103 research outputs found

    Круглий стіл "Модернізація державного управління та державної служби: крок до демократичного управління"

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    18 червня 2010 року Управління державної служби Головдержслужби України в Донецькій області та Донецький державний університет управління зорганізували круглий стіл на тему: "Модернізація державного управління та державної служби: крок до демократичного управління"

    Isolating lithologic versus tectonic signals of river profiles to test orogenic models for the Eastern and Southeastern Carpathians

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    Fluvial morphology is affected by a wide range of forcing factors, which can be external, such as faulting and changes in climate, or internal, such as variations in rock hardness or degree of fracturing. It is a challenge to separate internal and external forcing factors when they are co-located or occur coevally. Failure to account for both factors leads to potential misinterpretations. For example, steepening of channel network due to lithologic contrasts could be misinterpreted to be a function of increased tectonic displacements. These misinterpretations are enhanced over large areas, where landscape properties needed to calculate channel steepness (e.g., channel concavity) can vary significantly in space. In this study, we investigate relative channel steepness over the Eastern Carpathians, where it has been proposed that active rock uplift in the Southeastern Carpathians (SEC) gives way N- and NW-wards to ca. 8 Myrs of post-orogenic quiescence. We develop a technique to quantify relative channel steepness, the relative steepness index, based on a wide range of concavities, and show that the main signal shows an increase in relative steepness index from east to west across the range. Rock hardness measurements and geological studies suggest this difference is driven by lithology. When we isolate channel steepness by lithology to test for ongoing rock uplift along the range, we find steeper channels in the south of the study area compared to the same units in the North. This supports interpretations from longer timescale geological data that active rock uplift is fastest in the southern SEC

    Дефініції поняття “інтеграція” та його ролі в конкурентному ринковому процесі

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    Метою даної роботи є дослідження дефініцій розуміння інтеграційних процесів в аграрній сфері та їх ролі в конкурентному економічному середовищі

    The link between tectonics and sedimentation in back-arc basins: New genetic constraints from the analysis of the Pannonian Basin

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    The architecture of sedimentary basins reflects the relationship between accommodation space and sediment supply, their rates and localization being variable during basin evolution. The mechanisms driving the interplay between tectonics and sedimentation in extensional back-arc basins overlying rheological weak zones inherited from an earlier orogenic evolution are less understood. A typical example is the Pannonian back-arc basin of Central Europe. It is floored by continental lithosphere and was affected by large amounts of extension driven by the subduction rollback that took place in the Carpathians and/or Dinarides. A novel kinematic and seismic sequence stratigraphic interpretation calibrated by wells allows the quantification of the link between the formation of half grabens and coeval sedimentation in the Great Hungarian Plain part of the basin. While the lower order tectonic-induced cycles characterize the main phases of extension in various subbasins, the higher-order cyclicity and associated unconformities define individual moments of fault (re)activation. Our novel interpretation of a temporal and spatial migration of extension during Miocene times explains the contrasting present-day strike of various subbasins as a result of their gradual clockwise rotation. Incorporating the observed asymmetry, in particular the associated footwall exhumation, infers that the amount of extension is much larger than previously thought. The quantitative link between tectonics and sedimentation has allowed the definition of a novel model of sedimentation in asymmetric basins that can be ported to other natural scenarios of similarly hyperextended back-arc basins observed elsewhere. ©2016. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    Витяг з протоколу №3 засідання погоджувальної комісії з проблемних питань українського слововживання, словотворення та написання слів Інституту української мови НАН України від 22.01.2009 р.

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    The lithospheric memory is key for the interplay of lithospheric stresses and rheological structure of the extending lithosphere and for its later tectonic reactivation. Other important factors are the temporal and spatial migration of extension and the interplay of rifting and surface processes. The mode of extension and the duration of the rifting phase required to lead to continental break-up are to a large extent controlled by the interaction of the extending plate with slab dynamics. The finite strength of the lithosphere has an important effect on the formation of extensional basins. This applies both to the geometry of the basin shape as well as to the record of vertical motions during and after rifting. We demonstrate a strong connection between the bulk rheological properties of Europe's lithosphere and the evolution of some of Europe's main rifts and back-arc systems. The thermo-mechanical structure of the lithosphere has a major impact on continental break-up and associated basin migration processes, with direct relationships between rift duration and extension velocities, thermal evolution, and the role of mantle plumes. Compressional reactivation has important consequences for post-rift inversion, borderland uplift, and denudation, as illustrated by poly-phase deformation of extensional back-arc basins in the Black Sea and the Pannonian Basin region

    The link between lithospheric scale deformations and deep fluid emanations: Inferences from the Southeastern Carpathians, Romania

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    Understanding the formation, migration and emanation of deep CO2, H2O and noble gases (He–Ne) in deep-seated deformation settings is crucial to understand the complex relationship between deep-originated fluids and lithospheric deformation. To gain a better insight into these phenomena, we studied the origin of H2O, CO2 and noble gases of gas-rich springs found in the Târgu Secuiesc Basin located in the southeasternmost part of the Carpathian-Pannonian region of Europe. This study area is one of the best natural examples to understand the connection between the deep sources of gas emanations and deep-seated deformation zones, providing an excellent analogue for regions worldwide with similar tectonic settings and fluid emanation properties. We studied the δ2H and δ18O stable isotopic ratios of the spring waters, and the δ13C, He and Ne stable isotopic ratio of the emanating CO2-rich gases dissolved in the mineral spring waters in Covasna town and its vicinity. Based on the δ2H, δ13C, δ18O stable isotopic ratios, the spring waters and the majority of the gases are released through two consecutive fluid infiltration events. The preservation of the metamorphic signal of the upwelling H2O is linked to the local groundwater flow and fault abundancy. Furthermore, the noble gas isotopic ratios show a high degree of atmospheric contamination in the dissolved water gasses that is most likely related to the local hydrogeology. Nevertheless, the elevated corrected helium stable isotopic ratios (Rc/Ra) of our filtered data suggest that part of the emanating gases have a potential upper mantle source component. Beneath the Southeastern Carpathians, mantle fluids can have multiple origin including the dehydration of the sinking slab hosting the Vrancea seismogenic zone, the local asthenospheric upwelling and the lithospheric mantle itself. The flux of the mantle fluids is enhanced by lithospheric scale deformation zones that also support the fluid inflow from the upper mantle into the lower crust. The upwelling CO2–H2O mantle fluids may induce the release of crustal fluids by shifting the pore fluid composition (X(CO2)) and, consequently, initiating decarbonisation and devolatilization metamorphic reactions as a result of carbonate and hydrous mineral destabilisation in the crust. Based on the p-T-X(CO2) conditions of calc-silicates and the local low geotherm, we emphasise the importance of the upwelling fluids in the release and upward migration of further H2O and CO2 in the shallower lower and upper crust. Our observations in the Southeastern Carpathians show a strong similarity to other deep-seated deformation zones worldwide (e.g., Himalayas, Alps, San Andreas Fault). We infer that migration of deep fluids may also play an important role in addition to temperature control on the generation of crustal fluids in deep-seated deformation zones

    Data on lithofacies, sedimentology and palaeontology of South Rifian Corridor sections (Morocco)

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    We provide lithological, sedimentological and micropalaeontological descriptions of 39 sections and boreholes crossing the upper Miocene deposits of the Rifian Corridor. These deposits represent the sedimentary remnants of the marine gateway that connected the Atlantic to the Mediterranean in the late Miocene. Results from these 39 sites were adopted to reconstruct the palaeogeographic evolution of the gateway presented in the associated research article (Capella et al., 2018) [1]. For each outcrop we present a synthesis of field observations, lithofacies, key sedimentological features, planktic and benthic assemblages

    Probing Tectonic Topography in the Aftermath of Continental Convergence in Central Europe

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    Continental topography is at the interface of processes taking place at depth in the Earth,at its surface,and above it.Topography influences society, not only in terms of slow processes of landscape change and earthquakes,but also in terms of how it affects climate.The Pannonian Basin–Carpathian Orogen System in Central and Eastern Europe represents a key natural laboratory for the development of a new generation of models for ongoing orogeny and its effect on continental topography development (Figure 1).This system comprises some of the best documented sedimentary basins in the world,located within the Alpine orogenic belt, at the transition between the western European lithosphere and the East European Craton. It includes one of the most active seismic zones in Europe,with intermediate depth (50–220 km) mantle earthquakes of significant magnitude occurring in a geographically restricted area in the Vrancea zone of southeastern Romania