112 research outputs found
Investigation of the mechanism of microplasma impact on iron and aluminum load using solutions of organic substances
The paper reports on the study of mechanism of electroeffects on iron and aluminum and pellets with using solutions of organic substances. Methylene blue solution, furacilin and eosin were used. It is observed the reactions of the pulse at the time and after switching off the voltage source. It is shown that there are two developing process in the conditions studied. The first process depends on material of electrodes and pulse parameters. The second process occurs spontaneously and it is determined by the redox reaction and sorption processes. The products of electrode erosion and active particles react in the redox reactions. Active particles are formed in solution by the action of pulsed electric discharge in water. The highest efficiency of the process was demonstrated on an iron pellets
Study of adsorption process of iron colloid substances on activated carbon by ultrasound
The paper reports on the adsorption of iron colloid substances on activated carbon (PAC) Norit SA UF with using ultrasound. It is found that time of adsorption is equal to three hours. High-frequency electrical oscillation is 35 kHz. The adsorption capacity of activated carbon was determined and it is equal to about 0.25 mg iron colloid substances /mg PAC. The iron colloid substances size ranging from 30 to 360 nm was determined. The zeta potential of iron colloid substances which consists of iron (III) hydroxide, silicon compounds and natura organic substances is about (-38mV). The process of destruction iron colloid substances occurs with subsequent formation of a precipitate in the form of Fe(OH)[3] as a result of the removal of organic substances from the model solution
Model and method of information security managing for social groups in the implementation of the second stage of pension reform in Ukraine
Впровадження другого рівня пенсійної реформи в Україні вимагає спеціально організованого інформаційного супроводження. По суті, мова йде про створення нового фінансового інституту, люди та соціальні групи в якому є особливо вразливим для негативного інформаційно-психологічного впливу. У статті побудовано модель для управління інформаційною безпекою під час впровадження та функціонування другого етапу пенсійної реформи в Україні. У рамках моделі знайдено нерівності, яким повинні задовольняти характерні показники діяльності пенсійного фонду та підприємства для того, щоб вкладники отримали найвищий рівень безпеки, а держава, відповідно, найвище зростання суспільного блага. Встановлено ключові елементи, які повинен включати в себе метод управління інформаційною безпекою при формуванні та функціонуванні другого рівня пенсійної реформи в Україні.В статье построена модель для управления информационной безопасностью при внедрении и функционировании второго этапа пенсионной реформы в Украине. В модели использована концепция решения Штакельберга в теории игр, когда вкладчик имеет силу власти. Тогда для игроков «пенсионный фонд» и «предприятие» остается решение в виде равновесия Неша. В рамках модели получены неравенства, которым должны удовлетворять показатели деятельности пенсионного фонда и предприятия для того, чтобы вкладчики получили наиболее высокий уровень безопасности, а государство, соответственно, наиболее быстрый рост общественного блага. Описаны ключевые элементы, которые должен включать в себя метод управления информационной безопасностью при формировании и функционировании второго уровня пенсионной реформы в Украине.The introduction of the second stage of the pension reform in Ukraine requires a specially organized informational support, which should counteract against negative information-psychological factors, which occur today in Ukraine. In fact, a new financial institution, which is particularly vulnerable to negative information-psychological impact, will be created. The paper constructs a model for information security management during implementation and operation of the second stage of the pension reform in Ukraine. The model’ purpose is to reconcile the interests of pension fund’ workers and businessmen, and the result of such coordination should satisfy for investors. In this model the game theory is used, and salvation model is carried out by Stackelberg, when the investor has the power. Then the players (“pension fund” and “enterprise”) solution is in the form of Nash equilibrium. In the model the inequalities found, to which the characteristic performance of the pension fund and the company to investors be met. Under these inequalities the investors can to receive the highest level of security, and the state can to receive the highest growth of the public good, respectively. The key elements for a method for managing information security during the formation and operation of the second stage of the pension reform in Ukraine are established
Оптимізація діяльності експертів з надзвичайних ситуацій в умовах інформаційної війни
В статті показано, що в умовах інформаційної війни експерт з надзвичайних ситуацій повинен володіти додатково спеціальним набором знань, вмінь та навичок із застосування моделей та методів інформаційного впливу на соціально-економічні системи. Такі експерти є координаторами – людьми, які здатні або розробити нові моделі та методи, які до них не були відомі, або ж, знаючи лише частину інформації, здатні адекватно відтворити ці моделі та методи. Описано спеціальні структури для їх виявлення та навчання. Наведено вимоги, за яких діяльність експертів з надзвичайних ситуацій буде оптимальною в умовах інформаційної війни
Inhibitory role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma in hepatocarcinogenesis in mice and in vitro
Although peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) agonist have been shown to inhibit hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development, the role of PPARγ in hepatocarcinogenesis remains unclear. We investigated the therapeutic efficacy of PPAR
Adaptive Design of mRNA-Loaded Extracellular Vesicles for Targeted Immunotherapy of Cancer
The recent success of mRNA therapeutics against pathogenic infections has increased interest in their use for other human diseases including cancer. However, the precise delivery of the genetic cargo to cells and tissues of interest remains challenging. Here, we show an adaptive strategy that enables the docking of different targeting ligands onto the surface of mRNA-loaded small extracellular vesicles (sEVs). This is achieved by using a microfluidic electroporation approach in which a combination of nano- and milli-second pulses produces large amounts of IFN-γ mRNA-loaded sEVs with CD64 overexpressed on their surface. The CD64 molecule serves as an adaptor to dock targeting ligands, such as anti-CD71 and anti-programmed cell death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) antibodies. The resulting immunogenic sEVs (imsEV) preferentially target glioblastoma cells and generate potent antitumour activities in vivo, including against tumours intrinsically resistant to immunotherapy. Together, these results provide an adaptive approach to engineering mRNA-loaded sEVs with targeting functionality and pave the way for their adoption in cancer immunotherapy applications
In Vitro and In Silico Analyses of the Inhibition of Human Aldehyde Oxidase by Bazedoxifene, Lasofoxifene, and Structural Analogues
Aldehyde oxidase (AOX1) is a molybdo-flavoprotein and has emerged as a drug-metabolizing enzyme of potential therapeutic importance because drugs have been identified as AOX1 substrates. Selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERM), which are drugs used to treat and prevent various conditions, differentially inhibit AOX1 catalytic activity. Tamoxifen, raloxifene, and nafoxidine are selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) reported to inhibit the catalytic activity of human aldehyde oxidase 1 (AOX1). How these drugs interact with AOX1 and whether other SERMs inhibit this drug-metabolizing enzyme are not known. Therefore, a detailed in vitro and in silico study involving parent drugs and their analogues was conducted to investigate the effect of specific SERMs, particularly acolbifene, bazedoxifene, and lasofoxifene on AOX1 catalytic activity, as assessed by carbazeran 4-oxidation, an AOX1-selective catalytic marker. The rank-order in the potency (based on IC50 values) of AOX1 inhibition by SERMs was raloxifene > bazedoxifene ~ lasofoxifene > tamoxifen > acolbifene. Inhibition of liver cytosolic AOX1 by bazedoxifene, lasofoxifene, and tamoxifen was competitive, whereas that by raloxifene was noncompetitive. Loss of 1-azepanylethyl group increased the inhibitory potency of bazedoxifene, whereas the N-oxide group decreased it. The 7-hydroxy group and the substituted pyrrolidine ring attached to the tetrahydronaphthalene structure contributed to AOX1 inhibition by lasofoxifene. These results are supported by molecular docking simulations in terms of predicted binding modes, encompassing binding orientation and efficiency, and analysis of key interactions, particularly hydrogen bonds. The extent of AOX1 inhibition by bazedoxifene was increased by estrone sulfate and estrone. In summary, SERMs differentially inhibited human AOX1 catalytic activity. Structural features of bazedoxifene and lasofoxifene contributed to AOX1 inhibition, whereas those of acolbifene rendered it considerably less susceptible to AOX1 inhibition. Overall, our novel biochemical findings and molecular docking analyses provide new insights into the interaction between SERMs and AOX1. Structural features of bazedoxifene and lasofoxifene contribute to AOX1 inhibition, whereas those of acolbifene render it considerably less susceptible to AOX1 inhibition. Our novel biochemical findings, together with molecular docking analyses, provide new insights into the differential inhibitory effect of SERMs on the catalytic activity of human AOX1, how SERMs bind to AOX1, and increase our understanding of the AOX1 pharmacophore in the inhibition of AOX1 by drugs and other chemicals
Моделювання вибору оптимального методу протидії загрозам інформаційній безпеці
TA mathematical model for choice of the method of countering of information security threats is ob-tained. The general formula for calculation of the economic effect from the method of counteracting to information security threats is derived. Conditions, under which using of a given method of countering to information security threats is economically feasible, are obtained. Optimization model for the problem of choice the method for counteracting to information security threats is constructed. Refs: 9 titles.Построена математическая модель для выбора метода противодействия угрозам информационной безопасности. Выведена общая формула для расчета экономического эффекта от использования метода противодействия заданной угрозе информационной безопасности. Получены условия, при наличии которых использовать метод противодействия заданной угрозе информационной безопасности является экономически целесообразным. Построена оптимизационная модель для задачи выбора метода противодействия заданной угрозе информационной безопасности. Библиогр.: 9 наим.Побудовано математичну модель для вибору методу протидії загрозам інформаційній безпеці. Виведено загальну формулу для розрахунку економічного ефекту від запровадження методу протидії заданій загрозі інформаційній безпеці. Отримано умови, при виконанні яких використовувати метод протидії заданій загрозі інформаційній безпеці є економічно доцільним. Побудовано оптимізаційну модель для задачі вибору методу протидіїзаданій загрозі інформаційній безпеці
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