629 research outputs found

    Sec6 mutations and the Drosophila exocyst complex

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    To allow a detailed analysis of exocyst function in multicellular organisms, we have generated sec6 mutants in Drosophila. We have used these mutations to compare the phenotypes of sec6 and sec5 in the ovary and nervous system, and we find them to be similar. We also find that Sec5 is mislocalized in sec6 mutants. Additionally, we have generated an epitope-tagged Sec8 that localized with Sec5 on oocyte membranes and was mislocalized in sec5 and sec6 germ-line clones. This construct further revealed a genetic interaction of sec8 and sec5. These data, taken together, provide new information about the organization of the exocyst complex and suggest that Sec5, Sec6 and Sec8 act as a complex, each member dependent on the others for proper localization and function


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    Inovasi pengembangan daerah Kabupaten Konawe tentang penetapan kawasan unggulan strategis pariwisatanya dengan tujuan menemukan fakta dan data informasi tentang persepsi hubungannya jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung serta sekaligus hubungannya pada upaya peningkatan pendapatan asli daerah Kabupaten Konawe. Metode penelitian mengaplikasikan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian dan bersifat deskriptif. Data primer diperoleh menggunakan observasi partisipatoris dan wawancara mendalam tidak terstruktur (Dinas Pemuda Olahraga dan pariwisata, akademisi dan pariwisata serta kelompok masyarakat pegiat pariwisata dan Focus Group Discuss. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Inovasi PengembanganPengembangan Sektor Pariwisata Melalui Kawasan Unggulan Strategis Pada Dinas Pemuda Olahraga dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Konawe dilakukan melalui penentuan iSkala iPengembangan idan iSistem iJaringan iFungsional, Peningkatan iKeberagaman iDaya iTarik iWisata, Peningkatan iKualitas iPelayanan idan iPengelolaan idi iDaya iTarik iWisata, Meningkatkan iKapasitas iPara iPihak iDalam iPengembangan iPariwisata. Strategi iPengembangan iPariwisata iDalam iAspek iPengembangan iIndustri iPariwisata dan Pengendalian idan ipemantauan ipelaksanaan iperaturan iterkait iinvestasi idan iindustri ipariwisata. Strategi iPengembanganPariwisata iDalam iAspek iPengembangan iKelembagaan dan Penguatan imanajemen ipariwisata.Kesimpulan penelitian menunjukkan inovasi pengembangan Struktur iPerwilayahan iPariwisataStrategi iuntuk ikonsep iaspek ikewilayahan iadalah imenentukan iKawasan iStrategis iPariwisata iDaerah i(KSPD) dan Kawasan iStrategis iPariwisata iDaerah i ikawasan iyang imemiliki ifungsi iutama ipariwisata iatau imemiliki ipotensi iuntuk ipengembangan ipariwisata iyang imempunyai ipengaruh ipenting idalam isatu iatau ilebih iaspek. iAdapun ikriteria iyang idigunakan idengan imengacu ipada ikriteriai, idiantaranya : memiliki isumber idaya ipariwisata iyang iunik idan idapat idiunggulkan;Kawasan itersebut imemiliki ipotensi isebagai ipenggerak ipengembangan wilayah ipulau, iguna ipemerataan ipeningkatan iperekonomian ilokal;Kawasan itersebut imemiliki ikesiapan idan idukungan idari imasyarakat iuntuk ipengembangan ipariwisata. Keywords: (Inovasi, Pariwisata; Kawasan Unggulan Strategis) Inovasi pengembangan daerah Kabupaten Konawe tentang penetapan kawasan unggulan strategis pariwisatanya dengan tujuan menemukan fakta dan data informasi tentang persepsi hubungannya jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung serta sekaligus hubungannya pada upaya peningkatan pendapatan asli daerah Kabupaten Konawe. Metode penelitian mengaplikasikan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian dan bersifat deskriptif. Data primer diperoleh menggunakan observasi partisipatoris dan wawancara mendalam tidak terstruktur (Dinas Pemuda Olahraga dan pariwisata, akademisi dan pariwisata serta kelompok masyarakat pegiat pariwisata dan Focus Group Discuss. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Inovasi PengembanganPengembangan Sektor Pariwisata Melalui Kawasan Unggulan Strategis Pada Dinas Pemuda Olahraga dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Konawe dilakukan melalui penentuan iSkala iPengembangan idan iSistem iJaringan iFungsional, Peningkatan iKeberagaman iDaya iTarik iWisata, Peningkatan iKualitas iPelayanan idan iPengelolaan idi iDaya iTarik iWisata, Meningkatkan iKapasitas iPara iPihak iDalam iPengembangan iPariwisata. Strategi iPengembangan iPariwisata iDalam iAspek iPengembangan iIndustri iPariwisata dan Pengendalian idan ipemantauan ipelaksanaan iperaturan iterkait iinvestasi idan iindustri ipariwisata. Strategi iPengembanganPariwisata iDalam iAspek iPengembangan iKelembagaan dan Penguatan imanajemen ipariwisata.Kesimpulan penelitian menunjukkan inovasi pengembangan Struktur iPerwilayahan iPariwisataStrategi iuntuk ikonsep iaspek ikewilayahan iadalah imenentukan iKawasan iStrategis iPariwisata iDaerah i(KSPD) dan Kawasan iStrategis iPariwisata iDaerah i ikawasan iyang imemiliki ifungsi iutama ipariwisata iatau imemiliki ipotensi iuntuk ipengembangan ipariwisata iyang imempunyai ipengaruh ipenting idalam isatu iatau ilebih iaspek. iAdapun ikriteria iyang idigunakan idengan imengacu ipada ikriteriai, idiantaranya : memiliki isumber idaya ipariwisata iyang iunik idan idapat idiunggulkan;Kawasan itersebut imemiliki ipotensi isebagai ipenggerak ipengembangan wilaya

    Model Pendidikan Interprofesional dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kemampuan Kolaboratif Mahasiswa Kesehatan

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    The public demand for the quality of health services continues to increase, patients get interventions from various health professions to address their health problems with their respective analysis and intervention, so frequent repeated reviews and multiple interventions will require professional collaboration. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the model of interprofesional education to increase the collaborative skills of health students. Types of research mix methods between quantitative and qualitative. Data collection with triangulation through instrument used questionnaire, FGD guidance and semi structured interview. A sample of 20 people consisting of 8 students of nursing, 5 students of public health and 7 midwifery students by following the process of learning together for eight weeks. Result of improvement of student perception toward interprofesional education with average difference 1.7 (P: 0.02), Collaborative ability happened significant improvement between before and after interprofesional education with difference average 3,4 (P 0.025). Student attitudes towards team work with an average difference of 7.3 (P: 0.003). Interprofesional education with problem based learning methods is very effective for improving collaborative skills, and providing cooperative experience. The success of interprofesional education is strongly supported by clarity of objectives and learning topics as well as the breadth of insights and experiences of tutor or facilitator clinics

    Quality Assessment of Borehole Water in-Terms of Selected Physicochemical Parameters in Maiduguri Urban Areas, Borno State, Nigeria

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    In Nigeria, over 120 million peoples use boreholes as their main source of drinking water and in-view of the increasing volume of solid waste materials in Maiduguri, it has become exigencies to evaluate the quality of borehole waters in the city. The objective of this paper is therefore to evaluate some physicochemical characteristic of borehole water samples in Maiduguri urban areas Borno State, Nigeria using standard methods. Result obtained revealed that the pH of all the water samples was within the range of 6.5 to 8.5 as recommended limit by World Health Organization (WHO). Except for the pH of borehole water at Bulumkutu ward which is acidic (6.2). The pHs of all the water from the three wards were alkaline. The total dissolved solid and the electrical conductivity of water samples from the three wards fall within the limit of WHO, except water samples from Ngarannam (1100 mg/l) and (2220 uS/cm). The concentration of major ions (Na, Mg and K) fall far below the WHO recommended limit and thus the water can said to be excellent in terms of these elements. Except for Cl ion (262 mg/g) at borehole water in Gwange ward fall above the permissible limit by WHO. The study recommends performing regular testing of different water sources within the study area to ensure that commensurate attention given is maintaining a healthy population

    Collective dynamics in crystalline polymorphs of ZnCl2_{2}: potential modelling and inelastic neutron scattering study

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    We report a phonon density of states measurement of α\alpha-ZnCl2_{2} using the coherent inelastic neutron scattering technique and a lattice dynamical calculation in four crystalline phases of ZnCl2_{2} using a transferable interatomic potential. The model calculations agree reasonably well with the available experimental data on the structures, specific heat, Raman frequencies and their pressure variation in various crystalline phases. The calculated results have been able to provide a fair description of the vibrational as well as the thermodynamic properties of ZnCl2_{2} in all its four phases.Comment: Accepted in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Symmetric Signaling by an Asymmetric 1 Erythropoietin: 2 Erythropoietin Receptor Complex

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    Via sites 1 and 2, erythropoietin binds asymmetrically to two identical receptor monomers, although it is unclear how asymmetry affects receptor activation and signaling. Here we report the design and validation of two mutant erythropoietin receptors that probe the role of individual members of the receptor dimer by selectively binding either site 1 or site 2 on erythropoietin. Ba/F3 cells expressing either mutant receptor do not respond to erythropoietin, but cells co-expressing both receptors respond to erythropoietin by proliferation and activation of the JAK2-Stat5 pathway. A truncated receptor with only one cytosolic tyrosine (Y343) is sufficient for signaling in response to erythropoietin, regardless of the monomer on which it is located. Similarly, only one receptor in the dimer needs a juxtamembrane hydrophobic L253 or W258 residue, essential for JAK2 activation. We conclude that despite asymmetry in the ligand-receptor interaction, both sides are competent for signaling, and appear to signal equally.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P01 HL32262)Amgen Inc. (Research Grant)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM 065418)United States. Dept. of Energy. Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (DE-FG02-97ER25308)National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (Postdoctoral Fellowship 5F32HL077036

    Women’s contraceptive choice following the use of Implanon NXT: Findings from a study in Durban, South Africa

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    Implanon NXT was introduced in South Africa (SA) in 2014 to expand the contraceptive method mix. While studies have explored patterns of implant use, data on contraceptive choice following implant removal is limited. Here, we describe contraceptive choice among 120 women requesting Implanon NXT removal, between 2017 and 2018, at an urban reproductive health clinic in Durban, SA. Among women who used the implant for three years (n=91), >50% chose to reinsert Implanon NXT. Reasons for choosing to reinsert included satisfaction with the implant, the desire for a long-acting method and having had no side effects. A third of women chose not to reinsert Implanon NXT after three years due to side effects such as problematic bleeding. Most women requesting early removal of the implant switched to male condoms, injectables or oral contraceptives. Contraceptive services should provide women with contraceptive options and allow women to make informed decisions regarding contraceptive choice, in addition to providing support and managing side effects among Implanon NXT users. Implanon NXT a été introduit en Afrique du Sud (SA) en 2014 pour élargir la gamme de méthodes contraceptives. Alors que les études ont exploré les modèles d'utilisation des implants, les données sur le choix de la contraception après le retrait de l'implant sont limitées. Ici, nous décrivons le choix de la contraception parmi 120 femmes demandant le retrait d'Implanon NXT, entre 2017 et 2018, dans une clinique de santé reproductive urbaine à Durban, SA. Parmi les femmes ayant utilisé l'implant pendant trois ans (n = 91),> 50% ont choisi de réinsérer Implanon NXT. Les raisons du choix de la réinsertion comprenaient la satisfaction à l'égard de l'implant, le désir d'une méthode à action prolongée et l'absence d'effets secondaires. Un tiers des femmes ont choisi de ne pas réinsérer Implanon NXT après trois ans en raison d'effets secondaires tels que des saignements problématiques. La plupart des femmes demandant le retrait précoce de l'implant sont passées aux préservatifs masculins, aux injectables ou aux contraceptifs oraux. Les services de contraception devraient offrir aux femmes des options contraceptives et leur permettre de prendre des décisions éclairées concernant le choix de la contraception, en plus de fournir un soutien et de gérer les effets secondaires parmi les utilisatrices d'Implanon NXT

    Mouse models of preterm birth: Suggested assessment and reporting guidelines

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    Preterm birth affects approximately 1 out of every 10 births in the United States, leading to high rates of mortality and long-term negative health consequences. To investigate the mechanisms leading to preterm birth so as to develop prevention strategies, researchers have developed numerous mouse models of preterm birth. However, the lack of standard definitions for preterm birth in mice limits our field\u27s ability to compare models and make inferences about preterm birth in humans. In this review, we discuss numerous mouse preterm birth models, propose guidelines for experiments and reporting, and suggest markers that can be used to assess whether pups are premature or mature. We argue that adoption of these recommendations will enhance the utility of mice as models for preterm birth

    Kandungan Glukosa Nektar dan Madu Sebagai Sumber Pakan Lebah Pada Lokasi yang Berbeda

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    Apis cerana is a beneficial honey bee. Purpose of study to compare volume and glucose content nectar and honey as food resources at Taman Kupu-kupu Gita Persada (TKGP) and Negara Ratu (NR). Study was conducted by signed 10 flowers four differents species that can produce nectar (Calliandra sp, Dimocarpus longan, Solanum torvum and Nicotiana tabacum). Volume of nectar measured by syringe, and glucose content by refractometer. As well as honey taken from 10 pots in each nest at two location was measured by same way. Nectar samples collected (morning, day, and afternoon) every week during five weeks. Data was analyzed using T test. Result of study show volume average of nectar produced by the flowers in TKGP higher than NR, except Solanum torvum at afternoon 0,5 times lower than NR and Nicotiana tabacum in TKGP 0,2 - 0,7 times lower than NR. Glucose content average of nectar produced by flowers in NR higher than TKGP, except Dimocarpus longan on the day 4,2 times and afternoon 1,6 times, Solanum torvum and Nicotiana tabacum on day at NR 2,3 times higher then TKGP. There is a positive correlation between average of volume and glucose content of nectar four species flowers in two locations, except Calliandra sp in NR has negative correlation. Average of honey volume at TKGP higher than NR, in contrast average of glucose content of honey at TKGP lower than NR. Key words: Content glucose, Nectar, Honey, The bee (A. cerana