1,844 research outputs found

    Translation-invariant generalized topologies induced by probabilistic norms

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    In this paper we consider probabilistic normed spaces as defined by Alsina, Sklar, and Schweizer, but equipped with non necessarily continuous triangle functions. Such spaces endow a generalized topology that is Fr\'echet-separable, translation-invariant and countably generated by radial and circled 0-neighborhoods. Conversely, we show that such generalized topologies are probabilistically normable.Comment: 8 pages. Some minor changes and corrections have been mad

    On the connections between Skyrme and Yang Mills theories

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    Skyrme theories on S^3 and S^2, are analyzed using the generalized zero curvature in any dimensions. In the first case, new symmetries and integrable sectors, including the B =1 skyrmions, are unraveled. In S^2 the relation to QCD suggested by Faddeev is discussedComment: Talk at the Workshop on integrable theories, solitons and duality. IFT Sao Paulo July 200

    Tau-functions and Dressing Transformations for Zero-Curvature Affine Integrable Equations

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    The solutions of a large class of hierarchies of zero-curvature equations that includes Toda and KdV type hierarchies are investigated. All these hierarchies are constructed from affine (twisted or untwisted) Kac-Moody algebras~â‹™\ggg. Their common feature is that they have some special ``vacuum solutions'' corresponding to Lax operators lying in some abelian (up to the central term) subalgebra of~â‹™\ggg; in some interesting cases such subalgebras are of the Heisenberg type. Using the dressing transformation method, the solutions in the orbit of those vacuum solutions are constructed in a uniform way. Then, the generalized tau-functions for those hierarchies are defined as an alternative set of variables corresponding to certain matrix elements evaluated in the integrable highest-weight representations of~â‹™\ggg. Such definition of tau-functions applies for any level of the representation, and it is independent of its realization (vertex operator or not). The particular important cases of generalized mKdV and KdV hierarchies as well as the abelian and non abelian affine Toda theories are discussed in detail.Comment: 27 pages, plain Te

    Critical failure of the principle equivalence between acceleration and gravity

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    The principle of equivalence between acceleration and gravity of general relativity is reviewed in a thought experiment of two bodies, aligned according to the perpendicular, under the reciprocal action of their gravity, in free fall, inside of an uniformly accelerated reference system, in the vacuum. The result is that the two bodies fall with a different acceleration. This result invalidates such principle

    Bringing Together Gravity and the Quanta

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    Due to its underlying gauge structure, teleparallel gravity achieves a separation between inertial and gravitational effects. It can, in consequence, describe the isolated gravitational interaction without resorting to the equivalence principle, and is able to provide a tensorial definition for the energy-momentum density of the gravitational field. Considering the conceptual conflict between the local equivalence principle and the nonlocal uncertainty principle, the replacement of general relativity by its teleparallel equivalent can be considered an important step towards a prospective reconciliation between gravitation and quantum mechanics.Comment: 9 pages. Contribution to the proceedings of the Albert Einstein Century International Conference, Paris, 18-22 July, 200
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