2,740 research outputs found

    Numerical solution of the radiative transfer equation: X-ray spectral formation from cylindrical accretion onto a magnetized neutron star

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    Predicting the emerging X-ray spectra in several astrophysical objects is of great importance, in particular when the observational data are compared with theoretical models. To this aim, we have developed an algorithm solving the radiative transfer equation in the Fokker-Planck approximation when both thermal and bulk Comptonization take place. The algorithm is essentially a relaxation method, where stable solutions are obtained when the system has reached its steady-state equilibrium. We obtained the solution of the radiative transfer equation in the two-dimensional domain defined by the photon energy E and optical depth of the system tau using finite-differences for the partial derivatives, and imposing specific boundary conditions for the solutions. We treated the case of cylindrical accretion onto a magnetized neutron star. We considered a blackbody seed spectrum of photons with exponential distribution across the accretion column and for an accretion where the velocity reaches its maximum at the stellar surface and at the top of the accretion column, respectively. In both cases higher values of the electron temperature and of the optical depth tau produce flatter and harder spectra. Other parameters contributing to the spectral formation are the steepness of the vertical velocity profile, the albedo at the star surface, and the radius of the accretion column. The latter parameter modifies the emerging spectra in a specular way for the two assumed accretion profiles. The algorithm has been implemented in the XSPEC package for X-ray spectral fitting and is specifically dedicated to the physical framework of accretion at the polar cap of a neutron star with a high magnetic field (> 10^{12} G), which is expected to be typical of accreting systems such as X-ray pulsars and supergiant fast X-ray transients.Comment: 13 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Wide band observations of the X-ray burster GS 1826-238

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    GS 1826-238 is a well-studied X-ray bursting neutron star in a low mass binary system. Thermal Comptonisation by a hot electron cloud is a widely accepted mechanism accounting for its high energy emission, while the nature of most of its soft X-ray output is not completely understood. A further low energy component is typically needed to model the observed spectra: pure blackbody and Comptonisation-modified blackbody radiation by a lower temperature (a few keV) electron plasma were suggested to explain the low energy data. We studied the steady emission of GS 1826-238 by means of broad band (X to soft Gamma-rays) measurements obtained by the INTEGRAL observatory in 2003 and 2006. The newly developed, up-to-date Comptonisation model CompTB is applied for the first time to study effectively the low-hard state variability of a low-luminosity neutron star in a low-mass X-ray binary system. We confirm that the 3-200 keV emission of \GS is characterised by Comptonisation of soft seed photons by a hot electron plasma. A single spectral component is sufficient to model the observed spectra. At lower energies, no direct blackbody emission is observed and there is no need to postulate a low temperature Compton region. Compared to the 2003 measurements, the plasma temperature decreased from 20 to 14 keV in 2006, together with the seed photons temperature. The source intensity was also found to be 30% lower in 2006, whilst the average recurrence frequency of the X-ray bursts significantly increased. Possible explanations for this apparent deviation from the typical limit-cycle behaviour of this burster are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    On the stability of the thermal Comptonization index in neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries in their different spectral states

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    Most of the spectra of neutron star low mass X-ray binaries (NS LMXBs), being them persistent or transient, are characterized by the presence of a strong thermal Comptonization bump, thought to originate in the transition layer (TL) between the accretion disk and the NS surface. The observable quantities which characterize this component dominating the emission below 30 keV, are the spectral index alpha and the rollover energy, both related to the electron temperature and optical depth of the plasma. Starting from observational results on a sample of NS LMXBs in different spectral states, we formulate the problem of X-ray spectral formation in the TL of these sources. We predict a stability of the thermal Comptonization spectral index in different spectral states if the energy release in the TL is much higher than the intercepted flux coming from the accretion disk. We use an equation for the energy balance and the radiative transfer diffusion equation for a slab geometry in the TL, to derive a formula for the thermal Comptonization index alpha. We show that in this approximation the TL electron temperature kTe and optical depth tau_0 can be written as a function of the energy flux from the disk intercepted by the corona (TL) and that in the corona itself Qdisk/Qcor, in turn leading to a relation alpha=f(Qdisk/Qcor), with alpha ~ 1 when Qdisk/Qcor <<1. We show that the observed spectral index alpha for the sample of sources here considered lies in a belt around 1 +/- 0.2 a part for the case of GX 354--0. Comparing our theoretical predictions with observations, we claim that this result, which is consistent with the condition Qdisk/Qcor <<1, can give us constraints on the accretion geometry of these systems, an issue that seems difficult to be solved using only the spectral analysis method.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Ivermectin Treatment of a Traveler Who Returned from Peru with Cutaneous Gnathostomiasis

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    We describe a 21-year-old patient who experienced a relapse of cutaneous gnathostomiasis after receiving initial treatment with albendazole and who had a successful outcome after receiving a short course of ivermectin for the relapse. This is the first reported case of gnathostomiasis acquired by a human in Per

    Comptonization in Ultra-Strong Magnetic Fields: Numerical Solution to the Radiative Transfer Problem

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    We consider the radiative transfer problem in a plane-parallel slab of thermal electrons in the presence of an ultra-strong magnetic field (B approximately greater than B(sub c) approx. = 4.4 x 10(exp 13) G). Under these conditions, the magnetic field behaves like a birefringent medium for the propagating photons, and the electromagnetic radiation is split into two polarization modes, ordinary and extraordinary, that have different cross-sections. When the optical depth of the slab is large, the ordinary-mode photons are strongly Comptonized and the photon field is dominated by an isotropic component. Aims. The radiative transfer problem in strong magnetic fields presents many mathematical issues and analytical or numerical solutions can be obtained only under some given approximations. We investigate this problem both from the analytical and numerical point of view, provide a test of the previous analytical estimates, and extend these results with numerical techniques. Methods. We consider here the case of low temperature black-body photons propagating in a sub-relativistic temperature plasma, which allows us to deal with a semi-Fokker-Planck approximation of the radiative transfer equation. The problem can then be treated with the variable separation method, and we use a numerical technique to find solutions to the eigenvalue problem in the case of a singular kernel of the space operator. The singularity of the space kernel is the result of the strong angular dependence of the electron cross-section in the presence of a strong magnetic field. Results. We provide the numerical solution obtained for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the space operator, and the emerging Comptonization spectrum of the ordinary-mode photons for any eigenvalue of the space equation and for energies significantly lesser than the cyclotron energy, which is on the order of MeV for the intensity of the magnetic field here considered. Conclusions. We derived the specific intensity of the ordinary photons, under the approximation of large angle and large optical depth. These assumptions allow the equation to be treated using a diffusion-like approximation

    The X-ray spectrum of the bursting atoll source 4U~1728-34 observed with INTEGRAL

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    We present for the first time a study of the 3-200 keV broad band spectra of the bursting atoll source 4U 1728-34 (GX 354-0) along its hardness intensity diagram. The analysis was done using the INTEGRAL public and Galactic Center deep exposure data ranging from February 2003 to October 2004. The spectra are well described by a thermal Comptonization model with an electron temperature from 35 keV to 3 keV and Thomson optical depth, tau_T, from 0.5 to 5 in a slab geometry. The source undergoes a transition from an intermediate/hard to a soft state where the source luminosity increases from 2 to 12% of Eddington. We have also detected 36 type I X-ray bursts two of which show photospheric radius expansion. The energetic bursts with photospheric radius expansion occurred at an inferred low mass accretion rate per unit area of \dot m ~ 1.7x10E3 g/cm2/s, while the others at a higher one between 2.4x10E3 - 9.4x10E3 g/cm2/s. For 4U1728-34 the bursts' total fluence, and the bursts' peak flux are anti-correlated with the mass accretion rate. The type I X-ray bursts involve pure helium burning either during the hard state, or during the soft state of the source.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, and 2 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Spectral evolution of bright NS LMXBs with INTEGRAL: an application of the thermal plus bulk Comptonization model

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    The aim of this work is to investigate in a physical and quantitative way the spectral evolution of bright Neutron Star Low-Mass X-ray Binaries (NS LMXBs), with special regard to the transient hard X-ray tails. We analyzed INTEGRAL data for five sources (GX 5-1, GX 349+2, GX 13+1, GX 3+1, GX 9+1) and built broad-band X-ray spectra from JEM-X1 and IBIS/ISGRI data. For each source, X-ray spectra from different states were fitted with the recently proposed model compTB. The spectra have been fit with a two-compTB model. In all cases the first compTB describes the dominant part of the spectrum that we interpret as thermal Comptonization of soft seed photons (< 1 keV), likely from the accretion disk, by a 3-5 keV corona. In all cases, this component does not evolve much in terms of Comptonization efficiency, with the system converging to thermal equilibrium for increasing accretion rate. The second compTB varies more dramatically spanning from bulk plus thermal Comptonization of blackbody seed photons to the blackbody emission alone. These seed photons (R < 12 km, kT_s > 1 keV), likely from the neutron star and the innermost part of the system, the Transition Layer, are Comptonized by matter in a converging flow. The presence and nature of this second compTB component (be it a pure blackbody or Comptonized) are related to the inner local accretion rate which can influence the transient behaviour of the hard tail: high values of accretion rates correspond to an efficient Bulk Comptonization process (bulk parameter delta > 0) while even higher values of accretion rates suppress the Comptonization, resulting in simple blackbody emission (delta=0).Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The X-ray spectral evolution of Cyg X-2 in the framework of bulk Comptonization

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    We used the newly developed thermal plus bulk Comptonization model comptb to investigate the spectral evolution of the neutron star LMXB Cyg X-2 along its Z-track. We selected a single source in order to trace in a quantitative way the evolution of the physical parameters of the model. We analyzed archival broad-band BeppoSAX spectra of Cyg X-2. Five broad-band spectra have been newly extracted according to the source position in the Z-track described in the colour-colour and colour-intensity diagrams. We have fitted the spectra of the source with two comptb components. The first one, with bulk parameter delta=0, dominates the overall source broad-band spectrum and its origin is related to thermal upscattering (Comptonization) of cold seed photons off warm electrons in high-opacity enviroment. We attribute the origin of these seed photons to the part of the disk which illuminates the outer coronal region (transition layer) located between the accretion disk itself and the neutron star surface. This thermal component is roughly constant with time and with inferred mass accretion rate. The second comptb model describes the overall Comptonization (thermal plus bulk, delta > 0) of hotter seed photons which come from both the inner transition layer and from the neutron star surface. The appearance of this component in the colour-colour or hardness-intensity diagram is more pronounced in the horizontal branch and is progressively disappearing towards the normal branch, where a pure blackbody spectrum is observed. The spectral evolution of Cyg X-2 is studied and interpreted in terms of changes in the innermost environmental conditions of the system, leading to a variable thermal-bulk Comptonization efficiency.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Multirobot Systems: A Classification Focused on Coordination

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