4,139 research outputs found

    Reduced ventilation and enhanced magnitude of the deep Pacific carbon pool during the last glacial period

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    It has been proposed that the ventilation of the deep Pacific carbon pool was not significantly reduced during the last glacial period, posing a problem for canonical theories of glacial–interglacial CO2 change. However, using radiocarbon dates of marine tephra deposited off New Zealand, we show that deep- (>2000 m>2000 m) and shallow sub-surface ocean–atmosphere 14C age offsets (i.e. ‘reservoir-’ or ‘ventilation’ ages) in the southwest Pacific increased by ∌1089 and 337 yrs respectively, reaching ∌2689 and ∌1037 yrs during the late glacial. A comparison with other radiocarbon data from the southern high-latitudes suggests that broadly similar changes were experienced right across the Southern Ocean. If, like today, the Southern Ocean was the main source of water to the glacial ocean interior, these observations would imply a significant change in the global radiocarbon inventory during the last glacial period, possibly equivalent to an increase in the average radiocarbon age >2 km>2 km of ∌700 yrs∌700 yrs. Simple mass balance arguments and numerical model sensitivity tests suggest that such a change in the ocean's mean radiocarbon age would have had a major impact on the marine carbon inventory and atmospheric CO2, possibly accounting for nearly half of the glacial–interglacial CO2 change. If confirmed, these findings would underline the special role of high latitude shallow sub-surface mixing and air–sea gas exchange in regulating atmospheric CO2 during the late Pleistocene.This work was supported by the Royal Society, through a University Research Fellowship granted to LCS, and by NERC grant NE/L006421/1.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X1400716X#

    51 Eri and GJ 3305: A 10-15 Myr old binary star system at 30 parsecs

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    Following the suggestion of Zuckerman et al. (2001, ApJ, 562, L87), we consider the evidence that 51 Eri (spectral type F0) and GJ 3305 (M0), historically classified as unrelated main sequence stars in the solar neighborhood, are instead a wide physical binary system and members of the young beta Pic moving group (BPMG). The BPMG is the nearest (d < 50 pc) of several groups of young stars with ages around 10 Myr that are kinematically convergent with the Oph-Sco-Cen Association (OSCA), the nearest OB star association. Combining SAAO optical photometry, Hobby-Eberly Telescope high-resolution spectroscopy, Chandra X-ray data, and UCAC2 catalog kinematics, we confirm with high confidence that the system is indeed extremely young. GJ 3305 itself exhibits very strong magnetic activity but has rapidly depleted most of its lithium. The 51 Eri/GJ 3305 system is the westernmost known member of the OSCA, lying 110 pc from the main subgroups. The system is similar to the BPMG wide binary HD 172555/CD -64d1208 and the HD 104237 quintet, suggesting that dynamically fragile multiple systems can survive the turbulent environments of their natal giant molecular cloud complexes, while still being imparted high dispersion velocities. Nearby young systems such as these are excellent targets for evolved circumstellar disk and planetary studies, having stellar ages comparable to that of the late phases of planet formation.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. For a version with high resolution figures, see http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/edf/51Eri.pd

    The effect of elastic therapeutic taping on lumbar extensor isokinetic performance

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    Objective: To investigate the effects of elastic therapeutic tape when applied overlaying the lumbar extensors on different measures of muscle performance, compared to a placebo taping technique and a no-tape control. Relevance: Elastic therapeutic tape is frequently used as an adjunct to enhance athletic performance amongst athletes. However, limited research exists supporting its application on isokinetic performance of the lumbar extensor muscles. Methods: A cross-sectional experimental study. 21 participants received three taping conditions in a randomised order: elastic therapeutic tape, a placebo tape and a no-tape control. Peak torque, the time taken to reach peak torque and peak velocity were measured using an isokinetic dynamometer. Analysis: Friedman’s test and post-hoc Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to determine the statistical differences between the three taping conditions. Level of significance was set at 0.05. Results: A statistically significant improvement in peak lumbar extensor torque was observed when comparing elastic therapeutic tape with the no-tape control (p 0.05). Conclusions: Results demonstrate that the application of elastic therapeutic tape overlaying the primary lumbar extensors significantly improves the maximal lumbar extension peak torque in healthy, asymptomatic adults

    Superdeformation in 198^{198}Po

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    The 174^{174}Yb(29^{29}Si,5n) reaction at 148 MeV with thin targets was used to populate high-angular momentum states in 198^{198}Po. Resulting γ\gamma rays were observed with Gammasphere. A weakly-populated superdeformed band of 10 γ\gamma-ray transitions was found and has been assigned to 198^{198}Po. This is the first observation of a SD band in the A≈190A \approx 190 region in a nucleus with Z>83Z > 83. The J(2){\cal J}^{(2)} of the new band is very similar to those of the yrast SD bands in 194^{194}Hg and 196^{196}Pb. The intensity profile suggests that this band is populated through states close to where the SD band crosses the yrast line and the angular momentum at which the fission process dominates.Comment: 10 pages, revtex, 2 figs. available on request, submitted to Phys. Rev. C. (Rapid Communications

    Active Galactic Nuclei under the scrutiny of CTA

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    Active Galactic Nuclei (hereafter AGN) produce powerful outflows which offer excellent conditions for efficient particle acceleration in internal and external shocks, turbulence, and magnetic reconnection events. The jets as well as particle accelerating regions close to the supermassive black holes (hereafter SMBH) at the intersection of plasma inflows and outflows, can produce readily detectable very high energy gamma-ray emission. As of now, more than 45 AGN including 41 blazars and 4 radiogalaxies have been detected by the present ground-based gamma-ray telescopes, which represents more than one third of the cosmic sources detected so far in the VHE gamma-ray regime. The future Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) should boost the sample of AGN detected in the VHE range by about one order of magnitude, shedding new light on AGN population studies, and AGN classification and unification schemes. CTA will be a unique tool to scrutinize the extreme high-energy tail of accelerated particles in SMBH environments, to revisit the central engines and their associated relativistic jets, and to study the particle acceleration and emission mechanisms, particularly exploring the missing link between accretion physics, SMBH magnetospheres and jet formation. Monitoring of distant AGN will be an extremely rewarding observing program which will inform us about the inner workings and evolution of AGN. Furthermore these AGN are bright beacons of gamma-rays which will allow us to constrain the extragalactic infrared and optical backgrounds as well as the intergalactic magnetic field, and will enable tests of quantum gravity and other "exotic" phenomena.Comment: 28 pages, 23 figure

    Can biological quantum networks solve NP-hard problems?

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    There is a widespread view that the human brain is so complex that it cannot be efficiently simulated by universal Turing machines. During the last decades the question has therefore been raised whether we need to consider quantum effects to explain the imagined cognitive power of a conscious mind. This paper presents a personal view of several fields of philosophy and computational neurobiology in an attempt to suggest a realistic picture of how the brain might work as a basis for perception, consciousness and cognition. The purpose is to be able to identify and evaluate instances where quantum effects might play a significant role in cognitive processes. Not surprisingly, the conclusion is that quantum-enhanced cognition and intelligence are very unlikely to be found in biological brains. Quantum effects may certainly influence the functionality of various components and signalling pathways at the molecular level in the brain network, like ion ports, synapses, sensors, and enzymes. This might evidently influence the functionality of some nodes and perhaps even the overall intelligence of the brain network, but hardly give it any dramatically enhanced functionality. So, the conclusion is that biological quantum networks can only approximately solve small instances of NP-hard problems. On the other hand, artificial intelligence and machine learning implemented in complex dynamical systems based on genuine quantum networks can certainly be expected to show enhanced performance and quantum advantage compared with classical networks. Nevertheless, even quantum networks can only be expected to efficiently solve NP-hard problems approximately. In the end it is a question of precision - Nature is approximate.Comment: 38 page

    Relative spins and excitation energies of superdeformed bands in 190Hg: Further evidence for octupole vibration

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    An experiment using the Eurogam Phase II gamma-ray spectrometer confirms the existence of an excited superdeformed (SD) band in 190Hg and its very unusual decay into the lowest SD band over 3-4 transitions. The energies and dipole character of the transitions linking the two SD bands have been firmly established. Comparisons with RPA calculations indicate that the excited SD band can be interpreted as an octupole-vibrational structure.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 4 figures available via WWW at http://www.phy.anl.gov/bgo/bc/hg190_nucl_ex.htm

    Elastin is Localised to the Interfascicular Matrix of Energy Storing Tendons and Becomes Increasingly Disorganised With Ageing

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    Tendon is composed of fascicles bound together by the interfascicular matrix (IFM). Energy storing tendons are more elastic and extensible than positional tendons; behaviour provided by specialisation of the IFM to enable repeated interfascicular sliding and recoil. With ageing, the IFM becomes stiffer and less fatigue resistant, potentially explaining why older tendons become more injury-prone. Recent data indicates enrichment of elastin within the IFM, but this has yet to be quantified. We hypothesised that elastin is more prevalent in energy storing than positional tendons, and is mainly localised to the IFM. Further, we hypothesised that elastin becomes disorganised and fragmented, and decreases in amount with ageing, especially in energy storing tendons. Biochemical analyses and immunohistochemical techniques were used to determine elastin content and organisation, in young and old equine energy storing and positional tendons. Supporting the hypothesis, elastin localises to the IFM of energy storing tendons, reducing in quantity and becoming more disorganised with ageing. These changes may contribute to the increased injury risk in aged energy storing tendons. Full understanding of the processes leading to loss of elastin and its disorganisation with ageing may aid in the development of treatments to prevent age related tendinopathy
