565 research outputs found

    Occurrence of the orange wheat blossom midge [Diptera :Cecidomyiidae] in Quebec and its incidence on wheat grain microflora

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    À l'été 1995, on a prélevé des échantillons de blé (Triticum aestivum) dans des champs de diverses régions agricoles du Québec. La présence de larves de la cécidomyie orangée du blé (Sitodiplosis mosellana) fut quantifiée et une évaluation qualitative et quantitative de la microflore des grains fut réalisée. Les pertes moyennes de rendement causées par les larves de la cécidomyie du blé furent estimée à 6,3%. Le pourcentage des épis infestés fut significativement corrélé avec la contamination bactérienne et fongique des grains (r = 0,79). La présence spécifique du Fusarium graminearum dans les grains de blé fut aussi significativement corrélée avec le nombre de larves par épi (r= 0,67) ou par épillet (r= 0,67). Il appert que la cécidomyie du blé pourrait jouer un rôle dans la dissémination du F. graminearum.Samples of wheat spikes (Triticum aestivum) were collected in the summer of 1995 from different crop districts in Quebec and the occurrence of orange wheat blossom midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana) and seed microflora were determined. Estimated yield loss caused by wheat midge larvae averaged 6.3%. The percentage of infested spikes was significantly correlated with total seed contamination by fungi and bacteria (r = 0.79). The specific occurrence of Fusarium graminearum in grains was also significantly correlated with number of larvae per spike (r = 0.67) or per spikelet (r = 0.67). Consequently, the wheat midge might play a role in dissemination of F. graminearum

    Development and validation of clinical profiles of patients hospitalized due to behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia.

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    Patients hospitalized on acute psychogeriatric wards are a heterogeneous population. Cluster analysis is a useful statistical method for partitioning a sample of patients into well separated groups of patients who present common characteristics. Several patient profile studies exist, but they are not adapted to acutely hospitalized psychogeriatric patients with cognitive impairment. The present study aims to partition patients hospitalized due to behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia into profiles based on a global evaluation of mental health using cluster analysis. Using nine of the 13 items from the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for elderly people (HoNOS65+), data were collected from a sample of 542 inpatients with dementia who were hospitalized between 2011 and 2014 in acute psychogeriatric wards of a Swiss university hospital. An optimal clustering solution was generated to represent various profiles, by using a mixed approach combining hierarchical and non-hierarchical (k-means) cluster analyses associated with a split-sample cross-validation. The quality of the clustering solution was evaluated based on a cross-validation, on a k-means method with 100 random initial seeds, on validation indexes, and on clinical interpretation. The final solution consisted of four clinically distinct and homogeneous profiles labeled (1) BPSD-affective, (2) BPSD-functional, (3) BPSD-somatic and (4) BPSD-psychotic according to their predominant clinical features. The four profiles differed in cognitive status, length of hospital stay, and legal admission status. In the present study, clustering methods allowed us to identify four profiles with distinctive characteristics. This clustering solution may be developed into a classification system that may allow clinicians to differentiate patient needs in order to promptly identify tailored interventions and promote better allocation of available resources

    Approximate Jacobians for the Solution of the Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations. G.U. Aero Report 9705

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    This paper describes a method for efficiently solving the steady-state Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. Robustness is achieved through the use of an upwind TVD scheme for discretising the convective terms. The approximate solution is advanced in time implicitly and the linear system arising at each implicit step is solved using a Conjugate Gradient type method. The main emphasis of this paper is on the use of Jacobian matrices associated with a simpler spatial discretisation. This leads to better conditioned linear systems. The resulting method has lower memory and CPU-time requirements when compared with the one using exact Jacobians

    Solution of the Euler Unsteady Equations Using Deforming Grids. G.U. Aero Report 9704.

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    Synchronizing Automata on Quasi Eulerian Digraph

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    In 1964 \v{C}ern\'{y} conjectured that each nn-state synchronizing automaton posesses a reset word of length at most (n1)2(n-1)^2. From the other side the best known upper bound on the reset length (minimum length of reset words) is cubic in nn. Thus the main problem here is to prove quadratic (in nn) upper bounds. Since 1964, this problem has been solved for few special classes of \sa. One of this result is due to Kari \cite{Ka03} for automata with Eulerian digraphs. In this paper we introduce a new approach to prove quadratic upper bounds and explain it in terms of Markov chains and Perron-Frobenius theories. Using this approach we obtain a quadratic upper bound for a generalization of Eulerian automata.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Chromatin Profiles of Chromosomally Integrated Human Herpesvirus-6A

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    Human herpesvirus-6A (HHV-6A) and 6B (HHV-6B) are two closely related betaherpesviruses that are associated with various diseases including seizures and encephalitis. The HHV-6A/B genomes have been shown to be present in an integrated state in the telomeres of latently infected cells. In addition, integration of HHV-6A/B in germ cells has resulted in individuals harboring this inherited chromosomally integrated HHV-6A/B (iciHHV-6) in every cell of their body. Until now, the viral transcriptome and the epigenetic modifications that contribute to the silencing of the integrated virus genome remain elusive. In the current study, we used a patient-derived iciHHV-6A cell line to assess the global viral gene expression profile by RNA-seq, and the chromatin profiles by MNase-seq and ChIP-seq analyses. In addition, we investigated an in vitro generated cell line (293-HHV-6A) that expresses GFP upon the addition of agents commonly used to induce herpesvirus reactivation such as TPA. No viral gene expression including miRNAs was detected from the HHV-6A genomes, indicating that the integrated virus is transcriptionally silent. Intriguingly, upon stimulation of the 293-HHV-6A cell line with TPA, only foreign promoters in the virus genome were activated, while all HHV-6A promoters remained completely silenced. The transcriptional silencing of latent HHV-6A was further supported by MNase-seq results, which demonstrate that the latent viral genome resides in a highly condensed nucleosome-associated state. We further explored the enrichment profiles of histone modifications via ChIP-seq analysis. Our results indicated that the HHV-6 genome is modestly enriched with the repressive histone marks H3K9me3/H3K27me3 and does not possess the active histone modifications H3K27ac/H3K4me3. Overall, these results indicate that HHV-6 genomes reside in a condensed chromatin state, providing insight into the epigenetic mechanisms associated with the silencing of the integrated HHV-6A genome

    Slowly synchronizing automata and digraphs

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    We present several infinite series of synchronizing automata for which the minimum length of reset words is close to the square of the number of states. These automata are closely related to primitive digraphs with large exponent.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Fourier analysis of 2-point Hermite interpolatory subdivision schemes

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    Two subdivision schemes with Hermite data on Z are studied. These schemes use 2 or 7 parameters respectively depending on whether Hermite data involve only first derivatives or include second derivatives. For a large region in the parameters space, the schemes are C1 or C2 convergent or at least are convergent on the space of Schwartz distributions. The Fourier transform of any interpolating function can be computed through products of matrices of order 2 or 3. The Fourier transform is related to a specific system of functional equations whose analytic solution is unique except for a multiplicative constant. The main arguments for these results come from Paley-Wiener-Schwartz theorem on the characterization of the Fourier transforms of distributions with compact support and a theorem of Artzrouni about convergent products of matrices

    Synchronizing automata with a letter of deficiency 2

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    AbstractWe present two infinite series of synchronizing automata with a letter of deficiency 2 whose shortest reset words are longer than those for synchronizing automata obtained by a straightforward modification of Černý’s construction

    Female ornaments: is red skin color attractive to males and related to condition in rhesus macaques?

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    Sexual selection produces extravagant male traits, such as colorful ornaments, via female mate choice. More rarely, in mating systems in which males allocate mating effort between multiple females, female ornaments may evolve via male mate choice. Females of many anthropoid primates exhibit ornaments that indicate intraindividual cyclical fertility, but which have also been proposed to function as interindividual quality signals. Rhesus macaque females are one such species, exhibiting cyclical facial color variation that indicates ovulatory status, but in which the function of interindividual variation is unknown. We collected digital images of the faces of 32 rhesus macaque adult females. We assessed mating rates, and consortship by males, according to female face coloration. We also assessed whether female coloration was linked to physical (skinfold fat, body mass index) or physiological (fecal glucocorticoid metabolite [fGCM], urinary C-peptide concentrations) condition. We found that redder-faced females were mated more frequently, and consorted for longer periods by top-ranked males. Redder females had higher fGCM concentrations, perhaps related to their increased mating activity and consequent energy mobilization, and blood flow. Prior analyses have shown that female facial redness is a heritable trait, and that redderfaced females have higher annual fecundity, while other evidence suggests that color expression is likely to be a signal rather than a cue. Collectively, the available evidence suggests that female coloration has evolved at least in part via male mate choice. Its evolution as a sexually selected ornament attractive to males is probably attributable to the high female reproductive synchrony found in this species