48 research outputs found

    Mortality related to caesarean section in rural Matebeleland North Province, Zimbabwe

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    A CAJM article on Cesarean birth related death in rural Zimbabwe.Maternal mortality ratio in low income countries is 100-500 times higher than in rich countries; compare the extremes: Zimbabwe with 1100 maternal deaths/100 000 live births and Sweden with 2/100 000.' Mortality rates related to caesarean section (CS) are in the same range, 0.5-2% (1:2001:50) in poor income countries and 0.01-0.02% (1:10 000-1:5 000)2 in the richer parts of the world. Mortality is greater in women who have more than one CS compared to those with a first CS, because of increasing age and therefore hi gher prevalence of general medical conditions, as well higher incidence of complications such as ruptured uterus (risk 0.2-1.5% after low transverse incision) and placenta praevia or accreta (risks 1.1-3.0 and 5-10 times greater than in an unscarred uterus).2 Compared to vaginal birth maternal mortality related to CS was shown to be 17 times higher in a medical audit in Midlands province in Zimbabwe

    Screening methods for age-related hearing loss in older patients with cancer: A review of the literature

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    © 2018 by the authors. As people grow older, they may experience loss in hearing sensitivity. Age-related hearing loss may negatively affect the patient's quality of life as it may lead to social isolation. In older patients with cancer, hearing loss can seriously interfere with the patient's ability to deal properly with all aspects of their disease, and may have a cumulative effect on their already decreased quality of life. Therefore, the proper screening of those conditions is essential in order to optimise the patient's comfort during and after treatment. This review article aims at providing a concise image of the nature of age-related hearing loss, and provides an overview of the screening methods that could be used in older patients with cancer

    Practical management of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Belgium

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    peer reviewedImatinib has drastically changed the outcome of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), with the majority of them showing a normal life span. Recently, the development of second and third generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) and the possibility of treatment discontinuation made the management of these patients more challenging. In this review, practical management guidelines of CML are presented, adapted to the Belgian situation in 2014. In first line chronic phase patients, imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib can be prescribed. While second generation TKIs give faster and deeper responses, their impact on long-term survival remain to be determined. The choice of the TKI depends on CML risk score, priority for a deep response to allow a treatment-free remission protocol, age, presence of comorbid conditions, side effect profile, drug interactions, compliance concerns and price. Monitoring the response has to be made according the 2013 ELN criteria, and is based on the bone-marrow cytogenetic response during the first months and on the blood molecular response. Molecular follow-up is sufficient in patients with a complete cytogenetic response. For patients who fail frontline therapy, nilotinib, dasatinib, bosutinib and ponatinib are an option depending of the type of intolerance or resistance. T315I patients are only sensitive to ponatinib, which has to be carefully handled due to cardiovascular toxicity. Advanced phase diseases are more difficult to handle, with treatments including allogeneic stem cell transplantation, which is also an option for patients failing at least two TKIs. The possibility of treatment-free remission and pregnancy are also discussed

    Comparison of phenotypic and genotypic tropism determination in triple-class-experienced HIV patients eligible for maraviroc treatment

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    BACKGROUND: Determination of HIV-1 tropism is a pre-requisite to the use of CCR5 antagonists. This study evaluated the potential of population genotypic tropism tests (GTTs) in clinical practice, and the correlation with phenotypic tropism tests (PTTs) in patients accessing routine HIV care. METHODS: Forty-nine consecutive plasma samples for which an original Trofile(TM) assay was performed were obtained from triple-class-experienced patients in need of a therapy change. Viral tropism was defined as the consensus of three or more tropism calls obtained from the combination of two independent population PTT assays (Trofile Biosciences, San Francisco, CA, USA, and Virco, Beerse, Belgium), population GTTs and GTTs based on ultra-deep sequencing. If no consensus was reached, a clonal PTT was performed in order to finalize the tropism call. This two-step approach allowed the definition of a reference tropism call. RESULTS: According to the reference tropism result, 35/49 samples were CCR5 tropic (R5) (patients eligible for maraviroc treatment) and 14/49 were assigned as non-R5 tropic. The non-R5 samples [patients not eligible for maraviroc treatment according to the FDA/European Medicines Agency (EMEA) label] group included both the CXCR4 (X4) samples and the dual and mixed CCR5/CXCR4 (R5/X4) samples. Compared with Trofile(TM) population PTTs, population GTTs showed a higher sensitivity (97%) and a higher negative predictive value (91%), but almost equal specificity and an equal positive predictive value. CONCLUSIONS: In line with recent reports from clinical trial data, our data support the use of population genotypic tropism testing as a tool for tropism determination before the start of maraviroc

    Long-acting injectable Cabotegravir + Rilpivirine for HIV maintenance therapy: Week 48 pooled analysis of phase 3 ATLAS and FLAIR trials

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    BACKGROUND: Long-acting (LA) injectable regimens are a potential therapeutic option in people living with HIV-1. SETTING: ATLAS (NCT02951052) and FLAIR (NCT02938520) were 2 randomized, open-label, multicenter, multinational phase 3 studies. METHODS: Adult participants with virologic suppression (plasma HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL) were randomized (1:1) to continue with their current antiretroviral regimen (CAR) or switch to the long-acting (LA) regimen of cabotegravir (CAB) and rilpivirine (RPV). In the LA arm, participants initially received oral CAB + RPV once-daily for 4 weeks to assess individual safety and tolerability, before starting monthly injectable therapy. The primary endpoint of this combined analysis was antiviral efficacy at week 48 (FDA Snapshot algorithm: noninferiority margin of 4% for HIV-1 RNA ≥50 copies/mL). Safety, tolerability, and confirmed virologic failure (2 consecutive plasma HIV-1 RNA ≥200 copies/mL) were secondary endpoints. RESULTS: The pooled intention-to-treat exposed population included 591 participants in each arm [28% women (sex at birth), 19% aged ≥50 years]. Noninferiority criteria at week 48 were met for the primary (HIV-1 RNA ≥50 copies/mL) and key secondary (HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL) efficacy endpoints. Seven individuals in each arm (1.2%) developed confirmed virologic failure; 6/7 (LA) and 3/7 (CAR) had resistance-associated mutations. Most LA recipients (83%) experienced injection site reactions, which decreased in incidence over time. Injection site reactions led to the withdrawal of 6 (1%) participants. The serious adverse event rate was 4% in each arm. CONCLUSION: This combined analysis demonstrates monthly injections of CAB + RPV LA were noninferior to daily oral CAR for maintaining HIV-1 suppression

    Symphysiotomy in Zimbabwe; Postoperative Outcome, Width of the Symphysis Joint, and Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice among Doctors and Midwives

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    BACKGROUND: Obstructed labour remains one of the leading causes of maternal and foetal death and morbidity in poorly resourced areas of the world, where the 24 hours availability of a caesarean section (CS) cannot be guaranteed, and the CS related mortality rate is still high. In these settings, reinstatement of symphysiotomy has been advocated. The objectives were, in1994; to study perioperative and long-term complications of symphysiotomy and compare them to those related to CS for similar indications, in 1996; to measure the symphyseal width after symphysiotomy and compare it to that after normal vaginal delivery, and, in 1998; to assess knowledge, attitudes and practice related to symphysiotomy among doctors and midwives in Zimbabwe. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Thirty-four women who had undergone symphysiotomy and 29 women who had undergone a CS for obstructed labour were interviewed. The symphyseal widths of 19 women with a previous symphysiotomy were compared to that of 92 women with previous normal vaginal deliveries, using ultrasound technique. Forty-one doctors and 39 midwives, in three central hospitals and seven district hospitals in Zimbabwe, were interviewed about symphysiotomy. None of the 34 women reported serious soft tissue injuries or infections post symphysiotomy. Long-term complications after symphysiotomy do not differ notably from those after CS for similar indications. The intra-articular width of the symphysis pubis is increased after a symphysiotomy. Seventy-nine of the 80 interviewed health care workers knew about symphysiotomy. One obstetrician had performed symphysiotomies. Two-thirds of the participants considered symphysiotomy an obsolete and second-class operation, but lifesaving and appropriate in remote areas of Zimbabwe. Ten of 13 midwives in remote areas wanted to carry out symphysiotomies themselves. CONCLUSIONS: No severe complications due to symphysiotomy were revealed in this study. The results suggest that a modest permanent enlargement of the pelvis post symphysiotomy (together with the absence of a scarred uterus) may facilitate subsequent vaginal delivery. Doctors and midwives working in district hospitals have a more positive attitude to symphysiotomies than the colleagues in central hospitals. Obstetricians (who would have to do the teaching), working in the large urban hospitals almost exclude symphysiotomy as an alternative management in Zimbabwe

    Implementation of a program for type 2 diabetes based on the Chronic Care Model in a hospital-centered health care system: "the Belgian experience"

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    Background: Most research publications on Chronic Care Model (CCM) implementation originate from organizations or countries with a well-structured primary health care system. Information about efforts made in countries with a less well-organized primary health care system is scarce. In 2003, the Belgian National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance commissioned a pilot study to explore how care for type 2 diabetes patients could be organized in a more efficient way in the Belgian healthcare setting, a setting where the organisational framework for chronic care is mainly hospital-centered. Methods: Process evaluation of an action research project (2003-2007) guided by the CCM in a well-defined geographical area with 76,826 inhabitants and an estimated number of 2,300 type 2 diabetes patients. In consultation with the region a program for type 2 diabetes patients was developed. The degree of implementation of the CCM in the region was assessed using the Assessment of Chronic Illness Care survey (ACIC). A multimethod approach was used to evaluate the implementation process. The resulting data were triangulated in order to identify the main facilitators and barriers encountered during the implementation process. Results: The overall ACIC score improved from 1.45 (limited support) at the start of the study to 5.5 (basic support) at the end of the study. The establishment of a local steering group and the appointment of a program manager were crucial steps in strengthening primary care. The willingness of a group of well-trained and motivated care providers to invest in quality improvement was an important facilitator. Important barriers were the complexity of the intervention, the lack of quality data, inadequate information technology support, the lack of commitment procedures and the uncertainty about sustainable funding. Conclusion: Guided by the CCM, this study highlights the opportunities and the bottlenecks for adapting chronic care delivery in a primary care system with limited structure. The study succeeded in achieving a considerable improvement of the overall support for diabetes patients but further improvement requires a shift towards system thinking among policy makers. Currently primary care providers lack the opportunities to take up full responsibility for chronic care

    Mortality related to Caesarean section in rural Matebeleland North Province, Zimbabwe

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    The challenge of measuring quality of care at health centre level in Africa; the example of Tsholotsho health district in Matabeleland north, Zimbabwe

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    This study is on the evaluation of quality of health care within first line health services in rural Zimbabwe. It took place between 2001 and 2002, and consisted of a cross-sectional survey designed to compare the quality of health care on offer at a newly created health centre with that provided by the district hospital's outpatient department. The hypothesis to be tested was that the health centre offered better quality of care. A comprehensive quality of care evaluation framework was designed. The concept of patient enablement was incorporated into the study's assessment of health care delivery outcomes. The results did not provide conclusive evidence that the care offered at the health centre was better than the care on offer at the hospital OPD. The reasons for these unexpected findings are discussed in depth. They are related to the limited understanding amongst local health workers of the organisational changes introduced by the District Health Executive (DHE), together with a (European) cultural bias in the quality of care model under test. An important lesson of this study is that the notion of enablement, notwithstanding the need to put into context the tools used to measure it, was considered by the DHE as relevant in the organisation and evaluation of health care