4,428 research outputs found

    An approach to emotion recognition in single-channel EEG signals: a mother child interaction

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    In this work, we perform a first approach to emotion recognition from EEG single channel signals extracted in four (4) mother-child dyads experiment in developmental psychology -- Single channel EEG signals are analyzed and processed using several window sizes by performing a statistical analysis over features in the time and frequency domains -- Finally, a neural network obtained an average accuracy rate of 99% of classification in two emotional states such as happiness and sadness20th Argentinean Bioengineering Society Congress, SABI 2015 (XX Congreso Argentino de Bioingeniería y IX Jornadas de Ingeniería Clínica)28–30 October 2015, San Nicolás de los Arroyos, Argentin

    Semblanzas Ictiológicas: José Ignacio Fernandino

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    A través de esta serie intentaremos conocer diferentes facetas personales de los integrantes de nuestra “comunidad”. El cuestionario, además de su principal objetivo, con sus respuestas quizás nos ayude a encontrar entre nosotros puntos en común que vayan más allá de nuestros temas de trabajo y sea un aporte a futuros estudios históricos. Esperamos que esta iniciativa pueda ser otro nexo entre los ictiólogos de la región, ya que consideramos que el resultado general trascendería nuestras fronteras

    Identificación, evaluación y prevención de riesgos en las colecciones de restos momificados: el caso práctico del Museo Reverte Coma

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    X Congreso Nacional de Paleopatología. Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid, septiembre de 200

    Improved graphene blisters by ultrahigh pressure sealing

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    Graphene is a very attractive material for nanomechanical devices and membrane applications. Graphene blisters based on silicon oxide micro-cavities are a simple but relevant example of nanoactuators. A drawback of this experimental set up is that gas leakage through the graphene-SiO2 interface contributes significantly to the total leak rate. Here we study the diffusion of air from pressurized graphene drumheads on SiO2 micro-cavities and propose a straightforward method to improve the already strong adhesion between graphene and the underlying SiO2 substrate, resulting in reduced leak rates. This is carried out by applying controlled and localized ultrahigh pressure (> 10 GPa) with an Atomic Force Microscopy diamond tip. With this procedure, we are able to significantly approach the graphene layer to the SiO2 surface around the drumheads, thus enhancing the interaction between them allowing us to better seal the graphene-SiO2 interface, which is reflected in up to ~ 4 times lower leakage rates. Our work opens an easy way to improve the performance of graphene as a gas membrane on a technological relevant substrate such as SiO2.Comment: pages 19, 4 figures + supplementary informatio

    Asymptotic structure of spacetime and the Newman-Penrose formalism: A brief review

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    A brief review about the Newman-Penrose formalism and the asymptotic structure of the spacetime is given. The goal of this review is to describe the latest developments in these topics and make a summary of the most important articles published by Newman and collaborators. Additionally, we discuss some aspects of this approach, and we compute the spin coefficients and the Weyl scalars for a general stationary axisymmetric spacetimes in a tetrad basis different from that defined by the principal null geodesic directions.Fil: Gómez López, L. A.. Universidad Industrial Santander; ColombiaFil: Quiroga, Gonzalo Damián. Universidad Industrial Santander; Colombia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentin

    Documentos Históricos - I. Actos generados por la FCNyM, UNLP.

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    La historia de las instituciones está construida por una serie de hechos y determinaciones de sus protagonistas. En algunos casos, estos momentos son registrados en documentos dispersos, mientras que una gran mayoría están sumergidos en el tiempo con la amenaza de no poder rescatarlos. Esta situación, entre otras cosas, impide a las generaciones futuras la comprensión del pasado, ya que no cuentan con los elementos básicos para analizar y entender los hechos originados por las mujeres y hombres que conformaron dicha historia. En este documento el Programa para el estudio y uso sustentable de la biota austral (ProBiota) reúne en cinco capítulos una serie de hechos y documentos que son parte del patrimonio histórico de nuestro país. I - Actos realizados en la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (FCNyM, UNLP) generados por la División Zoología Vertebrados y el Instituto de Limnología “Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet”. II - Semblanzas de algunos limnólogos argentinos. III - Reseñas de instituciones y escritos referidos a aspectos históricos de la limnología en nuestro país. IV - Sociedades y eventos relacionados a esta disciplina. V - Obras, documentos y revistas. Los documentos publicados son citados formalmente, mientras que las alocuciones se presentan con su título y el nombre del autor al final. Esta modesta contribución tiene como objetivo ser el inicio de sucesivas recopilaciones que confluyan en un documento exhaustivo y profundo de la rica historia de las ciencias naturales en la Argentina

    Co-Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation Models

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    Semantic image segmentation is a central and challenging task in autonomous driving, addressed by training deep models. Since this training draws to a curse of human-based image labeling, using synthetic images with automatically generated labels together with unlabeled real-world images is a promising alternative. This implies to address an unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) problem. In this paper, we propose a new co-training procedure for synth-to-real UDA of semantic segmentation models. It consists of a self-training stage, which provides two domain-adapted models, and a model collaboration loop for the mutual improvement of these two models. These models are then used to provide the final semantic segmentation labels (pseudo-labels) for the real-world images. The overall procedure treats the deep models as black boxes and drives their collaboration at the level of pseudo-labeled target images, i.e., neither modifying loss functions is required, nor explicit feature alignment. We test our proposal on standard synthetic and real-world datasets for on-board semantic segmentation. Our procedure shows improvements ranging from ~13 to ~26 mIoU points over baselines, so establishing new state-of-the-art results

    870 micron continuum observations of the bubble-shaped nebula Gum 31

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    We are presenting here a study of the cold dust in the infrared ring nebula Gum 31. We aim at deriving the physical properties of the molecular gas and dust associated with the nebula, and investigating its correlation with the star formation in the region, that was probably triggered by the expansion of the ionization front. We use 870 micron data obtained with LABOCA to map the dust emission. The obtained LABOCA image was compared to archival IR,radio continuum, and optical images. The 870 micron emission follows the 8 micron (Spitzer), 250 micron, and 500 micron (Herschel) emission distributions showing the classical morphology of a spherical shell. We use the 870 micron and 250 micron images to identify 60 dust clumps in the collected layers of molecular gas using the Gaussclumps algorithm. The clumps have effective deconvolved radii between 0.16 pc and 1.35 pc, masses between 70 Mo and 2800 Mo, and volume densities between 1.1x10^3 cm^-3 and 2.04x10^5 cm^-3. The total mass of the clumps is 37600 Mo. The dust temperature of the clumps is in the range from 21 K to 32 K, while inside the HII region reaches ~ 40 K. The clump mass distribution is well-fitted by a power law dN/dlog(M/Mo) proportional to M^(-alpha), with alpha=0.93+/-0.28. The slope differs from those obtained for the stellar IMF in the solar neighborhood, suggesting that the clumps are not direct progenitors of single stars/protostars. The mass-radius relationship for the 41 clumps detected in the 870 microns emission shows that only 37% of them lie in or above the high-mass star formation threshold, most of them having candidate YSOs projected inside. A comparison of the dynamical age of the HII region with the fragmentation time, allowed us to conclude that the collect and collapse mechanism may be important for the star formation at the edge of Gum 31, although other processes may also be acting.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Ictiólogos de la Argentina: Guillermo Martínez Achenbach.

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    This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina. (PDF has 16 pages.