1,093 research outputs found

    Tuning the antiferromagnetic easy axis direction in exchange bias bilayers

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    Abstract The exchange bias effect is measured for a Co/NiO bilayer before and after it has been cooled down from 580 K in 1.5 kOe magnetic field applied at 45 to the initial exchange-bias direction. The angular variation of the hysteresis loop shift for the treated sample showed three distinct minima and maxima, in contrast to that of the as-made sample, which is characteristic for a system with aligned ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic easy axes. This behavior is qualitatively well explained in the framework of the domain-wall formation model applied for the off-aligned case. The continued interest in the exchange-bias effect, which results from the interfacial coupling between ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AF) materials, is motivated by fundamental and technological interests. In almost all of the model works, the direction of the easy axis of the AF layer is aligned with the FM one; some numerical calculations using a simple StonerWohlfarth model for the case of ''off-aligned'' coupling have been done by Xi and White In the present work, a FM/AF bilayer was deposited by magnetron sputtering onto Si(1 0 0) substrate at room temperature (RT) in 2.0 mTorr Ar atmosphere with base pressure before depositing better than 5 Â 10 À8 Torr. The film consists of 30 nm Co deposited on 50 nm NiO and capped with 5 nm Cu in order to prevent oxidation in air. Magnetic field of 0.5 kOe has been applied during the deposition. The structural characterization, made via conventional X-ray diffractometry performed on a Philips X'Pert MRD machine employing Cu Ka radiation, showed that the Co layer is strongly (2 2 0) textured, whereas the NiO contribution is a combination of evenly divided (1 1 1) and (2 0 0) NiO textures. In-plane RT hysteresis loops were obtained by using an alternating gradient force magnetometer. No training effect, i.e., dependence of the hysteresis loop field shift, H eb ; on repeated magnetization reversal, has been observed. The sample was heated to 580 K, which is higher than the NiO N! eel temperature of 520 K but rather lower than the Curie temperature of Co, and then cooled down to RT in the presence of a magnetic field of 1.5 kOe applied at 45 (75) to the initial exchange-bias direction. Once again, effects of training have not been detected

    Hyperfine Populations Prior to Muon Capture

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    It is shown that the 1S level hyperfine populations prior to muon capture will be statistical when either target or beam are unpolarised independent of the atomic level at which the hyperfine interaction becomes appreciable. This assertion holds in the absence of magnetic transitions during the cascade and is true because of minimal polarisation after atomic capture and selective feeding during the cascade.Comment: (revtex, 6 preprint pages, no figures

    Experimental and Theoretical Determination of the Stopping Power of ZrO2 Films for Protons and α-particles

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    Abstract. We report the results of an experimental-theoretical study on the stopping power of ZrO2 films for swift H and He ion beams. The experiments, using the Rutherford Backscattering technique, were done for protons with incident energies in the range 200-1500 keV and for α-particle beams with energies in the range 160-3000 keV. The theoretical calculations were done in the framework of the dielectric formalism using the MELF-GOS model to account for the ZrO2 target electronic response. It is shown that for both ion beams, the agreement between theory and experiment is quite remarkable

    Structural, morphological, and magnetic characterizations of (FexMn1-x)2O3 nanocrystals: A comprehensive stoichiometric determination

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    Iron manganese trioxide (FexMn1-x)2O3 nanocrystals were synthesized by the sol-gel method. The 80 K Mossbauer spectrum was well-fitted using two doublets representing the 8b and 24d crystallographic sites of the (FexMn1-x)2O3 phase and two weak extra sextets which were attributed to crystalline and amorphous hematite. Our findings showed formation of a bixbyite primary phase. The Raman spectrum exhibits six Raman active modes, typical of (Fe,Mn)2O3, and two extra Raman modes associated with the secondary hematite phase. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis confirmed the presence of oxygen vacancy onto the (FexMn1-x)2O3 particle surface, with varying oxidation states. X-band magnetic resonance data revealed a single broad resonance line in the whole temperature range (3.8 K - 300 K). The temperature dependence of both resonance field and resonance linewidth shows a remarkable change in the range of 40 - 50 K, herein credited to surface spin glass behavior. The model picture used assumes (FexMn1-x)2O3 nanoparticles with a core-shell structure. Results indicate that below about 50 K the spin system of shell reveals a paramagnetic to spin glass-like transition upon cooling, with a critical temperature estimated at 43 K. In the higher temperature range, the superparamagnetic hematite (secondary) phase contributes remarkably to the temperature dependence of the resonance linewidth. Zero-field-cooled (ZFC) and fieldcooled (FC) data show strong irreversibility and a peak in the ZFC curve at 33 K, attributed to a paramagnetic-ferrimagnetic transition of the main phase. Hysteresis curve at 5 K shows a low coercive field of 4 kOe, with the magnetization not reaching saturation at 70 kOe, suggesting the occurrence of a ferrimagnetic core with a magnetic disorder at surface, characteristic of core-shell spin-glass-like behavior

    Imaging the cool gas, dust, star formation, and AGN in the first galaxies

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    When, and how, did the first galaxies and supermassive black holes (SMBH) form, and how did they reionization the Universe? First galaxy formation and cosmic reionization are among the last frontiers in studies of cosmic structure formation. We delineate the detailed astrophysical probes of early galaxy and SMBH formation afforded by observations at centimeter through submillimeter wavelengths. These observations include studies of the molecular gas (= the fuel for star formation in galaxies), atomic fine structure lines (= the dominant ISM gas coolant), thermal dust continuum emission (= an ideal star formation rate estimator), and radio continuum emission from star formation and relativistic jets. High resolution spectroscopic imaging can be used to study galaxy dynamics and star formation on sub-kpc scales. These cm and mm observations are the necessary compliment to near-IR observations, which probe the stars and ionized gas, and X-ray observations, which reveal the AGN. Together, a suite of revolutionary observatories planned for the next decade from centimeter to X-ray wavelengths will provide the requisite panchromatic view of the complex processes involved in the formation of the first generation of galaxies and SMBHs, and cosmic reionization.Comment: 8 pages total. White paper submitted to the Astro 2010 Decadal Surve

    Phase Separation and the Low-Field Bulk Magnetic Properties of Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3

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    We present a detailed magnetic study of the perovskite manganite Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 at low temperatures including magnetization and a.c. susceptibility measurements. The data appear to exclude a conventional spin glass phase at low fields, suggesting instead the presence of correlated ferromagnetic clusters embedded in a charge-ordered matrix. We examine the growth of the ferromagnetic clusters with increasing magnetic field as they expand to occupy almost the entire sample at H ~ 0.5 T. Since this is well below the field required to induce a metallic state, our results point to the existence of a field-induced ferromagnetic insulating state in this material.Comment: 15 pages with figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Galaxy Collisions - Dawn of a New Era

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    The study of colliding galaxies has progressed rapidly in the last few years, driven by observations with powerful new ground and space-based instruments. These instruments have used for detailed studies of specific nearby systems, statistical studies of large samples of relatively nearby systems, and increasingly large samples of high redshift systems. Following a brief summary of the historical context, this review attempts to integrate these studies to address the following key issues. What role do collisions play in galaxy evolution, and how can recently discovered processes like downsizing resolve some apparently contradictory results of high redshift studies? What is the role of environment in galaxy collisions? How is star formation and nuclear activity orchestrated by the large scale dynamics, before and during merger? Are novel modes of star formation involved? What are we to make of the association of ultraluminous X-ray sources with colliding galaxies? To what do degree do mergers and feedback trigger long-term secular effects? How far can we push the archaeology of individual systems to determine the nature of precursor systems and the precise effect of the interaction? Tentative answers to many of these questions have been suggested, and the prospects for answering most of them in the next few decades are good.Comment: 44 pages, 9 figures, review article in press for Astrophysics Update Vol.

    The K20 survey. VI. The Distribution of the Stellar Masses in Galaxies up to z~2

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    We present a detailed analysis of the stellar mass content of galaxies up to z=2.5 in the K20 galaxy sample, that has a 92% spectroscopic completeness and a complete UBVRIzJKsUBVRIzJK_s multicolor coverage. We find that the M/L ratio decreases with redshift: in particular, the average M/L ratio of early type galaxies decreases with zz, with a scatter that is indicative of a range of star--formation time-scales and redshift of formation. More important, the typical M/L of massive early type galaxies is larger than that of less massive ones, suggesting that their stellar population formed at higher z. The final K20 galaxy sample spans a range of stellar masses from M*=10^9Msun to M*=10^12Msun, with massive galaxies ($M*>10^11Msun) detected up to z~2. We compute the Galaxy Stellar Mass Function at various z, of which we observe only a mild evolution (i.e. by 20-30%) up to z~1. At z>1, the evolution of the GSMF appears to be much faster: at z~2, about 35% of the present day stellar mass in objects with M*~10^11Msun appear to have assembled. We also detect a change in the physical nature of the most massive galaxies, since at z>1 a population of massive star--forming galaxies progressively appears. We finally analyze our results in the framework of Lambda-CDM hierarchical models. First, we show that the large number of massive galaxies detected at high z does not violate any fundamental Lambda-CDM constraint based on the number of massive DM halos. Then, we compare our results with the predictions of renditions of both semianalytic and hydro-dynamical models, that range from severe underestimates to slight overestimates of the observed mass density at z<~2. We discuss how the differences among these models are due to the different implementation of the main physical processes. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Magnetoresistance through a single molecule

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    The use of single molecules to design electronic devices is an extremely challenging and fundamentally different approach to further downsizing electronic circuits. Two-terminal molecular devices such as diodes were first predicted [1] and, more recently, measured experimentally [2]. The addition of a gate then enabled the study of molecular transistors [3-5]. In general terms, in order to increase data processing capabilities, one may not only consider the electron's charge but also its spin [6,7]. This concept has been pioneered in giant magnetoresistance (GMR) junctions that consist of thin metallic films [8,9]. Spin transport across molecules, i.e. Molecular Spintronics remains, however, a challenging endeavor. As an important first step in this field, we have performed an experimental and theoretical study on spin transport across a molecular GMR junction consisting of two ferromagnetic electrodes bridged by a single hydrogen phthalocyanine (H2Pc) molecule. We observe that even though H2Pc in itself is nonmagnetic, incorporating it into a molecular junction can enhance the magnetoresistance by one order of magnitude to 52%.Comment: To appear in Nature Nanotechnology. Present version is the first submission to Nature Nanotechnology, from May 18th, 201

    On the sizes of z>2 Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbing Galaxies

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    Recently, the number of detected galaxy counterparts of z > 2 Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers in QSO spectra has increased substantially so that we today have a sample of 10 detections. M{\o}ller et al. in 2004 made the prediction, based on a hint of a luminosity-metallicity relation for DLAs, that HI size should increase with increasing metallicity. In this paper we investigate the distribution of impact parameter and metallicity that would result from the correlation between galaxy size and metallicity. We compare our observations with simulated data sets given the relation of size and metallicity. The observed sample presented here supports the metallicity-size prediction: The present sample of DLA galaxies is consistent with the model distribution. Our data also show a strong relation between impact parameter and column density of HI. We furthermore compare the observations with several numerical simulations and demonstrate that the observations support a scenario where the relation between size and metallicity is driven by feedback mechanisms controlling the star-formation efficiency and outflow of enriched gas.Comment: Accepted for publishing in MNRAS lette
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