135 research outputs found

    Measuring the Functional Size of Real-Time and Embedded Software: a Comparison of Function Point Analysis and COSMIC

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    The most widely used methods and tools for estimating the cost of software development require that the functional size of the program to be developed be measured, either in \u201ctraditional\u201d Function Points or in COSMIC Function Points. The latter were proposed to solve some shortcomings of the former, including not being well suited for representing the functionality of real-time and embedded software. However, little evidence exists to support the claim that COSMIC Function Points are better suited than traditional Function Points for the measurement of real-time and embedded applications. Our goal is to compare how well the two methods can be used in functional measurement of real-time and embedded systems. We applied both measurement methods to a number of situations that occur quite often in real-time and embedded software. Our results seem to indicate that, overall, COSMIC Function Points are better suited than traditional Function Points for measuring characteristic features of real-time and embedded systems. Our results also provide practitioners with useful indications about the pros and cons of functional size measurement methods when confronted with specific features of real-time and embedded software

    Comparing φ and the F-measure as Performance Metrics for Software-related Classifications

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    Context The F-measure has been widely used as a performance metric when selecting binary classifiers for prediction, but it has also been widely criticized, especially given the availability of alternatives such as φ (also known as Matthews Correlation Coefficient). Objectives Our goals are to (1) investigate possible issues related to the F-measure in depth and show how φ can address them, and (2) explore the relationships between the F-measure and φ. Method Based on the definitions of φ and the F-measure, we derive a few mathematical properties of these two performance metrics and of the relationships between them. To demonstrate the practical effects of these mathematical properties, we illustrate the outcomes of an empirical study involving 70 Empirical Software Engineering datasets and 837 classifiers. Results We show that φ can be defined as a function of Precision and Recall, which are the only two performance metrics used to define the F-measure, and the rate of actually positive software modules in a dataset. Also, φ can be expressed as a function of the F-measure and the rates of actual and estimated positive software modules. We derive the minimum and maximum value of φ for any given value of the F-measure, and the conditions under which both the F-measure and φ rank two classifiers in the same order. Conclusions Our results show that φ is a sensible and useful metric for assessing the performance of binary classifiers. We also recommend that the F-measure should not be used by itself to assess the performance of a classifier, but that the rate of positives should always be specified as well, at least to assess if and to what extent a classifier performs better than random classification. The mathematical relationships described here can also be used to reinterpret the conclusions of previously published papers that relied mainly on the F-measure as a performance metric

    Using Function Point Analysis and COSMIC for Measuring the Functional Size of Real-Time and Embedded Software: a Comparison

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    Function Points Analysis and the COSMIC method are very often used for measuring the functional size of programs. The COSMIC method was proposed to solve some shortcomings of Function Points, including not being well suited for representing the functionality of real-time and embedded software. However, little evidence exists to support the claim that COSMIC Function Points are better suited than traditional Function Points for the measurement of real-time and embedded applications. To help practitioner choose a method for measuring real-time or embedded software, some evidence of the merits and shortcomings of the two methods is needed. Accordingly, our goal is to compare how well the two methods can be used in the functional measurement of real-time and embedded systems. To this end, we applied both measurement methods to the situations that occur quite often in real-time and embedded software and are not considered by standard measurement practices. Our results indicate that, overall, COSMIC Function Points are better suited than traditional Function Points for measuring characteristic features of real-time and embedded systems

    An Empirical Evaluation of Effort Prediction Models Based on Functional Size Measures

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    Software development effort estimation is among the most interesting issues for project managers, since reliable estimates are at the base of good planning and project control. Several different techniques have been proposed for effort estimation, and practitioners need evidence, based on which they can choose accurate estimation methods. The work reported here aims at evaluating the accuracy of software development effort estimates that can be obtained via popular techniques, such as those using regression models and those based on analogy. The functional size and the development effort of twenty software development projects were measured, and the resulting dataset was used to derive effort estimation models and evaluate their accuracy. Our data analysis shows that estimation based on the closest analogues provides better results for most models, but very bad estimates in a few cases. To mitigate this behavior, the correction of regression toward the mean proved effective. According to the results of our analysis, it is advisable that regression to the mean correction is used when the estimates are based on closest analogues. Once corrected, the accuracy of analogy-based estimation is not substantially different from the accuracy of regression based models

    Evidence that cells from experimental tumours can activate coagulation factor X.

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    The procoagulant activity of cells from some experimental tumours isolated in culture or in single-cell suspensions from ascitic fluid was investigated. Cells from Lewis lung carcinoma (primary and metastasis), Ehrlich carcinoma ascites and JW sarcoma ascites were able to shorten markedly the recalcification time of normal, Factor VIII- and Factor VII-deficient but not of Factor X-deficient human plasma. The same cells generated thrombin when mixed with a source of prothrombin and Factor X, absorbed bovine serum (as a source of Factor V), phospholipid and calcium chloride. Thrombin formation was not influenced by the presence of Factor VII. Cells from Sarcoma 180 ascites were completely inactive in both test systems. It is concluded that cells from some experimental tumours have the capacity to activate Coagulation Factor X directly. These findings suggest the existence of an alternative "cellular" pathway in the initiation of blood clotting distinct from both the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms

    Empirical Ground-Motion Prediction Equations for Northern Italy Using Weak- and Strong-Motion Amplitudes, Frequency Content, and Duration Parameters

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    The goals of this work are to review the Northern-Italy ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs) for amplitude parameters and to propose new GMPEs for frequency content and duration parameters. Approximately 10,000 weak and strong waveforms have been collected merging information from different neighboring regional seismic networks operating in the last 30 yr throughout Northern Italy. New ground-motion models, calibrated for epicentral distances ≤100 km and for both local (ML) and moment magnitude (Mw), have been developed starting from a high quality dataset (624 waveforms) that consists of 82 selected earthquakes with ML and Mw up to 6.3 and 6.5, respectively. The vertical component and the maximum of the two horizontal components of motion have been considered, for both acceleration (peak ground horizontal acceleration [PGHA] and peak ground vertical acceleration [PGVA]) and velocity (peak ground horizontal velocity [PGHV] and peak ground vertical velocity [PGVV]) data. In order to make comparisons with the most commonly used prediction equations for the Italian territory (Sabetta and Pugliese, 1996 [hereafter, SP96] and Ambraseys et al. 2005a,b [hereafter, AM05]) the coefficients for acceleration response spectra (spectral horizontal acceleration [SHA] and spectral vertical acceleration [SVA]) and for pseudovelocity response spectra (pseudospectral horizontal velocity [PSHV] and pseudospectral vertical velocity [PSVV]) have been calculated for 12 periods ranging between 0.04 and 2 sec and for 14 periods ranging between 0.04 and 4 sec, respectively. Finally, empirical relations for Arias intensities (IA), Housner intensities (IH), and strong motion duration (DV) have also been calibrated. The site classification based on Eurocode (hereafter, EC8) classes has been used (ENV, 1998, 2002). The coefficients of the models have been determined using functional forms with an independent magnitude decay rate and applying the random effects model (Abrahamson and Youngs, 1992; Joyner and Boore, 1993) that allow the determination of the interevent, interstation, and record-to-record components of variance. The goodness of fit between observed and predicted values has been evaluated using the maximum likelihood approach as in Spudich et al. (1999). Comparing the proposed GMPEs with SP96 and AM05, it is possible to observe a faster decay of predicted ground motion, in particular for distances greater than 25 km and magnitudes higher than 5.0. The result is an improvement in fit of about one order of size for magnitudes spanning from 3.5 to 4.5

    Empirical ground motion prediction equations for northern italy using weak and strong motion amplitudes, frequency content and duration parameters

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    The aims of this work are to review the Northern-Italy ground motion prediction equations (hereinafter GMPEs) for amplitude parameters and to propose new GMPEs for frequency content and duration parameters. Approximately 10.000 weak and strong waveforms have been collected merging information from different neighbouring regional seismic networks operating in the last 30 years throughout Northern Italy. New ground motion models, calibrated for epicentral distances ≤ 100 km and for both local (Ml) and moment magnitude (Mw), have been developed starting from a high quality dataset (624 waveforms) which consists of 82 selected earthquakes with Ml and Mw up to 6.3 and 6.5 respectively. The vertical component and the maximum of the two horizontal components of motion have been considered, for both acceleration (PGHA and PGVA) and velocity (PGHV and PGVV) data. In order to make comparisons with the most commonly used prediction equations for the Italian territory (Sabetta and Pugliese, 1996 and Ambraseys et al. 2005a,b hereinafter named SP96 and AM05) the coefficients for acceleration response spectra (SHA and SVA) and for pseudo velocity response spectra (PSHV and PSVV) have been calculated for 12 periods ranging between 0.04 s and 2 s and for 14 periods ranging between 0.04 s and 4 s respectively. Finally, empirical relations for Arias and Housner Intensities (IA, IH) and strong motion duration (DV) have also been calibrated. The site classification based on Eurocode (hereinafter EC8) classes has been used (ENV, 1998). The coefficients of the models have been determined using functional forms with an independent magnitude decay rate and applying the random effects model (Abrahamson and Youngs, 1992; Joyner and Boore, 1993) that allow the determination of the inter-event, inter-station and record-to-record components of variance. The goodness of fit between observed and predicted values has been evaluated using the maximum likelihood approach as in Spudich et al. (1999). Comparing the proposed GMPEs both with SP96 and AM05 it is possible to observe a faster decay of predicted ground motion, in particular for distances greater than 25 km and magnitudes higher than 5.0. The result is a fit improvement of about one order of size for magnitudes spanning from 3.5 to 4.5

    Ground motion models for Molise region (Southern Italy)

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    On October 31st and November 1st, 2002 two moderate earthquakes of moment magnitude Mw=5.7 (INGV-Harvard European-Mediterranean Regional Centroid-Moment tensor project) occurred in southern Italy. After the mainshocks, felt in many municipalities of the Molise and Puglia region, a strong motion and a seismic temporary network were installed in the epicentral area and surrounding regions. The strong motion network was composed by 9 stations, integrating the accelerometers of the permanent Rete Accelerometrica Nazionale (RAN network), and operated until December 2003. The strong motion data set is composed by 195 recordings from 51 earthquakes (2.5<Ml<5.4) recorded by 29 accelerometers (Dipartimento della Protezione Civile et al., 2004). In addition to the strong motion network, several Italian research institutions (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, INGV; Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica, INOGS; Dipartimento per lo studio del Territorio e delle sue Risorse, University of Genoa, Dip.Te.Ris) installed a temporary regional network, composed by 35 seismic stations. This network aimed at monitoring and studying the evolution in time and space of the seismic sequence. More than 1900 aftershocks were recorded in the period November 1st - December 5th, 2002 (Chiarabba et al., 2005). The unified velocity-acceleration data set has been considered to derive ground motion models for peak ground acceleration and peak ground velocity for both maximum horizontal and vertical components. The results obtained for the Molise area have been compared with the attenuation pattern of the Umbria-Marche region (central Italy), that was recently investigated by Bindi et al. (2006). The remarkable differences observed indicate the need of a regional attenuation relation for the area and the need of further investigations, to better identify the role of source characteristics, anelastic and geometric attenuation and site effects in the evaluation of peak ground motion values
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