367 research outputs found

    Do Wilson Fermions Induce an Adjoint Gauge Coupling?

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    Expansions of the Wilson determinant in lattice QCD with quarks produce gauge action terms which shift the coupling constant of the fundamental representation plaquette action and induce an adjoint representation plaquette action. We study the magnitude of these induced couplings with two flavors of Wilson fermions. We utilize a microcanonical demon method, which allows us to measure the induced couplings directly from gauge configurations generated by full fermionic simulations.Comment: 3 pages postscript, proceedings for LATTICE '9

    Spacelike Wilson Loops at Finite Temperature

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    In the high temperature phase of Yang-Mills theories, large spatial Wilson loops show area law behaviour with a string tension that grows with increasing temperature. Within the framework of the commonly used string picture we use a large scale expansion, which allows us to determine the string tension from measurements of intermediate and symmetric Wilson loops.Comment: Tex file. No figures included. Obtainable from P. Lacock at email address: [email protected]

    Phase transition and critical behaviour of the d=3 Gross-Neveu model

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    A second order phase transition for the three dimensional Gross-Neveu model is established for one fermion species N=1. This transition breaks a paritylike discrete symmetry. It constitutes its peculiar universality class with critical exponent \nu = 0.63 and scalar and fermionic anomalous dimension \eta_\sigma = 0.31 and \eta_\psi = 0.11, respectively. We also compute critical exponents for other N. Our results are based on exact renormalization group equations.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; v4 corresponds to the published articl

    Geosuunnittelun tietomallintaminen siltapaikoilla

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    Tiivistelmä. Infrarakentamisessa kehityssuuntana on ollut jo pidemmän aikaa tiedonhallinnan rakenteellinen muutos, jossa yhä suurempia tietomääriä pyritään tuottamaan ja hallitsemaan entistä tehokkaammin tiedonhallintarekistereissä ja hyödyntämään rakentamisen sovelluksissa. Alalla on tarvetta lisätä tietoa ja osaamista siitä, miten geoteknistä suunnitelma-aineistoa voidaan tuottaa, hyödyntää ja hallita mallipohjaisesti. Tulevaisuudessa tietomalleille ja mallipohjaisille toimintatavoille tullaan asettamaan hankkeilla merkittävämpiä rooleja, joten suunnitelmamalleissa esiintyvien riskien tunnistaminen ja hallinta on tärkeässä osassa kehitystyötä. Diplomityön aihealue on rajattu mallipohjaiseen suunnitteluun ja mallipohjaisiin toimintatapoihin suunnitteluvaiheessa. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää kirjallisuuskatsauksen, haastattelu- ja hanketutkimusten avulla geosuunnittelun tietomallintamisen nykytilaa siltapaikoilla sekä mallipohjaisen tarkastusprosessin tarpeita ja vaatimuksia. Kirjallisuuskatsaus käsittelee infrahankkeiden käytäntöjä mallipohjaisessa suunnittelussa, geosuunnittelun ominaispiirteitä siltapaikoilla ja alan tiedonsiirtostandardeja geoteknisestä näkökulmasta. Haastattelututkimus toteutettiin suunnittelijoille, rakentajille, tilaajille sekä ohjelmistoyritysten edustajille ja niillä selvitettiin geosuunnittelun tietomallintamisen nykytilaa useista eri näkökulmista. Hanketutkimukseen valittiin kolme pohjaolosuhteiltaan erilaista siltapaikkaa, joiden mallipohjaista aineistoa arvioitiin kansallisten mallinnusvaatimusten ja tarkastusprosessin tarpeiden kautta. Kirjallisuuskatsaus muodostaa teoriapohjan tutkimukselle. Katsauksen päätulokset toivat tietoa tiedonsiirtostandardien nykytilanteesta ja kehityssuunnista geoteknisestä näkökulmasta. Tulevaisuudessa alalla voi olla tarvetta mukauttaa tiedonsiirrollisia käytäntöjä, sillä kansainvälisen IFC-standardin laajentuminen geotekniikkaan tuo mahdollisuuksia tiedon laajamittaisemmalle käytölle. Asiantuntijahaastattelut valottivat alan yleistä osaamistasoa suunnitelmamallien käytössä ja tuottamisessa. Niillä saatiin tietoa siltapaikkojen mallipohjaiseen tarkastukseen kohdistettavasta geoteknisestä aineistosta ja miten mallipohjaiset esitystavat kuvaavat geoteknisiä suunnitelmaratkaisuja. Tutkimustulosten perusteella yhtenäisiä käytäntöjä geoteknisten suunnitelmamallien tuottamiseen ja kohdistamiseen ulkoisen tarkastuksen tarpeisiin ei vielä ole muodostunut. Suunnittelun lähtötiedon ja suunnitelmaratkaisujen tulkintaperusteiden kokonaisvaltainen välittäminen tarkastusprosessin tarpeisiin on usein puutteellista, eivätkä pohjatutkimukset välitä mallissa selkeästi havaintotietoa. Hanketutkimukset lisäsivät tietoa ohjelmistojen soveltuvuudesta geoteknisten mallien tuottamiseen ja tarkastamiseen. Geoteknisten mallien tiedonsiirtoformaateissa kuvattu suunnitelmallinen tietosisältö on vähäistä ja tiedonsiirtoon liitetyn informaation välittyminen seuraaviin hankevaiheisiin epävarmaa. Geoteknisissä suunnitelmamalleissa voi esiintyä tulkinnanvaraisuutta, sillä pohjaolosuhteista aiheutuvien epävarmuuksien mallipohjaiseen kuvaamiseen ei ole ohjelmistollisia tai tiedonsiirrollisia työkaluja. Mallien tietosisältöä käsittelevät oheisasiakirjat ovat kriittisiä aineiston jatkokäytön kannalta. Alalla onkin tarvetta tuottaa ohjeistusta malleja käsittelevien asiakirjojen sisältörakenteeseen. Mallipohjaisten toimintatapojen vakiintuminen vaatii hankkeiden kautta hyväksi havaittujen toimintamallien muodostumista. Alalla on tarvetta kehittää mallipohjaiseen tarkastukseen kohdistettavia aineistoja, joissa kuvataan tarkemmin suunnitteluun käytettyä lähtötietoa. Tiedonhallintarekistereiden tarpeet, erityyppisten aineistojen väliset yhteydet ja formaattivalinnat ovat keskeisiä huomioon otettavia näkökulmia ratkaisuja kehitettäessä. Tutkimusta ja sen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää Väyläviraston ohjeistuksien ja julkaisujen tuottamisessa sekä Tie- ja ratahankkeiden inframalliohjeen päivitystyössä.Geotechnical data modeling at bridge sites. Abstract. In infrastructure industry there has been a structural change in information management with the aim of producing and managing more versatile information efficiently for the needs of information management registers and utilizing it for construction applications. There is a need in the industry to increase awareness of how geotechnical design data can be produced, utilized, and managed on a model basis. In the future information model-based approaches will play an increasingly important role on projects. The identification and management of risks in model-based geotechnical data will also be an important part of development work. The topic area of the diploma thesis was limited to model-based design and model-based operating methods in the design phase of the infrastructure projects. The aim was to find out the current state of geotechnical data modeling at bridge sites and requirements of the model-based inspection process. Research material was collected through a literature, interviews, and project studies. The literature research examined the practices of model-based design in infrastructure projects, the characteristics of geotechnical design at bridge sites, and the current state of data transmission standards with geotechnical point of view. The expert interviews were conducted for designers, contractors, project clients, and representatives of software companies. The interviews gathered information of current state of geotechnical data modeling and the practices in the model-based inspection process. Three bridge sites with different ground conditions were selected for the project study and model-based material was evaluated through national modeling requirements and the needs of the inspection process. The literature review forms a theoretical basis for the research. The main results of the review provided information on the current state and trends in data transmission standards from a geotechnical point of view. In the future there may be a need in the geotechnical field to adapt data transfer practices towards international standard as the extensions of the IFC will provide opportunities for more extensive use of data. The interviews brought information of the general level of knowledge in the field to use and produce model-based geotechnical data. It also provided information of the geotechnical data in bridge sites needed for model-based inspection process and how geotechnical models represent the design solutions. Based on the research results there are currently no uniform practices for producing and targeting model-based geotechnical data for the needs of external audit. The comprehensive transmission of input data and interpretations of design solutions to the needs of the external audit is often incomplete. The ground investigations do not clearly convey factual data in the model for the needs of inspection process. Project studies increased knowledge about the suitability of softwares for producing and verifying geotechnical models. The design data content included in the data transmission formats of geotechnical models is limited and the transmission of data to the next project phases is uncertain. The design solutions in geotechnical models may be open to interpretation as there are no software or data transfer tools for model-based mapping of uncertainties due to ground conditions. Currently the accompanying documents describing the content of models are critical for the further use of the material. Therefore, there is a need in the field to improve guidance to content structure of the documents related to geotechnical model. In the future, more development work, guidance, and piloting will be needed to reach standard like procedures with model-based operating methods. The needs of information management registers, the connections between different types of data and the choice of data transmission formats are key aspects to consider when developing new solutions. The research and its results can be utilized in the production of Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency guidelines and publications

    The Nt=6N_t=6 equation of state for two flavor QCD

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    We improve the calculation of the equation of state for two flavor QCD by simulating on Nt=6N_t=6 lattices at appropriate values of the couplings for the deconfinement/chiral symmetry restoration crossover. For amq=0.0125am_q=0.0125 the energy density rises rapidly to approximately 1 GeV/fm3{\rm GeV/fm^3} just after the crossover(mπ/mρ0.4m_\pi/m_\rho\approx 0.4 at this point). Comparing with our previous result for Nt=4N_t=4~\cite{eos}, we find large finite NtN_t corrections as expected from free field theory on finite lattices. We also provide formulae for extracting the speed of sound from the measured quantities.Comment: Contribution to Lattice 95 proceedings (combines talks presented by T. Blum and L. Karkkainen). LaTeX, 8 pages, uses espcrc2.sty, postscript figures include

    Storage properties and quality of meats deboned by different methods

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    The storage properties of mechanically deboned beef and pork were studied at storage temperatures of +4°C for up to 6 days and at -24°C for up to 140days. Two types of machines were used for the separation of the meat, a pressure-based Inject Star machine (6 test series) and a Poss prototype machine based on scraping (2 test series). The samples were recovered using a disinfected machine and were immediately packaged in cartons and periodically analysed for their chemical, microbiological and physical characteristics. The beef samples maintained their overall quality better than the pork samples both in cold and frozen storage. The differences (

    Preliminary heavy-light decay constants from the MILC collaboration

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    Preliminary results from the MILC collaboration for fBf_B, fBsf_{B_s}, fDf_D, fDsf_{D_s} and their ratios are presented. We compute in the quenched approximation at β=6.3\beta=6.3, 6.0 and 5.7 with Wilson light quarks and static and Wilson heavy quarks. We attempt to quantify systematic errors due to finite volume, finite lattice spacing, large amam, and fitting and extrapolation uncertainties. The hopping parameter approach of Henty and Kenway is used to treat the heavy quarks; the sources are Coulomb gauge gaussians.Comment: 3 pages, compressed postscript (uufiles), talk given at Lattice '9

    Colonic Involvement in a Patient with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia

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    Various gastrointestinal infiltrations have been described in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL). Here, we report a 69-year-old man with CLL and anaemia in whom the macroscopic finding of colonoscopy was normal, but the histological specimens revealed lymphocytic leukemia in ileum and in colon. If a CLL patient has any symptoms suggesting a possible GI manifestation of the haematologic disease or anaemia not explained by bone marrow infiltration or hemolysis, the diagnostic evaluation should include endoscopies with adequate biopsies

    Thermodynamics for two flavor QCD

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    We conclude our analysis of the N_t=6 equation of state for two flavor QCD, first described at last year's conference. We have obtained new runs at am_q=0.025 and improved runs at am_q=0.0125. The results are extrapolated to m_q=0, and we extract the speed of sound as well. We also present evidence for a restoration of the SU(2) X SU(2) chiral symmetry just above the crossover, but not of the axial U(1) chiral symmetry.Comment: Poster presented at LATTICE96(finite temperature). 4 pages, LaTeX plus 5 encapsulated Postscript figure

    Asymptotic Behavior of the Correlator for Polyakov Loops

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    The asymptotic behavior of the correlator for Polyakov loop operators separated by a large distance RR is determined for high temperature QCD. It is dominated by nonperturbative effects related to the exchange of magnetostatic gluons. To analyze the asymptotic behavior, the problem is formulated in terms of the effective field theory of QCD in 3 space dimensions. The Polyakov loop operator is expanded in terms of local gauge-invariant operators constructed out of the magnetostatic gauge field, with coefficients that can be calculated using resummed perturbation theory. The asymptotic behavior of the correlator is exp(MR)/R\exp(-MR)/R, where MM is the mass of the lowest-lying glueball in (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional QCD. This result implies that existing lattice calculations of the Polyakov loop correlator at the highest temperatures available do not probe the true asymptotic region in RR.Comment: 10 pages, NUHEP-TH-94-2