142 research outputs found

    Improvement of crop rotations aimed at increasing their efficiency and conserving soil fertility in conditions of biological intensification

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    The long-term research conducted in 2002-2017 in a long stationary experiment on studying different types of field crop rotations under conditions of the Kirov region showed that on sod-podzolic soils the loss of humus could be lowered using agro technical methods. The most critical of them include the reduction of a portion of bare fallow, transition to sown and green-manure fallow, expanded use of perennial legume and grain-legume crops and intercrop sowings. In eight-field crop rotations when using such means of a biologization as plowing of the root-stubble residues, aboveground mass of green-manure crops in fallow fields and intercrop sowings, the supply of organic substance was within 17.24-83.03 t/ha. By mineral-ization of this substance 7.64-11.51 t of humus were produced. In a crop rotation with bare fallow there is a negative balance of humus of -0.06 t/ha. The positive balance is obtained when using sown, green-manure fallows, intercrop sowings (two-three fields), and introduction of up to 25% perennial legumes to the structure of crop rotations. The formation of 0.96-1.44 t/ha of humus in the arable layer provides positive balance of 0.20-0.72 t/ha. The increase of the part of grain crops up to 62.5-75.0% in the structure of crop rotations resulted in rise of their efficiency up to 4.74-4.79 thousand fodder units. It was 0.27-0.32 thousand fodder units higher than in the control crop rotation with bare fallow. Dependence of productivity of agricultural crops on humus content was insignificantly negative (r = -0.16). The efficiency of the studied crop rotations depended considerably on the amount of productive moisture in the soil in a phase of ear formation of grain crops (r = -0.78) and on biological activity of the soil (r = -0.80)


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    The Eastern Sayan ophiolites (1020 Ma) of the Tuva-Mongolian microcontinent are believed to be the most ancient ophiolite of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt [Khain et al., 2002].The Eastern Sayan ophiolites (1020 Ma) of the Tuva-Mongolian microcontinent are believed to be the most ancient ophiolite of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt [Khain et al., 2002]

    Development and application of innovative technologies in the process of remote education of Ukraine

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    Development and application of innovative technologies in the process of remote education of Ukraine / Inna Ivzhenko, Iryna Sokol, Valentyna Kochyna and ot. // Journal of Critical Reviews. – 2020. – Vol. 7, Issue 12. – P. 1251-1253. – DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31838/jcr.07.12.218.Inna Ivzhenko, Iryna Sokol, Valentyna Kochyna, Margaryta Noskova, Liliia Yeromina. "DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE PROCESS OF REMOTE EDUCATION OF UKRAINE." Journal of Critical Reviews 7.12 (2020), 1251-1253. Print. doi:10.31838/jcr.07.12.218Суть статті полягає в огляді основних існуючих форм технології дистанційної освіти та їх характеристик. На основі результатів аналізу пропонуються рівні організації процесу дистанційної освіти. Визначено позитивні та негативні якості розвитку дистанційної освіти в Україні.The essence of the article is a review of the main existing forms of distance education technology and their characteristics. Based on the results of the analysis, the organization levels of the distance education process are proposed. The positive and negative qualities of the development of distance education in Ukraine are determined.Суть статьи заключается в осмотре основных существующих форм технологии дистанционного образования и их характеристик. На основе результатов анализа предлагаются уровнb организации процесса дистанционного образования. Определены положительные и отрицательные качества развития дистанционного образования в Украине

    Identification of Infectious Diseases Patterns in the Combined Use of Bacteriological Diagnostics and MALDI Biotyper

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    In multidisciplinary hospitals, there are conditions conducive to the emergence of healthcare-associated infections: high concentration of people with reduced immunity in a limited area, the presence of a significant number of sources of contagion (patients and carriers), a change in the biocenosis of the mucous membranes and skin of patients and medical personnel under the influence of widespread use of antibiotics and cytostatics. The aim of the research was in the intercomparison of the standardized bacteriological algorithms and the MALDI Biotyper system in the microbiological diagnosis of pathogens as illustrated by the healthcare-associated diseases.Materials and methods. Seventy-eight patients of a multidisciplinary hospital of a regional level (Irkutsk) in 2018–2019 were examined. The age of patients ranged from 1 to 15 years. The material for the study was blood, sputum, swabs from the tracheobronchial tree, throat, nose, wound, abdominal fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, and swabs from environmental objects. Identification of the isolated cultures (78 bacterial strains) was  carried out using generally accepted bacteriological methods, as well as using the MALDI Biotyper system.Results and discussions. In the structure of healthcare-associated infections, Pseudomonas aeruginosa occupied a leading position. Not all isolates of microorganisms were identified by standardized bacteriological methods. The identification of strains with characteristic manifestations of physiological and biochemical characteristics was more reliable. Identification difficulties arose in the presence of atypical properties of microorganisms when the use of MALDI Biotyper would be crucial.Conclusion. It is necessary to apply an integrated approach to conduct reliable diagnostics of pathogens. It includes standardized bacteriological methods and methods for identifying microorganisms using mass spectrometry in the subsequent stages

    Family influence on the development of individual characteristics

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    The aim of the study - the relevance of the study is justified by the study of the influence of the family on individual abilities of personality.Цель исследования - актуальность исследования обоснована изучением влияния семьи на индивидуальные способности личност

    Молекулярная и кристаллическая структура мезоморфных ароматических сложных эфиров.

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    n-Ethoxyphenyl-n'-pentylbenzoate was studied by X-ray diffraction analysis at 120.0 and 296.0 K. We have got any information in mutual orientation of the benzene rings and their possible conjugation the carboxy group COO, and orientation of the nearest benzene ringsМетодом РСА при 120,0 K и 296,0 K исследован п-этоксифенил-п´- пентилбензоат (1), обладающий мезофазой. Установлено взаимное расположение и наличие сопряжения бензольных колец и карбоксильной группы и ориентация бензольных колец соседних молекул. ВВ

    Conditioned Pain Modulation Is Associated with Common Polymorphisms in the Serotonin Transporter Gene

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    BACKGROUND: Variation in the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene (SLC6A4) has been shown to influence a wide range of affective processes. Low 5-HTT gene-expression has also been suggested to increase the risk of chronic pain. Conditioned pain modulation (CPM)--i.e. 'pain inhibits pain'--is impaired in chronic pain states and, reciprocally, aberrations of CPM may predict the development of chronic pain. Therefore we hypothesized that a common variation in the SLC6A4 is associated with inter-individual variation in CPM. Forty-five healthy subjects recruited on the basis of tri-allelic 5-HTTLPR genotype, with inferred high or low 5-HTT-expression, were included in a double-blind study. A submaximal-effort tourniquet test was used to provide a standardized degree of conditioning ischemic pain. Individualized noxious heat and pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) were used as subjective test-modalities and the nociceptive flexion reflex (NFR) was used to provide an objective neurophysiological window into spinal processing. RESULTS: The low, as compared to the high, 5-HTT-expressing group exhibited significantly reduced CPM-mediated pain inhibition for PPTs (p = 0.02) and heat-pain (p = 0.02). The CPM-mediated inhibition of the NFR, gauged by increases in NFR-threshold, did not differ significantly between groups (p = 0.75). Inhibition of PPTs and heat-pain were correlated (Spearman's rho = 0.35, p = 0.02), whereas the NFR-threshold increase was not significantly correlated with degree of inhibition of these subjectively reported modalities. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate the involvement of the tri-allelic 5-HTTLPR genotype in explaining clinically relevant inter-individual differences in pain perception and regulation. Our results also illustrate that shifts in NFR-thresholds do not necessarily correlate to the modulation of experienced pain. We discuss various possible mechanisms underlying these findings and suggest a role of regulation of 5-HT receptors along the neuraxis as a function of differential 5-HTT-expression

    Disruption of the Autophagy-Lysosome Pathway Is Involved in Neuropathology of the nclf Mouse Model of Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis

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    Variant late-infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, a fatal lysosomal storage disorder accompanied by regional atrophy and pronounced neuron loss in the brain, is caused by mutations in the CLN6 gene. CLN6 is a non-glycosylated endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident membrane protein of unknown function. To investigate mechanisms contributing to neurodegeneration in CLN6 disease we examined the nclf mouse, a naturally occurring model of the human CLN6 disease. Prominent autofluorescent and electron-dense lysosomal storage material was found in cerebellar Purkinje cells, thalamus, hippocampus, olfactory bulb and in cortical layer II to V. Another prominent early feature of nclf pathogenesis was the localized astrocytosis that was evident in many brain regions and the more widespread microgliosis. Expression analysis of mutant Cln6 found in nclf mice demonstrated synthesis of a truncated protein with a reduced half-life. Whereas the rapid degradation of the mutant Cln6 protein can be inhibited by proteasomal inhibitors, there was no evidence for ER stress or activation of the unfolded protein response in various brain areas during postnatal development. Age-dependent increases in LC3-II, ubiquitinated proteins, and neuronal p62-positive aggregates were observed, indicating a disruption of the autophagy-lysosome degradation pathway of proteins in brains of nclf mice, most likely due to defective fusion between autophagosomes and lysosomes. These data suggest that proteasomal degradation of mutant Cln6 is sufficient to prevent the accumulation of misfolded Cln6 protein, whereas lysosomal dysfunction impairs constitutive autophagy promoting neurodegeneration