9,114 research outputs found

    Parametric Level Set Methods for Inverse Problems

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    In this paper, a parametric level set method for reconstruction of obstacles in general inverse problems is considered. General evolution equations for the reconstruction of unknown obstacles are derived in terms of the underlying level set parameters. We show that using the appropriate form of parameterizing the level set function results a significantly lower dimensional problem, which bypasses many difficulties with traditional level set methods, such as regularization, re-initialization and use of signed distance function. Moreover, we show that from a computational point of view, low order representation of the problem paves the path for easier use of Newton and quasi-Newton methods. Specifically for the purposes of this paper, we parameterize the level set function in terms of adaptive compactly supported radial basis functions, which used in the proposed manner provides flexibility in presenting a larger class of shapes with fewer terms. Also they provide a "narrow-banding" advantage which can further reduce the number of active unknowns at each step of the evolution. The performance of the proposed approach is examined in three examples of inverse problems, i.e., electrical resistance tomography, X-ray computed tomography and diffuse optical tomography

    Microfabricated Silicon Mixers for Submillisecond Quench-Flow Analysis

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    Elucidation of fast chemical reactions such as protein folding requires resolution on a submillisecond time scale. However, most quench-flow and stop-flow techniques only allow chemical processes to be studied after a few milliseconds have elapsed. In order to shorten the minimum observation time for quench-flow experiments, we designed a miniaturized mixer assembly. Two “T” mixers connected by a channel are etched into a 1 cm × 1 cm silicon chip which is interfaced with a commercially available quench-flow instrument. Decreasing the volume of the mixing chambers and the distance between them results in an instrument with greatly reduced dead times. As a test of submillisecond measurements, we studied the basic hydrolysis of phenyl chloroacetate. This reaction proceeds with a second-order rate constant, k = 430 M^(-1) s^(-1), and shows pseudo-first-order kinetics at high hydroxide concentrations. The chemical reaction data demonstrate that the silicon device is capable of initiating and quenching chemical reactions in time intervals as short as 110 μs. The performance of these mixers was further confirmed by visualization using acid-base indicators

    Relationships between lower-body muscle structure and, lower-body strength, explosiveness and eccentric leg stiffness in adolescent athletes

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    The purpose of the present study was to determine whether any relationships were present between lower-body muscle structure and, lower-body strength, variables measured during a counter-movement jump (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ), and eccentric leg stiffness, in adolescent athletes. Thirty junior male (n = 23) and female (n = 7) surfing athletes (14.8 ± 1.7 y; 1.63 ± 0.09 m; 54.8 ± 12.1 kg) undertook lower-body muscle structure assessment with ultrasonography and performed a; CMJ, SJ and an isomet-ric mid-thigh pull (IMTP). In addition, eccentric leg stiffness was calculated from variables of the CMJ and IMTP. Moderate to very large relationships (r = 0.46-0.73) were identified be-tween the thickness of the vastus lateralis (VL) and lateral gas-trocnemius (LG) muscles, and VL pennation angle and; peak force (PF) in the CMJ, SJ and IMTP. Additionally, moderate to large relationships (r = 0.37-0.59) were found between eccentric leg stiffness and; VL and LG thickness, VL pennation angle, and LG fascicle length, with a large relationship (r = 0.59) also present with IMTP PF. These results suggest that greater thick-ness of the VL and LG were related to improved maximal dy-namic and isometric strength, likely due to increased hypertro-phy of the extensor muscles. Furthermore, this increased thickness was related to greater eccentric leg stiffness, as the associated enhanced lower-body strength likely allowed for greater neuromuscular activation, and hence less compliance, during a stretch-shortening cycle

    Casimir Forces and Graphene Sheets

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    The Casimir force between two infinitely thin parallel sheets in a setting of NN such sheets is found. The finite two-dimensional conductivities, which describe the dispersive and absorptive properties of each sheet, are taken into account, whereupon the theory is applied to interacting graphenes. By exploring similarities with in-plane optical spectra for graphite, the conductivity of graphene is modeled as a combination of Lorentz type oscillators. We find that the graphene transparency and the existence of a universal constant conductivity e2/(4)e^2/(4\hbar) result in graphene/graphene Casimir interaction at large separations to have the same distance dependence as the one for perfect conductors but with much smaller magnitude

    A two-state model for helicase translocation and unwinding of nucleic acids

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    Helicases are molecular motors that unwind double-stranded nucleic acids (dsNA), such as DNA and RNA). Typically a helicase translocates along one of the NA single strands while unwinding and uses adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis as an energy source. Here we model of a helicase motor that can switch between two states, which could represent two different points in the ATP hydrolysis cycle. Our model is an extension of the earlier Betterton-J\"ulicher model of helicases to incorporate switching between two states. The main predictions of the model are the speed of unwinding of the dsNA and fluctuations around the average unwinding velocity. Motivated by a recent claim that the NS3 helicase of Hepatitis C virus follows a flashing ratchet mechanism, we have compared the experimental results for the NS3 helicase with a special limit of our model which corresponds to the flashing ratchet scenario. Our model accounts for one key feature of the experimental data on NS3 helicase. However, contradictory observations in experiments carried out under different conditions limit the ability to compare the model to experiments.Comment: minor modification

    High resolution 10 mu spectrometry at different planetary latitudes. A practical Hadamard transform spectrometer for astronomical application

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    Infrared observations at different latitudes were studied in order to obtain spectra in the 10 micrometers region to understand differences in chemical composition or physical structure of the optical features. In order to receive such spectra of a rotating planet, simultaneous observations at different latitudes were made. A Hadamard transform spectrometer with 15 entrance slits was used to obtain 15 simultaneous spectra, at a resolution of 0.01 micrometers. The spectral band covered contained 255 spectral elements

    Uniformization, Calogero-Moser/Heun duality and Sutherland/bubbling pants

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    Inspired by the work of Alday, Gaiotto and Tachikawa (AGT), we saw the revival of Poincar{\'{e}}'s uniformization problem and Fuchsian equations obtained thereof. Three distinguished aspects are possessed by Fuchsian equations. First, they are available via imposing a classical Liouville limit on level-two null-vector conditions. Second, they fall into some A_1-type integrable systems. Third, the stress-tensor present there (in terms of the Q-form) manifests itself as a kind of one-dimensional "curve". Thereby, a contact with the recently proposed Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit was soon made on the one hand, whilst the seemingly mysterious derivation of Seiberg-Witten prepotentials from integrable models become resolved on the other hand. Moreover, AGT conjecture can just be regarded as a quantum version of the previous Poincar{\'{e}}'s approach. Equipped with these observations, we examined relations between spheric and toric (classical) conformal blocks via Calogero-Moser/Heun duality. Besides, as Sutherland model is also obtainable from Calogero-Moser by pinching tori at one point, we tried to understand its eigenstates from the viewpoint of toric diagrams with possibly many surface operators (toric branes) inserted. A picture called "bubbling pants" then emerged and reproduced well-known results of the non-critical self-dual c=1 string theory under a "blown-down" limit.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures; v2: corrections and references added; v3: Section 2.4.1 newly added thanks to JHEP referee advice. That classical four-point spheric conformal blocks reproducing known SW prepotentials is demonstrated via more examples, to appear in JHEP; v4: TexStyle changed onl

    Mgb2 Nonlinear Properties Investigated under Localized High RF Magnetic Field Excitation

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    In order to increase the accelerating gradient of Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) cavities, Magnesium Diboride (MgB2) opens up hope because of its high transition temperature and potential for low surface resistance in the high RF field regime. However, due to the presence of the small superconducting gap in the {\pi} band, the nonlinear response of MgB2 is potentially quite large compared to a single gap s-wave superconductor (SC) such as Nb. Understanding the mechanisms of nonlinearity coming from the two-band structure of MgB2, as well as extrinsic sources, is an urgent requirement. A localized and strong RF magnetic field, created by a magnetic write head, is integrated into our nonlinear-Meissner-effect scanning microwave microscope [1]. MgB2 films with thickness 50 nm, fabricated by a hybrid physical-chemical vapor deposition technique on dielectric substrates, are measured at a fixed location and show a strongly temperature-dependent third harmonic response. We propose that at least two mechanisms are responsible for this nonlinear response, one of which involves vortex nucleation and penetration into the film. [1] T. M. Tai, X. X. Xi, C. G. Zhuang, D. I. Mircea, S. M. Anlage, "Nonlinear Near-Field Microwave Microscope for RF Defect Localization in Superconductors", IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 21, 2615 (2011).Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure