5,242 research outputs found

    Detection of Musical Notes Using a Polyphonic Pitch Tracking Embedded System

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    Detection of polyphonic notes using embedded systems is a field that has not been explored. This article describes a polyphonic tracking embedded system that can detect on real time single and multiple musical notes, as well as their time duration. The solution was designed on an embedded system with a Cortex M-7 core as processor. This was achieved with an algorithm using fast Fourier transform iterating on two buffers in coordination with the direct memory access peripheral. The proposed embedded system was able to detect multiple musical notes on real time. Future works could use the results of this design and export them to a real music editing format.ITESO, A. C

    Inflammatory Mediators Release in Urine from Mice Injected with Crotalus durissus terrificus Venom

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    In this study, we investigated in groups of female BALB/c mice injected with Crotalus durissus terrificus venom (Cdt) the renal function based on creatinine clearance, percentage of fractional excretion cytokines and histological examination of renal tissue. Cdt caused renal alterations that induced proteinuria during the initial hours post-venom and reduced creatinine clearance 15 min. up to 2 hours post-venom administration. In urine from mice injected with Cdt induced a decrease in IL-4 levels. More pronounced increments of IL-5, IL-6 and IFN-γ were observed after 15 and 30 min, respectively. The highest levels of TNF and IL-10 were observed at 1 and 4 hs, respectively. The ratios of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in animals injected with Cdt, which may be manifested in the inflammatory status during the envenoming. In groups of animals treated with Cdt were observed a decreasing in creatinine clearance and its effect on glomerular filtration rate was accompanied by decreased fractional excretion of cytokines and morphologic disturbances. This loss of change selectively in envenomation could thus explain why the relatively excretion of cytokines is reduced while of total proteins increases. In conclusion the fractional excretion of cytokines is significantly reduced in mice injected with Cdt, despite proteinuria

    Optimization of pulsed thermoelectric materials using simulated annealing and non-linear finite elements

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    [EN] The objective of this work is to determine the optimal shape, gains and duration of an electric pulse applied to a Peltier cell, together with the length of the thermoelectric to maximize cooling while min- imizing electric consumption. For this purpose, a fully coupled, multiphysics, dynamic finite-element model, which solves for the thermal, electric and mechanical fields is used. Because of the demanding computing requirements of the optimization process, a special mesh is designed and a convergence anal- ysis is carried out before using the multiphysics model. The highly non-linear optimization is done by simulated annealing, a heuristic algorithm in the Markov chain Monte-Carlo family. A preliminary para- metric investigation is presented, analyzing the impact of some of the parameters. The results of this pre- liminary analysis help to understand the effect of the different shapes in the evolution of the cold face temperature. Some of these results are expected and have already been discussed elsewhere, but others can only be explained after further analysis and a full system modeling. Pulse optimization is multiobjec- tive and multiparametric, i.e., it can consider several targets such as maximizing the cooling temperature, the cooling duration or others. The trade-offs between the different targets are studied. In all cases, stres- ses inside the thermoelement are examined at all points, and the pulses must meet the restriction that an equivalent stress is not above the allowable value.This research was partially supported by the grants, Haut-de-France Region (CR Picardie, 120-2015-RDISTRUCT-000010), EU funding (FEDER, RDISTRUCT-000010) for Chaire-de-Mecanique, and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness grant CGL2014-59841-P. These supports are gratefully acknowledgedMoreno-Navarro, P.; Pérez-Aparicio, JL.; Gómez-Hernández, JJ. (2017). Optimization of pulsed thermoelectric materials using simulated annealing and non-linear finite elements. Applied Thermal Engineering. 120:603-613. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.04.036S60361312

    Analytical and multicoupled methods for optimal steady-state thermoelectric solutions

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    [EN] Peltier cells have low efficiency, but they are becoming attractive alternatives for affordable and environmentally clean cooling. In this line, the current article develops closed-form and semianalytical solutions to improve the temperature distribution of Bi2Te3 thermoelements. From the distribution, the main objective of the current work-the optimal electric intensity to maximize cooling-is inferred. The general one-dimensional differential coupled equation is integrated for linear and quadratic geometry of thermoelements, under temperature constant properties. For a general shape, a piece-wise solution based on heat flux continuity among virtual layers gives accurate analytical solutions. For variable properties, another piece-wise solution is developed but solved iteratively. Taking advantage of the formulae, the optimal intensity is directly derived with a minimal computational cost; its value will be of utility for more advanced designs. Finally, a parametric study including straight, two linear, barrel, hourglass and vase geometries is presented, drawing conclusions on how the shape of the thermoelement affects the coupled phenomena. A specially developed coupled and non-linear finite element research code is run taking into account all the materials of the cell and using symmetries and repetitions. These accurate results are used to validate the analytical ones.This work was supported by the Generalitat Valenciana research programmes PROMETEO/2020/016: Applications de Topologic Isolators in Spintronics and Thermoelectricity (TOP-TERM) and BEST/2021/079. The support is gratefully acknowledged.Moreno-Navarro, P.; Pérez-Aparicio, JL.; Gómez-Hernández, JJ. (2022). Analytical and multicoupled methods for optimal steady-state thermoelectric solutions. Coupled Systems Mechanics, an international journal. 11(2):151-166. https://doi.org/10.12989/csm.2022.11.2.15115116611

    Integración de las construcciones rurales en el paisaje: encuestas y conclusiones

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    Design and integration of rural buildings in landscape: surveys and conclusions. The visual and aesthetic aspect of any object is defined by its characteristics of colour, form, line and texture. Any elements of compositive reference such as its scale and spatial character could also be added. This research applies a new method for predicting the value of the integration of buildings into the landscape, based on psychological aspects and the capacities of modern computers that are able to analyse easily these attributes. The designer can analyse the visual elements, all of them divided and studied in the properties that define them

    Buildings environmental impact assessment: simulation of textures

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    To study the construction as modifying of the environment and by so much as aesthetic attribute of the scene should know in what aspect influences. The physical resources of the landscape will be very seemed before and after the incorporation of a project (quality of content). Therefore they will be mainly the new composition of the elements (communicative quality) and the aesthetic resources (quality aesthetics) on those which will influence the constructions. The different points of view election will remain settled with the simulation by infographic photocomposition. The visual and aesthetic aspect of any object is defined by their characteristic of color, form, line and texture. It could be also added any elements of compositive reference as are its scale and being tried to stages, as is the case of the landscape, its spatial character. In this article we will center ourselves in one of these attributes: the texture. The different textures vision is crucial in the communication. The simulation of the landscapte has suffered a great impulse with the treatment of the photograph. This method admits various alternatives. It can be analyzed the taken image of the reality such which, or deducting some of its parts, adding some other element originating from the same or of other scene, or including constructions designed in CAD. The great advance, for the investigation of the visual perception, is procured in the composition using the landscape as fund and a construcion created through a design program attended by ordering. This step supposes great alternatives variability and a rapid generation of the same. Settled the great problem to obtain to compatibilize the points of view of the panorama and of the superposed performance and climinated by photographic treatment the properties of the surfaces that tent to be smooth and metalized brilliants. The reflections and conclusions of the texture emerge with speed. They are analyzed in the study the different simulations with different textures

    Las nuevas construcciones ante la conservación del paisaje tradicional: un acercamiento a su estudio en el Páramo Leonés

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    Los paisajes se encuentran salpicados de numerosas edificaciones que influyen en la visualización que se tiene de ellos. Las construcciones rurales son un tipo de edificio que, por sus dimensiones y localización, influyen notablemente en la apreciación estética de la escena. Es notoria la importancia creciente en nuestro país del paisaje como recurso natural y, por tanto, de las construcciones como factor que afecta a la belleza paisajística. La sociedad en general, y los técnicos y proyectistas en particular, deberían tener en cuenta que la elección de los materiales de construcción, el emplazamiento y las relaciones de texturas y colores son consideraciones primordiales para el diseño de edificios rurales. Son elementos que intervienen en la conservación de los ecosistemas y en la potenciación del turismo rural, una de las principales vías económicas para muchas regiones españolas

    Anthropometric Characteristics, Body Composition and Somatotype of Elite Pan-American Race Walking 20K

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    The anthropometric and somatotype evaluation is an essential tool in the selection and control of high-performance athletes. The aim of this study was to describe the somatotype and body composition of male elite race walkers (20 k modality), and its relationship with athletic performance. Twenty-four race walkers participated in this study. The sample was divided into two groups: the race walkers with the best performance (upper 25 percentile; n=7) and the second group (n=17) that corresponds to the rest of the participants. Weight (kg), height (cm), seven skinfolds, two diameters and five perimeters were measured. Body fat percentage (BF%) were estimated with the Yuhasz formula, and the somatotype was used applying the Heath-Carter method. The best performing athletes were taller (178.3 +/- 4.4 cm vs. 173.7 +/- 5.6 cm, p<0.05) and showed a greater ectomorphic component (p<0.05) than the rest of the participants. The somatotype of the best performance athletes was 2.2-2.8-4.1 against the 2.5-3.8-2.9 of the lowest performing athletes. The average time (hours, minute, seconds) of execution of the race in athletes of better performances was 1: 22:40, in comparison with the athletes of lower performances with 1: 32: 41 (p<0.02). The ectomorphic component and height are morphological characteristics that can determine athletic performance of race walkers. It is suggested to consider these factors in the selection of the race walkers. La evaluación antropométrica y del somatotipo es una importante herramienta en la selección y control de los atletas de alto rendimiento. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el somatotipo y composición corporal de hombres marchistas olímpicos, modalidad 20 k, y su relación con el rendimiento atlético. Veinticuatro atletas de marcha participaron en este estudio. La muestra fue dividida en dos grupos: los marchistas de mejores rendimientos p25 superior (n=7) y el segundo grupo (n=17) que corresponde al resto de los participantes. Se registró el peso (kg), talla (cm), siete pliegues cutáneos, dos diámetros y cinco perímetros. Se estimó el porcentaje de grasa corporal (%GC) con la fórmula de Yuhasz y se describió el somatotipo utilizando el método de Heath-Carter. Se reporta una mayor altura en los atletas de mejor rendimiento (178,3±4,4 cm vs. 173,7±5,6 cm; p<0,05) y mayor componente ectomorfico (p<0,05) que el resto de los participantes. El somatotipo de los atletas de mejor rendimiento fue de 2.2-2.8-4.1 frente al 2.5-3.8-2.9 de los atletas de menor rendimiento. El tiempo promedio (hora, minuto, segundo) de ejecución de la carrera en atletas de mejores rendimientos fue de 1:22:40, en comparación con los atletas de menores rendimientos con 1:32:41 (p <0,02). El componente ectomórfico y altura serian características morfológicas que pueden determinar el rendimiento deportivo de atletas de marcha. Se sugiere considerar estos factores en la selección de los marchistas olímpicos

    Las nuevas construcciones antes la conservación del paisaje: un acercamiento a su estudio. Caso particular del páramo leonés

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    El paisaje es un recurso natural que cada vez aparece considerado con mayor profusión en la redacción de proyectos, y que debe ser protegido y conservado ante la construcción de Intervenciones antrópicas. Por tanto, el impacto visual ha de ser estudiado como una parte primordial en los estudios generales de impacto ambiental. Las nuevas tecnologías deben contribuir a ello proporcionando herramientas informáticas que realicen simulaciones y reproducciones de la realidad con alto grado de fidelidad

    Las nuevas construcciones antes la conservación del paisaje: un acercamiento a su estudio. Caso particular del páramo leonés

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    El paisaje es un recurso natural que cada vez aparece considerado con mayor profusión en la redacción de proyectos, y que debe ser protegido y conservado ante la construcción de Intervenciones antrópicas. Por tanto, el impacto visual ha de ser estudiado como una parte primordial en los estudios generales de impacto ambiental. Las nuevas tecnologías deben contribuir a ello proporcionando herramientas informáticas que realicen simulaciones y reproducciones de la realidad con alto grado de fidelidad