100 research outputs found

    Imaging 3D seismic velocity along the seismogenic zone of Algarve region (southern Portugal)

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    The present seismic tomographic study is focused around Algarve region, in South of Portugal. To locate the seismic events and find the local velocity structure of epicentral area, the P and S arrival times at 38 stations are used. The data used in this study were obtained during the Algarve campaign which worked from January/2006 to July/2007. The preliminary estimate of origin times and hypocentral coordinates are determined by the Hy- poinverse program. Linearized inversion procedure was applied to comprise the following two steps: 1) finding the minimum 1D velocity model using Velest and 2) simultaneous relocation of hypocenters and determination of local velocity structure. The velocity model we have reached is a 10 layer model which gave the lowest RMS, after several runnings of eight different velocity models that we used “a priori”. The model parameterization assumes a continuous velocity field between 4.5 km/s and 7.0 km/s until 30 km depth. The earth structure is represented in 3D by velocity at discrete points, and velocity at any intervening point is determined by linear interpolation among the surrounding eight grid points. A preliminary analysis of the resolution capabilities of the dataset, based on the Derivative Weight Sum (DWS) distribution, shows that the velocity structure is better resolved in the West part of the region between the surface to15 km. The resulting tomographic image has a prominent low-velocity anomaly that shows a maximum decrease in P-wave velocity in the first 12 kms in the studied region. We also identified the occurrence of local seismic events of reduced magnitude not catalogued, in the neighbourhood of Almodôvar (low Alentejo). The spatial distribution of epicentres defines a NE-SW direction that coincides with the strike of the mapped geological faults of the region and issued from photo-interpretation. Is still expectable to refine the seismicity of the region of Almodôvar and establish more rigorously its role in the seismotectonic picture of the region. This work is expected to produce a more detailed knowledge of the structure of the crust over the region of Algarve, being able to identify seismogenic zones, potentially generators of significant seismic events and also the identification of zones of active faults

    Slip rate on the Dead Sea transform fault in northern Araba valley (Jordan)

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    The Araba valley lies between the southern tip of the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. This depression, blanketed with alluvial and lacustrine deposits, is cut along its entire length by the Dead Sea fault. In many places the fault is well defined by scarps, and evidence for left-lateral strike-slip faulting is abundant. The slip rate on the fault can be constrained from dated geomorphic features displaced by the fault. A large fan at the mouth of Wadi Dahal has been displaced by about 500 m since the bulk of the fanglomerates were deposited 77–140 kyr ago, as dated from cosmogenic isotope analysis (^(10)Be in chert) of pebbles collected on the fan surface and from the age of transgressive lacustrine sediments capping the fan. Holocene alluvial surfaces are also clearly offset. By correlation with similar surfaces along the Dead Sea lake margin, we propose a chronology for their emplacement. Taken together, our observations suggest an average slip rate over the Late Pleistocene of between 2 and 6 mm yr^(−1), with a preferred value of 4 mm yr^(−1). This slip rate is shown to be consistent with other constraints on the kinematics of the Arabian plate, assuming a rotation rate of about 0.396° Myr^(−1) around a pole at 31.1°N, 26.7°E relative to Africa

    Tomografia sísmica da litosfera continental algarvia

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    RESUMO: O presente estudo de Tomografia é focado na região do Algarve. Para a localização dos eventos e determinação do modelo de velocidades, são utilizadas as ondas P e S. Os dados foram obtidos entre Janeiro/2006 e Julho/2007. As estimativa dos tempos de origem e coordenadas hipocentrais foram calculadas. A relocalização de eventos e inversão linear respeitaram dois passos: 1) determinação do modelo mínimo 1-D e 2) relocalização dos hipocentros e obtenção da estrutura 3-D em termos de velocidades das ondas P. ABSTRACT: The present Tomographic study is focused on Algarve region. For event location and velocity model determination P and S waves were used. Data was collected between January/2006 and July/2007. The estimation of origin times and hipocentral determination were calculated. Relocation of events and linear inversion respected two steps: 1) minimum velocity model determination and 2) hipocentral relocation and 3-D Earth structure determination in terms of P wave velocities

    Seismic source study of the 1989, October 29, Chenoua (Algeria) earthquake from aftershocks, broad-band and strong ground motion records

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    The broad-band teleseismics records of the earthquake of October 29,1989 in Algeria (MW = 6.0) allow a detailed study of the rupture process of this earthquake. The focal mechanism obtained by P and SH modeling corresponds to reverse faulting with a small amount of left-lateral movement along a fault striking 246° and dipping 56°. The rupture is found to be complex with two sub-events separated in time but occurring on the same plane. The lowfrequency records of an accelerometer located some 25 km to the west of the main shock are also better fi tted when the rupture is composed of a double pulse. In the two cases, there is strong evidence for the rupture to propagate from south-west towards north-east.The relocalisation of the main shock by using a master-event technique and the data from Italian and Spanish stations led to the same conclusions. Soon after the main event, a temporary seimic network was installed in the epicentral area. The aftershock clouds defi ne a SW-NE fault dipping to the NW compatible with the results of the modelisations of the teleseismic body-waves and the accelerogram. The focal mechanisms correspond mainly to reverse faulting. The maximum principal direction of the stress tensor obtained from the inversion is about N-S and the minimum is vertical, typical of a compressive regime. The Chenoua earthquake took place on a fault which was not recognized as active. Repeated comparable seismic events on this fault and on the fault that borders the massif to the south explain this intriguing topographic feature