211 research outputs found

    The influence of use additives on nitrous oxide emission during swine slurry composting.

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    use of additives (Mg/P and nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide - DCD), on nitrous oxide emission during swine slurry composting. The experiment was run in duplicate; the gas was monitored for 30 days in different treatments (control, DCD, Mg/P and DCD + Mg/P). Nitrous oxide emissions rate (mg of N2O-N.day-1) and the accumulated emissions were calculated to compare the treatments. Results has shown that emissions of N-N2O were reduced by approximately 70, 46 and 96% through the additions of DCD, MgCl2.6H2O + H3PO4 and both additives, respectively, compared to the control. Keywords Composting; swine slurry; additives; nitrou

    Use of phosphorus fertilization and mycorrhization as strategies for reducingcopper toxicity in young grapevines.

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    Established vineyard soils may have high copper (Cu) contents due to the ongoing foliar applications of copper-based fungicides. In viticulture, the replacement of old vineyards with new vines is common practice, however,limited by Cu excess in soil and its toxicity to young grapevines. The application of phosphorus (P) and ar-buscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation are potential strategies to reduce Cu toxicity to young grapevines.This study aimed to assess the effects of phosphorus fertilization and AMF (Rhizophagus clarus) inoculation ongrowth and physiological parameters of young grapevines grown in soil with high Cu content. The experimentwas conducted in a greenhouse, where natural grassland soil was artificially contaminated by the addition of60 mg kg−1Cu. The soils were treated with and without AMF inoculation, combined with additions of 0, 40 and100 mg P kg−1. After 90 days of cultivation, grapevine plants were assessed for chlorophyllafluorescence,photosynthetic pigment contents, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, plant height, plant biomass, and con-centrations of Cu and P in roots and shoots. Phosphorus fertilization promoted increases in seedling growth(related to the increase of total P concentration in roots and shoots), soluble Pi concentration in leaves, and thequantum yield of the PSII (YII) (associated with a reduction in shoot Cu concentration). The AMF inoculationincreased the concentration of P in roots and shoots, soluble Pi in leaves and electron transport rate (ETR).Phosphorus fertilization and inoculation of grapevines with AMF are strategies capable of reducing Cu toxicity inyoung grapevines

    MicroRNA Fingerprints Identify miR-150 as a Plasma Prognostic Marker in Patients with Sepsis

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    BACKGROUND: The physiopathology of sepsis continues to be poorly understood, and despite recent advances in its management, sepsis is still a life-threatening condition with a poor outcome. If new diagnostic markers related to sepsis pathogenesis will be identified, new specific therapies might be developed and mortality reduced. Small regulatory non-coding RNAs, microRNAs (miRNAs), were recently linked to various diseases; the aim of our prospective study was to identify miRNAs that can differentiate patients with early-stage sepsis from healthy controls and to determine if miRNA levels correlate with the severity assessed by the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: By using genome-wide miRNA profiling by microarray in peripheral blood leukocytes, we found that miR-150, miR-182, miR-342-5p, and miR-486 expression profiles differentiated sepsis patients from healthy controls. We also proved by quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction that miR-150 levels were significantly reduced in plasma samples of sepsis patients and correlated with the level of disease severity measured by the SOFA score, but were independent of the white blood counts (WBC). We found that plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-10, and interleukin-18, all genes with sequence complementarity to miR-150, were negatively correlated with the plasma levels of this miRNA. Furthermore, we identified that the plasma levels ratio for miR-150/interleukin-18 can be used for assessing the severity of the sepsis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We propose that miR-150 levels in both leukocytes and plasma correlate with the aggressiveness of sepsis and can be used as a marker of early sepsis. Furthermore, we envision miR-150 restoration as a future therapeutic option in sepsis patients

    The climatic and genetic heritage of Italian goat breeds with genomic SNP data

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    Local adaptation of animals to the environment can abruptly become a burden when faced with rapid climatic changes such as those foreseen for the Italian peninsula over the next 70 years. Our study investigates the genetic structure of the Italian goat populations and links it with the environment and how genetics might evolve over the next 50 years. We used one of the largest national datasets including > 1000 goats from 33 populations across the Italian peninsula collected by the Italian Goat Consortium and genotyped with over 50 k markers. Our results showed that Italian goats can be discriminated in three groups reflective of the Italian geography and its geo\u2011political situation preceding the country unification around two centuries ago. We leveraged the remarkable genetic and geographical diversity of the Italian goat populations and performed landscape genomics analysis to disentangle the relationship between genotype and environment, finding 64 SNPs intercepting genomic regions linked to growth, circadian rhythm, fertility, and inflammatory response. Lastly, we calculated the hypothetical future genotypic frequencies of the most relevant SNPs identified through landscape genomics to evaluate their long\u2011term effect on the genetic structure of the Italian goat populations. Our results provide an insight into the past and the future of the Italian local goat populations, helping the institutions in defining new conservation strategy plans that could preserve their diversity and their link to local realities challenged by climate change

    Modulation of MicroRNA-194 and cell migration by HER2-targeting trastuzumab in breast cancer

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    Conceived and designed the experiments: XFL GAC RCB. Performed the experiments: XFL MIA WM RS MSN SZ. Analyzed the data: XFL SR. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: YW GAC. Wrote the paper: XFL RCB.Trastuzumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody directed against the extracellular domain of the HER2 oncoprotein, can effectively target HER2-positive breast cancer through several mechanisms. Although the effects of trastuzumab on cancer cell proliferation, angiogenesis and apoptosis have been investigated in depth, the effect of trastuzumab on microRNA (miRNA) has not been extensively studied. We have performed miRNA microarray profiling before and after trastuzumab treatment in SKBr3 and BT474 human breast cancer cells that overexpress HER2. We found that trastuzumab treatment of SKBr3 cells significantly decreased five miRNAs and increased three others, whereas treatment of BT474 cells significantly decreased two miRNAs and increased nine. The only change in miRNA expression observed in both cell lines following trastuzumab treatment was upregulation of miRNA-194 (miR-194) that was further validated in vitro and in vivo. Forced expression of miR-194 in breast cancer cells that overexpress HER2 produced no effect on apoptosis, modest inhibition of proliferation, significant inhibition of cell migration/invasion in vitro and significant inhibition of xenograft growth in vivo. Conversely, knockdown of miR-194 promoted cell migration. Increased miR-194 expression markedly reduced levels of the cytoskeletal protein talin2 and specifically inhibited luciferase reporter activity of a talin2 wild-type 39-untranslated region, but not that of a mutant reporter, indicating that talin2 is a direct downstream target of miR-194. Trastuzumab treatment inhibited breast cancer cell migration and reduced talin2 expression in vitro and in vivo. Knockdown of talin2 inhibited cell migration/invasion. Knockdown of trastuzumab-induced miR-194 expression with a miR-194 inhibitor compromised trastuzumab-inhibited cell migration in HER2-overexpressing breast cancer cells. Consequently, trastuzumab treatment upregulates miR-194 expression and may exert its cell migration-inhibitory effect through miR-194-mediated downregulation of cytoskeleton protein talin2 in HER2-overexpressing human breast cancer cells.This work was supported by the Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation, kind gifts from Stuart and Gaye Lynn Zarrow and from Mrs. Delores Wilkenfeld, the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, the RGK Foundation, and the MD Anderson NCI CCSG P30 CA16672. G.A.C. is supported as a Fellow at the University of Texas MD Anderson Research Trust, as a University of Texas System Regents Research Scholar and by the CLL Global Research Foundation

    Identification of a 4-microRNA Signature for Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Metastasis and Prognosis

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    Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) metastasis portends a poor prognosis and cannot be reliably predicted. Early determination of the metastatic potential of RCC may help guide proper treatment. We analyzed microRNA (miRNA) expression in clear cell RCC (ccRCC) for the purpose of developing a miRNA expression signature to determine the risk of metastasis and prognosis. We used the microarray technology to profile miRNA expression of 78 benign kidney and ccRCC samples. Using 28 localized and metastatic ccRCC specimens as the training cohort and the univariate logistic regression and risk score methods, we developed a miRNA signature model in which the expression levels of miR-10b, miR-139-5p, miR-130b and miR-199b-5p were used to determine the status of ccRCC metastasis. We validated the signature in an independent 40-sample testing cohort of different stages of primary ccRCCs using the microarray data. Within the testing cohort patients who had at least 5 years follow-up if no metastasis developed, the signature showed a high sensitivity and specificity. The risk status was proven to be associated with the cancer-specific survival. Using the most stably expressed miRNA among benign and tumorous kidney tissue as the internal reference for normalization, we successfully converted his signature to be a quantitative PCR (qPCR)-based assay, which showed the same high sensitivity and specificity. The 4-miRNA is associated with ccRCC metastasis and prognosis. The signature is ready for and will benefit from further large clinical cohort validation and has the potential for clinical application

    Ethiopian indigenous goats offer insights into past and recent demographic dynamics and localadaptation in sub-Saharan African goats

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    Abstract Knowledge on how adaptive evolution and human socio‐cultural and economic interests shaped livestock genomes particularly in sub‐Saharan Africa remains limited. Ethiopia is in a geographic region that has been critical in the history of African agriculture with ancient and diverse human ethnicity and bio‐climatic conditions. Using 52K genome‐wide data analysed in 646 individuals from 13 Ethiopian indigenous goat populations, we observed high levels of genetic variation. Although runs of homozygosity (ROH) were ubiquitous genome‐wide, there were clear differences in patterns of ROH length and abundance and in effective population sizes illustrating differences in genome homozygosity, evolutionary history, and management. Phylogenetic analysis incorporating patterns of genetic differentiation and gene flow with ancestry modelling highlighted past and recent intermixing and possible two deep ancient genetic ancestries that could have been brought by humans with the first introduction of goats in Africa. We observed four strong selection signatures that were specific to Arsi‐Bale and Nubian goats. These signatures overlapped genomic regions with genes associated with morphological, adaptation, reproduction and production traits due possibly to selection under environmental constraints and/or human preferences. The regions also overlapped uncharacterized genes, calling for a comprehensive annotation of the goat genome. Our results provide insights into mechanisms leading to genome variation and differentiation in sub‐Saharan Africa indigenous goats

    MicroRNA Let-7f Inhibits Tumor Invasion and Metastasis by Targeting MYH9 in Human Gastric Cancer

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    BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important regulators that play key roles in tumorigenesis and tumor progression. A previous report has shown that let-7 family members can act as tumor suppressors in many cancers. Through miRNA array, we found that let-7f was downregulated in the highly metastatic potential gastric cancer cell lines GC9811-P and SGC7901-M, when compared with their parental cell lines, GC9811 and SGC7901-NM; however, the mechanism was not clear. In this study, we investigate whether let-7f acts as a tumor suppressor to inhibit invasion and metastasis in gastric cancers. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL: Real-time PCR showed decreased levels of let-7f expression in metastatic gastric cancer tissues and cell lines that are potentially highly metastatic. Cell invasion and migration were significantly impaired in GC9811-P and SGC7901-M cell lines after transfection with let-7f-mimics. Nude mice with xenograft models of gastric cancer confirmed that let-7f could inhibit gastric cancer metastasis in vivo after transfection by the lentivirus pGCsil-GFP- let-7f. Luciferase reporter assays demonstrated that let-7f directly binds to the 3'UTR of MYH9, which codes for myosin IIA, and real-time PCR and Western blotting further indicated that let-7f downregulated the expression of myosin IIA at the mRNA and protein levels. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study demonstrated that overexpression of let-7f in gastric cancer could inhibit invasion and migration of gastric cancer cells through directly targeting the tumor metastasis-associated gene MYH9. These data suggest that let-7f may be a novel therapeutic candidate for gastric cancer, given its ability to reduce cell invasion and metastasis