99 research outputs found

    Maternal Perception of Reduced Fetal Movements Is Associated with Altered Placental Structure and Function

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    Maternal perception of reduced fetal movement (RFM) is associated with increased risk of stillbirth and fetal growth restriction (FGR). DFM is thought to represent fetal compensation to conserve energy due to insufficient oxygen and nutrient transfer resulting from placental insufficiency. To date there have been no studies of placental structure in cases of DFM.To determine whether maternal perception of reduced fetal movements (RFM) is associated with abnormalities in placental structure and function.Placentas were collected from women with RFM after 28 weeks gestation if delivery occurred within 1 week. Women with normal movements served as a control group. Placentas were weighed and photographs taken. Microscopic structure was evaluated by immunohistochemical staining and image analysis. System A amino acid transporter activity was measured as a marker of placental function. Placentas from all pregnancies with RFM (irrespective of outcome) had greater area with signs of infarction (3.5% vs. 0.6%; p<0.01), a higher density of syncytial knots (p<0.001) and greater proliferation index (p<0.01). Villous vascularity (p<0.001), trophoblast area (p<0.01) and system A activity (p<0.01) were decreased in placentas from RFM compared to controls irrespective of outcome of pregnancy.This study provides evidence of abnormal placental morphology and function in women with RFM and supports the proposition of a causal association between placental insufficiency and RFM. This suggests that women presenting with RFM require further investigation to identify those with placental insufficiency

    Palladin Mutation Causes Familial Pancreatic Cancer and Suggests a New Cancer Mechanism

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    BACKGROUND: Pancreatic cancer is a deadly disease. Discovery of the mutated genes that cause the inherited form(s) of the disease may shed light on the mechanism(s) of oncogenesis. Previously we isolated a susceptibility locus for familial pancreatic cancer to chromosome location 4q32–34. In this study, our goal was to discover the identity of the familial pancreatic cancer gene on 4q32 and determine the function of that gene. METHODS AND FINDINGS: A customized microarray of the candidate chromosomal region affecting pancreatic cancer susceptibility revealed the greatest expression change in palladin (PALLD), a gene that encodes a component of the cytoskeleton that controls cell shape and motility. A mutation causing a proline (hydrophobic) to serine (hydrophilic) amino acid change (P239S) in a highly conserved region tracked with all affected family members and was absent in the non-affected members. The mutational change is not a known single nucleotide polymorphism. Palladin RNA, measured by quantitative RT-PCR, was overexpressed in the tissues from precancerous dysplasia and pancreatic adenocarcinoma in both familial and sporadic disease. Transfection of wild-type and P239S mutant palladin gene constructs into HeLa cells revealed a clear phenotypic effect: cells expressing P239S palladin exhibited cytoskeletal changes, abnormal actin bundle assembly, and an increased ability to migrate. CONCLUSIONS: These observations suggest that the presence of an abnormal palladin gene in familial pancreatic cancer and the overexpression of palladin protein in sporadic pancreatic cancer cause cytoskeletal changes in pancreatic cancer and may be responsible for or contribute to the tumor's strong invasive and migratory abilities

    International Standard ISO 9001–A Soft Computing View

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    In order to add value to ISO 9001, a Quality Management Systems that assess, measure, documents, improves, and certify processes to increase productivity, i.e., that transforms business at any level. On the one hand, this work focuses on the development of a decision support system, which will allow companies to be able to meet the needs of customers by fulfilling requirements that reflect either the effectiveness or the non-effectiveness of an organization. On the other hand, many approaches for knowledge representation and reasoning have been proposed using Logic Programming (LP), namely in the area of Model Theory or Proof Theory. In this work it is followed the proof theoretical approach in terms of an extension to the LP language to knowledge representation and reasoning. The computational framework is centered on Artificial Neural Networks to evaluate customer’s satisfaction and the degree of confidence that one has on such a happening

    DNA Methylation

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    <p><b>A</b>. X Chromosome DNA Methylation and XIST Expression. Methylation levels of genes in the X-chromosome (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0118307#pone.0118307.s009" target="_blank">S6A Table</a>) are shown on the heatmap. Hierarchical clustering was performed on the samples, as indicated by the dendrogram. The genes are ordered according to their location (from the beginning to the end of the chromosome). Samples that show loss of DNA methylation for the “Enz” cluster are highlighted in blue, those that show DNA methylation for the “Ecm” cluster are highlighted in pink, and for both clusters in mauve. Genes located in the regions of loss of DNA methylation are listed to the right of the heatmap. XIST expression is shown on the line graph, with the detection limit for the microarray indicated by the red line. <b>B</b>. DNA methylation at imprinted loci. Methylation levels for imprinted probes (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0118307#pone.0118307.s009" target="_blank">S6B Table</a>) are shown on the heatmap. Hierarchical clustering was performed on the samples, as indicated by the dendrogram. The genes are ordered according to chromosome location; genes are listed to the left. The inset at the right shows a detail of the NESP/GNAS complex locus, indicating the positions of the CpG sites that were hypermethylated (red triangle) vs. hypomethylated (green triangle) in the late passage samples relative to the NESP/GNAS and NESPAS exons. <b>C, D, E</b>. Heatmaps showing differential DNA methylation genes for early vs. late passage <b>(C)</b>, mechanical vs. enzymatic passage <b>(D)</b>, and Mef vs. Ecm substrate <b>(E)</b>. In heatmap <b>(C)</b>, the black boxes indicate genes for which the DNA methylation levels in the late passage MefMech (P103) samples was more similar to those in the early passage samples. Probes were selected by multivariate regression. Functional enrichments identified by GREAT analysis are shown to the right of the heatmaps, visualized using REVIGO [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0118307#pone.0118307.ref013" target="_blank">13</a>]. Samples were arranged according to passage and culture method, and hierarchical clustering was performed on the genes only. In the functional enrichment results, the size of the node indicated the number of contributing GO terms, and color of the nodes indicates the FDR (darker color for lower FDR), and the edge length indicates the similarity between GO terms (shorter edge for more similar terms).</p

    The Actin Associated Protein Palladin Is Important for the Early Smooth Muscle Cell Differentiation

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    Palladin, an actin associated protein, plays a significant role in regulating cell adhesion and cell motility. Palladin is important for development, as knockdown in mice is embryonic lethal, yet its role in the development of the vasculature is unknown. We have shown that palladin is essential for the expression of smooth muscle cells (SMC) marker genes and force development in response to agonist stimulation in palladin deficient SMCs. The goal of the study was to determine the molecular mechanisms underlying palladin's ability to regulate the expression of SMC marker genes. Results showed that palladin expression was rapidly induced in an A404 cell line upon retinoic acid (RA) induced differentiation. Suppression of palladin expression with siRNAs inhibited the expression of RA induced SMC differentiation genes, SM α-actin (SMA) and SM22, whereas over-expression of palladin induced SMC gene expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays provided evidence that palladin bound to SMC genes, whereas co-immunoprecipitation assays also showed binding of palladin to myocardin related transcription factors (MRTFs). Endogenous palladin was imaged in the nucleus, increased with leptomycin treatment and the carboxyl-termini of palladin co-localized with MRTFs in the nucleus. Results support a model wherein palladin contributes to SMC differentiation through regulation of CArG-SRF-MRTF dependent transcription of SMC marker genes and as previously published, also through actin dynamics. Finally, in E11.5 palladin null mouse embryos, the expression of SMA and SM22 mRNA and protein is decreased in the vessel wall. Taken together, our findings suggest that palladin plays a key role in the differentiation of SMCs in the developing vasculature

    PTBP1 Is Required for Embryonic Development before Gastrulation

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    Polypyrimidine-tract binding protein 1 (PTBP1) is an important cellular regulator of messenger RNAs influencing the alternative splicing profile of a cell as well as its mRNA stability, location and translation. In addition, it is diverted by some viruses to facilitate their replication. Here, we used a novel PTBP1 knockout mouse to analyse the tissue expression pattern of PTBP1 as well as the effect of its complete removal during development. We found evidence of strong PTBP1 expression in embryonic stem cells and throughout embryonic development, especially in the developing brain and spinal cord, the olfactory and auditory systems, the heart, the liver, the kidney, the brown fat and cartilage primordia. This widespread distribution points towards a role of PTBP1 during embryonic development. Homozygous offspring, identified by PCR and immunofluorescence, were able to implant but were arrested or retarded in growth. At day 7.5 of embryonic development (E7.5) the null mutants were about 5x smaller than the control littermates and the gap in body size widened with time. At mid-gestation, all homozygous embryos were resorbed/degraded. No homozygous mice were genotyped at E12 and the age of weaning. Embryos lacking PTBP1 did not display differentiation into the 3 germ layers and cavitation of the epiblast, which are hallmarks of gastrulation. In addition, homozygous mutants displayed malformed ectoplacental cones and yolk sacs, both early supportive structure of the embryo proper. We conclude that PTBP1 is not required for the earliest isovolumetric divisions and differentiation steps of the zygote up to the formation of the blastocyst. However, further post-implantation development requires PTBP1 and stalls in homozygous null animals with a phenotype of dramatically reduced size and aberration in embryonic and extra-embryonic structures