77 research outputs found

    Early MicroRNA expression profile as a prognostic biomarker for the development of pelvic inflammatory disease in a mouse model of chlamydial genital infection

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    It is not currently possible to predict the probability of whether a woman with a chlamydial genital infection will develop pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). To determine if specific biomarkers may be associated with distinct chlamydial pathotypes, we utilized two Chlamydia muridarum variants (C. muridarum Var001 [CmVar001] and CmVar004) that differ in their abilities to elicit upper genital tract pathology in a mouse model. CmVar004 has a lower growth rate in vitro and induces pathology in only 20% of C57BL/6 mouse oviducts versus 83.3% of oviducts in CmVar001-infected mice. To determine if chemokine and cytokine production within 24 h of infection is associated with the outcome of pathology, levels of 15 chemokines and cytokines were measured. CmVar004 infection induced significantly lower levels of CXCL1, CXCL2, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-Ξ±), and CCL2 in comparison to CmVar001 infection with similar rRNA (rs16) levels for Chlamydiae. A combination of microRNA (miRNA) sequencing and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis of 134 inflammation-related miRNAs was performed 24 h postinfection to determine if the chemokine/cytokine responses would also be reflected in miRNA expression profiles. Interestingly, 12 miRNAs (miR-135a-5p, miR298-5p, miR142-3p, miR223-3p, miR299a-3p, miR147-3p, miR105, miR325-3p, miR132-3p, miR142-5p, miR155-5p, and miR-410-3p) were overexpressed during CmVar004 infection compared to CmVar001 infection, inversely correlating with the respective chemokine/cytokine responses. To our knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating that early biomarkers elicited in the host can differentiate between two pathological variants of chlamydiae and be predictive of upper tract disease. Β© 2014 Yeruva et al

    Investigation of translocation, DNA unwinding, and protein displacement by NS3h, the helicase domain from the Hepatitis C virus helicase

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    Helicases are motor proteins that are involved in DNA and RNA metabolism, replication, recombination, transcription and repair. The motors are powered by ATP binding and hydrolysis. Hepatitis C virus encodes a helicase called non-structural protein (NS3). NS3 possesses protease and helicase activities on its N-terminal and C-terminal domains respectively. The helicase domain of NS3 protein is referred as NS3h. In vitro, NS3h catalyzes RNA and DNA unwinding in a 3’ to -5’ direction. The directionality for unwinding is thought to arise in part from the enzyme's ability to translocate along DNA, but translocation has not been shown explicitly. We examined the DNA translocase activity of NS3h by using single-stranded oligonucleotide substrates containing a fluorescent probe on the 5’ end. NS3h can bind to the ssDNA and in the presence of ATP, move towards the 5’-end. When the enzyme encounters the fluorescent probe, a fluorescence change is observed that allows translocation to be characterized. Under conditions that favor binding of one NS3h per DNA substrate (100 nM NS3h, 200 nM oligonucleotide) we find that NS3h translocates on ssDNA at a rate of 46 Β± 5 nt sβˆ’1 and that it can move for 230 Β± 60 nt before dissociating from the DNA. The translocase activity of some helicases is responsible for displacing proteins that are bound to DNA. We studied protein displacement by using a ssDNA oligonucleotide covalently linked to biotin on the 5’-end. Upon addition of streptavidin, a β€˜protein-block’ was placed in the pathway of the helicase. Interestingly, NS3h was unable to displace streptavidin from the end of the oligonucleotide, despite its ability to translocate along the DNA. The DNA unwinding activity of NS3h was examined using a 22 bp duplex DNA substrate under conditions that were identical to those used to study translocation. NS3h exhibited little or no DNA unwinding under single cycle conditions, supporting the conclusion that NS3h is a relatively poor helicase in its monomeric form, as has been reported. In summary, NS3h translocates on ssDNA as a monomer, but the translocase activity does not correspond to comparable DNA unwinding activity or protein-displacement activity under identical conditions

    Endocervical miRNA Expression Profiles in Women Positive for Chlamydia trachomatis with Clinical Signs and/or Symptoms Are Distinct from Those in Women Positive for Chlamydia trachomatis without Signs and Symptoms

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    Chlamydia trachomatis is the leading cause of sexually transmitted infections that may progress to pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility. No effective vaccine exists for Chlamydia, nor are there biomarkers available that readily predict disease progression. In this cross-sectional pilot study, we recruited symptomatic and asymptomatic women with C. trachomatis (CT) infection and asymptomatic, uninfected control women from an urban sexually transmitted disease clinic to determine if there were differences in microRNA (miRNA) expression. Infected women with signs and/or symptoms (CTSS) have distinct miRNA profiles compared to asymptomatic infected women (CTNS). In the CTSS group, miR-142 and -147 showed 2.2- to 6.9-fold increases in expression. In the CTNS group, miR-449c, -6779, -519d, -449a, and -2467 showed 3.9- to 9.0-fold increases in expression. In the CTNS group, cyclins and cell cycle regulation and IL-17 pathways were likely downregulated, while the same signaling pathways were upregulated in the CTSS group. In addition, in the CTSS group, additional inflammatory pathways associated with TNFR1 and IL-8 appear to be upregulated. The miRNA expression patterns differ between CT-infected symptomatic and asymptomatic women, and these differences may warrant further study

    GO Explorer: A gene-ontology tool to aid in the interpretation of shotgun proteomics data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spectral counting is a shotgun proteomics approach comprising the identification and relative quantitation of thousands of proteins in complex mixtures. However, this strategy generates bewildering amounts of data whose biological interpretation is a challenge.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we present a new algorithm, termed GO Explorer (GOEx), that leverages the gene ontology (GO) to aid in the interpretation of proteomic data. GOEx stands out because it combines data from protein fold changes with GO over-representation statistics to help draw conclusions. Moreover, it is tightly integrated within the PatternLab for Proteomics project and, thus, lies within a complete computational environment that provides parsers and pattern recognition tools designed for spectral counting. GOEx offers three independent methods to query data: an interactive directed acyclic graph, a specialist mode where key words can be searched, and an automatic search. Its usefulness is demonstrated by applying it to help interpret the effects of perillyl alcohol, a natural chemotherapeutic agent, on glioblastoma multiform cell lines (A172). We used a new multi-surfactant shotgun proteomic strategy and identified more than 2600 proteins; GOEx pinpointed key sets of differentially expressed proteins related to cell cycle, alcohol catabolism, the Ras pathway, apoptosis, and stress response, to name a few.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>GOEx facilitates organism-specific studies by leveraging GO and providing a rich graphical user interface. It is a simple to use tool, specialized for biologists who wish to analyze spectral counting data from shotgun proteomics. GOEx is available at <url>http://pcarvalho.com/patternlab</url>.</p

    Characterization of HCV Interactions with Toll-Like Receptors and RIG-I in Liver Cells

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    The aim of this study was to examine the mechanisms of IFN induction and viral escape. In order to accomplish the goal we compared our new hepatoma cell line LH86, which has intact TLR3 and RIG-I expression and responds to HCV by inducing IFN, with Huh7.5 cells which lack those features.The initial interaction of LH86 cells, Huh7.5 cells or their transfected counter parts (LH86 siRIG-I, siTLR3 or siTLR7 and Huh7.5 RIG-I, TLR3 or TLR7) after infection with HCV (strain JFH-1) was studied by measuring the expression levels of IFNΞ², TRAIL, DR4, DR5 and their correlation to viral replication.HCV replicating RNA induces IFN in LH86 cells. The IFN induction system is functional in LH86, and the expression of the RIG-I and TLR3 in LH86 is comparable to the primary hepatocytes. Both proteins appear to play important roles in suppression of viral replication. We found that innate immunity against HCV is associated with the induction of apoptosis by RIG-I through the TRAIL pathway and the establishment of an antiviral state by TLR3. HCV envelope proteins interfere with the expression of TLR3 and RIG-I.These findings correlate with the lower expression level of PRRs in HCV chronic patients and highlight the importance of the PRRs in the initial interaction of the virus and its host cells. This work represents a novel mechanism of viral pathogenesis for HCV and demonstrates the role of PRRs in viral infection

    Astrocyte-Derived Tissue Transglutaminase Interacts with Fibronectin: A Role in Astrocyte Adhesion and Migration?

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    An important neuropathological feature of neuroinflammatory processes that occur during e.g. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the formation of an astroglial scar. Astroglial scar formation is facilitated by the interaction between astrocytes and extracellular matrix proteins (ECM) such as fibronectin. Since there is evidence indicating that glial scars strongly inhibit both axon growth and (re)myelination in brain lesions, it is important to understand the factors that contribute to the interaction between astrocytes and ECM proteins. Tissue Transglutaminase (TG2) is a multifunctional enzyme with an ubiquitous tissue distribution, being clearly present within the brain. It has been shown that inflammatory cytokines can enhance TG2 activity. In addition, TG2 can mediate cell adhesion and migration and it binds fibronectin with high affinity. We therefore hypothesized that TG2 is involved in astrocyte-fibronectin interactions. Our studies using primary rat astrocytes show that intracellular and cell surface expression and activity of TG2 is increased after treatment with pro-inflammatory cytokines. Astrocyte-derived TG2 interacts with fibronectin and is involved in astrocyte adhesion onto and migration across fibronectin. TG2 is involved in stimulating focal adhesion formation which is necessary for the interaction of astrocytes with ECM proteins. We conclude that astrocyte-derived TG2 contributes to the interaction between astrocytes and fibronectin. It might thereby regulate ECM remodeling and possibly glial scarring

    The effect of infectious dose on humoral and cellular immune responses in Chlamydophila caviae primary ocular infection

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    Following infection, the balance between protective immunity and immunopathology often depends on the initial infectious load. Several studies have investigated the effect of infectious dose; however, the mechanism by which infectious dose affects disease outcomes and the development of a protective immune response is not known. The aim of this study was to investigate how the infectious dose modulates the local and systemic humoral and the cellular immune responses during primary ocular chlamydial infection in the guinea pig animal model. Guinea pigs were infected by ocular instillation of a Chlamydophila caviae-containing eye solution in the conjunctival sac in three different doses: 1x10(2), 1x10(4), and 1x10(6) inclusion forming units (IFUs). Ocular pathology, chlamydial clearance, local and systemic C. caviae-specific humoral and cellular immune responses were assessed. All inocula of C. caviae significantly enhanced the local production of C. caviae-specific IgA in tears, but only guinea pigs infected with the higher doses showed significant changes in C. caviae-specific IgA levels in vaginal washes and serum. On complete resolution of infection, the low dose of C. caviae did not alter the ratio of CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells within guinea pigs' submandibular lymph node (SMLN) lymphocytes while the higher doses increased the percentages of CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells within the SMLN lymphocytes. A significant negative correlation between pathology intensity and the percentage of CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells within SMLN lymphocyte pool at selected time points post-infection was recorded for both 1x10(4), and 1x10(6) IFU infected guinea pigs. The relevance of the observed dose-dependent differences on the immune response should be further investigated in repeated ocular chlamydial infections
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