158 research outputs found


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    ResumenLos tumores infrecuentes están definidos como cánceres pediátricos con una incidencia anual <2 casos por millón. Aunque son percibidos como raros, constituyen el 15% de todos los cánceres en menores de 20 años y 30% de todos los tumores de pacientes entre 15 y 19 años.Se han desarrollado proyectos cooperativos nacionales e internacionales pediátricos con el fin de mejorar el manejo clínico y la investigación básica en estos tumores. Revisamos los procesos desarrollados y las dificultades que se han enfrentado, como bajas tasas de registro y participación en bancos de tumores y estudios clínicos. Esta experiencia inicial ha permitido desarrollar estrategias alternativas que permitirían implementar una iniciativa similar para América Latina.La experiencia demuestra la factibilidad de cooperación multidisciplinaria a nivel nacional y sugiere que se pueden realizar estudios internacionales, que aumenten nuestro entendimiento de la biología de estos tumores, mejorando los resultados de tratamiento de niños y adolescentes con cánceres infrecuentes.SummaryAlthough perceived as rare, infrequent tumors, defined as childhood solid malignancies with an annual incidence < 2/million and not considered in other clinical trials, account for 15% of all cancers in patients younger than age 20 and for 30% of all tumors in patients ages 15 to 19.National and international cooperative projects on rare paediatric tumours have been developed to improve the clinical management and basic research on these tumors. We reviewed the process developed and the problems it had to face, as low rates of registration, low levels of participation in tumor banking, and clinical trials. This initial experience has allowed to develop alternative strategies that could help to launch a latinamerican initiative.Experience demonstrates the feasibility of a national multidisciplinary cooperation and suggests that international studies can be performed, increasing our knowledge to understand the biology and improving the treatment results of young patients with rare cancers

    Current Indications of Secondary Enucleation in Retinoblastoma Management: A Position Paper on Behalf of the European Retinoblastoma Group (EURbG).

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    Secondary enucleation (SE) puts an irreversible end to eye-preserving therapies, whenever their prolongation is expected to violate the presumed state of metastatic grace. At present, it must be acknowledged that clear criteria for SE are missing, leading to empiric and subjective indications commonly related to disease progression or relapse, disease persistence masking the optic nerve head or treatment-related complications obscuring the fundus view. This absence of evidence-based consensus regarding SE is explained by the continuously moving frontiers of the conservative management as a result of diagnostic and therapeutic advances, as well as by the lack of studies sufficiently powered to accurately stratify the risk of metastasis in conservatively treated patients. In this position paper of the European Retinoblastoma Group (EURbG), we give an overview of the progressive shift in the indications for SE over the past decades and propose guidelines to assist decision-making with respect to when SE becomes imperative or recommended, with corresponding absolute and relative SE indications. Further studies and validation of biologic markers correlated with the risk of metastasis are expected to set more precisely the frontiers of conservative management and thus consensual criteria for SE in the future

    Strong magnetic response of submicron Silicon particles in the infrared

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    High-permittivity dielectric particles with resonant magnetic properties are being explored as constitutive elements of new metamaterials and devices in the microwave regime. Magnetic properties of low-loss dielectric nanoparticles in the visible or infrared are not expected due to intrinsic low refractive index of optical materials in these regimes. Here we analyze the dipolar electric and magnetic response of loss-less dielectric spheres made of moderate permittivity materials. For low material refractive index there are no sharp resonances due to strong overlapping between different multipole contributions. However, we find that Silicon particles with refractive index 3.5 and radius approx. 200nm present a dipolar and strong magnetic resonant response in telecom and near-infrared frequencies, (i.e. at wavelengths approx. 1.2-2 micrometer). Moreover, the light scattered by these Si particles can be perfectly described by dipolar electric and magnetic fields, quadrupolar and higher order contributions being negligible.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    A Novel Nanoproteomic Approach for the Identification of Molecular Targets Associated with Thyroid Tumors

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    A thyroid nodule is the most common presentation of thyroid cancer; thus, it is extremely important to differentiate benign from malignant nodules. Within malignant lesions, classification of a thyroid tumor is the primary step in the assessment of the prognosis and selection of treatment. Currently, fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is the preoperative test most commonly used for the initial thyroid nodule diagnosis. However, due to some limitations of FNAB, different high-throughput "omics" approaches have emerged that could further support diagnosis based on histopathological patterns. In the present work, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue specimens from normal (non-neoplastic) thyroid (normal controls (NCs)), benign tumors (follicular thyroid adenomas (FTAs)), and some common types of well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma (follicular thyroid carcinomas (FTCs), conventional or classical papillary thyroid carcinomas (CV-PTCs), and the follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinomas (FV-PTCs)) were analyzed. For the first time, FFPE thyroid samples were deparaffinized using an easy, fast, and non-toxic method. Protein extracts from thyroid tissue samples were analyzed using a nanoparticle-assisted proteomics approach combined with shotgun LC-MS/MS. The differentially regulated proteins found to be specific for the FTA, FTC, CV-PTC, and FV-PTC subtypes were analyzed with the bioinformatic tools STRING and PANTHER showing a profile of proteins implicated in the thyroid cancer metabolic reprogramming, cancer progression, and metastasis. These proteins represent a new source of potential molecular targets related to thyroid tumors

    Optimization of molecular detection of GD2 synthase mRNA in retinoblastoma

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    Extraocular dissemination is the main cause of death in patients with retinoblastoma in developing countries and there are few molecular markers that could be used for evaluation of minimal disseminated disease. The expression of the ganglioside GD2 is present in retinoblastoma cells metastatic to the bone marrow and the enzyme GD2 synthase activity is detected in neuroblastoma, which shares many phenotypic features with retinoblastoma. Our purpose was to optimize the detection of GD2 synthase expression by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) followed by nested-PCR in human retinoblastoma cell lines and patient samples. The optimization strategy was carried out by using the retinoblastoma cell lines Y79 and WERI-Rb1 and specific primers designed for the human sequence of the GD2 synthase mRNA. We detected GD2 synthase expression with at least 200 pg and 40 pg of total RNA extracted from cultured retinoblastoma cells, using a first round of RT-PCR amplification and a second round of nested-PCR, respectively. We have also confirmed the detection of GD2 synthase by RT-PCR and immunohistochemical expression of the ganglioside in human retinoblastoma tumors xenotransplanted in nude mice. In a study from tumor bank specimens from 8 retinoblastoma patients, we were able to demonstrate the presence of GD2 synthase mRNA in blood and cerebrospinal fluid samples in cases of extraocular dissemination of the tumor. The sequence was not detected in samples from children with low-risk disease or healthy adult volunteers. The detection of GD2 synthase mRNA through an optimized nested RT-PCR assay may be a promising tool for the assessment of minimal disseminated disease in enucleated patients.Fil: Laurent, Viviana Eunice. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan". Servicio de Hemato-Oncología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología. Laboratorio de Oncología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Otero, Laura L.. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología. Laboratorio de Oncología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Vazquez, Valeria. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología. Laboratorio de Oncología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Camarero, Sandra. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan"; ArgentinaFil: Gabri, Mariano Rolando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología. Laboratorio de Oncología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Labrada, Maria. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan"; ArgentinaFil: Garcia de Davila, Maria Teresa. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan"; ArgentinaFil: Chantada, Guillermo Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan". Servicio de Hemato-Oncología; ArgentinaFil: Alonso, Daniel Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología. Laboratorio de Oncología Molecular; Argentin

    Identification of a Profile of Neutrophil-Derived Granule Proteins in the Surface of Gold Nanoparticles after Their Interaction with Human Breast Cancer Sera

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    It is well known that the interaction of a nanomaterial with a biological fluid leads to the formation of a protein corona (PC) surrounding the nanomaterial. Using standard blood analyses, alterations in protein patterns are difficult to detect. PC acts as a "nano-concentrator" of serum proteins with affinity for nanoparticles' surface. Consequently, characterization of PC could allow detection of otherwise undetectable changes in protein concentration at an early stage of a disease, such as breast cancer (BC). Here, we employed gold nanoparticles (AuNPsdiameter: 10.02 +/- 0.91 nm) as an enrichment platform to analyze the human serum proteome of BC patients (n = 42) and healthy controls (n = 42). Importantly, the analysis of the PC formed around AuNPs after their interaction with serum samples of BC patients showed a profile of proteins that could differentiate breast cancer patients from healthy controls. These proteins developed a significant role in the immune and/or innate immune system, some of them being neutrophil-derived granule proteins. The analysis of the PC also revealed serum proteome alterations at the subtype level

    Characterization of New Proteomic Biomarker Candidates in Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IVA

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis type IVA (MPS IVA) is a lysosomal storage disease caused by mutations in the N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfatase (GALNS) gene. Skeletal dysplasia and the related clinical features of MPS IVA are caused by disruption of the cartilage and its extracellular matrix, leading to a growth imbalance. Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with recombinant human GALNS has yielded positive results in activity of daily living and endurance tests. However, no data have demonstrated improvements in bone lesions and bone grow thin MPS IVA after ERT, and there is no correlation between therapeutic efficacy and urine levels of keratan sulfate, which accumulates in MPS IVA patients. Using qualitative and quantitative proteomics approaches, we analyzed leukocyte samples from healthy controls (n = 6) and from untreated (n = 5) and ERT-treated (n = 8, sampled before and after treatment) MPS IVA patients to identify potential biomarkers of disease. Out of 690 proteins identified in leukocytes, we selected a group of proteins that were dysregulated in MPS IVA patients with ERT. From these, we identified four potential protein biomarkers, all of which may influence bone and cartilage metabolism: lactotransferrin, coronin 1A, neutral alpha-glucosidase AB, and vitronectin. Further studies of cartilage and bone alterations in MPS IVA will be required to verify the validity of these proteins as potential biomarkers of MPS IVA

    Conservative management of retinoblastoma : Challenging orthodoxy without compromising the state of metastatic grace. "Alive, with good vision and no comorbidity"

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    Correction: Volume: 78 Article Number: 100857 DOI: 10.1016/j.preteyeres.2020.100857 Published: SEP 2020Retinoblastoma is lethal by metastasis if left untreated, so the primary goal of therapy is to preserve life, with ocular survival, visual preservation and quality of life as secondary aims. Historically, enucleation was the first successful therapeutic approach to decrease mortality, followed over 100 years ago by the first eye salvage attempts with radiotherapy. This led to the empiric delineation of a window for conservative management subject to a "state of metastatic grace" never to be violated. Over the last two decades, conservative management of retinoblastoma witnessed an impressive acceleration of improvements, culminating in two major paradigm shifts in therapeutic strategy. Firstly, the introduction of systemic chemotherapy and focal treatments in the late 1990s enabled radiotherapy to be progressively abandoned. Around 10 years later, the advent of chemotherapy in situ, with the capitalization of new routes of targeted drug delivery, namely intra-arterial, intravitreal and now intracameral injections, allowed significant increase in eye preservation rate, definitive eradication of radiotherapy and reduction of systemic chemotherapy. Here we intend to review the relevant knowledge susceptible to improve the conservative management of retinoblastoma in compliance with the "state of metastatic grace", with particular attention to (i) reviewing how new imaging modalities impact the frontiers of conservative management, (ii) dissecting retinoblastoma genesis, growth patterns, and intraocular routes of tumor propagation, (iii) assessing major therapeutic changes and trends, (iv) proposing a classification of relapsing retinoblastoma, (v) examining treatable/preventable disease-related or treatment-induced complications, and (vi) appraising new therapeutic targets and concepts, as well as liquid biopsy potentiality.Peer reviewe

    Global effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric cancer care: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Although mortality due to COVID-19 has been reportedly low among children with cancer, changes in health-care services due to the pandemic have affected cancer care delivery. This study aimed to assess the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on childhood cancer care worldwide. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was distributed to paediatric oncology providers worldwide from June 22 to Aug 21, 2020, through the St Jude Global Alliance and International Society for Paediatric Oncology listservs and regional networks. The survey included 60 questions to assess institution characteristics, the number of patients diagnosed with COVID-19, disruptions to cancer care (eg, service closures and treatment abandonment), adaptations to care, and resources (including availability of clinical staff and personal protective equipment). Surveys were included for analysis if respondents answered at least two thirds of the items, and the responses were analysed at the institutional level. FINDINGS: Responses from 311 health-care professionals at 213 institutions in 79 countries from all WHO regions were included in the analysis. 187 (88%) of 213 centres had the capacity to test for SARS-CoV-2 and a median of two (range 0-350) infections per institutution were reported in children with cancer. 15 (7%) centres reported complete closure of paediatric haematology-oncology services (median 10 days, range 1-75 days). Overall, 2% (5 of 213) of centres were no longer evaluating new cases of suspected cancer, while 43% (90 of 208) of the remaining centers described a decrease in newly diagnosed paediatric cancer cases. 73 (34%) centres reported increased treatment abandonment (ie, failure to initiate cancer therapy or a delay in care of 4 weeks or longer). Changes to cancer care delivery included: reduced surgical care (153 [72%]), blood product shortages (127 [60%]), chemotherapy modifications (121 [57%]), and interruptions to radiotherapy (43 [28%] of 155 institutions that provided radiotherapy before the pandemic). The decreased number of new cancer diagnoses did not vary based on country income status (p=0·14). However, unavailability of chemotherapy agents (p=0·022), treatment abandonment (p<0·0001), and interruptions in radiotherapy (p<0·0001) were more frequent in low-income and middle-income countries than in high-income countries. These findings did not vary based on institutional or national numbers of COVID-19 cases. Hospitals reported using new or adapted checklists (146 [69%] of 213), processes for communication with patients and families (134 [63%]), and guidelines for essential services (119 [56%]) as a result of the pandemic. INTERPRETATION: The COVID-19 pandemic has considerably affected paediatric oncology services worldwide, posing substantial disruptions to cancer diagnosis and management, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries. This study emphasises the urgency of an equitably distributed robust global response to support paediatric oncology care during this pandemic and future public health emergencies. FUNDING: American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities. TRANSLATION: For the Spanish translation of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section

    Global characteristics and outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adolescents with cancer (GRCCC): a cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown that children and adolescents with COVID-19 generally have mild disease. Children and adolescents with cancer, however, can have severe disease when infected with respiratory viruses. In this study, we aimed to understand the clinical course and outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adolescents with cancer. METHODS: We did a cohort study with data from 131 institutions in 45 countries. We created the Global Registry of COVID-19 in Childhood Cancer to capture de-identified data pertaining to laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infections in children and adolescents (<19 years) with cancer or having received a haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. There were no centre-specific exclusion criteria. The registry was disseminated through professional networks through email and conferences and health-care providers were invited to submit all qualifying cases. Data for demographics, oncological diagnosis, clinical course, and cancer therapy details were collected. Primary outcomes were disease severity and modification to cancer-directed therapy. The registry remains open to data collection. FINDINGS: Of 1520 submitted episodes, 1500 patients were included in the study between April 15, 2020, and Feb 1, 2021. 1319 patients had complete 30-day follow-up. 259 (19·9%) of 1301 patients had a severe or critical infection, and 50 (3·8%) of 1319 died with the cause attributed to COVID-19 infection. Modifications to cancer-directed therapy occurred in 609 (55·8%) of 1092 patients receiving active oncological treatment. Multivariable analysis revealed several factors associated with severe or critical illness, including World Bank low-income or lower-middle-income (odds ratio [OR] 5·8 [95% CI 3·8-8·8]; p<0·0001) and upper-middle-income (1·6 [1·2-2·2]; p=0·0024) country status; age 15-18 years (1·6 [1·1-2·2]; p=0·013); absolute lymphocyte count of 300 or less cells per mm3 (2·5 [1·8-3·4]; p<0·0001), absolute neutrophil count of 500 or less cells per mm3 (1·8 [1·3-2·4]; p=0·0001), and intensive treatment (1·8 [1·3-2·3]; p=0·0005). Factors associated with treatment modification included upper-middle-income country status (OR 0·5 [95% CI 0·3-0·7]; p=0·0004), primary diagnosis of other haematological malignancies (0·5 [0·3-0·8]; p=0·0088), the presence of one of more COVID-19 symptoms at the time of presentation (1·8 [1·3-2·4]; p=0·0002), and the presence of one or more comorbidities (1·6 [1·1-2·3]; p=0·020). INTERPRETATION: In this global cohort of children and adolescents with cancer and COVID-19, severe and critical illness occurred in one fifth of patients and deaths occurred in a higher proportion than is reported in the literature in the general paediatric population. Additionally, we found that variables associated with treatment modification were not the same as those associated with greater disease severity. These data could inform clinical practice guidelines and raise awareness globally that children and adolescents with cancer are at high-risk of developing severe COVID-19 illness. FUNDING: American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities and the National Cancer Institute