184 research outputs found

    Fossil overpressures compartments? A case study from the Eifel area and some general aspects

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    Fluid overpressures are well known from hydrocarbon exploration in many sedimentary basins. They can reach almost lithostatic values, and may cause the fracturing of rock. Fracturing allows the discharge of fluid overpressure, and fluid flows along a hydraulic gradient towards a low pressure reservoir. Different mechanisms may cause the precipitation from the fluid, such as a fluid pressure drop, a variation of temperature at the low pressure reservoir, or a different rock type inducing different Eh-pH conditions. Such precipitates in fractures are called veins, which often display paleo-fluid overpressures in rocks. In this study, we present some results from Devonian clastic sedimentary rocks of the Eifel area. Results are compared with other sedimentary basins to highlight some general aspects.conferenc

    The Trend Analysis on the Research Methods and Techniques Used in Research on Speaking

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    This research aimed to identify the method of research and teaching technique used and the educational levels preferred in students' thesis on speaking. Thisresearch used descriptive method. The subjects of research were 40 theses on speaking by students of English Education Study Program during the period of 2009-2012.The research data were taken from UPT Perpustakaan Tanjungpura University. The result of the study showed that based on the method of research used, Classroom Action Research was 65% or it was the most frequently used. Pre Experimental was 20% and Descriptive Study was 12.5%. Based on the teaching techniques used, Role Play was dominated about 22.5%, Chain Pictures was 10%, Songs andDrama were 5% in each. Based on the educational level researchers preferred; Junior High was 40%, Senior High was 40%, University was 7.5%, Course was 7.5% and Elementary level was 5%

    Clay smear: Review of mechanisms and applications

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    AbstractClay smear is a collection of fault processes and resulting fault structures that form when normal faults deform layered sedimentary sections. These elusive structures have attracted deep interest from researchers interested in subsurface fluid flow, particularly in the oil and gas industry. In the four decades since the association between clay-smear structures and oil and gas accumulations was introduced, there has been extensive research into the fault processes that create clay smear and the resulting effects of that clay smear on fluid flow. We undertake a critical review of the literature associated with outcrop studies, laboratory and numerical modeling, and subsurface field studies of clay smear and propose a comprehensive summary that encompasses all of these elements. Important fault processes that contribute to clay smear are defined in the context of the ratio of rock strength and in situ effective stresses, the geometric evolution of fault systems, and the composition of the faulted section. We find that although there has been progress in all avenues pursued, progress has been uneven, and the processes that disrupt clay smears are mostly overlooked. We highlight those research areas that we think will yield the greatest benefit and suggest that taking these emerging results within a more process-based framework presented here will lead to a new generation of clay smear models

    Improving the Students Ability in Reading Narrative Text by Using Folk Tale (Local Legend)

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    This research was conducted based on the problems which were found in the process of teaching and learning narrative text by the eighth grade class A students of SMP Yos Sudarso Parindu. The problems were that they were uninterested in reading lesson and they got low motivation in learning English especially in reading class. Consequently, the students got difficulty to understand the grammatical construction in the text they read; they did not know the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary. Besides, the reading materials in the text book were not interesting to them because the stories often came from other countries and the reading texts were not appropriate to the students background knowledge

    The Jabal Akhdar Dome in the Oman Mountains : evolution of a dynamic fracture system

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    Acknowledgments: This study was carried out within the framework of DGMK (German Society for Petroleum and Coal Science and Technology) research project 718 “Mineral Vein Dynamics Modelling,” which is funded by the companies ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH, GDF SUEZ E&P Deutschland GmbH, RWE Dea AG and Wintershall Holding GmbH, within the basic research program of the WEG Wirtschaftsverband Erdo¨l- und Erdgasgewinnung e.V. We thank the companies for their financial support and their permission to publish these results. The German University of Technology in Oman (GU-Tech) is acknowledged for its logistic support. We gratefully acknowledge the reviewers Andrea Billi and Jean-Paul Breton, whose constructive reviews greatly improved the manuscriptPeer reviewedPreprin

    The Effectiveness of Applying Inquiry Based Learning Model in Supporting Students' Creativity in Learning English

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    This study aims to find out the effectiveness of Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) Model in supporting students' creativity in learning English hortatory exposition text for eleventh grade students of SMA Pontianak Academic Year 2014/2015 . This research was a quasi experimental research with non-equivalent control group design. The sample used was purposive sampling where XI MIA 1 as the expreimental class and XI MIA 3 as the control class. Questionnaire was the tool to investigate the level of students' creativity in learning hortatory exposition text. The questionnaire was administered as measurement before and after the treatment. The calculation of questionnaire score was based on Likert's Scale. The calculation of effect size shows the number of 2.06 (>1.00) which is categorized as “strong”. The data revealed that the students in experimental class got more opportunities for sharing their ideas in the IBL classroom and those opportunities resulted to the improvement of students' creativity

    Kinematics of Crystal Growth in Single‐Seal Syntaxial Veins in Limestone ‐ A Phase‐Field Study

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    Building on recent developments in phase-field modeling of structural diagenesis, we present an analysis of single-seal syntaxial calcite vein microstructure in a variety of limestones. We focus on the effects of fracture aperture, intergranular versus transgranular fracturing, crystal habit and the presence of second phases in the host rock, to systematically investigate a simplified set of models covering the main classes of limestone in 2D. We incorporate the kinematic process of growth competition between differently oriented crystals, growth rate anisotropy between rough and faceted crystal surfaces and different growth rates on intergranular to transgranular fractures. Results show that within the considered parameter space we can reproduce a wide range of vein microstructures in limestone known in nature, such as stretched crystals, wide-blocky veins, and elongated crystals. We identify five archetypes of vein microstructures in limestones, which are diagnostic for different kinematics and evolution of transport processes and illustrate the effect of key parameters in microstructure maps. We show how syntaxial veins with median line form after intergranular fracturing, while stretched crystals indicate transgranular fracturing. Intergranular fracturing leads to stronger growth competition and more prominent CPO in syntaxial veins. Our results can be extended to 3D to include multiple crack-seal events, pore-space cementation and simulation of fluid flow, providing a generic platform for modeling structural diagenesis in limestones