21 research outputs found

    A unified approach on Springer fibers in the hook, two-row and two-column cases

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    We consider the Springer fiber over a nilpotent endomorphism. Fix a Jordan basis and consider the standard torus relative to this. We deal with the problem to describe the flags fixed by the torus which belong to a given component of the Springer fiber. We solve the problem in the hook, two-row and two-column cases. We provide two main characterizations which are common to the three cases, and which involve dominance relations between Young diagrams and combinatorial algorithms. Then, for these three cases, we deduce topological properties of the components and their intersections.Comment: 42 page

    Manin products, Koszul duality, Loday algebras and Deligne conjecture

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    In this article we give a conceptual definition of Manin products in any category endowed with two coherent monoidal products. This construction can be applied to associative algebras, non-symmetric operads, operads, colored operads, and properads presented by generators and relations. These two products, called black and white, are dual to each other under Koszul duality functor. We study their properties and compute several examples of black and white products for operads. These products allow us to define natural operations on the chain complex defining cohomology theories. With these operations, we are able to prove that Deligne's conjecture holds for a general class of operads and is not specific to the case of associative algebras. Finally, we prove generalized versions of a few conjectures raised by M. Aguiar and J.-L. Loday related to the Koszul property of operads defined by black products. These operads provide infinitely many examples for this generalized Deligne's conjecture.Comment: Final version, a few references adde

    Derived coisotropic structures I: affine case

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    We define and study coisotropic structures on morphisms of commutative dg algebras in the context of shifted Poisson geometry, i.e. PnP_n-algebras. Roughly speaking, a coisotropic morphism is given by a Pn+1P_{n+1}-algebra acting on a PnP_n-algebra. One of our main results is an identification of the space of such coisotropic structures with the space of Maurer--Cartan elements in a certain dg Lie algebra of relative polyvector fields. To achieve this goal, we construct a cofibrant replacement of the operad controlling coisotropic morphisms by analogy with the Swiss-cheese operad which can be of independent interest. Finally, we show that morphisms of shifted Poisson algebras are identified with coisotropic structures on their graph.Comment: 49 pages. v2: many proofs rewritten and the paper is split into two part

    Notes on factorization algebras, factorization homology and applications

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    These notes are an expanded version of two series of lectures given at the winter school in mathematical physics at les Houches and at the Vietnamese Institute for Mathematical Sciences. They are an introduction to factorization algebras, factorization homology and some of their applications, notably for studying EnE_n-algebras. We give an account of homology theory for manifolds (and spaces), which give invariant of manifolds but also invariant of EnE_n-algebras. We particularly emphasize the point of view of factorization algebras (a structure originating from quantum field theory) which plays, with respect to homology theory for manifolds, the role of sheaves with respect to singular cohomology. We mention some applications to the study of mapping spaces and study several examples, including some over stratified spaces.Comment: 122 pages. A few examples adde

    Single high-dose erythropoietin administration immediately after reperfusion in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: results of the Erythropoietin in Myocardial Infarction Trial

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    Background Preclinical studies and pilot clinical trials have shown that high-dose erythropoietin (EPO) reduces infarct size in acute myocardial infarction. We investigated whether a single high-dose of EPO administered immediately after reperfusion in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) would limit infarct size. Methods A total of 110 patients undergoing successful primary coronary intervention for a first STEMI was randomized to receive standard care either alone (n = 57) or combined with intravenous administration of 1,000 U/kg of epoetin β immediately after reperfusion (n = 53). The primary end point was infarct size assessed by gadolinium-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance after 3 months. Secondary end points included left ventricular (LV) volume and function at 5-day and 3-month follow-up, incidence of microvascular obstruction (MVO), and safety. Results Erythropoietin significantly decreased the incidence of MVO (43.4% vs 65.3% in the control group, P = .03) and reduced LV volume, mass, and function impairment at 5-day follow-up (all P < .05). After 3 months, median infarct size (interquartile range) was 17.5 g (7.6-26.1 g) in the EPO group and 16.0 g (9.4-28.2 g) in the control group (P = .64); LV mass, volume, and function were not significantly different between the 2 groups. The same number of major adverse cardiac events occurred in both groups. Conclusions Single high-dose EPO administered immediately after successful reperfusion in patients with STEMI did not reduce infarct size at 3-month follow-up. However, this regimen decreased the incidence of MVO and was associated with transient favorable effects on LV volume and function

    An investigation of latency prediction for NoC-based communication architectures using machine learning techniques

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    © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Due to the increasing number of cores in Systems on Chip (SoCs), bus architectures have suffered with limitations regarding performance. As applications demand higher bandwidth and lower latencies, buses have not been able to comply with such requirements due to longer wires and increased capacitance. Facing this scenario, Networks on Chip (NoCs) emerged as a way to overcome the limitations found in bus-based systems. Fully exploring all possible NoC characteristics settings is unfeasible due to the vast design space to cover. Therefore, some methods which aim to speed up the design process are needed. In this work, we propose the use of machine learning techniques to optimise NoC architecture components during the design phase. We have investigated the performance of several different ML techniques and selected the Random Forest one targeting audio/video applications. The results have shown an accuracy of up to 90% and 85% for prediction involving arbitration and routing protocols, respectively, and in terms of applications inference, audio/video achieved up to 99%. After this step, we have evaluated other classifiers for each application individually, aiming at finding the adequate one for each situation. The best class of classifiers found was the Tree-based one (Random Forest, Random Tree, and M5P) which is very encouraging, and it points to different approaches from the current state of the art for NoCs latency prediction

    Integrating quantum groups over surfaces

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    We apply the mechanism of factorization homology to construct and compute category-valued two-dimensional topological field theories associated to braided tensor categories, generalizing the (0,1,2)(0,1,2)-dimensional part of Crane-Yetter-Kauffman 4D TFTs associated to modular categories. Starting from modules for the Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum group Uq(g)U_q(\mathfrak g) we obtain in this way an aspect of topologically twisted 4-dimensional N=4{\mathcal N}=4 super Yang-Mills theory, the setting introduced by Kapustin-Witten for the geometric Langlands program. For punctured surfaces, in particular, we produce explicit categories which quantize character varieties (moduli of GG-local systems) on the surface; these give uniform constructions of a variety of well-known algebras in quantum group theory. From the annulus, we recover the reflection equation algebra associated to Uq(g)U_q(\mathfrak g), and from the punctured torus we recover the algebra of quantum differential operators associated to Uq(g)U_q(\mathfrak g). From an arbitrary surface we recover Alekseev's moduli algebras. Our construction gives an intrinsically topological explanation for well-known mapping class group symmetries and braid group actions associated to these algebras, in particular the elliptic modular symmetry (difference Fourier transform) of quantum D\mathcal D-modules.Comment: 57 page, 5 figures. Final version, to appear in J. To

    Smooth Orbital Varieties and Orbital Varieties with a Dense B-Orbit

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    Rapid Prototyping of image analysis algorithms on an adaptive FPGA Architecture

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    4The aim of this work is to propose a fast and reliable design flow for the implementation of some image analysis algo-rithms on an adaptive architecture using an FPGA platform. This adaptive architecture is designed in a Globally Asyn-chronous Locally Synchronous (GALS) approach so that the hardware resources are stand-alone modules. Any modifica-tion only affects the target module, not the entire system. The design flow associated to this architecture includes IP li-braries for all reused modules and a high-level development tool called Handle-C for the design of new modules. The image processing designer implements any image analysis algorithm in a reliable way without any hardware specialist