648 research outputs found

    Molecular Dynamics Study of Orientational Cooperativity in Water

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    Recent experiments on liquid water show collective dipole orientation fluctuations dramatically slower then expected (with relaxation time >> 50 ns) [D. P. Shelton, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 72}, 020201(R) (2005)]. Molecular dynamics simulations of SPC/E water show large vortex-like structure of dipole field at ambient conditions surviving over 300 ps [J. Higo at al. PNAS, {\bf 98} 5961 (2001)]. Both results disagree with previous results on water dipoles in similar conditions, for which autocorrelation times are a few ps. Motivated by these recent results, we study the water dipole reorientation using molecular dynamics simulations in bulk SPC/E water for temperatures ranging from ambient 300 K down to the deep supercooled region of the phase diagram at 210 K. First, we calculate the dipole autocorrelation function and find that our simulations are well-described by a stretched exponential decay, from which we calculate the {\it orientational autocorrelation time} τa\tau_{a}. Second, we define a second characteristic time, namely the time required for the randomization of molecular dipole orientation, the {\it self-dipole randomization time} τr\tau_{r}, which is an upper limit on τa\tau_{a}; we find that τr5τa\tau_{r}\approx 5 \tau_{a}. Third, to check if there are correlated domains of dipoles in water which have large relaxation times compared to the individual dipoles, we calculate the randomization time τbox\tau_{\rm box} of the site-dipole field, the net dipole moment formed by a set of molecules belonging to a box of edge LboxL_{\rm box}. We find that the {\it site-dipole randomization time} τbox2.5τa\tau_{\rm box}\approx 2.5 \tau_{a} for Lbox3L_{\rm box}\approx 3\AA, i.e. it is shorter than the same quantity calculated for the self-dipole. Finally, we find that the orientational correlation length is short even at low TT.Comment: 25 Pages, 10 figure

    Is there a reentrant glass in binary mixtures?

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    By employing computer simulations for a model binary mixture, we show that a reentrant glass transition upon adding a second component only occurs if the ratio α\alpha of the short-time mobilities between the glass-forming component and the additive is sufficiently small. For α1\alpha \approx 1, there is no reentrant glass, even if the size asymmetry between the two components is large, in accordance with two-component mode coupling theory. For α1\alpha \ll 1, on the other hand, the reentrant glass is observed and reproduced only by an effective one-component mode coupling theory.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Molecular mode-coupling theory for supercooled liquids: Application to water

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    We present mode-coupling equations for the description of the slow dynamics observed in supercooled molecular liquids close to the glass transition. The mode-coupling theory (MCT) originally formulated to study the slow relaxation in simple atomic liquids, and then extended to the analysis of liquids composed by linear molecules, is here generalized to systems of arbitrarily shaped, rigid molecules. We compare the predictions of the theory for the qq-vector dependence of the molecular nonergodicity parameters, calculated by solving numerically the molecular MCT equations in two different approximation schemes, with ``exact'' results calculated from a molecular dynamics simulation of supercooled water. The agreement between theory and simulation data supports the view that MCT succeeds in describing the dynamics of supercooled molecular liquids, even for network forming ones.Comment: 22 pages 4 figures Late

    Reentrant glass transition in a colloid-polymer mixture with depletion attractions

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    Performing light scattering experiments we show that introducing short-ranged attraction to a colloidal suspension of nearly hard spheres by addition of free polymer produces new glass transition phenomena. We observe a dramatic acceleration of the density fluctuations amounting to the melting of a colloidal glass. Increasing the strength of the attractions the system freezes into another nonergodic state sharing some qualitative features with gel states occurring at lower colloid packing fractions. This reentrant glass transition is in qualitative agreement with recent theoretical predictions.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    A view of the Galactic halo using beryllium as a time scale

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    Beryllium stellar abundances were suggested to be a good tracer of time in the early Galaxy. In an investigation of its use as a cosmochronometer, using a large sample of local halo and thick-disk dwarfs, evidence was found that in a log(Be/H) vs. [alpha/Fe] diagram the halo stars separate into two components. One is consistent with predictions of evolutionary models while the other is chemically indistinguishable from the thick-disk stars. This is interpreted as a difference in the star formation history of the two components and suggests that the local halo is not a single uniform population where a clear age-metallicity relation can be defined.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 265, Chemical abundances in the Universe: connecting first stars to planets, K. Cunha, M. Spite and B. Barbuy, eds. 2 Pages, 2 figure

    Beryllium abundances and the formation of the halo and the thick disk

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    The single stable isotope of beryllium is a pure product of cosmic-ray spallation in the ISM. Assuming that the cosmic-rays are globally transported across the Galaxy, the beryllium production should be a widespread process and its abundance should be roughly homogeneous in the early-Galaxy at a given time. Thus, it could be useful as a tracer of time. In an investigation of the use of Be as a cosmochronometer and of its evolution in the Galaxy, we found evidence that in a log(Be/H) vs. [alpha/Fe] diagram the halo stars separate into two components. One is consistent with predictions of evolutionary models while the other is chemically indistinguishable from the thick-disk stars. This is interpreted as a difference in the star formation history of the two components and suggests that the local halo is not a single uniform population where a clear age-metallicity relation can be defined. We also found evidence that the star formation rate was lower in the outer regions of the thick disk, pointing towards an inside-out formation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, To appear in the Proceedings of IAU Symp. 268 - Light Elements in the Universe (C. Charbonnel, M. Tosi, F. Primas, C. Chiappini, eds

    Dynamics in a supercooled molecular liquid: Theory and Simulations

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    We report extensive simulations of liquid supercooled states for a simple three-sites molecular model, introduced by Lewis and Wahnstr"om [L. J. Lewis and G. Wahnstr"om, Phys. Rev. E 50, 3865 (1994)] to mimic the behavior of ortho-terphenyl. The large system size and the long simulation length allow to calculate very precisely --- in a large q-vector range --- self and collective correlation functions, providing a clean and simple reference model for theoretical descriptions of molecular liquids in supercooled states. The time and wavevector dependence of the site-site correlation functions are compared with detailed predictions based on ideal mode-coupling theory, neglecting the molecular constraints. Except for the wavevector region where the dynamics is controlled by the center of mass (around 9 nm-1), the theoretical predictions compare very well with the simulation data.

    Equilibration times in numerical simulation of structural glasses: Comparing parallel tempering and conventional molecular dynamics

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    Generation of equilibrium configurations is the major obstacle for numerical investigation of the slow dynamics in supercooled liquid states. The parallel tempering (PT) technique, originally proposed for the numerical equilibration of discrete spin-glass model configurations, has recently been applied in the study of supercooled structural glasses. We present an investigation of the ability of parallel tempering to properly sample the liquid configuration space at different temperatures, by mapping the PT dynamics into the dynamics of the closest local potential energy minima (inherent structures). Comparing the PT equilibration process with the standard molecular dynamics equilibration process we find that the PT does not increase the speed of equilibration of the (slow) configurational degrees of freedom.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Reorientational relaxation of a linear probe molecule in a simple glassy liquid

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    Within the mode-coupling theory (MCT) for the evolution of structural relaxation in glass-forming liquids, correlation functions and susceptibility spectra are calculated characterizing the rotational dynamics of a top-down symmetric dumbbell molecule, consisting of two fused hard spheres immersed in a hard-sphere system. It is found that for sufficiently large dumbbell elongations, the dynamics of the probe molecule follows the same universal glass-transition scenario as known from the MCT results of simple liquids. The α\alpha-relaxation process of the angular-index-j=1 response is stronger, slower and less stretched than the one for j=2, in qualitative agreement with results found by dielectric-loss and depolarized-light-scattering spectroscopy for some supercooled liquids. For sufficiently small elongations, the reorientational relaxation occurs via large-angle flips, and the standard scenario for the glass-transition dynamics is modified for odd-j responses due to precursor phenomena of a nearby type-A MCT transition. In this case, a major part of the relaxation outside the transient regime is described qualitatively by the β\beta-relaxation scaling laws, while the α\alpha-relaxation scaling law is strongly disturbed.Comment: 40 pages. 10 figures as GIF-files, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Test of the semischematic model for a liquid of linear molecules

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    We apply to a liquid of linear molecules the semischematic mode-coupling model, previously introduced to describe the center of mass (COM) slow dynamics of a network-forming molecular liquid. We compare the theoretical predictions and numerical results from a molecular dynamics simulation, both for the time and the wave-vector dependence of the COM density-density correlation function. We discuss the relationship between the presented analysis and the results from an approximate solution of the equations from molecular mode-coupling theory [R. Schilling and T. Scheidsteger, Phys. Rev. E 56 2932 (1997)].Comment: Revtex, 10 pages, 4 figure