487 research outputs found

    Temporal and spatial inconsistencies of time-split finite-difference schemes

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    The properties of an implicit time-split algorithm, which utilizes locally one dimensional spatial steps, are examined using the two-dimensional heat conduction equation as the test problem. Both temporal and spatial inconsistencies inherent in the scheme are identified. A consistent, implicit splitting approach is developed. The relationship between this method and other time-split implicit schemes is explained, and stability problems encountered with the method in three dimensions are discussed

    Tucson Basin Validation Site

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    Sugar Cane Fiber Geotextiles.

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    The study of sugar cane fiber geotextiles represents a holistic approach to interdisciplinary research that includes product development, product testing, industry and target market identification, and strategic and financial planning for manufacturing and distribution. Based upon satisfactory results of prior research, a field test of soil erosion control in a natural environment was designed to determine performance of the sugar cane product and commercially available natural fiber geotextiles of wood, straw, and coconut fiber. Field test results indicated that the sugar cane mats allowed grass from planted seed to germinate and the mats maintained integrity during heavy rains. Due to the limited amount of geotextile industry data available, a niche market was identified to ascertain market size, usage applications, and product and price information. A questionnaire was sent to the 50 state Departments of Transportation and responses included: the combined annual usage rate of natural fiber erosion control blankets is a minimum of 2.6 million yd\sp2 (2.2 million m\sp2) which is a $2.6 million contribution to the industry, erosion control products are applied heavily during new construction and for channel liners, and concern for the environment has popularized the use of organic products. A business plan was developed to determine viability for a company to manufacture and distribute sugar cane fiber geotextiles and related products. It was determined that a company could be profitable due to the low raw material cost of converting agricultural waste to a value-added product

    Experimental study of the flow field inside a whirling annular seal

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    The flow field inside a whirling annular seal was measured using a 3-D Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA) system. The seal investigated has a clearance of 1.27 mm, a length of 37.3 mm, and is mounted on a drive shaft with a 50 percent eccentricity ratio. This results in the rotor whirling at the same speed as the shaft rotation (whirl ratio = 1.0). The seal is operated at Reynolds number of 12,000 and a Taylor number of 6,300 (3,600 rpm). The 3-D LDA system is equipped with a rotary encoding system which is used to produce phase averaged measurements of the entire mean velocity vector field and Reynolds stress tensor field from 0.13 mm upstream to 0.13 mm downstream of the seal. The mean velocity field reveals a highly three dimensional flow field with large radial velocities near the inlet of the seal as well as a recirculation zone on the rotor surface. The location of maximum mean axial velocity migrates from the pressure side of the rotor at the inlet to the suction side at turbulence kinetic energy. However, turbulence production and dissipation attain equilibrium fairly quickly with remaining relatively constant over the last half of the seal

    Turbulence measurements of high shear flow fields in a turbomachine seal configuration

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    The mean velocity and Reynolds stress tensor throughout a whirling annular seal are presented. The data was collected with a three dimensional laser Doppler velocimeter using phase averaging. Two axial flow conditions (Re = 12,000 and 24,000) were studied at one shaft speed (Ta = 6,600). The eccentricity and whirl ratios were 50 and 100 percent, respectively. There is a region of high axial momentum in this region is higher in the low Reynolds number case due to an axial recirculation zone that occurs on the suction side of the rotor at the inlet. The recirculation zone does not occur in the high Reynolds number case. At both Reynolds numbers, there is a recirculation zone on the rotor surface in the pressure side of the inlet. This recirculation zone extends from 20 to 200 degrees rotor zenith in the tangential direction, and is one third of a clearance wide radially. The high Reynolds number recirculation zone is 1.5 mean clearances long, while the low Reynolds number zone extends 2 mean clearances downstream. When compared to previous studies, it is apparent that the tangential momentum is no greater for a seal with whirl than for one without if other parameters are constant. Areas of high tangential momentum occur in the clearance where the axial momentum is low. Average exit plane tangential velocities in the high Reynolds number case are 1.5 times greater than those in the other flow case. These results are in general agreement with predictions made by other investigators

    A Longitudinal Examination of the Effects of Social Support on Homicide Across European Regions

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    Since its introduction, social support theory has received generally consistent empirical support. Tests of social support theory have, however, mostly been cross-sectional and restricted to U.S. and Western European analyses. Measures of social support have tended to be inconsistent across studies and narrowly operationalized. The present project offers a longitudinal test of Cullen’s (1994) social support theory using a more broadly defined measure of social support that is comparable across both Eastern and Western European countries. Using data gathered by Eurostat, this study applies “hybrid” regression panel analysis to test the effects of social support on homicide rates across European regions for 2000, 2005 and 2009. Results provide evidence for an effect of social support on homicide between Western and Eastern European regions and within those regions over time. The analyses also indicate that social support moderates the effect of economic deprivation on homicide across Western European regions, though not Eastern European regions

    A title-gap flow model for use in aerodynamic loads assessment of space shuttle thermal protection system: Parallel gap faces

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    The problem of predicting aerodynamic loads on the insulating tiles of the space shuttle thermal protection system (TPS) is discussed and seen to require a method for predicting pressure and mass flux in the gaps between tiles. A mathematical model of the tile-gap flow is developed, based upon a slow viscous (Stokes) flow analysis, and is verified against experimental data. The tile-gap pressure field is derived from a solution of the two-dimensional Laplace equation; the mass-flux vector is then calculated from the pressure gradient. The means for incorporating this model into a lumped-parameter network analogy for porous-media flow is given. The means for incorporating this model into a lumped-parameter network analogy for porous-media flow is given. The flow model shows tile-gap mass flux to be very sensitive to the gap width indicating a need for coupling the TPS flow and tile displacement calculation. Analytical and experimental work to improve TPS flow predictions and a possible shuttle TPS hardware modification are recommended

    Comparison of the Old and New - Novel Mechanisms of Action for Anti-coronavirus Nucleoside Analogues

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    Over the past two and a half years the world has seen a desperate scramble to find a treatment for SARS-CoV-2 and COVID. In that regard, nucleosides have long served as the cornerstone to antiviral treatments due to their resemblance to the naturally occurring nucleosides that are involved in numerous biological processes. Unlike other viruses however, it was found early on during the search for drugs to treat SARS-1 and later MERS, that the coronaviruses possess a unique repair enzyme, an exonuclease (ExoN)[3] which rendered nucleoside analogues useless, thus negating their use.[4] During the current outbreak however, as both well-known and new nucleoside analogues were investigated or reinvestigated as a possible cure for SARS-CoV-2, several novel and/or lesser-known mechanisms of action were uncovered. This review briefly describes these mechanisms

    Radical Initiated Polymerization In a Bifunctional Mixture Via Computer Simulation

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    Computer simulations are performed to study the polymerization behavior in a mixture of bifunctional groups such as olefins (A) and acrylates (B) in an effective solvent (a coarse description for vegetable oil derived macromonomers (VOMMs) in solution) on a cubic lattice. A set of interactions between these units and solvent (S) constituents and their relative concentrations (p(A), p(B), and p(S)) are considered. Samples are equilibrated with Metropolis algorithm to model the perceived behavior of VOMMs. The covalent bonding between monomeric units is then implemented via reaction pathways initiated by stochastic motion of free radicals (a very small fraction). The rate of reaction shows decay patterns with the time steps (t) with power laws (i.e., R(ab)alphat(-r), r congruent to 0.4-0.8), exponential decays (i.e., R(ab)alphae(-0.001t)), and their combination. Growth of A-B bonding is studied as a function of polymer concentration p=p(A)+p(B) for four different model systems appropriate for VOMMs. The data from the free radical initiated simulations are compared to the original simulations with homopolymerization. While most of the data are consistent with experimental observations, the variations are found to be model dependent. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics

    An experimental technique for performing 3-D LDA measurements inside whirling annular seals

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    During the last several years, the Fluid Mechanics Division of the Turbomachinery Laboratory at Texas A&M University has developed a rather unique facility with the experimental capability for measuring the flow field inside journal bearings, labyrinth seals, and annular seals. The facility consists of a specially designed 3-D LDA system which is capable of measuring the instantaneous velocity vector within 0.2 mm of a wall while the laser beams are aligned almost perpendicular to the wall. This capability was required to measure the flow field inside journal bearings, labyrinth seals, and annular seals. A detailed description of this facility along with some representative results obtained for a whirling annular seal are presented