Cependant, aucune recherche antérieure n’a tenté de déterminer quelles distinctions existent entre les systèmes de temps français et Izon qui pourraient être à l’origine de la difficulté. Par conséquent, la recherche actuelle se penchera sur le passé sous toutes ses formes. La base théorique pour démêler les défauts chez les apprenants de français Izon était la notion d’analyse des erreurs (Sompong, 2014). Cette étude utilise à la fois des méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives en termes de technique. Les données primaires de cette étude proviennent d’essais produits par des étudiants français d’izon. Pour les fautes dans le système temporel français, des essais échantillonnés choisis au hasard ont été évalués et notés. Les parties des essais qui comportaient des erreurs ont été identifiées et choisies pour un examen plus approfondi.

    Intraseasonal and Interannual Variability of the Quasi-Two Day Wave in the Northern Hemisphere Summer Mesosphere

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    This study uses global synoptic meteorological fields from a high-altitude data assimilation system to investigate the spatial and temporal characteristics of the quasi-2 day wave (Q2DW) and migrating diurnal tide during the Northern Hemisphere summers of 2007, 2008, and 2009. By applying a 2-dimensional fast Fourier transform to meridional wind and temperature fields, we are able to identify Q2DW source regions and to diagnose propagation of Q2DW activity into the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. We find that Q2DW is comprised primarily of westward propagating zonal wavenumber 3 and wavenumber 4 components that originate from within baroclinically unstable regions along the equatorward flank of the summer midlatitude easterly jet. Amplitude variations of wavenumbers 3 and 4 tend to be anti-correlated throughout the summer, with wavenumber 3 maximizing in July and wavenumber 4 maximizing in late June and early August. Monthly mean Q2DW amplitudes between 30 50N latitude are largest when diurnal tidal amplitudes are smallest and vice versa. However, there is no evidence of any rapid amplification of the Q2DW via nonlinear interaction with the diurnal tide. Instead, variations of Q2DW amplitudes during July are closely linked to variations in the strength and location of the easterly jet core from one summer to the next, with a stronger jet producing larger Q2DW amplitudes. Linear instability model calculations based on the assimilated wind fields find fast growing zonal wavenumber 3 and 4 modes with periods near 2 days in the vicinity of the easterly jet

    Magnetic friction due to vortex fluctuation

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    We use Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulation to study a magnetic tip-sample interaction. Our interest is to understand the mechanism of heat dissipation when the forces involved in the system are magnetic in essence. We consider a magnetic crystalline substrate composed of several layers interacting magnetically with a tip. The set is put thermally in equilibrium at temperature T by using a numerical Monte Carlo technique. By using that configuration we study its dynamical evolution by integrating numerically the equations of motion. Our results suggests that the heat dissipation in this system is closed related to the appearing of vortices in the sample.Comment: 6 pages, 41 figure

    Solid helium at high pressure: A path-integral Monte Carlo simulation

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    Solid helium (3He and 4He) in the hcp and fcc phases has been studied by path-integral Monte Carlo. Simulations were carried out in the isothermal-isobaric (NPT) ensemble at pressures up to 52 GPa. This allows one to study the temperature and pressure dependences of isotopic effects on the crystal volume and vibrational energy in a wide parameter range. The obtained equation of state at room temperature agrees with available experimental data. The kinetic energy, E_k, of solid helium is found to be larger than the vibrational potential energy, E_p. The ratio E_k/E_p amounts to about 1.4 at low pressures, and decreases as the applied pressure is raised, converging to 1, as in a harmonic solid. Results of these simulations have been compared with those yielded by previous path integral simulations in the NVT ensemble. The validity range of earlier approximations is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Why Global Inequality Matters: Derivative Global Egalitarianism

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    This article integrates empirical and normative discussions about why global economic inequalities matter in critically examining an approach known as derivative global egalitarianism (DGE). DGE is a burgeoning perspective that opposes excessive global economic inequality not based on the intrinsic value of equality but inequality\u27s negative repercussions on other values. The article aims to advance the research agenda by identifying and critically evaluating four primary varieties of DGE arguments from related but distinct literatures, which span a number of disciplines, including economics, international relations, and political philosophy. Overall, DGE offers a number of persuasive arguments as to why current levels of global inequality are of concern, but aspects of DGE beg further philosophical and empirical examination. By situating DGE within the wider theoretical and empirical contexts, this article provides resources for its critical assessment and theoretical development

    Early Advanced LIGO binary neutron-star sky localization and parameter estimation

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    2015 will see the first observations of Advanced LIGO and the start of the gravitational-wave (GW) advanced-detector era. One of the most promising sources for ground-based GW detectors are binary neutron-star (BNS) coalescences. In order to use any detections for astrophysics, we must understand the capabilities of our parameter-estimation analysis. By simulating the GWs from an astrophysically motivated population of BNSs, we examine the accuracy of parameter inferences in the early advanced-detector era. We find that sky location, which is important for electromagnetic follow-up, can be determined rapidly (~5 s), but that sky areas may be hundreds of square degrees. The degeneracy between component mass and spin means there is significant uncertainty for measurements of the individual masses and spins; however, the chirp mass is well measured (typically better than 0.1%).Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Published in the proceedings of Amaldi 1
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