7 research outputs found

    Effect of Soluble ICAM-1 on a Sjögren's Syndrome-like Phenotype in NOD Mice Is Disease Stage Dependent

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    Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) is involved in migration and co-stimulation of T and B cells. Membrane bound ICAM-1 is over expressed in the salivary glands (SG) of Sjögren's syndrome (SS) patients and has therefore been proposed as a potential therapeutic target. To test the utility of ICAM-1 as a therapeutic target, we used local gene therapy in Non Obese Diabetic (NOD) mice to express soluble (s)ICAM-1 to compete with membrane bound ICAM-1 for binding with its receptor. Therapy was given prior to and just after the influx of immune cells into the SG.A recombinant serotype 2 adeno associated virus (rAAV2) encoding ICAM-1/Fc was constructed and its efficacy tested in the female NOD mice after retrograde instillation in SG at eight (early treatment) and ten (late treatment) weeks of age. SG inflammation was evaluated by focus score and immunohistochemical quantification of infiltrating cell types. Serum and SG tissue were analyzed for immunoglobulins (Ig).Early treatment with ICAM-1/Fc resulted in decreased average number of inflammatory foci without changes in T and B cell composition. In contrast, late treated mice did not show any change in focus scores, but immunohistochemical staining showed an increase in the overall number of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Moreover, early treated mice showed decreased IgM within the SGs, whereas late treated mice had increased IgM levels, and on average higher IgG and IgA.Blocking the ICAM-1/LFA-1 interaction with sICAM-1/Fc may result in worsening of a SS like phenotype when infiltrates have already formed within the SG. As a treatment for human SS, caution should be taken targeting the ICAM-1 axis since most patients are diagnosed when inflammation is clearly present within the SG

    Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c mimics insulin effects on hepatic gene expression and glucose homeostasis in diabetic mice.

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    International audienceIn vitro, the transcription factor sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c) mimics the positive effects of insulin on hepatic genes involved in glucose utilization, such as glucokinase (GK) and enzymes of the lipogenic pathway, suggesting that it is a key factor in the control of hepatic glucose metabolism. Decreased glucose utilization and increased glucose production by the liver play an important role in the development of the hyperglycemia in diabetic states. We thus reasoned that if SREBP-1c is indeed a mediator of hepatic insulin action, a hepatic targeted overexpression of SREBP-1c should greatly improve glucose homeostasis in diabetic mice. This was achieved by injecting streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice with a recombinant adenovirus containing the cDNA of the mature, transcriptionally active form of SREBP-1c. We show here that overexpressing SREBP-1c specifically in the liver of diabetic mice induces GK and lipogenic enzyme gene expression and represses the expression of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, a key enzyme of the gluconeogenic pathway. This in turn increases glycogen and triglyceride hepatic content and leads to a marked decrease in hyperglycemia in diabetic mice. We conclude that SREBP-1c has a major role in vivo in the long-term control of glucose homeostasis by insulin

    The Nore1B/Mst1 complex restrains antigen receptor-induced proliferation of naïve T cells

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    The Mst1 and Mst2 protein kinases are the mammalian homologs of hippo, a major inhibitor of cell proliferation in Drosophila. Mst1 is most abundant in lymphoid tissues. Mice lacking Mst1 exhibit markedly reduced levels of the Mst1 regulatory protein Nore1B/RAPL in lymphoid cells, whereas Mst2 abundance is unaltered. Mst1-null mice exhibit normal T cell development but low numbers of mature naïve T cells with relatively normal numbers of effector/memory T cells. In vitro, the Mst1-deficient naïve T cells exhibit markedly greater proliferation in response to stimulation of the T cell receptor whereas the proliferative responses of the Mst1-null effector/memory T cell cohort is similar to wild type. Thus, elimination of Mst1 removes a barrier to the activation and proliferative response of naïve T cells. The levels of Mst1 and Nore1B/RAPL in wild-type effector/memory T cells are approximately 10% those seen in wild-type naïve T cells, which may contribute to the enhanced proliferative responses of the former. Freshly isolated Mst1-null T cells exhibit high rates of ongoing apoptosis, a likely basis for their low numbers in vivo; they also exhibit defective clustering of LFA-1, as previously observed for Nore1B/RAPL-deficient T cells. Among known Mst1 substrates, only the phosphorylation of the cell cycle inhibitory proteins MOBKL1A/B is lost entirely in TCR-stimulated, Mst1-deficient T cells. Mst1/2-catalyzed MOBKL1A/B phosphorylation slows proliferation and is therefore a likely contributor to the anti-proliferative action of Mst1 in naïve T cells. The Nore1B/RAPL-Mst1 complex is a negative regulator of naïve T cell proliferation

    Translating the Concept of Suppressor/Regulatory T Cells to Clinical Applications

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