282 research outputs found

    Strategies for Imaging Faint Extended Sources in the Near-Infrared

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    Quantitative information about variations in the background at J and K' are presented and used to develop guidelines for the acquisition and reduction of ground-based images of faint extended sources in the near-infrared, especially those which occupy a significant fraction of the field of view of a detector or which are located in areas crowded with foreground or background sources. Findings are based primarily upon data acquired over three photometric nights with the 3.6x3.6 arcmin CFHT-IR array on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope atop Mauna Kea. Although some results are specific to CFHT, overall conclusions should be useful in guiding observing and reduction strategies of extended objects elsewhere.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASP July 2004. 29 pages, including 2 tables and 9 figure

    On the Determination of Star Formation Rates in Evolving Galaxy Populations

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    The redshift dependence of the luminosity density in certain wavebands (e.g. UV and H-alpha) can be used to infer the history of star formation in the populations of galaxies producing this luminosity. This history is a useful datum in studies of galaxy evolution. It is therefore important to understand the errors that attend the inference of star formation rate densities from luminosity densities. This paper explores the self-consistency of star formation rate diagnostics by reproducing commonly used observational procedures in a model with known galaxy populations, evolutionary histories and spectral emission properties. The study reveals a number of potential sources of error in the diagnostic processes arising from the differential evolution of different galaxy types. We argue that multi-wavelength observations can help to reduce these errors.Comment: 13 pages (including 5 encapsulated postscript figures), aastex, accepted for publication in Ap

    A Statistical Treatment of the Gamma-Ray Burst "No Host Galaxy" Problem: II. Energies of Standard Candle Bursts

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    With the discovery that the afterglows after some bursts are coincident with faint galaxies, the search for host galaxies is no longer a test of whether bursts are cosmological, but rather a test of particular cosmological models. The methodology we developed to investigate the original "no host galaxy" problem is equally valid for testing different cosmological models, and is applicable to the galaxies coincident with optical transients. We apply this methodology to a family of models where we vary the total energy of standard candle bursts. We find that total isotropic energies of E<2e52~erg are ruled out while log(E)~53 erg is favored.Comment: To appear in Ap.J., 514, 15 pages + 7 figures, AASTeX 4.0. Revisions are: additional author, updated data, and minor textual change

    Young Red Spheroidal Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Fields: Evidence for a Truncated IMF at ~2M_solar and a Constant Space Density to z~2

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    The optical-IR images of the Northern and Southern Hubble Deep Fields are used to measure the spectral and density evolution of early-type galaxies. The mean optical SED is found to evolve passively towards a mid F-star dominated spectrum by z ~ 2. We demonstrate with realistic simulations that hotter ellipticals would be readily visible if evolution progressed blueward and brightward at z > 2, following a standard IMF. The colour distributions are best fitted by a `red' IMF, deficient above ~2 M_solar and with a spread of formation in the range 1.5 < z_f < 2.5. Traditional age dating is spurious in this context, a distant elliptical can be young but appear red, with an apparent age >3 Gyrs independent of its formation redshift. Regarding density evolution, we demonstrate that the sharp decline in numbers claimed at z > 1 results from a selection bias against distant red galaxies in the optical, where the flux is too weak for morphological classification, but is remedied with relatively modest IR exposures revealing a roughly constant space density to z ~ 2. We point out that the lack of high mass star-formation inferred here and the requirement of metals implicates cooling-flows of pre-enriched gas in the creation of the stellar content of spheroidal galaxies. Deep-field X-ray images will be very helpful to examine this possibility.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letters, typographical errors corrected, simulated images with different IMFs illustrated at http://astro.berkeley.edu/~bouwens/ellip.htm

    Imaging and spectroscopy of galaxies associated with two z~0.7 damped Lyman-alpha absorption systems

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    We have identified galaxies near two quasars which are at the redshift of damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) systems in the UV spectra of the quasars. Both galaxies are actively forming stars. One galaxy has a luminosity close to the break in the local galaxy luminosity function, L*, the other is significantly fainter than L* and appears to be interacting with a nearby companion. Despite the strong selection effects favoring spectroscopic identification of the most luminous DLA galaxies, many of the spectroscopically-identified DLA galaxies in the literature are sub-L*, suggesting that the majority of the DLA population is probably sub-L*, in contrast to MgII absorbers at similar redshifts whose mean luminosity is close to L*.Comment: 9 pages, to appear in AJ, November 2003 issu

    A Photometrically Detected Forming Cluster of Galaxies at Redshift 1.6 in the GOODS Field

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    We report the discovery of a localized overdensity at z~1.6 in the GOODS-South Field, presumably a poor cluster in the process of formation. The three-dimensional galaxy density has been estimated on the basis of well calibrated photometric redshifts from the multiband photometric GOODS-MUSIC catalog using the (2+1)D technique. The density peak is embedded in the larger scale overdensity of galaxies known to exist at z=1.61 in the area. The properties of the member galaxies are compared to those of the surrounding field and we found that the two populations are significantly different supporting the reality of the structure. The reddest galaxies, once evolved according to their best fit models, have colors consistent with the red sequence of lower redshift clusters. The estimated M_200 total mass of the cluster is in the range 1.3 x 10^14 - 5.7x 10^14 Msun, depending on the assumed bias factor b. An upper limit for the 2-10 keV X-ray luminosity, based on the 1Ms Chandra observations, is L_X=0.5 x 10^43 erg s^-1, suggesting that the cluster has not yet reached the virial equilibrium.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures (1 in color), uses emulateapj.cls Latex class file, accepted for publication in Ap

    ISO investigates the nature of extremely-red hard X-ray sources responsible for the X-ray background

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    We analyse very deep X-ray and mid-IR surveys in common areas of the Lockman Hole and the HDF North to study the sources of the X-ray background (XRB) and to test the standard obscured accretion paradigm. We detect with ISO a rich population of X-ray luminous sources with red optical colours, including a fraction identified with Extremely Red Objects (R-K > 5) and galaxies with SEDs typical of normal massive ellipticals or spirals at z ~ 1. The high 0.5-10 keV X-ray luminosities of these objects (1E43-1E45 erg/s) indicate that the ultimate energy source is gravitational accretion, while the X-ray to IR flux ratios and the X-ray spectral hardness show evidence of photoelectric absorption at low X-ray energies. An important hint on the physics comes from the mid-IR data at 6.7 and 15 um, well reproduced by model spectra of completely obscured quasars under standard assumptions and l.o.s. optical depths tau ~ 30-40. Other predictions of the standard XRB picture, like the distributions of intrinsic bolometric luminosities and the relative fractions of type-I and -II objects (1:3), are also consistent with our results. Obscured gravitational accretion is then confirmed as being responsible for the bulk of the X-ray background, since we detect in the IR the down-graded energy photoelectrically absorbed in X-rays: 63% of the faint 5-10 keV XMM sources are detected in the mid-IR by Fadda et al. (2001). However, although as much as 90% of the X-ray energy production could be converted to IR photons, no more than 20% of the Cosmic IR Background can be attributed to X-ray loud AGNs.Comment: 7 pages, 5 postscript figures, ApJ submitte

    Hubble Residuals of Nearby Type Ia Supernovae Are Correlated with Host Galaxy Masses

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    From Sloan Digital Sky Survey u'g'r'i'z' imaging, we estimate the stellar masses of the host galaxies of 70 low redshift SN Ia (0.015 < z < 0.08) from the hosts' absolute luminosities and mass-to-light ratios. These nearby SN were discovered largely by searches targeting luminous galaxies, and we find that their host galaxies are substantially more massive than the hosts of SN discovered by the flux-limited Supernova Legacy Survey. Testing four separate light curve fitters, we detect ~2.5{\sigma} correlations of Hubble residuals with both host galaxy size and stellar mass, such that SN Ia occurring in physically larger, more massive hosts are ~10% brighter after light curve correction. The Hubble residual is the deviation of the inferred distance modulus to the SN, calculated from its apparent luminosity and light curve properties, away from the expected value at the SN redshift. Marginalizing over linear trends in Hubble residuals with light curve parameters shows that the correlations cannot be attributed to a light curve-dependent calibration error. Combining 180 higher-redshift ESSENCE, SNLS, and HigherZ SN with 30 nearby SN whose host masses are less than 10^10.8 solar masses in a cosmology fit yields 1+w=0.22 +0.152/-0.143, while a combination where the 30 nearby SN instead have host masses greater than 10^10.8 solar masses yields 1+w=-0.03 +0.217/-0.108. Progenitor metallicity, stellar population age, and dust extinction correlate with galaxy mass and may be responsible for these systematic effects. Host galaxy measurements will yield improved distances to SN Ia.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, published in ApJ, minor change

    The Tilt of the Fundamental Plane: Three-quarters Structural Nonhomology, One-quarter Stellar Population

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    The variation of the mass-to-light ratios M/L of early type galaxies as function of their luminosities L is investigated. It is shown that the tilt beta=0.27 (in the B--band) of the fundamental plane relation M/L ~ L^{beta} can be understood as a combination of two effects: about one-quarter (i.e. dbeta =0.07) is a result of systematic variations of the stellar population properties with increasing luminosity. The remaining three-quarters (i.e. dbeta =0.2) can be completely attributed to nonhomology effects that lead to a systematic change of the surface brightness profiles with increasing luminosity. Consequently, the observed tilt in the K-band (beta=0.17) where stellar population effects are negligible, is explained by nonhomology effects alone. After correcting for nonhomology, the mean value of the mass-to-light ratio of elliptical galaxies (M/L_B) is 7.1+-2.8 (1 sigma scatter).Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, ApJL, 600, 39, minor changes made to match the published versio
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