743 research outputs found

    Raising the alarm: Individual differences in the perceptual awareness of masked facial expressions.

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    A theoretical concern in addressing the unconscious perception of emotion is the extent to which participants can access experiential properties of masked facial stimuli. Performance on a two alternative forced choice (2AFC) task as a measure of objective awareness was compared with a new measure developed to access experiential phenomena of the target-mask transition, the perceptual contrast-change sensitivity (PCCS) measure in a backward-masking paradigm with angry, happy and neutral facial expressions. Whilst 2AFC performance indicated that the targets were successfully masked, PCCS values were significantly higher in the happy-neutral face condition than in the angry-neutral face and the neutral-neutral face conditions (Experiment 1). Furthermore, objective measures of awareness were more readily displayed by individuals with high trait anxiety, whereas individuals with low trait anxiety showed greater access to the experiential quality of happy faces (Experiment 2). These findings provide important insights into the methodological considerations involved in the study of non-conscious processing of emotions, both with respect to individual differences in anxiety and the extent to which certain expressions can be successfully masked relative to others. Furthermore, our results may be informative to work investigating the neural correlates of conscious versus unconscious perception of emotion

    Landau thermodynamic potential for BaTiO_3

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    In the paper, the description of the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of BaTiO_3 single crystals using Landau thermodynamic potential is addressed. Our results suggest that when using the sixth-power free energy expansion of the thermodynamic potential, remarkably different values of the fourth-power coefficient, \beta (the coefficient of P^4_i terms), are required to adequately reproduce the nonlinear dielectric behavior of the paraelectric phase and the electric field induced ferroelectric phase, respectively. In contrast, the eighth-power expansion with a common set of coefficients enables a good description for both phases at the same time. These features, together with the data available in literature, strongly attest to the necessity of the eighth-power terms in Landau thermodynamic potential of BaTiO_3. In addition, the fourth-power coefficients, \beta and \xi (the coefficient of P^2_i P^2_j terms), were evaluated from the nonlinear dielectric responses along [001], [011], and [111] orientations in the paraelectric phase. Appreciable temperature dependence was evidenced for both coefficients above T_C. Further analysis on the linear dielectric response of the single domain crystal in the tetragonal phase demonstrated that temperature dependent anharmonic coefficients are also necessary for an adequate description of the dielectric behavior in the ferroelectric phase. As a consequence, an eighth-power thermodynamic potential, with some of the anharmonic coefficients being temperature dependent, was proposed and compared with the existing potentials. In general, the potential proposed in this work exhibits a higher quality in reproducing the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of this prototypic ferroelectric substance.Comment: 7 figures, 5 table

    Dileptons from the nonequilibrium Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    According to the dynamical quasiparticle model (DQPM) -- matched to reproduce lattice QCD results in thermodynamic limit, -- the constituents of the strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma (sQGP) are massive and off-shell quasi-particles (quarks and gluons) with broad spectral functions. In order to address the electromagnetic radiation of the sQGP, we derive off-shell cross sections of qqˉ→γ∗q\bar q\to\gamma^*, qqˉ→γ∗+gq\bar q\to\gamma^*+g and qg→γ∗qqg\to\gamma^*q(qˉg→γ∗qˉ\bar q g\to\gamma^* \bar q) reactions taking into account the effective propagators for quarks and gluons from the DQPM. Dilepton production in In+In collisions at 158 AGeV is studied by implementing these processes into the parton-hadron-string dynamics (PHSD) transport approach. The microscopic PHSD transport approach describes the full evolution of the heavy-ion collision: from the dynamics of quasi-particles in the sQGP phase (when the local energy density is above ∌1\sim 1 GeV/fm3^3) through hadronization and to the following hadron interactions and off-shell propagation after the hadronization. A comparison to the data of the NA60 Collaboration shows that the low mass dilepton spectra are well described by including a collisional broadening of vector mesons, while the spectra in the intermediate mass range are dominated by off-shell quark-antiquark annihilation, quark Bremsstrahlung and gluon-Compton scattering in the nonperturbative QGP. In particular, the observed softening of the mTm_T spectra at intermediate masses (1 GeV ≀M≀\le M \le 3 GeV) is approximately reproduced.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the 26th Winter Workshop on `Nuclear Dynamics', Ochto Rios, Jamaica, 2-9 January, 201

    The role of music-induced emotions on recognition memory of filmed events

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    The present study investigated the effects of pairing a comedic movie trailer with emotive music on subsequent recognition memory of the events depicted in the trailer. In an independent groups design, the comedic trailer was paired with happy music (congruent condition) or sad music (incongruent condition). A no music condition served as the control condition. The results showed that participants in the incongruent condition displayed a recognition memory advantage for visual test items over participants in the congruent and control conditions. While changes in self-reported positive and negative affect did not correlate significantly with recognition memory, the perception of emotion-specific categories did. These findings help to establish an empirical basis of ironic contrast techniques and propose an affective component in the integration and representation of audiovisual action that is likely to emerge where a participant perceives or recognizes expressed emotions in music, without necessarily feeling an overall positive or negative affect

    Low field hysteresis in disordered ferromagnets

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    We analyze low field hysteresis close to the demagnetized state in disordered ferromagnets using the zero temperature random-field Ising model. We solve the demagnetization process exactly in one dimension and derive the Rayleigh law of hysteresis. The initial susceptibility a and the hysteretic coefficient b display a peak as a function of the disorder width. This behavior is confirmed by numerical simulations d=2,3 showing that in limit of weak disorder demagnetization is not possible and the Rayleigh law is not defined. These results are in agreement with experimental observations on nanocrystalline magnetic materials.Comment: Extended version, 18 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Sweet Emotion: The Role of Odor-induced Context in the Search Advantage for Happy Facial Expressions.

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    The current study investigated the extent to which the concurrent presentation of pleasant and unpleasant odors could modulate the perceptual saliency of happy facial expressions in an emotional visual search task. Whilst a search advantage for happy faces was found in the no odor and unpleasant odor conditions, it was abolished under the pleasant odor condition. Furthermore, phasic properties of visual search performance revealed the malleable nature of this happiness advantage. Specifically, attention towards happy faces was optimized at the start of the visual search task for participants presented with pleasant odors, but diminished towards the end. This pattern was reversed for participants in the unpleasant odor condition. These patterns occur through the emotion-inducing capacities of odors and highlight the circumstances in which top-down factors can override perceptually salient facial features in emotional visual search

    Theory and Phenomenology of Vector Mesons in Medium

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    Electromagnetic probes promise to be direct messengers of (spectral properties of) hot and dense matter formed in heavy-ion collisions, even at soft momentum transfers essential for characterizing possible phase transitions. We examine how far we have progressed toward this goal by highlighting recent developments, and trying to establish connections between lattice QCD, effective hadronic models and phenomenology of dilepton production.Comment: 8 pages latex incl. 12 ps/eps files; invited plenary talk at Quark Matter 2006 conference, Shanghai (China), Nov. 14-20, 200

    Anharmonicity of BaTiO_3 single crystals

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    By analyzing the dielectric non-linearity with the Landau thermodynamic expansion, we find a simple and direct way to assess the importance of the eighth order term. Following this approach, it is demonstrated that the eighth order term is essential for the adequate description of the para/ferroelectric phase transition of BaTiO_3. The temperature dependence of the quartic coefficient \beta is accordingly reconsidered and is strongly evidenced by the change of its sign above 165 C. All these findings attest to the strong polarization anharmonicity of this material, which is unexpected for classical displacive ferroelectrics.Comment: 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Zeolite-based photocatalysts immobilized on aluminum support by plasma electrolytic oxidation

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    The preparation and properties of zeolite-containing oxide coatings obtained by plasma electrolytic oxidation are investigated and discussed. Pure and Ce-exchanged natural (clinoptilolite) and synthetic (13X) zeolites are immobilized on aluminum support from silicate-based electrolyte. Obtained coatings are characterized with respect to their morphology, phase and chemical composition, photocatalytic activity and anti-corrosion properties. It is observed that all mentioned properties of obtained coatings are dependent on processing time and type of immobilized zeolite. Coatings with Ce-exchanged zeolite show higher photocatalytic activity and more effective corrosion protection than those with pure zeolite. The highest photocatalytic activity is observed for coatings processed in pulsed a DC regime for 30 minutes containing Ce-exchanged 13X zeolite, followed by those containing Ce-exchanged clinoptilolite. Pronounced anti-corrosion properties feature almost all samples containing Ce-exchanged 13X zeolite

    Two languages, two minds: flexible cognitive processing driven by language of operation.

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    People make sense of objects and events around them by classifying them into identifiable categories. The extent to which language affects this process has been the focus of a long-standing debate: Do different languages cause their speakers to behave differently? Here, we show that fluent German-English bilinguals categorize motion events according to the grammatical constraints of the language in which they operate. First, as predicted from cross-linguistic differences in motion encoding, bilingual participants functioning in a German testing context prefer to match events on the basis of motion completion to a greater extent than do bilingual participants in an English context. Second, when bilingual participants experience verbal interference in English, their categorization behavior is congruent with that predicted for German; when bilingual participants experience verbal interference in German, their categorization becomes congruent with that predicted for English. These findings show that language effects on cognition are context-bound and transient, revealing unprecedented levels of malleability in human cognition
