336 research outputs found

    Evaluation of resistance to lodging of buckwheat varieties on the basis of anatomical features

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    Lodging crops is one of the reasons for shortage of crops and reducing its quality. For common buckwheat, the tendency to lodging is one of the factors limiting the production of this valuable crop. At the moment, the main area under buckwheat in Russia is taken by the varieties created on the basis of new morphobiotypes: restrictedly branching, determinant, with the physiological determination of growth. The present study aims at evaluating the resistance to lodging varieties, from different modern selections of buckwheat in Russia. We used the method of anatomical studies. It was found that the capacity of growth of woody tissues (sclerenchyma and wood) in the stem of buckwheat can serve as an indicator of resistance to lodging. Quality varietal differences in the anatomical features have not been found. The varieties significantly differed in area of lignified tissues in cross sections of the stem; this feature manifests itself in different varieties, regardless of their affiliation to a particular morphobiotype. It was concluded that in the process of selection of significant increase in thickening lignified tissues of buckwheat varieties did not happen. In addition, the positive correlation of mean strength between the area of woody tissues and the stem thickness and root maintenance of plants

    Features of the photosynthetic activity of millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) in drought conditions

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    In the Pre-Kama zone of the Republic of Tatarstan, the main limiting factor of the yield of most crops is the drought. One of the ways of solving this problem is the selection of early ripening varieties, able to form seed harvest before the onset of adverse conditions. This paper presents a comparative characteristics of samples of millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) of mid-early and mid-season groups in terms of photosynthetic activity. We revealed the significant differences in area and dry biomass of leaves, photosynthetic potential of the samples of different maturity groups. Significantly lower values of some indicators of photosynthetic activity of mid-season group are due to drought conditions, coinciding with the functioning of assimilation surface. In dry weather conditions, the productivity of the main shoot is highly affected, directly and indirectly, by economic coefficient of the main panicle, the photosynthetic potential of leaves of the plant in general and the photosynthetic potential of the leaves of the lower and middle tiers

    Features of the photosynthetic activity of millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) in drought conditions

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    In the Pre-Kama zone of the Republic of Tatarstan, the main limiting factor of the yield of most crops is the drought. One of the ways of solving this problem is the selection of early ripening varieties, able to form seed harvest before the onset of adverse conditions. This paper presents a comparative characteristics of samples of millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) of mid-early and mid-season groups in terms of photosynthetic activity. We revealed the significant differences in area and dry biomass of leaves, photosynthetic potential of the samples of different maturity groups. Significantly lower values of some indicators of photosynthetic activity of mid-season group are due to drought conditions, coinciding with the functioning of assimilation surface. In dry weather conditions, the productivity of the main shoot is highly affected, directly and indirectly, by economic coefficient of the main panicle, the photosynthetic potential of leaves of the plant in general and the photosynthetic potential of the leaves of the lower and middle tiers

    On the Concept of “Complexity” in Radiation Physics

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    Abstract: The concept of “complexity” is considered in relation to radiation processes in condensed matter. It is shown that a combination of such properties as nanoscale, fractality, low dimension, chirality, and hierarchy in combination with high nonequilibrium create conditions for the manifestation of unusual “emergent” radiation effects (radiation synergetics, great dose reduction of threshold radiation effects, etc.). Examples of radiation effects in living and inanimate systems, interpreted within the framework of the concept of “complexity”, are presented. An overview of both previously obtained and new results is presented. © 2022, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ: 21-12-00392This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 21-12-00392

    DNA topoisomerases participate in fragility of the oncogene RET

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    Fragile site breakage was previously shown to result in rearrangement of the RET oncogene, resembling the rearrangements found in thyroid cancer. Common fragile sites are specific regions of the genome with a high susceptibility to DNA breakage under conditions that partially inhibit DNA replication, and often coincide with genes deleted, amplified, or rearranged in cancer. While a substantial amount of work has been performed investigating DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint proteins vital for maintaining stability at fragile sites, little is known about the initial events leading to DNA breakage at these sites. The purpose of this study was to investigate these initial events through the detection of aphidicolin (APH)-induced DNA breakage within the RET oncogene, in which 144 APHinduced DNA breakpoints were mapped on the nucleotide level in human thyroid cells within intron 11 of RET, the breakpoint cluster region found in patients. These breakpoints were located at or near DNA topoisomerase I and/or II predicted cleavage sites, as well as at DNA secondary structural features recognized and preferentially cleaved by DNA topoisomerases I and II. Co-treatment of thyroid cells with APH and the topoisomerase catalytic inhibitors, betulinic acid and merbarone, significantly decreased APH-induced fragile site breakage within RET intron 11 and within the common fragile site FRA3B. These data demonstrate that DNA topoisomerases I and II are involved in initiating APH-induced common fragile site breakage at RET, and may engage the recognition of DNA secondary structures formed during perturbed DNA replication

    Global microRNA expression profiles in insulin target tissues in a spontaneous rat model of type 2 diabetes

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: MicroRNAs regulate a broad range of biological mechanisms. To investigate the relationship between microRNA expression and type 2 diabetes, we compared global microRNA expression in insulin target tissues from three inbred rat strains that differ in diabetes susceptibility. METHODS: Using microarrays, we measured the expression of 283 microRNAs in adipose, liver and muscle tissue from hyperglycaemic (Goto-Kakizaki), intermediate glycaemic (Wistar Kyoto) and normoglycaemic (Brown Norway) rats (n = 5 for each strain). Expression was compared across strains and validated using quantitative RT-PCR. Furthermore, microRNA expression variation in adipose tissue was investigated in 3T3-L1 adipocytes exposed to hyperglycaemic conditions. RESULTS: We found 29 significantly differentiated microRNAs (p(adjusted) < 0.05): nine in adipose tissue, 18 in liver and two in muscle. Of these, five microRNAs had expression patterns that correlated with the strain-specific glycaemic phenotype. MiR-222 (p(adjusted) = 0.0005) and miR-27a (p(adjusted) = 0.006) were upregulated in adipose tissue; miR-195 (p(adjusted) = 0.006) and miR-103 (p(adjusted) = 0.04) were upregulated in liver; and miR-10b (p(adjusted) = 0.004) was downregulated in muscle. Exposure of 3T3-L1 adipocytes to increased glucose concentration upregulated the expression of miR-222 (p = 0.008), miR-27a (p = 0.02) and the previously reported miR-29a (p = 0.02). Predicted target genes of these differentially expressed microRNAs are involved in pathways relevant to type 2 diabetes. CONCLUSION: The expression patterns of miR-222, miR-27a, miR-195, miR-103 and miR-10b varied with hyperglycaemia, suggesting a role for these microRNAs in the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes, as modelled by the Gyoto-Kakizaki rat. We observed similar patterns of expression of miR-222, miR-27a and miR-29a in adipocytes as a response to increased glucose levels, which supports our hypothesis that altered expression of microRNAs accompanies primary events related to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes

    Состояние оксидантно-антиоксидантного равновесия при тяжелой черепно-мозговой травме

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    Objective: to study the time course of changes in oxidative status parameters and their relationship with inflammation mediators in the acute period of severe brain injury (SBI). Subjects and methods. One hundred and thirteen patients aged 17—67 years were examined. The injury was closed and open in 54 (47.8%) and 59 (52.2%) patients, respectively. Severe brain contusions were observed in 47 patients, diffuse axonal lesions were seen in 2, and intracranial hematomas were present in 64 patients. The Glasgow coma scores for admission consciousness loss were 6.8±0.25. A control group comprised 23 healthy individuals. The significance of differences was estimated by Student’s test, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney, test, Spearman’s correlation test. Venous blood samples were used to study total oxidative activity (TOA) and total antioxidative activity (TAA), diene conjugates, lactic acid, albumin, transferrin (TF), ceruloplasmin, C-reactive protein, and lactoferrin (LF) were measured in venous blood on disease days 1, 4, 7, 10, 14, and 21. The profile of plasma cytokines (IL-1j8, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12p70, TNF-а, and IFN-y) was studied by flow fluorometry on a Cytomics FC 500 cytofluorometer (Beckman Counlter, USA) (reagents were from Bender Medsystems, Austria). Results. In SBI, there was an increase in oxidants, a reduction in antioxidant activity, and lipid peroxidation activation, which were closely related. The oxidation coefficient (TOA/TAA) was 40 times greater than the normal values on days 7 to 10. The oxidation parameters were found to be associated with inflammation and cytokine-mediated immunological reactions. The time course of changes in the study proteins was characteristic for systemic inflammation and there was an association with oxidative processes only for ceruloplasm. TF was found to have an association with IL-5 and IL-10, which reflects its involvement in immunological reactions. The association with hypoxia was established for IL-6 and LF. Ihe elevation or LF was directly caused by the neutrophil activating factor IL-8. Conclusion. Oxidative stress is an important factor in impairing hemostasis in SBI. The processes of oxidation and antioxidation are associated with inflammation and cytokine-mediated immunological reactions. Key words: severe brain injury, oxidative stress, cytokines, acute inflammation phase proteins.Цель исследования — изучить динамику показателей оксидативного статуса и их связи с медиаторами воспаления в остром периоде тяжелой черепно-мозговой травмы (ТЧМТ). Материалы и методы. Обследовано 113 больных в возрасте 17—67 лет. У 54 (47,8%) больных травма была закрытой и у 59 (52,2%) открытой. Ушибы головного мозга тяжелой степени отмечены у 47 больных, диффузные аксональные повреждения — у 2, внутричерепные гематомы — у 64 больных. Степень утраты сознания по шкале ком Глазго — 6,8±0,25 баллов. Контрольную группу (КГ) составили 23 здоровых человека. Достоверность различий оценивали по критериям Стьюдента, Вилкоксона-Манна-Уитни, коэффициенту корреляции Спирмана. В венозной крови на 1, 4, 7, 10, 14, 21-е сутки заболевания определяли общую окислительную (ООА) и общую антиокислительную активность (ОАА), диеновые конъюгаты (ДК), молочную кислоту (МК), альбумин, трансферрин, церулоплазмин, С-реактивный протеин, лактоферрин. Исследовали профиль цитоки-нов плазмы крови (IL-1/8, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, ^-12р70, TNFa, IFNy) методом проточной флюориметрии на цитофлуориметре «Cytomics FC 500» фирмы «Beckman Coulter» (США) (реагенты фирмы «Bender Medsystems»-, Австрия). Результаты. При ТЧМТ выявлено увеличение оксидантов, снижение антиоксидантной активности и активация перекисного окисления липидов, имевшие тесную сопряженность между собой. Коэффициент оксидации (ООА/ОАА) превышал нормальные значения с 7 по 10-е сутки более чем в 40 раз. Установлена связь показателей оксидации с воспалением и цитокин-опосредованными реакциями иммунной системы. Динамика изменения изученных белков была характерной для системного воспаления, а связь с оксидативными процессами установлена только для церулоплазмина. Выявлена сопряженность ТФ с IL-5 и с IL-10, которая отражает его участие в иммунологических реакциях. Связь с гипоксией выявлена для IL-6 и лактоферрина (ЛФ). Повышение ЛФ было прямо опосредовано фактором активации нейтрофилов IL-8. Заключение. Значимым фактором в нарушении гомеостаза при тяжелой черепно-мозговой травме является окислительный стресс. Процессы оксидации и антиоксидации сопряжены с воспалением и цитокин-опосредуемыми иммунологическими реакциями. Ключевые слова: тяжёлая черепно-мозговая травма, оксидативный стресс, цитокины, белки острой фазы воспаления

    Multi-Wavelength Variability of BL Lacertae Measured with High Time Resolution

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    In an effort to locate the sites of emission at different frequencies and physical processes causing variability in blazar jets, we have obtained high time-resolution observations of BL Lacertae over a wide wavelength range: with the \emph{Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite} (TESS) at 6,000-10,000 \AA\ with 2-minute cadence; with the Neil Gehrels \emph{Swift} satellite at optical, UV, and X-ray bands; with the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array at hard X-ray bands; with the \emph{Fermi} Large Area Telescope at γ\gamma-ray energies; and with the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope for measurement of the optical flux density and polarization. All light curves are correlated, with similar structure on timescales from hours to days. The shortest timescale of variability at optical frequencies observed with TESS is 0.5\sim 0.5 hr. The most common timescale is 13±113\pm1~hr, comparable with the minimum timescale of X-ray variability, 14.5 hr. The multi-wavelength variability properties cannot be explained by a change solely in the Doppler factor of the emitting plasma. The polarization behavior implies that there are both ordered and turbulent components to the magnetic field in the jet. Correlation analysis indicates that the X-ray variations lag behind the γ\gamma-ray and optical light curves by up to 0.4\sim 0.4 days. The timescales of variability, cross-frequency lags, and polarization properties can be explained by turbulent plasma that is energized by a shock in the jet and subsequently loses energy to synchrotron and inverse Compton radiation in a magnetic field of strength 3\sim3 GComment: 33 pages, 25 figures, 14 tables. Accepted to Ap

    Фармакологическая активность лактата кальция на модели дисбактериоза у крыс

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    Relevance. Under the influence of endogenous and /or exogenous factors, the intestinal microflora inhabiting all parts of the gastrointestinal tract may change, which disrupts the normal course of physiological processes, and in some cases leads to severe pathological conditions. One of the reasons for the development of intestinal dysbiosis is the use of antibacterial drugs. Thus, the search and development of means for the prevention and treatment of dysbiosis is an urgent task.Goal. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a candidate for a calcium lactate-based drug with repeated intragastric administration on a model of antibiotic-induced dysbiosis in rats.Methods. The study used 40 male Wistar rats (four groups of 10 animals each). A model of antibiotic-induced intestinal dysbiosis was tested in rats by a course of intragastric administration of a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid for 7 days at a dose of 75 mg/kg. The development of dysbiosis was confirmed by a change in the quantitative composition of representatives of the intestinal microbiota. Similarly, for 7 days, the test drug was administered in doses of 5 mg/kg, 25 mg/kg, 125 mg /kg daily 2 hours after the introduction of the pathology inducer. The control group received a 1 % starch solution.Results. The peak of dysbiosis development was recorded on the 4th day of pathology induction. The use of calcium lactate at a dose of 5 mg/kg did not have a significant effect, while in the groups receiving calcium lactate at doses of 25 mg/kg and 125 mg/kg, there was a statistically significant (Mann-Whitney criterion, p < 0.05) decrease in the severity of the pathological process compared with the negative control group.Conclusion. According to the results of this study, it was found that the use of calcium lactate in doses of 25 mg/kg and 125 mg/kg contributed to a faster disappearance of symptoms of dysbiosis and normalization of the intestinal microbiota in comparison with animals that did not receive treatment.Актуальность. Под воздействием эндогенных и/или экзогенных факторов кишечная микрофлора, заселяющая все отделы желудочно-кишечного тракта, может меняться, что нарушает нормальное течение физиологических процессов, а в отдельных случаях приводит к тяжёлым патологическим состояниям. Одной из причин развития дисбактериоза кишечника является применение антибактериальных препаратов. Таким образом, поиск и разработка средств для профилактики и лечения дисбактериозов является актуальной задачей.Цель. Целью исследования являлась оценка эффективности кандидата в лекарственное средство на основе лактата кальция при многократном внутрижелудочном введении на модели антибиотик-индуцированного дисбактериоза у крыс.Методы. В исследовании использовали 40 самцов крыс линии Wistar (четыре группы по 10 животных). Была апробирована модель антибиотик-индуцированного дисбактериоза кишечника на крысах путём курсового внутрижелудочного введения комбинации амоксициллина и клавулановой кислоты в течение 7 дней в дозе 75 мг/кг. Развитие дисбиоза было подтверждено изменением количественного состава представителей кишечной микробиоты. Аналогично, в течение 7 дней вводили тестируемый препарат в дозах 5 мг/кг,  25 мг/кг, 125 мг/кг ежедневно спустя 2 часа после введения индуктора патологии. Контрольная группа получала 1 % раствор крахмала.Результаты. Пик развития дисбактериоза регистрировали на 4-й день индукции патологии. Применение лактата кальция в дозе 5 мг/кг не оказало значимого влияния, в то время как в группах, получавших кальция лактат в дозах 25 мг/кг и 125 мг/кг, отмечено статистически значимое (критерий Манна–Уитни, p < 0,05) снижение выраженности патологического процесса по сравнению с группой негативного контроля.Заключение. По результатам данного исследования установлено, что применение лактата кальция в дозах 25 мг/кг и 125 мг/кг способствовало более быстрому исчезновению симптомов дисбактериоза и нормализации кишечной микробиоты в сравнении с животными, не получавшими лечение