263 research outputs found

    Kirlianographic investigation of the anthropogenic factors influence on biota

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    Kurik M. V., Pesotskay L. A., Glukhova N. V., Nikogosyan L. R. Kirlianographic investigation of the anthropogenic factors influence on biota. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(1):359-368 eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.268736http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4237    The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 754 (09.12.2016).754 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2017;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 02.01.2017. Revised 16.01.2017. Accepted: 24.01.2017. UDK 577.3 KIRLIANOGRAPHIC INVESTIGATION OF THE ANTHROPOGENIC FACTORS INFLUENCE ON BIOTA M. V. Kurik1, L. A. Pesotskay2, N. V. Glukhova3, L. R. Nikogosyan4 1Ukrainian Institute ecology of man, Kyiv; 2 SE “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of health Ministry of Ukraine”, Dnipro; 3SE “National Mining University”, Dnipro; 4Odessa National Medical University, Odessa SummaryThe energetic interaction between biota objects using kirlianography on film was studied. The positive effect of the Shungite room, unified by green healing clay on the human energy was established. The free-radical reactions in the water spaces followed by photons release in the ultraviolet portion of the spectrum which corresponds to the Kirlian glow. The following criteria for water energy conditions evaluation were used: the width of a crown illumination, the clear tape drives presence in it; the coronal inner region characteristics (presence of blackouts, grain). Completed computer analysis based on the histogram of brightness of pixels used methodology flicker noise spectroscopy. According to it the identified natural water as well as the water from the holy sources parameters were compared with the same in distilled water. The influence of thinking on human bioenergy, water and minerals was established.Key words: Kirlian photography, anthropogenic factors, biosphere

    Features of the macro and microscopic structure of the lungs of a mature rabbit – Oryctolagus cuniculus L. 1758

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    The macro- and microscopic structure of the lungs of mature rabbits – Oryctolagus cuniculus L., 1758 – European rabbit was studied. This work was performed using comprehensive research methods: anatomical, organometric, histological and histometric. The research was carried out in the conditions of the laboratory of pathomorphology in the Department of Anatomy and Histology. The scientific work was performed on the subject of research work of the Department of Anatomy and Histology of Polissya National University on the theme: “Development, morphology and histochemistry of animal organs in normal and pathological”, according to the state registration number – № 0113V000900. The morphological studies followed the basic rules of Good Laboratory Practice GLP (1981), the provisions of the “General Ethical Principles of Animal Experiments”, adopted by the First National Congress of Bioethics (Kyiv, 2001) and the requirements for the “Rules for carrying out work with experimental animals”, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health № 281 of November 1, 2000 “On measures to further improve the organizational forms of work with the use of experimental animals”. The material for histomorphological studies were pieces of lungs selected from clinically healthy adult rabbits (n = 5). Slices were made from paraffin blocks on a sled microtome MS–2. The thickness of histological sections did not exceed 8–12 μm, which were then stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Van Gizon to study the morphofunctional activity of cells and tissues of the respiratory tract. Histometric studies of histological specimens were performed using a microscope “Micros” with a digital camera at a magnification of × 100–1000. Studies have shown that macroscopically the lungs of mature rabbits have a reflection of the shape of the thoracic cavity, and gradually expands ventrally. The right and left lungs are surrounded by pleural right and left sacs. The pleural cavities of both lungs in the test animals are not interconnected. Organometry showed that the absolute lung mass of rabbits is 18.05 ± 1.32 g, relative to 0.624 ± 0.013 %. The histoarchitectonics of the lungs is formed by the lung lobes. The respiratory department of the lungs is represented by a set of acinuses. The latter are represented by respiratory bronchioles, alveolar passages, alveolar sacs and alveoli that form the alveolar tree. The results of morphometric studies showed that the respiratory (respiratory) part of the lungs of rabbits occupies 39.6 ± 0.62 %, and the connective tissue base, respectively, 58.5 ± 1.27 %. The average volume of alveoli, which are divided into small, medium and large, is 42.3 ± 4.35 thousand μm3. Thus, studies of the macro- and microscopic structure of the lungs of experimental animals are of great general biological importance, as they are an important criterion for objective assessment for the differential diagnosis of diseases of various origins

    Peculiarities of gas-discharge luminescence of biological fluid from the achilles tendon in the late postmortem period

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    The work was explored the kinetics of the changes in the components of the liquid from Achilles tendon, that occur in the tissue of the Achilles tendon as a result of processes of autolysis, within 2-3, 4-6, 7-9 and 10-20 days post-mortem period. The gas-discharge luminescence of biological fluid was studied on x-ray film. More than 50 droplets for each group were investigated. The histograms were analyzed the brightness of the amplitude peaks in the 7 sub-bands of each sample liquid. Median was determined of the obtained sample values and the difference between the medians of the number of pixels in the current sub-band brightness with of the previous.  The ratio of the differences of the subsequent diapason the previous was established, to assess the rate of change of luminescence intensity. The differences of GR-glow liquid of the Achilles tendon in the compared groups was revealed depending on the time of death. It was established that to use histograms to detect differences and peculiarities in the luminescence of biological objects, could have practical value for solving the question of the time of death. It is appropriate to further study of changes in the content of the various components of corpses' tissues in conjunction with the biophysical studies. This can provide valuable scientific and practical material for the needs of pathomorphology and forensic medicine

    The implementation of structural analysis metod for managment in expert systems

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    This article reveals the problems of system-management by method of structural analysis and synthesis. The multy-agent model with the blocks, considering knowledge model in the expert system is shown. This is an original mechanism, created on the integrated model of collaboration for achievement the desired results with pre-planned indicators of its effectiveness. Expert support involved in the process of innovation at the regional level is initiated by implementing the project activity


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    The article reports the development of a technological scheme for isoamyl acetate preparation on the basis of kinetic data, vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid equilibrium data. A review of isoamyl acetate production methods was made. At present most of the methods are based on esterification reaction, which takes place in the presence of homogenous and heterogeneous catalysts. Heterogeneous catalysis is preferred because of absence the catalyst separation problem. In the first part of the work vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid equilibrium simulation was made. NRTL and UNIQUAC models were used to calculate phase equilibrium of a quaternary reaction mixture. It was proved by comparison of deviations of the calculated temperature and vapor mole fractions from the experimental values that NRTL is the best model for the considered mixture phase equilibrium calculations. This model was used in further calculations of distillation and liquid-liquid splitting. The choice of the technological scheme is based on the use of the principle of both distillation and liquid phase separation and the recycling of substances in the system. The difficulty in isolating pure isoamyl acetate as a product is due to the presence of four binary azeotropes and two triple ones in the system. When developing and selecting a technological scheme, the possibility of obtaining maximum conversions of the reactants was taken into account. Besides, when designing and calculating the scheme, an assumption was made about infinite separating ability of separation distillation columns. To check operating efficiency of the scheme in real conditions, a verification calculation was made to determine the minimum and working reactor volume. The minimum and working reactor volume calculation was based on the Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson model for the kinetics of the esterification reaction. The selection of constructive and operating parameters of the scheme, at which high quality of isoamyl acetate is achieved, was made.В настоящей статье на основе комплексного анализа кинетических данных и данных о фазовом равновесии жидкость-пар и жидкость-жидкость разработана технологическая схема получения изоамилацетата. Проведен анализ литературных данных по способам получения изоамилацетата. Изоамилацетат получают реакцией этерификации изоамилового спирта уксусной кислотой. Реакция протекает как в жидкой, так и в газовой фазе с использованием гомогенных и гетерогенных катализаторов. Предпочтение отдается гетерогенному катализу, так как в этом случае не существует проблемы отделения катализатора от реакционной массы. На первом этапе работы проведено моделирование равновесия жидкость-пар и жидкость-жидкость четырехкомпонентной реакционной смеси с использованием уравнений NRTL и UNIQUAC. Анализ полученных отклонений расчетных значений температуры и состава пара показал, что для описания фазового равновесия реакционной смеси наиболее подходящей является уравнение NRTL. Данное уравнение использовалось в дальнейшем при расчете ректификации и сепарации. На основе информации о фазовом равновесии реакционной смеси синтезирована технологическая схема, которая базируется на сочетании ректификации и расслаивания, а также на рециркуляции веществ в системе. Трудность выделения чистого изоамилацетата в качестве целевого продукта связана с присутствием в системе четырех бинарных азеотропов и двух тройных. При разработке и выборе подходящей технологической схемы учитывалась возможность получения максимальных значений конверсии реагентов. Также при синтезе схемы принято допущение о бесконечной разделительной способности ректификационных колонн. Для проверки работоспособности схемы в реальных условиях проведен поверочный расчет с целью определения минимального и рабочего объема реактора, который основывался на использовании модели Ленгмюра-Хиншельвуда-Хоугена-Уотсона для описания кинетики реакции этерификации. На заключительном этапе работы проведен подбор конструктивных и режимных параметров схемы, при которых достигается высокое качество изоамилацетата

    Возможности скрининга высокого риска поражения осевого скелета при псориатическом артрите

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    Objective: to determine a set of signs that are prognostically significant for identifying a high-risk axial skeletal lesion in early psoriatic arthritis (ePsA).Patients and methods. Examinations were made in 95 patients (47 men and 48 women) with peripheral arthritis lasting for ≤2 years, who met the 2006 Classification Criteria for Psoriatic Arthritis (CASPAR). The clinical characteristics of the patients were presented in our previously published work. In all the patients, a standard examination was made and the signs of inflammatory back pain (IBP) were identified according to the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society (ASAS) criteria, the presence of human leukocyte antigen B27 (HLA-B27) was determined, and pelvic bone X-ray was done; regardless of whether they had IBP, 79 patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the sacroiliac joints using a low-field Signa Ovation 0.35 T. Sacroiliitis (SI) diagnosed based on radiography (rSI) was considered reliable if there were bilateral changes corresponding to at least Stage II or unilateral changes corresponding to at least Stage III according to the Kellgren system. SI diagnosed based on MRI (MRI-SI) was regarded as active when osteitis was detected in the STIR mode in the bones adjacent to the joint on at least two slices or in the presence of two signals in a slice. X-ray and MRI results were assessed by an independent radiologist. The extent of a skin lesion was determined from the body surface area (BSA): the extent was regarded insignificant, moderate, and significant with involvements of <3%, 3–10%, and >10%, respectively.The patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 included 65 (68.4%) patients with the manifestations of axial PsA (axPSA): IBP, and/or rSI, and/or MRI-SI; Group 2 consisted of 30 (31.6%) patients without axial manifestations, only with peripheral PsA (pPsA). Multivariate stepwise discriminant analysis was used to identify a group of signs that were most characteristic of axPsA.Results and discussion. Comparative analysis of the two groups showed that there were more males among patients with axPsA than among those with pPsA (39 (60%) and 8 (26.7%), respectively) (p=0.003). HLA-B27 positivity was also more often detected in patients with axPSA than in those with pPsA (30 (46.6%) and 7 (23.3%) patients, respectively) (p=0.02). In the axPSA group, there were significantly more individuals with moderate and high DAS, high CRP levels, and a more severe skin lesion (BSA >3%).The investigators obtained the following discriminant classification rule associated with axPSA: 1.566 (if CRP is >5 mg/L) + 0.957 (if HLA-B27 is positive) + 0.986 (if BSA is >3%) + 1.845 (if DAS is moderate or high) + 0.6 (if the sex is male) >3.751 (p=0.0025). The sensitivity and specificity of the model were 68% and 73%, respectively.Conclusion. The combination of signs, such as male sex, HLA-B27 positivity, high or moderate DAS, CRP >5 mg/L, the extent of skin lesions according to BSA >3%, is prognostically significant for identifying high-risk axial skeletal lesion in ePSA. The proposed mathematical model can be used to screen patients for the early diagnosis of an axial lesion in ePSA.Цель исследования – определение совокупности признаков, прогностически значимых для выявления высокого риска поражения осевого скелета при раннем псориатическом артрите (рПсА).Пациенты и методы. Обследовано 95 больных (47 мужчин и 48 женщин) с длительностью периферического артрита ≤2 лет, соответствовавших критериям ПсА CASPAR (2006). Клиническая характеристика пациентов была представлена в ранее опубликованной работе. Всем пациентам проводили стандартное обследование, определение признаков воспалительной боли в спине (ВБС) по критериям ASAS, а также наличия HLA-B27, рентгенографию костей таза; 79 пациентам, независимо от наличия у них ВБС, выполняли магнитно-резонансную томографию (МРТ) крестцово-подвздошных суставов на низкопольном аппарате Signa Ovation 0,35 Т. Сакроилиит (СИ) по данным рентгенографии (рСИ) считался достоверным при наличии двусторонних изменений, соответствующих как минимум II стадии, или односторонних изменений как минимум III стадии по Kellgren. СИ по данным МРТ (МРТ-СИ) расценивался как активный при выявлении в режиме STIR остеита в прилежащих к суставу костях как минимум на двух срезах или при наличии двух сигналов на одном срезе. Результаты рентгенографии и МРТ оценивались независимым рентгенологом. Площадь поражения кожи определилась по BSA: при вовлечении <3% она считалась незначительной, 3–10% – умеренной и >10% распространенной.Пациенты были разделены на две группы. В 1-ю группу вошли 65 (68,4%) больных с аксиальными проявлениями ПсА (аксПсА): ВБС, и/или рСИ, и/или МРТ-СИ; во 2-ю – 30 (31,6%) пациентов без аксиальных проявлений, только с периферическим ПсА (пПсА). Для выделения группы признаков, наиболее характерных для аксПсА, был использован многомерный пошаговый дискриминантный анализ. Результаты и обсуждение. Сравнительный анализ двух групп показал, что среди больных с аксПсА было значимо больше лиц мужского пола, чем при пПсА: 39 (60%) и 8 (26,7%) соответственно (р=0,003). Позитивность по HLA-В27 также чаще выявлялась при аксПсА, чем при пПсА: у 30 (46,6%) и у 7 (23,3%) пациентов соответственно (р=0,02). В группе аксПсА было достоверно больше лиц с умеренной и высокой активностью заболевания по DAS, высоким уровнем СРБ и более тяжелым поражением кожи (BSA >3%). Получено следующее дискриминантное классификационное правило, ассоциированное с аксПсА: 1,566 (если СРБ >5 мг/л) + 0,957 (если HLA B-27+) + 0,986 (если BSA >3%) + 1,845 (если активность по DAS умеренная или высокая) + 0,6 (если пол мужской) >3,751 (p=0,0025). Чувствительность модели составила 68%, специфичность – 73%.Заключение. Совокупность таких признаков, как мужской пол, позитивность по HLA-B27, высокая или умеренная активность по индексу DAS, СРБ >5 мг/л, BSA >3%, прогностически значима для выявления высокого риска поражения осевого скелета при рПсА. Предложенная математическая модель может использоваться для скрининга пациентов с целью ранней диагностики аксиального поражения при рПсА

    Bottlenecks in the Open-Access System: Voices from Around the Globe

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    A level playing field is key for global participation in science and scholarship, particularly with regard to how scientific publications are financed and subsequently accessed. However, there are potential pitfalls of the so-called "Gold" open-access (OA) route, in which author-paid publication charges cover the costs of production and publication. Gold OA plans in which author charges are required may not solve the access problem, but rather may shift the access barrier from reader to writer. Under such plans, everyone may be free to read papers, but it may still be prohibitively expensive to publish them. In a scholarly community that is increasingly global, spread over more and more regions and countries of the world, these publication access barriers may be quite significant. In the present paper, a global suite of colleagues in academe joins this debate. The group of colleagues, a network of researchers active in scholarly publishing, spans four continents and multiple disciplines in the natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences, as well as diverse political and economic situations. We believe that this global sampling of researchers can provide the nuance and perspective necessary to grasp this complex problem. The group was assembled without an attempt to achieve global coverage through random sampling. This contribution differs from other approaches to the open-access problem in several fundamental ways. (A) It is scholar-driven, and thus can represent the ‘other side of the coin' of scholarly communication. (B) It focuses on narrative report, where scholars were free to orient their responses as they saw fit, rather than being confined to binary or scalar choices. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, (C) it distinguishes among institutions and countries and situations, highlighting inequalities of access among wealthy and economically-challenged nations, and also within countries depending on the size and location of particular institutions


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    Objective: to estimate the contribution of HLA-B5/51 genotype to the clinical manifestations and risk of Behcet’s disease (BD) in two ethnic groups.Subjects and methods. 146 BD patients fulfilling the International Criteria for BD (ICBD) were divided into two ethnic groups: 1) 86 patients from Dagestan (representatives of 8 ethnic nationalities in this region) with mean age 30.7±9.6 years; disease duration – 8.8±10.1 years; 2) 60 ethnic Russian patients, nonresidents of Dagestan with mean age 32.9±11.1 years; disease duration – 11.2±10.1 years. All patients were examined at the V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology in 1990 to 2014. HLA class I antigens were typed by a microlymphocytotoxic technique using a Gisans anti-leukocyte sera kit (Saint Petersburg).Results. HLA-B5/51 was detected in 87 (59.6%) patients, much more often in men than in women (70 and 38%, respectively; p<0.01). Genital ulcers and erythema nodosum were significantly more common in HLA-B5/51-positive Dagestani (87.3 and 57%) than in HLA-B5/51-negative ones (56.5 and 26%; p=0.0019 and р=0.01; respectively). There were no significant differences in these signs in the Russian group of patients with BD depending on the presence of this allele. In HLA-B5/51-positive male Dagestani patients with BD, the risk of erythema nodosum was twice as high as that in HLA-B5/51-negative patients (p=0.054). In HLA-B5/51 female Dagestani carriers, the risk of genital ulcers and generalized uveitis proved to be 3.5 (p=0.057) and 2.7 times higher than that in HLA-B5/51 noncarriers. Frequency of HLA-B5/51 was 73.2% among the Dagestanis and 40% among the Russians. Furthermore, this investigation revealed HLA-B5/51 carriage mainly in the male BD patients. Therefore, in addition to ethnicity, gender should be borne in mind when analyzing the clinical associations with HLA-B5/51

    Organolanthanide complexes supported by thiazole-containing amidopyridinate ligands: Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity in isoprene polymerization

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    © 2014 American Chemical Society. Neutral bis(alkyl)-organolanthanide complexes supported by tridentate {N-,N,N} monoanionic 5-methylthiazole- or benzothiazole-amidopyridinate ligands have been prepared and completely characterized: (LThiaMe2)Ln(CH2SiMe3)2 [Ln = Lu3+ (3), Er3+ (7), Yb3+ (8)] and (LBnThMe2)Lu(CH2SiMe3)2 (5). Similarly to related Y3+ systems, the nature of the thiazole unit controls the ultimate catalyst stability in solution. In the diamagnetic Lu3+ complex 5, a progressive and complete rearrangement of its metal coordination sphere takes place through a metal-to-ligand alkyl migration with subsequent benzothiazole ring-opening and generation of the Lu3+ mono(alkyl)-arylthiolate species stabilized by a tetradentate {N-,N,N,S-} dianionic ligand. On the other hand, the 5-methylthiazole-containing complexes 3, 7, and 8 showed no evidence of any ligand rearrangement. Complexes 3-8 have been tested as homogeneous catalysts in isoprene (IP) polymerization, after activation with selected organoborates. Binary systems 3/TB and 7/TB [TB = tritylium tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)borate] show the highest activity and living character toward IP polymerization, affording polymers with relatively high trans-1,4-selectivity (up to 76.4%), moderate molecular weights (Mn up to 146′000 g/mol), and narrow polydispersities (Mw/Mn). Depending on the rare-earth ion of choice, a prevalent trans-1,4 (Lu3+, Er3+, Yb3+; up to 76.4%) or a dominant 3,4 (Y3+; 92.7%) polymer structure is observed. The influence of the ligand type, metal ion, and activator(s) on the ultimate catalyst activity and selectivity is discussed