34 research outputs found

    Contrasting controls on seasonal and spatial distribution of marine cable bacteria (Candidatus Electrothrix) and Beggiatoaceae in seasonally hypoxic Chesapeake Bay

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    Marine cable bacteria (Candidatus Electrothrix) and large colorless sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (e.g., Beggiatoaceae) are widespread thiotrophs in coastal environments but may exert different influences on biogeochemical cycling. Yet, the factors governing their niche partitioning remain poorly understood. To map their distribution and evaluate their growth constraints in a natural setting, we examined surface sediments across seasons at two sites with contrasting levels of seasonal oxygen depletion in Chesapeake Bay using microscopy coupled with 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and biogeochemical characterization. We found that cable bacteria, dominated by a single phylotype closely affiliated to Candidatus Electrothrix communis, flourished during winter and spring at a central channel site which experiences summer anoxia. Here, cable bacteria density was positively correlated with surface sediment chlorophyll, a proxy of phytodetritus sedimentation. Cable bacteria were also present with a lower areal density at an adjacent shoal site which supports bioturbating macrofauna. Beggiatoaceae were more abundant at this site, where their biomass was positively correlated with sediment respiration, but additionally potentially inhibited by sulfide accumulation which was evident during one summer. A springtime phytodetritus sedimentation event was associated with a proliferation of Beggiatoaceae and multiple Candidatus Electrothrix phylotypes, with cable bacteria reaching 1000 m length cm−2. These observations indicate the potential impact of a spring bloom in driving a hot moment of cryptic sulfur cycling. Our results suggest complex interactions between benthic thiotroph populations, with bioturbation and seasonal oscillations in bottom water dissolved oxygen, sediment sulfide, and organic matter influx as important drivers of their distribution

    Usability, acceptability, and feasibility of two technology-based devices for mental health screening in perinatal care: A comparison of web versus app

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    The use of Information and Communication Technologies (web pages and apps) in mental health has boosted. However, it is unknown which of these two devices can be better in terms of feasibility and acceptability. Our aim is to compare the feasibility, usability, and user satisfaction of two devices (web vs mobile application) of an online program for perinatal depression screening called HappyMom. In total, 348 and 175 perinatal women registered into HappyMom web and app version, respectively. The assessment protocol included different biopsychosocial evaluations (twice during pregnancy and thrice in the postpartum) and a satisfaction questionnaire. Results showed that a higher percentage of women in the web sample (27.3–51.1%) responded to each assessment compared to the app sample (9.1–53.1%). A smaller proportion of women in web sample never responded to any assessments. By contrast, the percentage of women who responded to all assessments was higher in app sample (longitudinal retention sample was 4.6% of web users and 9.1% of app users). In general, high satisfaction was found in both web and app users. Our result showed that online assessment methods are feasible and acceptable by perinatal women. However, dropout rates are a real problem that urge a solution that will be discussed further in the paper. Web and App devices present different advantages and limitations. The choice of one of them must be made taking into account the study’s objective, the sample characteristics, and the dissemination possibilities

    Den motiverende endringen – livsstilsendringer for hjerteinfarktpasienter

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    Tittel: Den motiverende endringen – livsstilsendringer for hjerteinfarktpasienter Hensikt: Hensikten med oppgaven er å undersøke om sykepleiere kan bidra med å hjelpe pasienter som har gjennomgått et hjerteinfarkt, til å endre livsstil gjennom en metode som kalles motiverende intervju. Problemstilling: Hvordan kan sykepleier gjennom motiverende intervju bidra til livsstilsendringer hos pasienter som har gjennomgått sitt første hjerteinfarkt? Metode: Denne bacheloroppgaven er et litteraturstudium, hvor det er utført strukturerte og systematiske søk for å finne relevante forskningsartikler i ulike databaser for å belyse min problemstilling. Det er også foretatt en ressurssamtale med en fagperson relatert til motiverende intervju. Kunnskap er supplert med pensumbøker fra sykepleierstudiet og andre relevante fagbøker. Resultat: Motiverende intervju er en metode som kan benyttes til livsstilsendring for pasienter med behov for endring, og viser god effekt innen områder som fysisk aktivitet, røykeslutt og kolesterol. Behandlingshastighet for pasienter som har gjennomgått hjerteinfarkt, påvirker motivasjonen. Sosial støtte er også viktig i tiden etter et hjerteinfarkt. Konklusjon: Bruk av motiverende intervju må tilpasses pasientens endringsforberedthet i «Stages of Change». Mestringsforventning og indre motivasjon er viktig for endringen. Sykeleie fremheves som en god profesjon for å utøve MI angående livsstilsendringer, men likevel er det opp til pasienten om livsstilen vil bli endret eller ikke. Nøkkelord: Motiverende intervju, livsstilsendring, hjerteinfark