207 research outputs found

    Involvement of Nitric Oxide in Microcirculatory Reactions after Ischemia-Reperfusion of the Rat Urinary Bladder

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    Background: Nitric oxide ( NO) plays a role in inflammation. Our aim was to investigate the role of NO in the microcirculatory changes after ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) of the bladder using intravital videomicroscopy (IVM). Methods: In rats, 60 min of bladder ischemia followed by 30 min of reperfusion was performed in the presence of N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), the NO precursor L-arginine, or saline pre-treatments. Venular red blood cell velocity (RBCV), functional capillary density (FCD), vessel diameters, and leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions in postcapillary venules were determined. Concentrations of nitrite/nitrate in the plasma and myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels in the lungs and the bladder were measured. Results: Elevations of the numbers of rolling and adherent leukocytes, and of plasma nitrite/nitrate levels were found, while FCD and RBCV decreased. L-NAME pretreatment ameliorated the enhanced leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions without influencing the microcirculatory perfusion. In contrast, the L - arginine pretreatment further increased plasma nitrite/nitrate levels and preserved the FCD and RBCV, but did not affect leukocyte-endothelial interactions. None of these treatments influenced MPO activities. Conclusion: Our results suggest that NO plays an enhancing role in the I/R-induced neutrophil-endothelial interactions of the bladder. Supplementation of NO ameliorates the microcirculatory perfusion deficit without influencing the postischemic microcirculatory inflammatory reactions. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Base

    A fractional kinetic process describing the intermediate time behaviour of cellular flows

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    This paper studies the intermediate time behaviour of a small random perturbation of a periodic cellular flow. Our main result shows that on time scales shorter than the diffusive time scale, the limiting behaviour of trajectories that start close enough to cell boundaries is a fractional kinetic process: A Brownian motion time changed by the local time of an independent Brownian motion. Our proof uses the Freidlin-Wentzell framework, and the key step is to establish an analogous averaging principle on shorter time scales. As a consequence of our main theorem, we obtain a homogenization result for the associated advection-diffusion equation. We show that on intermediate time scales the effective equation is a fractional time PDE that arises in modelling anomalous diffusion

    Regulation of Contact with Offspring by Domestic Sows: Temporal Patterns and Individual Variation

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    We used a sow-controlled housing system to examine temporal and individual variation in the tendency of sows to associate with young. During a 5-week lactation, 22 sows and litters were housed in a pen where the sow could freely leave and re-enter the piglets\u27 area by stepping over a barrier that the piglets could not cross. Despite this option, the sows remained with the piglets almost constantly during the 1st day after birth. Nineteen sows (\u27leavers\u27) changed to spending most of their time away from the litter at some point in the lactation. The change was rapid, often within a single week, and occurred in week 2, 3, 4 or 5, depending on the individual. The time of rapid increase in time away was not related to characteristics of the sow or litter, including parity, litter size and sex ratio. Three sows (\u27stayers\u27) did not increase their time away as lactation advanced, and rarely spent more than 15% of their day in the piglet-free area. Nearly all sows showed a clear preference to defecate in the piglet-free area. This study shows 1. that sows voluntarily reduce their contact with the young; 2. that the timing of this reduction varies greatly amongst sows for reasons that may relate to differences in maternal motivation, and 3. that sows do not abandon the litter if the young cannot follow. The clear preference that most sows developed for the piglet-free area reinforces physiological evidence that constant confinement with older litters is aversive for many sows

    Consumption of Solid Food by Suckling Pigs: Individual Variation and Relation to Weight Gain

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    Individual daily consumption of supplementary solid food (\u27creep feed\u27) was measured from Day 10 to weaning at Day 28 for 39 piglets in four litters, and its relationship to body weight and weight gain up to Day 42 was investigated. Individual consumption was measured by combining the weight of the feed removed from the dispensers (monitored electronically) and a video image of piglet activity at the feeder. Creep feed consumption varied greatly, both between and within litters. On average, pigs began feeding on Day 12 (range Day 10-28), intake was relatively low (usually \u3c 5 g day ‒1) until Day 20 but increased considerably in the week before weaning, with a mean intake of 63 g day ‒1 (range 2-205 g day ‒1) during that week. Over the entire creep-feeding period, total feed consumption ranged from 13-1911 g per pig. Within litters, intake was positively correlated with birth weight (P \u3c 0.05) and the correlation with weight gains to Day 20 tended to be positive rather than negative. This suggests that greater creep feed intake was typical of the larger and more mature piglets, rather than serving as compensation for poor milk intake among the more deprived litter-mates. However, one exceptional pig began, on Day 14 after several days of weight loss, to eat more creep feed than any other piglet studied, suggesting that compensatory creep feeding can occur at a young age in exceptional cases. In a multiple regression analysis, creep feed intake accounted for 37% of the variation in weight gain in the week before weaning (P \u3c 0.001) and 7% of the variation in gain from Day 10 to weaning (P \u3c 0.01) after variation attributable to antecedent variables had been taken into account. Within-litter differences in weight gain during the 2 weeks after weaning were correlated with weight at birth and weight gain before weaning (P \u3c 0.05), but not with pre-weaning creep feed intake. Hence, creep feed intake appeared to contribute to pre-weaning gains and these in turn were correlated with post-weaning gains; however, a more direct effect of pre-weaning creep feed intake on post-weaning gain could not be detected

    Speed-Consumption Tradeoff for Electric Vehicle Route Planning

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    We study the problem of computing routes for electric vehicles (EVs) in road networks. Since their battery capacity is limited, and consumed energy per distance increases with velocity, driving the fastest route is often not desirable and may even be infeasible. On the other hand, the energy-optimal route may be too conservative in that it contains unnecessary detours or simply takes too long. In this work, we propose to use multicriteria optimization to obtain Pareto sets of routes that trade energy consumption for speed. In particular, we exploit the fact that the same road segment can be driven at different speeds within reasonable intervals. As a result, we are able to provide routes with low energy consumption that still follow major roads, such as freeways. Unfortunately, the size of the resulting Pareto sets can be too large to be practical. We therefore also propose several nontrivial techniques that can be applied on-line at query time in order to speed up computation and filter insignificant solutions from the Pareto sets. Our extensive experimental study, which uses a real-world energy consumption model, reveals that we are able to compute diverse sets of alternative routes on continental networks that closely resemble the exact Pareto set in just under a second—several orders of magnitude faster than the exhaustive algorithm

    Conflict and Cooperation: Sociobiological Principles and the Behaviour of Pigs

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    The pig provides many examples of how principles of behavioural ecology and sociobiology can lead to insights into farm animal behaviour. According to parent-offspring conflict theory, parents should tend to give a level of parental investment somewhat below that solicited by the young. When closely confined during lactation, sows can do little to limit the amount of contact with the piglets, and the young stimulate a prolonged, high level of lactation. Certain alternative housing systems allow the sow to limit the stimulation she receives, and the resulting reduction in lactation can actually be advantageous to both parties. Communal care of offspring has both advantages and disadvantages in various species; these may help to explain why communal care occurs to a limited extent in pigs, and why sows isolate their litters in early lactation. Neonatal competition and mortality among newborn piglets have strong parallels in the “facultative siblicide” which adjusts brood size in numerous species of birds. These species typically produce slightly more young than are normally raised, and the number of siblings that survive is determined by the ability of the smaller young to withstand intense competition. The hypothesis that pigs have evolved a similar system of brood reduction may explain why piglet mortality is such an enduring problem and requires solutions different from those that work for other domestic species. Resource defence theory provides a functional framework for studies of aggressive behaviour. Factors determining the defensibility of a resource include its degree of clumping in time and space, and these suggest ways to reduce competition for food and other resources. However, aggression involved in establishing social dominance is more likely to be influenced by manipulating traits of the competing animals (competitive ability, familiarity) rather than the defensibility of resources. We conclude that principles of behavioural ecology and sociobiology provide a useful functional and evolutionary perspective to complement other approaches to the study of farm animal behaviour

    Conflict and Cooperation: Sociobiological Principles and the Behaviour of Pigs

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    The pig provides many examples of how principles of behavioural ecology and sociobiology can lead to insights into farm animal behaviour. According to parent-offspring conflict theory, parents should tend to give a level of parental investment somewhat below that solicited by the young. When closely confined during lactation, sows can do little to limit the amount of contact with the piglets, and the young stimulate a prolonged, high level of lactation. Certain alternative housing systems allow the sow to limit the stimulation she receives, and the resulting reduction in lactation can actually be advantageous to both parties. Communal care of offspring has both advantages and disadvantages in various species; these may help to explain why communal care occurs to a limited extent in pigs, and why sows isolate their litters in early lactation. Neonatal competition and mortality among newborn piglets have strong parallels in the “facultative siblicide” which adjusts brood size in numerous species of birds. These species typically produce slightly more young than are normally raised, and the number of siblings that survive is determined by the ability of the smaller young to withstand intense competition. The hypothesis that pigs have evolved a similar system of brood reduction may explain why piglet mortality is such an enduring problem and requires solutions different from those that work for other domestic species. Resource defence theory provides a functional framework for studies of aggressive behaviour. Factors determining the defensibility of a resource include its degree of clumping in time and space, and these suggest ways to reduce competition for food and other resources. However, aggression involved in establishing social dominance is more likely to be influenced by manipulating traits of the competing animals (competitive ability, familiarity) rather than the defensibility of resources. We conclude that principles of behavioural ecology and sociobiology provide a useful functional and evolutionary perspective to complement other approaches to the study of farm animal behaviour
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