3,026 research outputs found

    The art of spacecraft design: A multidisciplinary challenge

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    Actual design turn-around time has become shorter due to the use of optimization techniques which have been introduced into the design process. It seems that what, how and when to use these optimization techniques may be the key factor for future aircraft engineering operations. Another important aspect of this technique is that complex physical phenomena can be modeled by a simple mathematical equation. The new powerful multilevel methodology reduces time-consuming analysis significantly while maintaining the coupling effects. This simultaneous analysis method stems from the implicit function theorem and system sensitivity derivatives of input variables. Use of the Taylor's series expansion and finite differencing technique for sensitivity derivatives in each discipline makes this approach unique for screening dominant variables from nondominant variables. In this study, the current Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) aerodynamic and sensitivity derivative/optimization techniques are applied for a simple cone-type forebody of a high-speed vehicle configuration to understand basic aerodynamic/structure interaction in a hypersonic flight condition

    Approximation of Bayesian inverse problems for PDEs

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    Inverse problems are often ill posed, with solutions that depend sensitively on data. In any numerical approach to the solution of such problems, regularization of some form is needed to counteract the resulting instability. This paper is based on an approach to regularization, employing a Bayesian formulation of the problem, which leads to a notion of well posedness for inverse problems, at the level of probability measures. The stability which results from this well posedness may be used as the basis for quantifying the approximation, in finite dimensional spaces, of inverse problems for functions. This paper contains a theory which utilizes this stability property to estimate the distance between the true and approximate posterior distributions, in the Hellinger metric, in terms of error estimates for approximation of the underlying forward problem. This is potentially useful as it allows for the transfer of estimates from the numerical analysis of forward problems into estimates for the solution of the related inverse problem. It is noteworthy that, when the prior is a Gaussian random field model, controlling differences in the Hellinger metric leads to control on the differences between expected values of polynomially bounded functions and operators, including the mean and covariance operator. The ideas are applied to some non-Gaussian inverse problems where the goal is determination of the initial condition for the Stokes or Navier–Stokes equation from Lagrangian and Eulerian observations, respectively

    The major human AP endonuclease (Ape1) is involved in the nucleotide incision repair pathway

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    In nucleotide incision repair (NIR), an endonuclease nicks oxidatively damaged DNA in a DNA glycosylase-independent manner, providing the correct ends for DNA synthesis coupled to the repair of the remaining 5'-dangling modified nucleotide. This mechanistic feature is distinct from DNA glycosylase-mediated base excision repair. Here we report that Ape1, the major apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease in human cells, is the damage- specific endonuclease involved in NIR. We show that Ape1 incises DNA containing 5,6-dihydro-2'-deoxyuridine, 5,6-dihydrothymidine, 5-hydroxy-2'-deoxyuridine, alpha-2'-deoxyadenosine and alpha-thymidine adducts, generating 3'-hydroxyl and 5'-phosphate termini. The kinetic constants indicate that Ape1-catalysed NIR activity is highly efficient. The substrate specificity and protein conformation of Ape1 is modulated by MgCl2 concentrations, thus providing conditions under which NIR becomes a major activity in cell-free extracts. While the N-terminal region of Ape1 is not required for AP endonuclease function, we show that it regulates the NIR activity. The physiological relevance of the mammalian NIR pathway is discussed

    Quality of Neonatal Health Care: Learning From Health Workers’ Experiences in Critical Care in Kilimanjaro Region, Northeast Tanzania

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    Neonatal deaths are generally attributed to suboptimal standards of health care. Health care worker motivation and adherence to existing guidelines are rarely studied. To assess the performance of health workers for neonatal health care in the hospitals of Kilimanjaro region. A descriptive study using a semi-structured interview for health care workers at a tertiary referral hospital and peripheral health facilities (regional referral, district hospitals and health centres).was used. Health Care Workers (HCW) were asked to recall a scenario of a critically ill neonate admitted in the wards and the treatment that was provided. The WHO Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment (ETAT) guidelines were used as a standard reference for knowledge of critical care. Birth asphyxia was the most recalled health problem requiring critical care, reported by 27.5% of 120 HCW at both peripheral hospitals and by 46.4% of 28 health workers in tertiary referral centres. Half of the HCW commented on their own performance (47.5%, n=140). HCW presented with low to moderate levels of knowledge for critical care were at 92%. Supplementary training was associated with a higher levels of knowledge of neonatal critical care (p value = 0.05). HCW in peripheral hospital had lower levels of knowledge (only 44.7% at peripheral hospitals had sufficient ratings compared to 82.1% at the referral centre). [Pearson χ2 (2) = 12.10, p value = 0.002]. Guided Practical-Competence Diagnostic Specific neonatal health care training is highly needed in the peripheral facilities of rural Kilimanjaro region

    Nothing Is Impossible Pengaruh Kecemasan terhadap Prokrastinasi Akademik

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    Prokrastinasi akademik adalah kecenderungan seseorang untuk menunda-nunda mengerjakan tugas-tugas akademik yang seharusnya dikerjakan sampai tidak ada lagi waktu untuk menunda. Banyak alasan yang membuat seseorang akhirnya memutuskan untuk melakukan prokrastinasi. Salah satu alasannya adalah kecemasan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen pretest-posttest control group design non-randomized. Subjek penelitian adalah semua mahasiswa yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah Penyusunan Alat Ukur pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui apakah kecemasan yang ditimbulkan oleh tugas berpengaruh pada perilaku prokrastinasi mahasiswa tersebut. Penelitian ini mengkajinya dengan Temporal Motivation Theory (TMT) (Steel, 2007). Penelitian ini menggunakan Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS) dan jam pengumpulan tugas untuk mengukur tingkat prokrastinasinya, sedangkan untuk kecemasan digunakan skala yang terdiri atas 22 butir pernyataan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara kecemasan dan prokrastinasi akademik (r = 0,417 ; p = 0,000). Terbukti pada kelompok eksperimen seseorang yang cemas lebih memilih untuk segera mengerjakannya, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol terbukti seseorang yang cemas lebih memilih untuk melakukan penundaan

    A New Method for Calculating Arrival Distribution of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays above 10^19 eV with Modifications by the Galactic Magnetic Field

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    We present a new method for calculating arrival distribution of UHECRs including modifications by the galactic magnetic field. We perform numerical simulations of UHE anti-protons, which are injected isotropically at the earth, in the Galaxy and record the directions of velocities at the earth and outside the Galaxy for all of the trajectories. We then select some of them so that the resultant mapping of the velocity directions outside the Galaxy of the selected trajectories corresponds to a given source location scenario, applying Liouville's theorem. We also consider energy loss processes of UHE protons in the intergalactic space. Applying this method to our source location scenario which is adopted in our recent study and can explain the AGASA observation above 4 \times 10^{19} eV, we calculate the arrival distribution of UHECRs including lower energy (E>10^19 eV) ones. We find that our source model can reproduce the large-scale isotropy and the small-scale anisotropy on UHECR arrival distribution above 10^19 eV observed by the AGASA. We also demonstrate the UHECR arrival distribution above 10^19 eV with the event number expected by future experiments in the next few years. The interesting feature of the resultant arrival distribution is the arrangement of the clustered events in the order of their energies, reflecting the directions of the galactic magnetic field. This is also pointed out by Alvarez-Muniz et al.(2002). This feature will allow us to obtain some kind of information about the composition of UHECRs and the magnetic field with increasing amount of data.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    The measurement of aircraft performance and stability and control after flight through natural icing conditions

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    The effects of airframe icing on the performance and stability and control of a twin-engine commuter-class aircraft were measured by the NASA Lewis Research Center. This work consisted of clear air tests with artificial ice shapes attached to the horizontal tail, and natural icing flight tests in measured icing clouds. The clear air tests employed static longitudinal flight test methods to determine degradation in stability margins for four simulated ice shapes. The natural icing flight tests employed a data acquisition system, which was provided under contract to NASA by Kohlman Systems Research Incorporated. This system used a performance modeling method and modified maximum likelihood estimation (MMLE) technique to determine aircraft performance degradation and stability and control. Flight test results with artificial ice shapes showed that longitudinal, stick-fixed, static margins are reduced on the order of 5 percent with flaps up. Natural icing tests with the KSR system corroborated these results and showed degradation in the elevator control derivatives on the order of 8 to 16 percent depending on wing flap configuration. Performance analyses showed the individual contributions of major airframe components to the overall degration in lift and drag

    Document mark-up for different users and purposes

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    Semantic enhancement of texts aids their use by researchers. However, mark-up of large bodies of text is slow and requires precious expert resources. The task could be automated if there were marked-up texts to train and test mark-up tools. This paper looks at the re-purposing of texts originally marked-up to support taxonomists to provide computer scientists with training and test data for their mark-up tools. The re-purposing highlighted some key differences in the requirements of taxonomists and computer scientists and their approaches to mark-up

    Continuous variable teleportation of single photon states

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    The properties of continuous variable teleportation of single photon states are investigated. The output state is different from the input state due to the non-maximal entanglement in the EPR beams. The photon statistics of the teleportation output are determined and the correlation between the field information beta obtained in the teleportation process and the change in photon number is discussed. The results of the output photon statistics are applied to the transmission of a qbit encoded in the polarization of a single photon.Comment: 14 pages, including 6 figure