383 research outputs found

    Dietary modifications for infantile colic

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    Infantile colic can be defined as periods of inconsolable, unexplained, and incessant crying in a seemingly healthy infant that, quite understandably, leads to exhausted, frustrated, and concerned parents seeking to comfort their child (Landgren 2010). The prevalence of excessive crying varies according to the definition used although, most often, it peaks during the second month of life,with a prevalence of 1.5%to 11.9%(Reijneveld 2001).Traditionally, the definition of the condition was based on the rule of three (Wessel 1954): that is, unexplained episodes of paroxysmal crying for more than three hours per day, for three days per week, for at least three weeks. More recently a new definition has been proposed. It refers to a clinical condition of fussing and crying for at least one week in an otherwise healthy infant (Hyman 2006). Colic can be graded as mild, moderate, or severe, though there is no consensus for this classification. Colic can affect up to 10% to 30% of infants worldwide (Clifford 2002; Rosen 2007)

    Predicting risk of school refusal: examining the incremental role of trait EI beyond personality and emotion regulation

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    Research has not yet been deepened in the link between personality factors and risk of school refusal. Furthermore, previous studies fail to verify the direct relation between trait EI and the risk of school refusal. The present study examined personality traits, emotion regulation and trait EI for the contributory role they may play in predicting the risk of school refusal. The sample consisted of 311 participants, 112 males (36%) and 199 females (64%) with an average age of 14.19 (SD = .60), from a high school in the city of Messina (Sicily, Italy). Results show that the risk of school refusal is positively related to neuroticism and maladaptive emotion regulation strategies, while it is negatively related to the extroversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness and trait EI. Moreover, trait EI can be considered as a strong incremental negative predictor of risk of school refusal over and above personality traits and emotion regulation

    Inclusion of the phytoalexin trans-resveratrol in native cyclodextrins: a thermal, spectroscopic, and X-ray structural study

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    The aim of the study was to determine the feasibility of complexation between the antioxidant trans-resveratrol (RSV) and underivatized cyclodextrins (CDs) using a variety of preparative methods, including physical mixing, kneading, microwave irradiation, co-evaporation, and co-precipitation techniques. Products were characterized using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), simultaneous thermogravimetric/DSC analysis (TGA/DSC), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD). With alfa-CD and RSV, sample amorphization was revealed by PXRD and FT-IR, but no definitive inclusion complexation was evident. Similar results were obtained in attempts to complex RSV with beta-CD. However, complex formation between gamma-CD and RSV was evident from observation of an endo-/exothermic effect appearing in the DSC trace of the product from kneading and was further corroborated by FT-IR and PXRD methods. The latter technique indicated complexation unequivocally as the diffraction peak profile for the product matched that for known isostructural gamma-CD complexes. Single crystal X-ray analysis followed, confirming the predicted complex between gamma-CD and RSV. A combination of 1H NMR and TGA data yielded the complex formula (g-CD)3(RSV)4(H2O)62. However, severe disorder of the RSV molecules prevented their modeling. In contrast, our previous studies of the inclusion of RSV in methylated CDs yielded crystals with only minor guest disorder


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    OBJECTIVE: Reports on leptin concentrations in pediatric populations lack reference values for infants in the first months of life. Our study was conducted on healthy full-term infants between 2002 and 2012 to determine serum leptin reference values in subjects less than 18 months old. METHODS: Routine outpatient blood tests for serum leptin were performed on 317 infants using a radioimmunoassay method. The median and 10th-90th percentiles were calculated to obtain reference values using quantile regression. Values established in this study were compared with another independent cohort of 110 infants. RESULTS: The median (IQR) serum leptin concentration in the infants was 2.37 (3.26) ng/ml (n = 317). The median leptin concentration was 2.81 (3.49) ng/ml (n = 202) in infants younger than 6 months of age, 1.44 (2.27) ng/ml (n = 59) in infants between 6-12 months of age and 1.77 (2.05) ng/ml (n = 56) in infants between 12-18 months of age. We obtained leptin reference values based on age by estimating the lower and upper percentiles. In the entire cohort, the median (IQR) leptin concentration was 2.22 (3.11) ng/ml in males (n = 168) and 2.60 (3.32) ng/ml in females (n = 149). According to the type of feeding median serum leptin concentration was higher in breast-fed infants (n = 188) than in formula-fed infants (n = 129) (2.63 (3.34) ng/ml vs. 2.12 (2.77) ng/ml; p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Our data revealed no gender difference in leptin concentration in early infancy. After 6 months of life, leptin concentrations decreased slightly. We used a large cohort to confirm that breast-fed infants had significantly higher serum leptin levels than formula-fed infants during the first 6 months of life, although this difference disappeared later in life. In this study, we defined the leptin reference range in healthy infants in the first 18 months of life according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)

    An effective 6DoF motion model for 3D-6DoF Monte Carlo Localization

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    This paper deals with the probabilistic 6DoF motion model of a wheeled road vehicle. It allows to correctly model the error introduced by dead reckoning. Furthermore, to stress the importance of an appropriate motion model, i.e., that different models are not equally good, we show that another model, which was previously developed, does not allow a correct representation of the uncertainty, therefore misguiding 3D-6DoF Monte Carlo Localization. We also present some field experiments to demonstrate that our model allow a consistent determination of the 6DoF vehicle pose

    Canopy-applied silicon is an effective strategy for reducing sweet cherry cracking

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    Fruit cracking caused by rainfall prior to harvest, a major problem in sweet cherry production, is being exacerbated by climate change. Currently, pre-harvest spraying with calcium salt solutions is the prevalent technique to reduce fruit cracking in cherry orchards not covered by plastic roofs. This study evaluated the effectiveness of canopy-applied silicon in the reduction of sweet cherry cracking under different field conditions. Four field trials were conducted on mature trees of the cultivars Van, New Star, and Emperor Francis. Treatments included water (control), calcium chloride, and sodium silicate. Multiple sprays (three) were applied weekly from fruit onset of color to approximately 1 week before harvest. The results showed that under conditions conducive to cracking, sodium silicate reduced the percentage of cracked fruits to a similar or larger extent than calcium chloride. This study highlights how canopy-applied silicon sources may effectively contribute to reducing cherry cracking, acting as an alternative technique to other preventive methods

    Deregulated expression of aurora kinases is not a prognostic biomarker in papillary thyroid cancer patients.

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    Abstract A number of reports indicated that Aurora-A or Aurora-B overexpression represented a negative prognostic factor in several human malignancies. In thyroid cancer tissues a deregulated expression of Aurora kinases has been also demonstrated, butno information regarding its possible prognostic role in differentiated thyroid cancer is available. Here, weevaluated Aurora-A and Aurora-B mRNA expression and its prognostic relevance in a series of 87 papillary thyroid cancers (PTC), with a median follow-up of 63 months. The analysis of Aurora-A and Aurora-B mRNA levels in PTC tissues, compared to normal matched tissues, revealed that their expression was either up-or down-regulatedin the majority of cancer tissues. In particular, Aurora-A and Aurora-B mRNA levels were altered, respectively, in 55 (63.2%) and 79 (90.8%) out of the 87 PTC analyzed. A significant positive correlation between Aurora-A and Aurora-B mRNAswas observed (p=0.001). The expression of both Aurora genes was not affected by the BRAF(V600E) mutation. Univariate, multivariate and Kaplan-Mayer analyses documented the lack of association between Aurora-A or Aurora-B expression and clinicopathological parameterssuch as gender, age, tumor size, histology, TNM stage, lymph node metastasis and BRAF status as well asdisease recurrences or disease-free interval. Only Aurora-B mRNA was significantly higher in T(3-4) tissues, with respect to T(1-2) PTC tissues. The data reported here demonstrate that the expression of Aurora kinases is deregulated in the majority of PTC tissues, likely contributing to PTC progression. However, differently from other human solid cancers, detection of Aurora-A or Aurora-B mRNAs is not a prognostic biomarker inPTC patients

    Quali-Quantitative Analysis by LC/DAD and GPC of the Polyphenols ofUva Di Troia Canosina Grape Seeds for the Development of an IndustrialNutraceutical Product

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    The quali-quantitative determination of the principal components of "uva di Troia canosina" seed extracts by LC/ DAD analysis and the optimization of the extraction and purification processes for the development of an industrial nutraceutical product, are described. Two different fractions of seeds collected at different stages of fermentation were compared: "Tesi" 2 when there is a spontaneous stratification of the seeds at the bottom of the recipient and "Tesi" 4 at the end of fermentation. Percolation was applied and compared to maceration and the purification step carefully evaluated to obtain extracts free of contaminant species endowed with polyphenolic content comparable to commercial preparations such as Leucoselect® (Indena, SpA, Italy), Vitis Vinifera extract 95% (seeds), Vitis Vinifera dry extract 95%, Biovin grape seed and vinasse extract. (Farmalabor, Italy). In particular, "Tesi" 2 extract obtained by percolation and purified with a LLE extraction with ethyl acetate showed a polyphenolic content similar to Leucoselect®. From the quantitative analyses it was evident, as expected, that "Tesi"2 has a higher polyphenolic content compared to "Tesi" 4, because during vinification the must extracts polyphenols from the seeds. On the other hand, "Tesi" 4 is particularly convenient since it is easily obtained and very economical, being a waste product. The residual content of organic solvents (ethanol and ethyl acetate) and water was assessed in the grape extracts according to ICH rules by means respectively of HS/GC and Karl Fisher titration in order to meet the requirements for commercialization. Furthermore, the high molecular weight polyphenolic fraction of our extracts was investigated through gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and compared to that of Leucoselect®