3,753 research outputs found

    A methodology for small scale rural land use mapping in semi-arid developing countries using orbital imagery. Part 6: A low-cost method for land use mapping using simple visual techniques of interpretation

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    The author has identified the following significant results. It was found that color composite transparencies and monocular magnification provided the best base for land use interpretation. New methods for determining optimum sample sizes and analyzing interpretation accuracy levels were developed. All stages of the methodology were assessed, in the operational sense, during the production of a 1:250,000 rural land use map of Murcia Province, Southeast Spain

    A methodology for small scale rural land use mapping in semi-arid developing countries using orbital imagery. Part 3: Review of land use surveys using orbital imagery in the USA

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Techniques of preprocessing, interpretation, classification, and ground truth sampling were studied. It has shown the need for a low cost, low level technology, viable, operational methodology to replace the emphasis given in the U.S. to machine processing, which many developing countries cannot afford, understand, nor implement

    A methodology for small scale rural land use mapping in semi-arid developing countries using orbital imagery. Part 4: Review of land use surveys using orbital imagery outside of the USA

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Outside the U.S., various attempts were made to investigate the feasibility of utilizing orbital MSS imagery in the production of small scale land use maps. Overall, these studies are not as elaborate or extensive in their scope as the U.S. ones, and generally the non-U.S. investigators have employed nonsophisticated and less expensive techniques. A representative range of studies is presented to demonstrate the approaches and trends dealing with reprocessing, interpretation, classification, sampling, and ground truth procedures

    A methodology for small scale rural land use mapping in semi-arid developing countries using orbital imagery. 1: Introduction

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    The author has identified the following significant results. This research program has developed a viable methodology for producing small scale rural land use maps in semi-arid developing countries using imagery obtained from orbital multispectral scanners

    A methodology for small scale rural land use mapping in semi-arid developing countries using orbital imagery. Part 5: Experimental and operational techniques of mapping land use

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Scope of the preprocessing techniques was restricted to standard material from the EROS Data Center accompanied by some enlarging procedures and the use of the diazo process. Investigation has shown that the most appropriate sampling strategy for this study is the stratified random technique. A viable sampling procedure, together with a method for determining minimum number of sample points in order to test results of any interpretation are presented

    Enhancing cognitive behavioral therapy for childhood anxiety disorders: a parent manual

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    Anxiety disorders are among the most common psychiatric disorders affecting children and adolescents. In the past several decades, great advances have been made in the treatment of these disorders. While many psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments exist, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is currently the treatment approach with the most empirical support. Based on a large evidence-base, several CBT manuals have been developed for the treatment of anxiety disorders in children. While research on incorporating parents into these treatments is mixed, parent involvement is widely recommended in these treatments as well as in unmanualized CBT treatment. Although some self-help books and manual-specific guides for parents exist, there is no current manual that provides parents with information and guidance to facilitate their involvement in both manualized and unmanualized CBT for child anxiety disorders. The current project involved the development of a manual for parents whose children (ages 8-13 years) are involved in CBT treatment for Separation Anxiety Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Specific Phobia, and Social Phobia. The resulting manual was informed by a review of the literature on child anxiety, CBT treatments for anxiety, and the roles parents may play in CBT. The manual consists of introductory psychoeducation on anxiety and CBT followed by six chapters on the major components of CBT for anxiety. In addition to descriptions of these components, each chapter includes instructions on how parents can be involved to facilitate their child’s treatment. Following a discussion of strengths, limitations, and potential modifications to the current manual, plans for evaluating the efficacy of the manual as well as disseminating it to parents are described

    Nesting and nighttime behaviours of captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)

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    Abstract Studies of nesting behaviours of free-ranging apes typically focus on ecological variables such as preferred tree species and areas within the home range, heights of nests, and nest group sizes. However, nesting in captive apes is rarely studied, despite the ubiquity of this sleep-related behaviour. The paucity of field data is often attributed to the inherent difficulty in observing what is essentially a nighttime behaviour. Captive settings can provide researchers with an ideal opportunity to record nesting and sleep-related behaviours, yet such research on captive apes is also scant. Topics addressed include current practices in zoos regarding conditions for sleep in great apes, the potential effects of social and environmental factors on sleep site selection, the motor patterns involved in nest construction, preferred nesting structures and substrates, and nocturnal behaviours. This thesis documented and empirically tested hypotheses concerning nest-related activities in captive chimpanzees, with an aim to generate practical recommendations for enclosure design, sleeping areas, sleeping structures, and nesting substrates that have implications for the welfare of captive apes. As with the few reports that already exist, most chimpanzees in this research frequently constructed night nests. When building a nest, some techniques appeared to be universal across individuals and groups, where others were group-specific or occasionally characteristic of only certain individuals. An experiment showed that specific materials are preferred over others for nest building. Many chimpanzees appeared to express persistent preferences for particular sleeping sites, and for some this was to maintain proximity to kin or other closely bonded individuals. In one group, individual sleeping site preferences changed across seasons, although again this was subject to individual differences. Video analyses of nighttime behaviours demonstrated that, although nests/sleep sites are primarily used for rest subsequent to retirement, a number of social and non-social activities were performed throughout the night. In conjunction with analysis of postural and orientation shifts, these data are unique in describing the nocturnal behaviours of chimpanzees out with a laboratory setting. Several aspects of nest-related behaviours showed a high degree of inter-and intra-group variation. Although this cautions against generalising findings across captive populations, research of this type has applied implications for the management of captive ape species, and can add to our as-yet meagre understanding of their nest and sleep-related behaviours
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