373 research outputs found

    Raman Spectroscopy for Analysis of Implants from the Dura Mater

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    In this paper we present results of the comparative evaluation of the structural properties of the dura mater specimens (DM), manufactured using the ”Lioplast” technology, used in the clinic in the field of atrophic processes in multiple gums recessions, using the Raman spectroscopy (RS) method. The introduced coefficients and a two-dimensional analysis that showed that the processing retains the main components and removes DNA / RNA, which increases the quality that provides access to quality materials in the treatment of multiple gum recessions. It was found that the main differences appear at wavenumbers of 835 cm−1 (tyrosine), 855 cm−1 (proline), 940 and 1167 cm−1 (GAGs, CSPGs), 1240 cm−1 (amide III), 1560 cm−1 (amide II) and 1447 cm−1 (lipids and proteins). It is shown that Raman spectroscopy can be used to evaluate implants from the dura mater. Keywords: Raman spectroscopy, dura mater, biomaterial, spectral analysis

    The application of the Raman Spectroscopy Method for Evaluating Implants from the Dura Mater

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    The results of a comparative spectral evaluation of the component composition of the surfaces of implants from the dura mater manufactured using the Lioplast technology with the use of ultrasound and sterilization are presented. Based on the analysis, coefficients were introduced reflecting the change in the relative concentration of components that determine the quality of the implants. It is established that Raman spectroscopy can be used to assess the change in the composition of implants based on the dura mater during their manufacture. Keywords: Raman spectroscopy, coefficients, spectral features, implants, dura mater

    Spectral Analysis of Structural Changes of the Heart Valves at Different Stages of Their Decellularization

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    Presents the results of applying the method of Raman spectroscopy for the qualitative analysis of the surfaces of the heart valve of sheep before and during their decellularization. Optical analysis showed that the implementation of decellularization valves reduces the content of glycosaminoglycans, proteins and lipids. Found that using specified optical coefficients, it is possible to control the efficiency of the process of decellularization heart valves. Keywords: Raman spectroscopy, heart valve, optical coefficient, decellularization, spectral analysis

    Analysis of Synovial Fluid for Study of Diseases of Joints Using the Method of Raman Spectroscopy

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    This paper presents the results of experimental studies using the synovial fluid Raman spectroscopy method, which was obtained from the joint cavity during the operation. By analyzing the composition of the synovial fluid, it was found that with the development of the degenerative-dystrophic process in the synovial fluid of the affected joint, the total number of components at wave numbers: 1155 cm-1 (Hyaluronic acid (C-O, C-C)) and 1250 cm-1 (Amide III). The introduced optical coefficients allow estimating the synovial fluid in osteoarthritis and further this method of Raman spectroscopy can become a new diagnostic screening for the detection of articular pathology. Keywords: Raman spectroscopy, osteoarthrosis, synovial flui

    Spectral Studies of Rat Bone Tissue in Modeling Osteoporosis and Effectiveness of Treatment By Hydroxyapatite

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    Presents the result of experiments on the study of the model of osteoporosis in rats using Raman spectroscopy and the effectiveness of its treatment with hydroxyapatite. Were revealed spectral differences between groups of samples (control group, group with the model of osteoporosis and a group with the model of osteoporosis after treatment with hydroxyapatite). In addition, optical coefficients were introduced to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. Keywords: Raman spectroscopy, optical coefficients, osteoporosis, hydroxyapatite, collagen matri

    Reduction of toxic RNAs in myotonic dystrophies type 1 and type 2 by the RNA helicase p68/DDX5

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    Myotonic dystrophies type 1 (DM1) and type 2 (DM2) are neuromuscular diseases, caused by accumulation of CUG and CCUG RNAs in toxic aggregates. Here we report that the increased stability of the mutant RNAs in both types of DMis caused by deficiency of RNA helicase p68. We have identified p68 by studying CCUG-binding proteins associated with degradation of the mutant CCUG repeats. Protein levels of p68 are reduced in DM1 and DM2 biopsied skeletal muscle. Delivery of p68 in DM1/2 cells causes degradation of the mutant RNAs, whereas delivery of p68 in skeletal muscle of DM1 mouse model reduces skeletal muscle myopathy and atrophy. Our study shows that correction of p68 may reduce toxicity of the mutant RNAs in DM1 and in DM2

    Забезпечення Європейським судом з прав людини прямої дії норм Конвенції 1950 р.

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    Тимченко Л. Д. Забезпечення Європейським судом з прав людини прямої дії норм Конвенції 1950 р. / Л. Д. Тимченко, В. П. Кононенко // Правове забезпечення ефективного виконання рішень і застосування практики Європейського суду з прав людини : матер. 2-­ї Міжнар. наук.-­практ. конф. (Одеса, 20-­21 вересня 2013 р.) / за ред. С. В. Ківалова ; НУ «ОЮА». – Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. – С. 131-138.Стаття присвячена розгляду ставлення до діяльності суддів у про­цесі правозастосування, аналізу їх правотворчої функції. Необхід­ність ефективної дії норм конвенції 1950 р., в яких закріплено права людини і основоположні свободи, практично передбачає не тільки визнання їх природно-­правового характеру, а їх невідчужуваність й непорушність. йдеться про встановлення нових стандартів право­суддя при тлумаченні тих норм конвенції, які з огляду на специфіку юридичної природи прав людини не можуть бути сформульовані абсолютно чітко. Досить загальні положення конвенції 1950 р. в ре­зультаті інтерпретації їх Європейським судом з прав людини під час розгляду конкретних справ, забезпечують пряму дію норм, в яких закріплено права людини і основоположні свободи.В статье рассматривается отношение к деятельности судей в процес­се правоприменения, анализа их правотворческой функции. Необхо­димость эффективного действия норм Конвенции 1950 г., в которых закреплены права человека и основные свободы, практически пред­полагает не только признание их естественно­правового характера, а их неотчуждаемость и нерушимость. речь идет об установлении новых стандартов правосудия при толковании тех норм Конвенции, с учетом специфики юридической природы прав человека, которые не могут быть сформулированы абсолютно четко. Достаточно общие положения конвенции 1950 г. в результате интерпретации их евро­пейским судом по правам человека при рассмотрении конкретных дел, обеспечивают прямое действие норм, в которых закреплены права человека и основные свободы.The article is devoted attitude of judges in the enforcement analyze their law­making function. The need for effective action provisions of the Convention in 1950, which enshrined human rights and fundamental freedoms, practically involves not only the recognition of natural law, and their inalienability and inviolability. It’s about setting new standards of justice in the interpretation of the provisions of the Convention are given the specificity of the legal nature of human rights can not be defined clearly. Quite general provisions of the Convention in 1950 as a result of their interpretation by the European Court of human Rights during consideration of specific cases, providing direct effect framework in which enshrined human rights and fundamental freedoms

    RNA-binding proteins hnRNP A2/B1 and CUGBP1 suppress fragile X CGG premutation repeat-induced neurodegeneration in a Drosophila model of FXTAS

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    Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is a recently described neurodegenerative disorder of older adult carriers of premutation alleles (60–200 CGG repeats) in the fragile X mental retardation gene (FMR1). It has been proposed that FXTAS is an RNA-mediated neurodegenerative disease caused by the titration of RNA-binding proteins by the CGG repeats. To test this hypothesis, we utilize a transgenic Drosophila model of FXTAS that expresses a premutation-length repeat (90 CGG repeats) from the 5′ UTR of the human FMR1 gene and displays neuronal degeneration. Here, we show that overexpression of RNA-binding proteins hnRNP A2/B1 and CUGBP1 suppresses the phenotype of the CGG transgenic fly. Furthermore, we show that hnRNP A2/B1 directly interacts with riboCGG repeats and that the CUGBP1 protein interacts with the riboCGG repeats via hnRNP A2/B1


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    Programmed cell death (PCD) was first studied in eukaryotic organisms. This system also operates in the development life cycle of prokaryotes. The system PCD in microorganisms is activated a wide range of signals in response to the stresses associated with adverse environmental conditions or exposure to antibacterial agents. The results of numerous studies in the past decade allow considering the system PCD in prokaryotes as an evolutionary conservation of the species. These results significantly expanded understanding of the role of PCD in microorganisms and opened a number of important areas of research of the morphological and molecular genetic approaches to the study of death strategies for the survival in bacterial populations. The purpose of the review is to summarize the morphological and molecular genetic characteristics of PCD in prokaryotes which are real manifestations of the mechanisms of this phenomenon


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    The article proposes multivariate approach to assessing the environmental hazard category of watersides and water area of navigable Dnieper-Bug estuary channel. It`s made in order to solve problems of increasing environmental safety of industrial zones functioning of Mykolaiv region. The formed factors of the category of the estuary water area evaluation are presented. The algorithm and logical framework of formation process of hazard categories on the example of Commercial Sea Port district and map-scheme with visualization results of zoning the estuary channel are also presented here. The suggested approach allows reducing the average estimation error and forming a preliminary plan for distribution of material resources for activities ensuring environmental safety.Запропоновано багатофакторний підхід до оцінки категорії екологічної небезпеки прибережних районів та акваторії суднохідного Дніпро-Бузького лиманного каналу для вирішення задач підвищення екологічної безпеки функціонування промислової зони Миколаївської області. Наведено сформовані фактори оцінки категорії небезпеки акваторії лиману, алгоритм та логіко-структурну схему процесу формування категорій небезпеки на прикладі району морського торгового порту, карту-схему з візуалізацією результатів районування лиманного каналу. Запропонований підхід дає змогу зменшити середню похибку оцінки та сформувати попередній план розподілу матеріальних ресурсів на заходи з забезпечення екологічної безпеки