3,352 research outputs found

    Toward a Revision of the Minting and Coinage Laws of the United States

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    The time has come for change -for the recodification, revision, and modernization of American minting and coinage laws. The purposes of this Article are multi-fold; to examine current coinage laws, to discuss a revision proposed in1973, to present views expressed and heard by Congress in recent times, and to mesh these points in such a manner that a more viable series of minting and coinage laws will emerge. Involved in this inter-twining will be several competing interests: those of the Department of the Treasury and its subsidiary Bureau of the Mint; to the extent that their functions overlap, the Bureau of the Mint and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing; the private commercial minting entities and the United States Mint; coin collectors; the Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve System, manufacturer and distributor of coinage; and commercial and individual consumers, primary users of the nation\u27s coin supply

    Effects of preservation method on canine (Canis lupus familiaris) fecal microbiota.

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    Studies involving gut microbiome analysis play an increasing role in the evaluation of health and disease in humans and animals alike. Fecal sampling methods for DNA preservation in laboratory, clinical, and field settings can greatly influence inferences of microbial composition and diversity, but are often inconsistent and under-investigated between studies. Many laboratories have utilized either temperature control or preservation buffers for optimization of DNA preservation, but few studies have evaluated the effects of combining both methods to preserve fecal microbiota. To determine the optimal method for fecal DNA preservation, we collected fecal samples from one canine donor and stored aliquots in RNAlater, 70% ethanol, 50:50 glycerol:PBS, or without buffer at 25 °C, 4 °C, and -80 °C. Fecal DNA was extracted, quantified, and 16S rRNA gene analysis performed on Days 0, 7, 14, and 56 to evaluate changes in DNA concentration, purity, and bacterial diversity and composition over time. We detected overall effects on bacterial community of storage buffer (F-value = 6.87, DF = 3, P < 0.001), storage temperature (F-value=1.77, DF = 3, P = 0.037), and duration of sample storage (F-value = 3.68, DF = 3, P < 0.001). Changes in bacterial composition were observed in samples stored in -80 °C without buffer, a commonly used method for fecal DNA storage, suggesting that simply freezing samples may be suboptimal for bacterial analysis. Fecal preservation with 70% ethanol and RNAlater closely resembled that of fresh samples, though RNAlater yielded significantly lower DNA concentrations (DF = 8.57, P < 0.001). Although bacterial composition varied with temperature and buffer storage, 70% ethanol was the best method for preserving bacterial DNA in canine feces, yielding the highest DNA concentration and minimal changes in bacterial diversity and composition. The differences observed between samples highlight the need to consider optimized post-collection methods in microbiome research

    Analytic models of ducted turbomachinery tone noise sources. Volume 1: Analysis

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    The analytic models developed for computing the periodic sound pressure of subsonic fans and compressors in an infinite, hardwall annular duct with uniform flow are described. The basic sound-generating mechanism is the scattering into sound waves of velocity disturbances appearing to the rotor or stator blades as a series of harmonic gusts. The models include component interactions and rotor alone

    Analytic models of ducted turbomachinery tone noise sources. Volume 3: Program test case results

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    Computer programs for analyzing the acoustic properties of turbomachinery with ducted flow were developed. The models include component interactions and rotor alone. Test case results determined from the computer programs are presented

    Analytic models of ducted turbomachinery tone noise sources. Volume 2: Subprogram documentation

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    Analytical models were developed for computing the periodic sound pressures of subsonic fans in an infinite hardwall annular duct with uniform flow. The computer programs are described which are used for numerical computations of sound pressure mode amplitudes. The data are applied to the acoustic properties of turbomachinery

    Correlates of quality of life in overweight or obese breast cancer survivors at enrollment into a weight loss trial

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the correlates of the physical and psychosocial domains of quality of life (QOL) in a cohort of breast cancer survivors participating in a weight loss intervention trial. Available data included information on weight and physical activity, as well as demographic and medical characteristics. METHODS: Correlates of QOL and psychosocial functioning were examined in 692 overweight/obese breast cancer survivors at entry into a weight loss trial. QOL was explored with three measures: Short-form 36 (SF-36); Impact of Cancer Scale (IOCv2); and the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (BCPT) Symptom Scales. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to identify correlates and associations adjusted for other characteristics. RESULTS: In multivariate analysis, younger age was associated with higher negative impact scores (p<0.01). Hispanic, African-American and Asian women had higher IOC positive impact scores compared to white non-Hispanic women (p<0.01). Higher education was associated with lower scores on mental QOL and the IOC positive impact scale (p<0.01). BMI was not independently associated with QOL measures. Physical activity was directly associated with physical and mental QOL and IOC positive impact, and inversely related to IOC negative impact and BCPT symptom scales. CONCLUSIONS: QOL measures in breast cancer survivors are differentially associated with demographic and other characteristics. When adjusted for these characteristics, degree of adiposity among overweight/obese women does not appear to be independently associated with QOL. Among overweight/obese breast cancer survivors, higher level of physical activity is associated with higher QOL across various scales and dimensions

    Irritation der Iliopsoassehne nach totalendoprothetischem Hüftgelenkersatz

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    Zusammenfassung: Die chronische Irritation der Iliopsoassehne als Folge eines mechanischen Konflikts mit der azetabulären Komponente ist eine bisher wenig beachtete Ursache chronischer Schmerzen nach endoprothetischem Hüftgelenkersatz. Klinisch imponieren bewegungsabhängige Schmerzen insbesondere bei aktiver Flexion des Hüftgelenks sowie beim Anheben des gestreckten Beins. Schmerzhaftes Anheben des Beins gegen Widerstand und eine schmerzhafte passive Hyperextension erhärten die Diagnose. Ursache der Irritation der Psoassehne sind überdimensionierte oder retrovertierte Pfannen, in das Gleitlager der Sehne hineinragende Schraubenspitzen oder am vorderen Acetabulumrand überstehender Zement. Die klinische Verdachtsdiagnose wird durch Röntgenaufnahmen und eine Computertomographie (CT) erhärtet. Berichtet wird über 15Patienten mit mechanischer Iliopsoassehnenirritation. 11Patienten wurden operativ behandelt. In 6Fällen erfolgte ein Wechsel der azetabulären Komponente, bei 3Patienten wurde eine überstehende Schraubenspitze gekürzt und einmal wurde Zement aus dem Gleitlager der Sehne entfernt. In einem weiteren Fall erfolgte eine partielle Tenotomie der Iliopsoassehne. Beschwerdefrei waren anschließend 9Patienten und 2-mal wurde eine deutliche Besserung erreicht (Nachuntersuchungsintervall 11-89Monate). Vor allem die Wahl eines korrekt dimensionierten azetabulären Implantats und seine korrekte Implantation ohne Überstand sind entscheidend zur Vermeidung einer mechanischen Irritation der Iliopsoassehn